Biological Pathway: Reactome:R-HSA-1222556
ROS and RNS production in phagocytes related metabolites
find 54 related metabolites which is associated with the biological pathway ROS and RNS production in phagocytes
this pathway object is a organism specific pathway, which is related to taxonomy Homo sapiens (human).
The first line of defense against infectious agents involves an active recruitment of phagocytes to the site of infection. Recruited cells include polymorhonuclear (PMN) leukocytes (i.e., neutrophils) and monocytes/macrophages, which function together as innate immunity sentinels (Underhill DM & Ozinsky A 2002; Stuart LM & Ezekowitz RA 2005; Flannagan RS et al. 2012). Dendritic cells are also present, serving as important players in antigen presentation for ensuing adaptive responses (Savina A & Amigorena S 2007). These cell types are able to bind and engulf invading microbes into a membrane-enclosed vacuole - the phagosome, in a process termed phagocytosis. Phagocytosis can be defined as the receptor-mediated engulfment of particles greater than 0.5 micron in diameter. It is initiated by the cross-linking of host cell membrane receptors following engagement with their cognate ligands on the target surface (Underhill DM & Ozinsky A 2002; Stuart LM & Ezekowitz RA 2005; Flannagan RS et al. 2012). When engulfed by phagocytes, microorganisms are exposed to a number of host defense microbicidal events within the resulting phagosome. These include the production of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS and RNS, RONS) by specialized enzymes (Fang FC et al. 2004; Kohchi C et al. 2009; Gostner JM et al. 2013; Vatansever F et al. 2013). NADPH oxidase (NOX) complex consume oxygen to produce superoxide radical anion (O2.-) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) (Robinson et al. 2004). Induced NO synthase (iNOS) is involved in the production of NO, which is the primary source of all RNS in biological systems (Evans TG et al. 1996). The phagocyte NADPH oxidase and iNOS are expressed in both PMN and mononuclear phagocytes and both cell types have the capacity for phagosomal burst activity. However, the magnitude of ROS generation in neutrophils far exceeds that observed in macrophages (VanderVen BC et al. 2009). Macrophages are thought to produce considerably more RNS than neutrophils (Fang FC et al. 2004; Nathan & Shiloh 2000).
The presence of RONS characterized by a relatively low reactivity, such as H2O2, O2˙− or NO, has no deleterious effect on biological environment (Attia SM 2010; Weidinger A & and Kozlov AV 2015). Their activity is controlled by endogenous antioxidants (both enzymatic and non-enzymatic) that are induced by oxidative stress. However the relatively low reactive species can initiate a cascade of reactions to generate more damaging “secondary” species such as hydroxyl radical (•OH), singlet oxygen or peroxinitrite (Robinson JM 2008; Fang FC et al. 2004). These "secondary" RONS are extremely toxic causing irreversible damage to all classes of biomolecules (Weidinger A & and Kozlov AV 2015; Fang FC et al. 2004; Kohchi C et al. 2009; Gostner JM et al. 2013; Vatansever F et al. 2013).
Although macrophages and neutrophils use similar mechanisms for the internalization of targets, there are differences in how they perform phagocytosis and in the final outcome of the process (Tapper H & Grinstein S 1997; Vierira OV et al. 2002). Once formed, the phagosome undergoes an extensive maturation process whereby it develops into a microbicidal organelle able to eliminate the invading pathogen. Maturation involves re-modeling both the membrane of the phagosome and its luminal contents (Vierira OV et al. 2002). In macrophages, phagosome formation and maturation follows a series of strictly coordinated membrane fission/fusion events between the phagosome and compartments of the endo/lysosomal network gradually transforming the nascent phagosome into a phagolysosome, a degradative organelle endowed with potent microbicidal properties (Zimmerli S et al. 1996; Vierira OV et al. 2002). Neutrophils instead contain a large number of preformed granules such as azurophilic and specific granules that can rapidly fuse with phagosomes delivering antimicrobial substances (Karlsson A & Dahlgren C 2002; Naucler C et al. 2002; Nordenfelt P and Tapper H 2011). Phagosomal pH dynamics may also contribute to the maturation process by regulating membrane traffic events. The microbicidal activity of macrophages is characterized by progressive acidification of the lumen (down to pH 4–5) by the proton pumping vATPase. A low pH is a prerequisite for optimal enzymatic activity of most late endosomal/lysosomal hydrolases reported in macrophages. Neutrophil phagosome pH regulation differs significantly from what is observed in macrophages (Nordenfelt P and Tapper H 2011; Winterbourn CC et al. 2016). The massive activation of the oxidative burst is thought to result in early alkalization of neutrophil phagosomes which is linked to proton consumption during the generation of hydrogen peroxide (Segal AW et al. 1981; Levine AP et al. 2015). Other studies showed that neutrophil phagosome maintained neutral pH values before the pH gradually decreased (Jankowski A et al. 2002). Neutrophil phagosomes also exhibited a high proton leak, which was initiated upon activation of the NADPH oxidase, and this activation counteracted phagosomal acidification (Jankowski A et al. 2002).
The Reactome module describes ROS and RNS production by phagocytic cells. The module includes cell-type specific events, for example, myeloperoxidase (MPO)-mediated production of hypochlorous acid in neutrophils. It also highlights differences between phagosomal pH dynamics in neutrophils and macrophages. The module describes microbicidal activity of selective RONS such as hydroxyl radical or peroxynitrite. However, detection of any of these species in the phagosomal environment is subject to many uncertainties (Nüsse O 2011; Erard M et al. 2018). The mechanisms by which reactive oxygen/nitrogen species kill pathogens in phagocytic immune cells are still not fully understood.
This compound belongs to the family of N-acyl-alpha-hexosamines. These are carbohydrate derivatives containing a hexose moeity in which the oxygen atom is replaced by an n-acyl group. KEIO_ID A191
Water is a chemical substance that is essential to all known forms of life. It appears colorless to the naked eye in small quantities, though it is actually slightly blue in color. It covers 71\\% of Earths surface. Current estimates suggest that there are 1.4 billion cubic kilometers (330 million m3) of it available on Earth, and it exists in many forms. It appears mostly in the oceans (saltwater) and polar ice caps, but it is also present as clouds, rain water, rivers, freshwater aquifers, lakes, and sea ice. Water in these bodies perpetually moves through a cycle of evaporation, precipitation, and runoff to the sea. Clean water is essential to human life. In many parts of the world, it is in short supply. From a biological standpoint, water has many distinct properties that are critical for the proliferation of life that set it apart from other substances. It carries out this role by allowing organic compounds to react in ways that ultimately allow replication. All known forms of life depend on water. Water is vital both as a solvent in which many of the bodys solutes dissolve and as an essential part of many metabolic processes within the body. Metabolism is the sum total of anabolism and catabolism. In anabolism, water is removed from molecules (through energy requiring enzymatic chemical reactions) in order to grow larger molecules (e.g. starches, triglycerides and proteins for storage of fuels and information). In catabolism, water is used to break bonds in order to generate smaller molecules (e.g. glucose, fatty acids and amino acids to be used for fuels for energy use or other purposes). Water is thus essential and central to these metabolic processes. Water is also central to photosynthesis and respiration. Photosynthetic cells use the suns energy to split off waters hydrogen from oxygen. Hydrogen is combined with CO2 (absorbed from air or water) to form glucose and release oxygen. All living cells use such fuels and oxidize the hydrogen and carbon to capture the suns energy and reform water and CO2 in the process (cellular respiration). Water is also central to acid-base neutrality and enzyme function. An acid, a hydrogen ion (H+, that is, a proton) donor, can be neutralized by a base, a proton acceptor such as hydroxide ion (OH-) to form water. Water is considered to be neutral, with a pH (the negative log of the hydrogen ion concentration) of 7. Acids have pH values less than 7 while bases have values greater than 7. Stomach acid (HCl) is useful to digestion. However, its corrosive effect on the esophagus during reflux can temporarily be neutralized by ingestion of a base such as aluminum hydroxide to produce the neutral molecules water and the salt aluminum chloride. Human biochemistry that involves enzymes usually performs optimally around a biologically neutral pH of 7.4. (Wikipedia). Water, also known as purified water or dihydrogen oxide, is a member of the class of compounds known as homogeneous other non-metal compounds. Homogeneous other non-metal compounds are inorganic non-metallic compounds in which the largest atom belongs to the class of other nonmetals. Water can be found in a number of food items such as caraway, oxheart cabbage, alaska wild rhubarb, and japanese walnut, which makes water a potential biomarker for the consumption of these food products. Water can be found primarily in most biofluids, including ascites Fluid, blood, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and lymph, as well as throughout all human tissues. Water exists in all living species, ranging from bacteria to humans. In humans, water is involved in several metabolic pathways, some of which include cardiolipin biosynthesis CL(20:4(5Z,8Z,11Z,14Z)/18:0/20:4(5Z,8Z,11Z,14Z)/18:2(9Z,12Z)), cardiolipin biosynthesis cl(i-13:0/i-15:0/i-20:0/i-24:0), cardiolipin biosynthesis CL(18:0/18:0/20:4(5Z,8Z,11Z,14Z)/22:5(7Z,10Z,13Z,16Z,19Z)), and cardiolipin biosynthesis cl(a-13:0/i-18:0/i-13:0/i-19:0). Water is also involved in several metabolic disorders, some of which include de novo triacylglycerol biosynthesis tg(i-21:0/i-13:0/21:0), de novo triacylglycerol biosynthesis tg(22:0/20:0/i-20:0), de novo triacylglycerol biosynthesis tg(a-21:0/i-20:0/i-14:0), and de novo triacylglycerol biosynthesis tg(i-21:0/a-17:0/i-12:0). Water is a drug which is used for diluting or dissolving drugs for intravenous, intramuscular or subcutaneous injection, according to instructions of the manufacturer of the drug to be administered [fda label]. Water plays an important role in the world economy. Approximately 70\\% of the freshwater used by humans goes to agriculture. Fishing in salt and fresh water bodies is a major source of food for many parts of the world. Much of long-distance trade of commodities (such as oil and natural gas) and manufactured products is transported by boats through seas, rivers, lakes, and canals. Large quantities of water, ice, and steam are used for cooling and heating, in industry and homes. Water is an excellent solvent for a wide variety of chemical substances; as such it is widely used in industrial processes, and in cooking and washing. Water is also central to many sports and other forms of entertainment, such as swimming, pleasure boating, boat racing, surfing, sport fishing, and diving .
Oxygen is the third most abundant element in the universe after hydrogen and helium and the most abundant element by mass in the Earths crust. Diatomic oxygen gas constitutes 20.9\\% of the volume of air. All major classes of structural molecules in living organisms, such as proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, contain oxygen, as do the major inorganic compounds that comprise animal shells, teeth, and bone. Oxygen in the form of O2 is produced from water by cyanobacteria, algae and plants during photosynthesis and is used in cellular respiration for all living organisms. Green algae and cyanobacteria in marine environments provide about 70\\% of the free oxygen produced on earth and the rest is produced by terrestrial plants. Oxygen is used in mitochondria to help generate adenosine triphosphate (ATP) during oxidative phosphorylation. For animals, a constant supply of oxygen is indispensable for cardiac viability and function. To meet this demand, an adult human, at rest, inhales 1.8 to 2.4 grams of oxygen per minute. This amounts to more than 6 billion tonnes of oxygen inhaled by humanity per year. At a resting pulse rate, the heart consumes approximately 8-15 ml O2/min/100 g tissue. This is significantly more than that consumed by the brain (approximately 3 ml O2/min/100 g tissue) and can increase to more than 70 ml O2/min/100 g myocardial tissue during vigorous exercise. As a general rule, mammalian heart muscle cannot produce enough energy under anaerobic conditions to maintain essential cellular processes; thus, a constant supply of oxygen is indispensable to sustain cardiac function and viability. However, the role of oxygen and oxygen-associated processes in living systems is complex, and they and can be either beneficial or contribute to cardiac dysfunction and death (through reactive oxygen species). Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are a family of oxygen-derived free radicals that are produced in mammalian cells under normal and pathologic conditions. Many ROS, such as the superoxide anion (O2-)and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), act within blood vessels, altering mechanisms mediating mechanical signal transduction and autoregulation of cerebral blood flow. Reactive oxygen species are believed to be involved in cellular signaling in blood vessels in both normal and pathologic states. The major pathway for the production of ROS is by way of the one-electron reduction of molecular oxygen to form an oxygen radical, the superoxide anion (O2-). Within the vasculature there are several enzymatic sources of O2-, including xanthine oxidase, the mitochondrial electron transport chain, and nitric oxide (NO) synthases. Studies in recent years, however, suggest that the major contributor to O2- levels in vascular cells is the membrane-bound enzyme NADPH-oxidase. Produced O2- can react with other radicals, such as NO, or spontaneously dismutate to produce hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). In cells, the latter reaction is an important pathway for normal O2- breakdown and is usually catalyzed by the enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD). Once formed, H2O2 can undergo various reactions, both enzymatic and nonenzymatic. The antioxidant enzymes catalase and glutathione peroxidase act to limit ROS accumulation within cells by breaking down H2O2 to H2O. Metabolism of H2O2 can also produce other, more damaging ROS. For example, the endogenous enzyme myeloperoxidase uses H2O2 as a substrate to form the highly reactive compound hypochlorous acid. Alternatively, H2O2 can undergo Fenton or Haber-Weiss chemistry, reacting with Fe2+/Fe3+ ions to form toxic hydroxyl radicals (-.OH). (PMID: 17027622, 15765131) [HMDB]. Oxygen is found in many foods, some of which are soy bean, watermelon, sweet basil, and spinach. Oxygen is the third most abundant element in the universe after hydrogen and helium and the most abundant element by mass in the Earths crust. Diatomic oxygen gas constitutes 20.9\\% of the volume of air. All major classes of structural molecules in living organisms, such as proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, contain oxygen, as do the major inorganic compounds that comprise animal shells, teeth, and bone. Oxygen in the form of O2 is produced from water by cyanobacteria, algae and plants during photosynthesis and is used in cellular respiration for all living organisms. Green algae and cyanobacteria in marine environments provide about 70\\% of the free oxygen produced on earth and the rest is produced by terrestrial plants. Oxygen is used in mitochondria to help generate adenosine triphosphate (ATP) during oxidative phosphorylation. For animals, a constant supply of oxygen is indispensable for cardiac viability and function. To meet this demand, an adult human, at rest, inhales 1.8 to 2.4 grams of oxygen per minute. This amounts to more than 6 billion tonnes of oxygen inhaled by humanity per year. At a resting pulse rate, the heart consumes approximately 8-15 ml O2/min/100 g tissue. This is significantly more than that consumed by the brain (approximately 3 ml O2/min/100 g tissue) and can increase to more than 70 ml O2/min/100 g myocardial tissue during vigorous exercise. As a general rule, mammalian heart muscle cannot produce enough energy under anaerobic conditions to maintain essential cellular processes; thus, a constant supply of oxygen is indispensable to sustain cardiac function and viability. However, the role of oxygen and oxygen-associated processes in living systems is complex, and they and can be either beneficial or contribute to cardiac dysfunction and death (through reactive oxygen species). Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are a family of oxygen-derived free radicals that are produced in mammalian cells under normal and pathologic conditions. Many ROS, such as the superoxide anion (O2-)and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), act within blood vessels, altering mechanisms mediating mechanical signal transduction and autoregulation of cerebral blood flow. Reactive oxygen species are believed to be involved in cellular signaling in blood vessels in both normal and pathologic states. The major pathway for the production of ROS is by way of the one-electron reduction of molecular oxygen to form an oxygen radical, the superoxide anion (O2-). Within the vasculature there are several enzymatic sources of O2-, including xanthine oxidase, the mitochondrial electron transport chain, and nitric oxide (NO) synthases. Studies in recent years, however, suggest that the major contributor to O2- levels in vascular cells is the membrane-bound enzyme NADPH-oxidase. Produced O2- can react with other radicals, such as NO, or spontaneously dismutate to produce hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). In cells, the latter reaction is an important pathway for normal O2- breakdown and is usually catalyzed by the enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD). Once formed, H2O2 can undergo various reactions, both enzymatic and nonenzymatic. The antioxidant enzymes catalase and glutathione peroxidase act to limit ROS accumulation within cells by breaking down H2O2 to H2O. Metabolism of H2O2 can also produce other, more damaging ROS. For example, the endogenous enzyme myeloperoxidase uses H2O2 as a substrate to form the highly reactive compound hypochlorous acid. Alternatively, H2O2 can undergo Fenton or Haber-Weiss chemistry, reacting with Fe2+/Fe3+ ions to form toxic hydroxyl radicals (-.OH). (PMID: 17027622, 15765131). V - Various > V03 - All other therapeutic products > V03A - All other therapeutic products > V03AN - Medical gases
Carbon dioxide
Carbon dioxide is a colorless, odorless gas that can be formed by the body and is necessary for the respiration cycle of plants and animals. Carbon dioxide is produced during respiration by all animals, fungi and microorganisms that depend on living and decaying plants for food, either directly or indirectly. It is, therefore, a major component of the carbon cycle. Additionally, carbon dioxide is used by plants during photosynthesis to make sugars which may either be consumed again in respiration or used as the raw material to produce polysaccharides such as starch and cellulose, proteins and the wide variety of other organic compounds required for plant growth and development. When inhaled at concentrations much higher than usual atmospheric levels, it can produce a sour taste in the mouth and a stinging sensation in the nose and throat. These effects result from the gas dissolving in the mucous membranes and saliva, forming a weak solution of carbonic acid. Carbon dioxide is used by the food industry, the oil industry, and the chemical industry. Carbon dioxide is used to produce carbonated soft drinks and soda water. Traditionally, the carbonation in beer and sparkling wine comes about through natural fermentation, but some manufacturers carbonate these drinks artificially. Leavening agent, propellant, aerating agent, preservative. Solvent for supercritical extraction e.g. of caffeine in manufacture of caffeine-free instant coffee. It is used in carbonation of beverages, in the frozen food industry and as a component of controlled atmosphere packaging (CAD) to inhibit bacterial growth. Especies effective against Gram-negative spoilage bacteria, e.g. Pseudomonas V - Various > V03 - All other therapeutic products > V03A - All other therapeutic products > V03AN - Medical gases
Hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a very pale blue liquid that appears colourless in a dilute solution. H2O2 is slightly more viscous than water and is a weak acid. H2O2 is unstable and slowly decomposes in the presence of light. It has strong oxidizing properties and is, therefore, a powerful bleaching agent that is mostly used for bleaching paper. H2O2 has also found use as a disinfectant and as an oxidizer. H2O2 in the form of carbamide peroxide is widely used for tooth whitening (bleaching), both in professionally- and in self-administered products. H2O2 is a well-documented component of living cells and is a normal metabolite of oxygen in the aerobic metabolism of cells and tissues. A total of 31 human cellular H2O2 generating enzymes has been identified so far (PMID: 25843657). H2O2 plays important roles in host defence and oxidative biosynthetic reactions. At high levels (>100 nM) H2O2 is toxic to most cells due to its ability to non-specifically oxidize proteins, membranes and DNA, leading to general cellular damage and dysfunction. However, at low levels (<10 nM), H2O2 functions as a signalling agent, particularly in higher organisms. In plants, H2O2 plays a role in signalling to cause cell shape changes such as stomatal closure and root growth. As a messenger molecule in vertebrates, H2O2 diffuses through cells and tissues to initiate cell shape changes, to drive vascular remodelling, and to activate cell proliferation and recruitment of immune cells. H2O2 also plays a role in redox sensing, signalling, and redox regulation (PMID: 28110218). This is normally done through molecular redox “switches” such as thiol-containing proteins. The production and decomposition of H2O2 are tightly regulated (PMID: 17434122). In humans, H2O2 can be generated in response to various stimuli, including cytokines and growth factors. H2O2 is degraded by several enzymes including catalase and superoxide dismutase (SOD), both of which play important roles in keeping the amount of H2O2 in the body below toxic levels. H2O2 also appears to play a role in vitiligo. Vitiligo is a skin pigment disorder leading to patchy skin colour, especially among dark-skinned individuals. Patients with vitiligo have low catalase levels in their skin, leading to higher levels of H2O2. High levels of H2O2 damage the epidermal melanocytes, leading to a loss of pigment (PMID: 10393521). Accumulating evidence suggests that hydrogen peroxide H2O2 plays an important role in cancer development. Experimental data have shown that cancer cells produce high amounts of H2O2. An increase in the cellular levels of H2O2 has been linked to several key alterations in cancer, including DNA changes, cell proliferation, apoptosis resistance, metastasis, angiogenesis and hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1) activation (PMID: 17150302, 17335854, 16677071, 16607324, 16514169). H2O2 is found in most cells, tissues, and biofluids. H2O2 levels in the urine can be significantly increased with the consumption of coffee and other polyphenolic-containing beverages (wine, tea) (PMID: 12419961). In particular, roasted coffee has high levels of 1,2,4-benzenetriol which can, on its own, lead to the production of H2O2. Normal levels of urinary H2O2 in non-coffee drinkers or fasted subjects are between 0.5-3 uM/mM creatinine whereas, for those who drink coffee, the levels are between 3-10 uM/mM creatinine (PMID: 12419961). It is thought that H2O2 in urine could act as an antibacterial agent and that H2O2 is involved in the regulation of glomerular function (PMID: 10766414). A - Alimentary tract and metabolism > A01 - Stomatological preparations > A01A - Stomatological preparations > A01AB - Antiinfectives and antiseptics for local oral treatment D - Dermatologicals > D08 - Antiseptics and disinfectants > D08A - Antiseptics and disinfectants S - Sensory organs > S02 - Otologicals > S02A - Antiinfectives > S02AA - Antiinfectives It is used in foods as a bleaching agent, antimicrobial agent and oxidising agent C254 - Anti-Infective Agent > C28394 - Topical Anti-Infective Agent D009676 - Noxae > D016877 - Oxidants > D010545 - Peroxides D000890 - Anti-Infective Agents
Nitrite is a nitrite compound is either a salt or an ester of nitrous acid. Sodium nitrite is used for the curing of meat because it prevents bacterial growth and, in a reaction with the meats myoglobin, gives the product a desirable dark red color. Nitrite can be reduced to nitric oxide or ammonia by many species of bacteria. Under hypoxic conditions, nitrite may release nitric oxide, which causes potent vasodilation. Several mechanisms for nitrite conversion to NO have been described including enzymatic reduction by xanthine oxidoreductase, the mitochondria, and NO synthase (NOS), as well as nonenzymatic acidic disproportionation. -- Wikipedia. A nitrite compound is either a salt or an ester of nitrous acid. Sodium nitrite is used for the curing of meat because it prevents bacterial growth and, in a reaction with the meats myoglobin, gives the product a desirable dark red color. Nitrite can be reduced to nitric oxide or ammonia by many species of bacteria.
Nitric oxide
The biologically active molecule nitric oxide (NO) is a simple, membrane-permeable gas with unique chemistry. It is formed by the conversion of L-arginine to L-citrulline, with the release of NO. The enzymatic oxidation of L-arginine to L-citrulline takes place in the presence of oxygen and NADPH using flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD), flavin mononucleotide (FMN), heme, thiol, and tetrahydrobiopterin as cofactors. The enzyme responsible for the generation of NO is nitric oxide synthase (E.C.; NOS). Three NOS isoforms have been described and shown to be encoded on three distinct genes: neuronal NOS (nNOS, NOS type I), inducible NOS (NOS type II), and endothelial NOS (eNOS, NOS type III). Two of them are constitutively expressed and dependent on the presence of calcium ions and calmodulin to function (nNOS and eNOS), while iNOS is considered non-constitutive and calcium-independent. However, experience has shown that constitutive expression of nNOS and eNOS is not as rigid as previously thought (i.e. either present or absent), but can be dynamically controlled during development and in response to injury. Functionally, NO may act as a hormone, neurotransmitter, paracrine messenger, mediator, cytoprotective molecule, and cytotoxic molecule. NO has multiple cellular molecular targets. It influences the activity of transcription factors, modulates upstream signaling cascades, mRNA stability and translation, and processes the primary gene products. In the brain, many processes are linked to NO. NO activates its receptor, soluble guanylate cyclase by binding to it. The stimulation of this enzyme leads to increased synthesis of the second messenger, cGMP, which in turn activates cGMP-dependent kinases in target cells. NO exerts a strong influence on glutamatergic neurotransmission by directly interacting with the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor. Neuronal NOS is connected to NMDA receptors (see below) and sharply increases NO production following activation of this receptor. Thus, the level of endogenously produced NO around NMDA synapses reflects the activity of glutamate-mediated neurotransmission. However, there is recent evidence showing that non-NMDA glutamate receptors (i.e. AMPA and type I metabotropic receptors) also contribute to NO generation. Besides its influence on glutamate, NO is known to have effects on the storage, uptake and/or release of most other neurotransmitters in the CNS (acetylcholine, dopamine, noradrenaline, GABA, taurine, and glycine) as well as of certain neuropeptides. Finally, since NO is a highly diffusible molecule, it may reach extrasynaptic receptors at target cell membranes that are some distance away from the place of NO synthesis. NO is thus capable of mediating both synaptic and nonsynaptic communication processes. NO is a potent vasodilator (a major endogenous regulator of vascular tone), and an important endothelium-dependent relaxing factor. NO is synthesized by NO synthases (NOS) and NOS are inhibited by asymmetrical dimethylarginine (ADMA). ADMA is metabolized by dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase (DDAH) and excreted in the kidneys. Lower ADMA levels in pregnant women compared to non-pregnant controls suggest that ADMA has a role in vascular dilatation and blood pressure changes. Several studies show an increase in ADMA levels in pregnancies complicated with preeclampsia. Elevated ADMA levels in preeclampsia are seen before clinical symptoms have developed; these findings suggest that ADMA has a role in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia. In some pulmonary hypertensive states such as ARDS, the production of endogenous NO may be impaired. Nitric oxide inhalation selectively dilates the pulmonary circulation. Significant systemic vasodilation does not occur because NO is inactivated by rapidly binding to hemoglobin. In an injured lung with pulmonary hypertension, inhaled NO produces local vasodilation of well-ventilated lung units and may "steal" blood flow away from unventil... D002317 - Cardiovascular Agents > D014665 - Vasodilator Agents > D045462 - Endothelium-Dependent Relaxing Factors D019141 - Respiratory System Agents > D018927 - Anti-Asthmatic Agents > D001993 - Bronchodilator Agents D018373 - Peripheral Nervous System Agents > D001337 - Autonomic Agents D018377 - Neurotransmitter Agents > D064426 - Gasotransmitters D000975 - Antioxidants > D016166 - Free Radical Scavengers D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants R - Respiratory system
Chloride ion
Under standard conditions, chlorine exists as a diatomic molecule. Chlorine is a highly toxic, pale yellow-green gas that has a specific strong smell. In nature, chlorine is most abundant as a chloride ion. Physiologically, it exists as an ion in the body. The chloride ion is an essential anion that the body needs for many critical functions. It also helps keep the bodys acid-base balance. The amount of chloride in the blood is carefully controlled by the kidneys. Chloride ions have important physiological roles. For instance, in the central nervous system, the inhibitory action of glycine and some of the action of GABA relies on the entry of Cl- into specific neurons. Also, the chloride-bicarbonate exchanger biological transport protein relies on the chloride ion to increase the bloods capacity of carbon dioxide, in the form of the bicarbonate ion. Chloride-transporting proteins (CLC) play fundamental roles in many tissues in the plasma membrane as well as in intracellular membranes. CLC proteins form a gene family that comprises nine members in mammals, at least four of which are involved in human genetic diseases. GABA(A) receptors are pentameric complexes that function as ligand-gated chloride ion channels. WNK kinases are a family of serine-threonine kinases that have been shown to play an essential role in the regulation of electrolyte homeostasis, and they are found in diverse epithelia throughout the body that are involved in chloride ion flux. Cystic fibrosis (CF) is caused by alterations in the CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTCR) gene that result in deranged sodium and chloride ion transport channels. (PMID: 17539703, 17729441, 17562499, 15300163) (For a complete review see Evans, Richard B. Chlorine: state of the art. Lung (2005), 183(3), 151-167. PMID: 16078037). The chloride ion is formed when the element chlorine picks up one electron to form the Cl- anion. The chloride ion is one of the most common anions in nature and is necessary to most forms of life. It is an essential electrolyte responsible for maintaining acid/base balance and regulating fluid in and out of cells. [Wikipedia]. Chloride is found in many foods, some of which are jute, grapefruit, lentils, and lime.
Superoxide is the anionic form O2. It is important as the product of the one-electron reduction of dioxygen (oxygen gas), which occurs widely in nature. With one unpaired electron, the superoxide ion is a free radical. It is also paramagnetic. The biological toxicity of superoxide is due to its capacity to inactivate iron-sulfur cluster containing enzymes (which are critical in a wide variety of metabolic pathways), thereby liberating free iron in the cell, which can undergo fenton-chemistry and generate the highly reactive hydroxyl radical. In its HO2 form, superoxide can also initiate lipid peroxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids. It also reacts with carbonyl compounds and halogenated carbons to create toxic peroxy radicals. As such, superoxide is a main cause of oxidative stress. Highly reactive compounds produced when oxygen is reduced by a single electron. In biological systems, they may be generated during the normal catalytic function of a number of enzymes and during the oxidation of hemoglobin to Methemoglobin. Because superoxide is toxic, nearly all organisms living in the presence of oxygen contain isoforms of the superoxide scavenging enzyme, superoxide dismutase, or SOD. SOD is an extremely efficient enzyme; it catalyzes the neutralization of superoxide nearly as fast as the two can diffuse together spontaneously in solution. Genetic inactivation ("knockout") of SOD produces deleterious phenotypes in organisms ranging from bacteria to mice. The latter species dies around 21 days after birth if the mitochondrial variant of SOD (Mn-SOD) is inactivated, and suffers from multiple pathologies, including reduced lifespan, liver cancer, muscle atrophy, cataracts and female infertility when the cytoplasmic (Cu, Zn -SOD) variant is inactivated. With one unpaired electron, the superoxide ion is a free radical and therefore paramagnetic. In living organisms, superoxide dismutase protects the cell from the deleterious effects of superoxides. Superoxide is the anionic form O2. It is important as the product of the one-electron reduction of dioxygen (oxygen gas), which occurs widely in nature. With one unpaired electron, the superoxide ion is a free radical. It is also paramagnetic. The biological toxicity of superoxide is due to its capacity to inactivate iron-sulfur cluster containing enzymes (which are critical in a wide variety of metabolic pathways), thereby liberating free iron in the cell, which can undergo fenton-chemistry and generate the highly reactive hydroxyl radical. In its HO2 form, superoxide can also initiate lipid peroxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids. It also reacts with carbonyl compounds and halogenated carbons to create toxic peroxy radicals. As such, superoxide is a main cause of oxidative stress.; Highly reactive compounds produced when oxygen is reduced by a single electron. In biological systems, they may be generated during the normal catalytic function of a number of enzymes and during the oxidation of hemoglobin to Methemoglobin. D009676 - Noxae > D016877 - Oxidants > D013481 - Superoxides D009676 - Noxae > D016877 - Oxidants > D010545 - Peroxides
The hypochlorite ion is ClO-. A hypochlorite compound is a chemical compound containing this group. Hypochlorite is a strong oxidant. About 28\\% of oxygen consumed by phagocytes upon activation participates in its generation. Hypochlorite reacts with H2O2 producing singlet oxygen (1O2) - a strong initiator of Lipid peroxidation. O-sub 2, along with H2O2 can serve as the substrate for myeloperoxidase. When this takes place, Hypochlorite is formed. Hypochlorite is able to modify antioxidants incorporated into lipoproteins such as Alpha-tocopherol, Beta-carotene, lycopene, and ubiquinol-10. It is also able to modify a number of proteins which possess antioxidant functions such as ceruloplasmin, transferrin, superoxide dismutase, and catalase. Active myeloperoxidase is found at sites of atherosclerotic damage to the arterial vessel wall in humans. Lipid peroxidation is known to contribute to the development of pathological processes, among them atherosclerosis. The present hypothesis is that blood lipoproteins modified by Lipid peroxidation play a key role in the pathogenesis of this disease. One of the possible reasons for the appearance of oxidized blood lipoproteins in blood is the interaction of native blood lipoproteins with the reactive oxygen species generated by stimulated neutrophils, monocytes and other cells. The main reaction of Hypochlorite with unsaturated lipid is probably the generation of chlorohydrins. However, this reaction is not accompanied by generation of free radicals and Lipid peroxidation. This reaction is accompanied by the production of free radicals (but not singlet oxygen), probably alkoxyl radicals, which may play a role in the initiation of Hypochlorite-induced Lipid peroxidation. (PMID: 9260000, Biofactors. 1997;6(2):181-90.) [HMDB] The hypochlorite ion is ClO-. A hypochlorite compound is a chemical compound containing this group. Hypochlorite is a strong oxidant. About 28\\% of oxygen consumed by phagocytes upon activation participates in its generation. Hypochlorite reacts with H2O2 producing singlet oxygen (1O2) - a strong initiator of Lipid peroxidation. O-sub 2, along with H2O2 can serve as the substrate for myeloperoxidase. When this takes place, Hypochlorite is formed. Hypochlorite is able to modify antioxidants incorporated into lipoproteins such as Alpha-tocopherol, Beta-carotene, lycopene, and ubiquinol-10. It is also able to modify a number of proteins which possess antioxidant functions such as ceruloplasmin, transferrin, superoxide dismutase, and catalase. Active myeloperoxidase is found at sites of atherosclerotic damage to the arterial vessel wall in humans. Lipid peroxidation is known to contribute to the development of pathological processes, among them atherosclerosis. The present hypothesis is that blood lipoproteins modified by Lipid peroxidation play a key role in the pathogenesis of this disease. One of the possible reasons for the appearance of oxidized blood lipoproteins in blood is the interaction of native blood lipoproteins with the reactive oxygen species generated by stimulated neutrophils, monocytes and other cells. The main reaction of Hypochlorite with unsaturated lipid is probably the generation of chlorohydrins. However, this reaction is not accompanied by generation of free radicals and Lipid peroxidation. This reaction is accompanied by the production of free radicals (but not singlet oxygen), probably alkoxyl radicals, which may play a role in the initiation of Hypochlorite-induced Lipid peroxidation. (PMID: 9260000, Biofactors. 1997;6(2):181-90.). D009676 - Noxae > D016877 - Oxidants
beta-N-Acetylglucosamine is an acylaminosugar, which is an organic compound containing a sugar linked to a chain through an N-acyl group. This compound is water-soluble. Glycosylation with beta-N-acetylglucosamine is one of the most common post-translational modifications. All animals and plants dynamically attach and remove beta-N-acetylglucosamine at serine and threonine residues on myriad nuclear and cytoplasmic proteins. beta-N-Acetylglucosamine cycling, which is tightly regulated by the concerted actions of two highly-conserved enzymes, serves as a nutrient and stress sensor. Proteins glycosylated with beta-N-acetylglucosamine can be found in almost every intracellular compartment and almost every functional class (PMID: 17460662).
In chemistry, hydroxide is the most common name for the diatomic anion OH, consisting of oxygen and hydrogen atoms, usually derived from the dissociation of a base. It is one of the simplest diatomic ions known. Hydroxide ion is a kind of ligand. It donates one pair of electrons, behaving as a Lewis base. Examples include the aluminate ion [Al(OH)4]- and aurate ion [Au(OH)4]-. [HMDB] In chemistry, hydroxide is the most common name for the diatomic anion OH, consisting of oxygen and hydrogen atoms, usually derived from the dissociation of a base. It is one of the simplest diatomic ions known. Hydroxide ion is a kind of ligand. It donates one pair of electrons, behaving as a Lewis base. Examples include the aluminate ion [Al(OH)4]- and aurate ion [Au(OH)4]-.
Hydrogen Ion
Hydrogen ion, also known as proton or h+, is a member of the class of compounds known as other non-metal hydrides. Other non-metal hydrides are inorganic compounds in which the heaviest atom bonded to a hydrogen atom is belongs to the class of other non-metals. Hydrogen ion can be found in a number of food items such as lowbush blueberry, groundcherry, parsley, and tarragon, which makes hydrogen ion a potential biomarker for the consumption of these food products. Hydrogen ion exists in all living organisms, ranging from bacteria to humans. In humans, hydrogen ion is involved in several metabolic pathways, some of which include cardiolipin biosynthesis cl(i-13:0/a-25:0/a-21:0/i-15:0), cardiolipin biosynthesis cl(a-13:0/a-17:0/i-13:0/a-25:0), cardiolipin biosynthesis cl(i-12:0/i-13:0/a-17:0/a-15:0), and cardiolipin biosynthesis CL(16:1(9Z)/22:5(4Z,7Z,10Z,13Z,16Z)/18:1(11Z)/22:5(7Z,10Z,13Z,16Z,19Z)). Hydrogen ion is also involved in several metabolic disorders, some of which include de novo triacylglycerol biosynthesis TG(20:3(8Z,11Z,14Z)/22:6(4Z,7Z,10Z,13Z,16Z,19Z)/22:5(7Z,10Z,13Z,16Z,19Z)), de novo triacylglycerol biosynthesis TG(18:2(9Z,12Z)/20:0/20:4(5Z,8Z,11Z,14Z)), de novo triacylglycerol biosynthesis TG(18:4(6Z,9Z,12Z,15Z)/18:3(9Z,12Z,15Z)/18:4(6Z,9Z,12Z,15Z)), and de novo triacylglycerol biosynthesis TG(24:0/20:5(5Z,8Z,11Z,14Z,17Z)/24:0). A hydrogen ion is created when a hydrogen atom loses or gains an electron. A positively charged hydrogen ion (or proton) can readily combine with other particles and therefore is only seen isolated when it is in a gaseous state or a nearly particle-free space. Due to its extremely high charge density of approximately 2×1010 times that of a sodium ion, the bare hydrogen ion cannot exist freely in solution as it readily hydrates, i.e., bonds quickly. The hydrogen ion is recommended by IUPAC as a general term for all ions of hydrogen and its isotopes. Depending on the charge of the ion, two different classes can be distinguished: positively charged ions and negatively charged ions . Hydrogen ion is recommended by IUPAC as a general term for all ions of hydrogen and its isotopes. Depending on the charge of the ion, two different classes can be distinguished: positively charged ions and negatively charged ions. Under aqueous conditions found in biochemistry, hydrogen ions exist as the hydrated form hydronium, H3O+, but these are often still referred to as hydrogen ions or even protons by biochemists. [Wikipedia])
S-Nitrosoglutathione is a S-nitrosothiol. S-nitrosothiols (RSNOs) are thought to represent a circulating endogenous reservoir of nitric oxide (NO), and may have potential as donors of nitric oxide, distinct from currently used agents. They have the general formula RSNO, and naturally occurring examples include S-nitrosocysteine, S-nitrosoglutathione and S-nitrosoalbumin, in which R is an amino acid, polypeptide and protein respectively. RSNOs have anti-platelet properties, a theoretical role in the treatment of asthma and the potential to be used as agents to treat infectious diseases ranging from the common cold to AIDS. RSNOs are relatively unstable, being degraded to release nitric oxide and the corresponding disulphide. Their stability is influenced by the properties of the R group, heat, light, the presence of transition metal ions (in particular copper) and the presence of other thiols. RSNOs participate in transnitrosation reactions in which the -nitric oxide group is transferred to another thiol to form a more stable RSNO. Potential interactions of RSNOs include that with ascorbic acid (vitamin C), which enhances the ability of copper to catalyse their degradation. Transnitrosation reactions with thiol-containing enzymes can influence protein function, and the intracellular thiol glutathione, levels of which are influenced by many disease states, can also influence stability. Genetic and biochemical data demonstrate a pivotal role for S-nitrosothiols in mediating the actions of nitric oxide synthases (NOSs). RSNOs serve to convey NO bioactivity and to regulate protein function. S-Nitrosoglutathione breakdown is subject to precise regulation. For example, S-Nitrosoglutathione reductase (GSNOR) breaks down cytosolic S-Nitrosoglutathione, ultimately to oxidized GSH and ammonia. GSNOR, in turn, modulates the levels of some S-nitrosylated proteins. S-nitrosoglutathione, formed as nitric oxide moves away from erythrocytes in response to hemoglobin desaturation, may signal hypoxia-inducible factor-1-mediated physiologic and gene regulatory events in pulmonary endothelial cells without profound hypoxia, through a thiol-based reaction. S-Nitrosoglutathione stabilizes the alpha-subunit of hypoxia inducible factor1 (HIF-1) in normoxic cells, but not in the presence of PI3K inhibitors. (PMID: 11749666, 17541013, 16528016). S-Nitrosoglutathione is a S-nitrosothiol. S-nitrosothiols (RSNOs) are thought to represent a circulating endogenous reservoir of nitric oxide (NO), and may have potential as donors of nitric oxide, distinct from currently used agents. They have the general formula RSNO, and naturally occurring examples include S-nitrosocysteine, S-nitrosoglutathione and S-nitrosoalbumin, in which R is an amino acid, polypeptide and protein respectively. RSNOs have anti-platelet properties, a theoretical role in the treatment of asthma and the potential to be used as agents to treat infectious diseases ranging from the common cold to AIDS. RSNOs are relatively unstable, being degraded to release nitric oxide and the corresponding disulphide. Their stability is influenced by the properties of the R group, heat, light, the presence of transition metal ions (in particular copper) and the presence of other thiols. RSNOs participate in transnitrosation reactions in which the -nitric oxide group is transferred to another thiol to form a more stable RSNO. Potential interactions of RSNOs include that with ascorbic acid (vitamin C), which enhances the ability of copper to catalyse their degradation. Transnitrosation reactions with thiol-containing enzymes can influence protein function, and the intracellular thiol glutathione, levels of which are influenced by many disease states, can also influence stability. D019141 - Respiratory System Agents > D018927 - Anti-Asthmatic Agents > D001993 - Bronchodilator Agents D006401 - Hematologic Agents > D010975 - Platelet Aggregation Inhibitors > D026403 - S-Nitrosothiols D002491 - Central Nervous System Agents > D018696 - Neuroprotective Agents D018373 - Peripheral Nervous System Agents > D001337 - Autonomic Agents D002317 - Cardiovascular Agents > D020030 - Nitric Oxide Donors D002317 - Cardiovascular Agents > D014665 - Vasodilator Agents D000890 - Anti-Infective Agents D020011 - Protective Agents Nitrosoglutathione (GSNO), a exogenous NO donor and a substrate for rat alcohol dehydrogenase class III isoenzyme, inhibits cerebrovascular angiotensin II-dependent and -independent AT1 receptor responses[1][2][3][4].
As it is an organic compound, hypothiocyanite occurs naturally in the antimicrobial immune system of the human respiratory tract in a redox reaction catalyzed by the enzyme lactoperoxidase. It has been researched extensively for its capabilities as an alternative antibiotic as it is harmless to human body cells while being cytotoxic to bacteria. Of late, the exact processes for making hypothiocyanite have been patented as such an effective antimicrobial has many commercial applications. Whether or not this antimicrobial compound comprises the entirety of the immune system of the respiratory tract remains to be seen.; Hypothiocyanite is the anion [OSCN]- and the conjugate base of hypothiocyanous acid. It is an organic compound part of the thiocyanates as it contains the functional group SCN. It is formed when an oxygen is singly bonded to the thiocyanate group. Hypothiocyanous acid (HOSCN) is a fairly weak acid as its acid dissociation constant is 5.3 [HMDB] As it is an organic compound, hypothiocyanite occurs naturally in the antimicrobial immune system of the human respiratory tract in a redox reaction catalyzed by the enzyme lactoperoxidase. It has been researched extensively for its capabilities as an alternative antibiotic as it is harmless to human body cells while being cytotoxic to bacteria. Of late, the exact processes for making hypothiocyanite have been patented as such an effective antimicrobial has many commercial applications. Whether or not this antimicrobial compound comprises the entirety of the immune system of the respiratory tract remains to be seen. Hypothiocyanite is the anion [OSCN]- and the conjugate base of hypothiocyanous acid. It is an organic compound part of the thiocyanates as it contains the functional group SCN. It is formed when an oxygen is singly bonded to the thiocyanate group. Hypothiocyanous acid (HOSCN) is a fairly weak acid as its acid dissociation constant is 5.3. D000890 - Anti-Infective Agents
An oxygen hydride consisting of an oxygen atom that is covalently bonded to two hydrogen atoms. Water. CAS Common Chemistry. CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society, n.d. (retrieved 2024-10-17) (CAS RN: 7732-18-5). Licensed under the Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0).
A pseudohalide anion obtained by deprotonation of the thiol group of thiocyanic acid.
Coenzyme II
COVID info from COVID-19 Disease Map Corona-virus Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 SARS-CoV COVID19 SARS2 SARS
Thiocyanate is analogous to the cyanate ion, [OCN]-, wherein oxygen is replaced by sulfur. [SCN]- is one of the pseudohalogens, due to the similarity of its reactions to that of halide ions. Thiocyanate was formerly known as rhodanide (from a Greek word for rose) because of the red color of its complexes with iron. Thiocyanates are typically colorless. Cyanide ions can react with cystine to yield thicocyanate. This reaction occurs to a slight extent even in neutral solution, but is more pronounced in alkaline solutions of cystine. In addition to this non-enzymatic route, cyanide produced in vivo can be converted in part to thiocyanate by sulfur transferase systems. The thiocyanate ion can be oxidized at acid pH by hydrogen peroxide to generate sulfate and cyanide. The reaction is catalyzed by hemoglobin acting as a peroxidase. Thiocyanate is analogous to the cyanate ion, [OCN]-, wherein oxygen is replaced by sulfur. [SCN]- is one of the pseudohalogens, due to the similarity of its reactions to that of halide ions. Thiocyanate was formerly known as rhodanide (from a Greek word for rose) because of the red color of its complexes with iron. Thiocyanates are typically colorless. Cyanide ions can react with cystine to yield thicocyanate. This reaction occurs to a slight extent even in neutral solution, but is more pronounced in alkaline solutions of cystine. In addition to this non-enzymatic route, cyanide produced in vivo can be converted in part to thiocyanate by sulfur transferase systems. The thiocyanate ion can be oxidized at acid pH by hydrogen peroxide to generate sulfate and cyanide. The reaction is catalyzed by hemoglobin acting as a peroxidase. A study shows that thiocyanate has a protective effect in lung in cystic fibrosis, and an anti-inflammatory effect in arterial endothelial cells, a neuronal cell line, and a pancreatic beta cell line (PMID: 19918082). Thiocyanate has been identified as a uremic toxin according to the European Uremic Toxin Working Group (PMID: 22626821).
nitric oxide
D002317 - Cardiovascular Agents > D014665 - Vasodilator Agents > D045462 - Endothelium-Dependent Relaxing Factors A nitrogen oxide which is a free radical, each molecule of which consists of one nitrogen and one oxygen atom. D019141 - Respiratory System Agents > D018927 - Anti-Asthmatic Agents > D001993 - Bronchodilator Agents D018373 - Peripheral Nervous System Agents > D001337 - Autonomic Agents D018377 - Neurotransmitter Agents > D064426 - Gasotransmitters D000975 - Antioxidants > D016166 - Free Radical Scavengers D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants R - Respiratory system It is used as a food additive .
L-argininium(1+), also known as L-Arginine or DL Arginine acetate, monohydrate, is classified as a member of the L-alpha-amino acids. L-alpha-amino acids are alpha amino acids which have the L-configuration of the alpha-carbon atom. L-argininium(1+) is considered to be soluble (in water) and acidic COVID info from WikiPathways, PDB, Protein Data Bank Corona-virus Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 SARS-CoV COVID19 SARS2 SARS
COVID info from COVID-19 Disease Map Corona-virus Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 SARS-CoV COVID19 SARS2 SARS
Ferriheme b
COVID info from COVID-19 Disease Map Corona-virus Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 SARS-CoV COVID19 SARS2 SARS
hydrogen peroxide
A - Alimentary tract and metabolism > A01 - Stomatological preparations > A01A - Stomatological preparations > A01AB - Antiinfectives and antiseptics for local oral treatment An inorganic peroxide consisting of two hydroxy groups joined by a covalent oxygen-oxygen single bond. D - Dermatologicals > D08 - Antiseptics and disinfectants > D08A - Antiseptics and disinfectants S - Sensory organs > S02 - Otologicals > S02A - Antiinfectives > S02AA - Antiinfectives C254 - Anti-Infective Agent > C28394 - Topical Anti-Infective Agent D009676 - Noxae > D016877 - Oxidants > D010545 - Peroxides D000890 - Anti-Infective Agents
Carbon Dioxide
A one-carbon compound with formula CO2 in which the carbon is attached to each oxygen atom by a double bond. A colourless, odourless gas under normal conditions, it is produced during respiration by all animals, fungi and microorganisms that depend directly or indirectly on living or decaying plants for food. V - Various > V03 - All other therapeutic products > V03A - All other therapeutic products > V03AN - Medical gases
A chlorine oxoacid with formula HOCl; a weak, unstable acid, it is the active form of chlorine in water. D009676 - Noxae > D016877 - Oxidants
COVID info from PDB, Protein Data Bank, clinicaltrial, clinicaltrials, clinical trial, clinical trials An N-acetyl-D-glucosamine having beta-configuration at the anomeric centre. Corona-virus Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 SARS-CoV COVID19 SARS2 SARS
D009676 - Noxae > D016877 - Oxidants > D013481 - Superoxides D009676 - Noxae > D016877 - Oxidants > D010545 - Peroxides
D019141 - Respiratory System Agents > D018927 - Anti-Asthmatic Agents > D001993 - Bronchodilator Agents D006401 - Hematologic Agents > D010975 - Platelet Aggregation Inhibitors > D026403 - S-Nitrosothiols D002491 - Central Nervous System Agents > D018696 - Neuroprotective Agents D018373 - Peripheral Nervous System Agents > D001337 - Autonomic Agents D002317 - Cardiovascular Agents > D020030 - Nitric Oxide Donors D002317 - Cardiovascular Agents > D014665 - Vasodilator Agents D000890 - Anti-Infective Agents D020011 - Protective Agents Nitrosoglutathione (GSNO), a exogenous NO donor and a substrate for rat alcohol dehydrogenase class III isoenzyme, inhibits cerebrovascular angiotensin II-dependent and -independent AT1 receptor responses[1][2][3][4].