Ferrous cation (BioDeep_00000855540)
Metabolite Card
Formula: Fe+2 (55.9349)
Chinese Names:
Spectrum Hits:
Top Source Homo sapiens(blood) 100%
Molecular Structure
SMILES: [Fe+2]
InChI: InChI=1S/Fe/q+2
Cross Reference
Classification Terms
Related Pathways
- Metabolism
- Biological oxidations
- Phase I - Functionalization of compounds
- Metabolism of vitamins and cofactors
- Metabolism of fat-soluble vitamins
- Retinoid metabolism and transport
- Visual phototransduction
- Sensory Perception
- Metabolism of proteins
- Post-translational protein modification
- Gamma carboxylation, hypusinylation, hydroxylation, and arylsulfatase activation
- Disease
- Amino acid and derivative metabolism
- Metabolism of lipids
- Metabolism of steroids
- Metabolism of cofactors
- Ubiquinol biosynthesis
- Diseases of metabolism
- Histidine, lysine, phenylalanine, tyrosine, proline and tryptophan catabolism
- Transport of small molecules
- SLC-mediated transmembrane transport
- Transport of bile salts and organic acids, metal ions and amine compounds
- Developmental Biology
- Cytochrome P450 - arranged by substrate type
- DNA Repair
- DNA Damage Reversal
- Reversal of alkylation damage by DNA dioxygenases
- ALKBH2 mediated reversal of alkylation damage
- ALKBH3 mediated reversal of alkylation damage
- Signaling Pathways
- Cell Cycle
- Cell Cycle, Mitotic
- M Phase
- Mitotic Prophase
- Condensation of Prophase Chromosomes
- Maternal to zygotic transition (MZT)
- Chromatin modifications during the maternal to zygotic transition (MZT)
- Immune System
- Innate Immune System
- ROS and RNS production in phagocytes
- Events associated with phagocytolytic activity of PMN cells
- Nucleotide metabolism
- Disorders of transmembrane transporters
- SLC transporter disorders
- Biosynthesis of specialized proresolving mediators (SPMs)
- Fatty acid metabolism
- Tryptophan catabolism
- Bile acid and bile salt metabolism
- Synthesis of bile acids and bile salts
- Cellular responses to stimuli
- Cellular responses to stress
- Infectious disease
- Latent infection of Homo sapiens with Mycobacterium tuberculosis
- Latent infection - Other responses of Mtb to phagocytosis
- Tolerance of reactive oxygen produced by macrophages
- Gene expression (Transcription)
- Infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis
- Cellular response to chemical stress
- Cytoprotection by HMOX1
- Bacterial Infection Pathways
- Arachidonic acid metabolism
- Peroxisomal lipid metabolism
- Iron uptake and transport
- Heme synthesis
- Extracellular matrix organization
- Collagen formation
- Phenylalanine and tyrosine catabolism
- Sulfur amino acid metabolism
- Degradation of cysteine and homocysteine
- Metabolism of RNA
- tRNA processing
- tRNA modification in the nucleus and cytosol
- Phenylalanine and tyrosine metabolism
- Phenylalanine metabolism
- Porphyrin metabolism
- Heme biosynthesis
- Signaling by GPCR
- GPCR downstream signalling
- G alpha (i) signalling events
- Metal ion SLC transporters
- Sphingolipid metabolism
- Opioid Signalling
- DARPP-32 events
- Inositol phosphate metabolism
- Synthesis of IP2, IP, and Ins in the cytosol
- Metabolism of amine-derived hormones
- Sphingolipid de novo biosynthesis
- Tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) synthesis, recycling, salvage and regulation
- Tyrosine catabolism
- Alpha-oxidation of phytanate
- Heme degradation
- Mitochondrial iron-sulfur cluster biogenesis
- salvage pathways of pyrimidine ribonucleotides
- 4-hydroxyacetophenone degradation
- myricetin gentiobioside biosynthesis
- kaempferol gentiobioside biosynthesis
- N-acetylneuraminate and N-acetylmannosamine degradation I
- superpathway of b heme biosynthesis from glycine
- superpathway of L-phenylalanine biosynthesis
- superpathway of N-acetylglucosamine, N-acetylmannosamine and N-acetylneuraminate degradation
- superpathway of demethylmenaquinol-8 biosynthesis I
- superpathway of N-acetylneuraminate degradation
- lupanine biosynthesis
- superpathway of aromatic amino acid biosynthesis
- chorismate biosynthesis I
- sucrose degradation II (sucrose synthase)
- 2-carboxy-1,4-naphthoquinol biosynthesis
- superpathway of L-tyrosine biosynthesis
- superpathway of menaquinol-8 biosynthesis I
- superpathway of chorismate metabolism
- gallate degradation III (anaerobic)
- superpathway of betalain biosynthesis
- superpathway of L-tryptophan biosynthesis
- superpathway of anaerobic sucrose degradation
- quercetin gentiotetraside biosynthesis
- aromatic glucosinolate activation
- superpathway of tryptophan utilization
- superpathway of glycol metabolism and degradation
- heme b biosynthesis I (aerobic)
- glycogen degradation I
- protocatechuate degradation I (meta-cleavage pathway)
- superpathway of fucose and rhamnose degradation
- superpathway of polyamine biosynthesis I
- superpathway of arginine and polyamine biosynthesis
- L-arginine degradation VIII (arginine oxidase pathway)
- superpathway of aromatic compound degradation
- morphine biosynthesis
- 12-epi-hapalindole biosynthesis
- paerucumarin biosynthesis
- rhabduscin biosynthesis
- hapalindole H biosynthesis
- superpathway of dimethylsulfone degradation
- heme degradation VI
- 5,5'-dehydrodivanillate degradation
- caffeine degradation III (bacteria, via demethylation)
- 3-[(E)-2-isocyanoethenyl]-1H-indole biosynthesis
- dimethyl sulfide degradation I
- polymethylated quercetin glucoside biosynthesis I - quercetin series (Chrysosplenium)
- polymethylated quercetin glucoside biosynthesis II - quercetagetin series (Chrysosplenium)
- isoflavonoid biosynthesis II
- aflatoxins B1 and G1 biosynthesis
- superpathway of polymethylated quercetin/quercetagetin glucoside biosynthesis (Chrysosplenium)
- pentachlorophenol degradation
- ginsenosides biosynthesis
- hydroxycinnamic acid tyramine amides biosynthesis
- superpathay of heme b biosynthesis from glutamate
- berberine biosynthesis
- stachyose biosynthesis
- aromatic biogenic amine degradation (bacteria)
- curcumin degradation
- superpathway of microbial D-galacturonate and D-glucuronate degradation
- mixed acid fermentation
- 2-aminophenol degradation
- nicotine degradation II (pyrrolidine pathway)
- glycerol degradation III
- nicotinate degradation I
- streptomycin biosynthesis
- superpathway of CMP-sialic acids biosynthesis
- superpathway of glycerol degradation to 1,3-propanediol
- superpathway of proto- and siroheme biosynthesis
- vindoline and vinblastine biosynthesis
- heme degradation V
- superpathway of L-lysine degradation
- L-lysine fermentation to acetate and butanoate
- ammonia oxidation I (aerobic)
- scopoletin biosynthesis
- coumarins biosynthesis (engineered)
- 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetate degradation
- photosynthetic 3-hydroxybutanoate biosynthesis (engineered)
- superoxide radicals degradation
- reactive oxygen species degradation
- pentose phosphate pathway
- pentose phosphate pathway (non-oxidative branch)
- ethylene biosynthesis III (microbes)
- ethylene biosynthesis
- NAD/NADP-NADH/NADPH cytosolic interconversion (yeast)
- superpathway NAD/NADP - NADH/NADPH interconversion (yeast)
- spermidine biosynthesis I
- flavin biosynthesis II (archaea)
- UDP-α-D-glucose biosynthesis I
- superpathway NAD/NADP - NADH/NADPH interconversion
- NAD/NADP-NADH/NADPH cytosolic interconversion
- galactose degradation I (Leloir pathway)
- D-galactose degradation I (Leloir pathway)
- validamycin biosynthesis
- eupatolitin 3-O-glucoside biosynthesis
- heme biosynthesis II
- L-asparagine degradation I
- ammonia oxidation III
- ammonia oxidation IV (autotrophic ammonia oxidizers)
- nitrifier denitrification
- heme biosynthesis I
- heme biosynthesis from uroporphyrinogen-III II
- superpathway of cholesterol degradation II (cholesterol dehydrogenase)
- superpathway of cholesterol degradation I (cholesterol oxidase)
- volatile cinnamoic ester biosynthesis
- 5-deoxystrigol biosynthesis
- poly(3-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl-N-acetylgalactosamine 1-phosphate) wall teichoic acid biosynthesis
- L-lysine degradation IV
- L-lysine degradation III
- stephacidin A biosynthesis
- 2-nitrobenzoate degradation I
- procollagen hydroxylation and glycosylation
- ammonia assimilation cycle III
- rosmarinic acid biosynthesis II
- superpathway of heme b biosynthesis from uroporphyrinogen-III
- colanic acid building blocks biosynthesis
- CMP-N-acetylneuraminate biosynthesis I (eukaryotes)
- methyl indole-3-acetate interconversion
- suberin monomers biosynthesis
- L-glutamine degradation II
- superpathway of pyrimidine deoxyribonucleosides degradation
- superpathway of rosmarinic acid biosynthesis
- L-lysine degradation IX
- 3-amino-5-hydroxybenzoate biosynthesis
- L-glutamate and L-glutamine biosynthesis
- 2-oxobutanoate degradation I
- superpathway of purine deoxyribonucleosides degradation
- L-carnitine degradation III
- superpathway of purine nucleotides de novo biosynthesis I
- methylgallate degradation
- 4-amino-3-hydroxybenzoate degradation
- superpathway of aromatic compound degradation via 2-hydroxypentadienoate
- purine nucleobases degradation I (anaerobic)
- purine nucleobases degradation II (anaerobic)
- superpathway of aromatic compound degradation via 3-oxoadipate
- 3-phenylpropanoate and 3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)propanoate degradation
- nitrilotriacetate degradation
- norspermidine biosynthesis
- superpathway of polyamine biosynthesis III
- superpathway of rifamycin B biosynthesis
- novobiocin biosynthesis
- superpathway of penicillin, cephalosporin and cephamycin biosynthesis
- starch degradation III
- L-valine biosynthesis
- deacetylcephalosporin C biosynthesis
- CDP-D-arabitol biosynthesis
- L-histidine biosynthesis
- gentisate degradation II
- pectin degradation I
- UDP-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine biosynthesis II
- phosphinothricin tripeptide biosynthesis
- L-arginine biosynthesis I (via L-ornithine)
- L-threonine degradation II
- L-threonine degradation III (to methylglyoxal)
- meta cleavage pathway of aromatic compounds
- superpathway of β-D-glucuronosides degradation
- flaviolin dimer and mompain biosynthesis
- glycolysis V (Pyrococcus)
- L-rhamnose degradation II
- catechol degradation II (meta-cleavage pathway)
- catechol degradation I (meta-cleavage pathway)
- L-ornithine biosynthesis I
- glycogen biosynthesis I (from ADP-D-Glucose)
- androstenedione degradation
- superpathway of D-glucarate and D-galactarate degradation
- superpathway of UDP-glucose-derived O-antigen building blocks biosynthesis
- aminopropanol phosphate biosynthesis II
- D-galacturonate degradation I
- D-fructuronate degradation
- betalamic acid biosynthesis
- superpathway of hexuronide and hexuronate degradation
- superpathway of L-threonine metabolism
- L-carnitine biosynthesis
- (S)-reticuline biosynthesis I
- glucose and glucose-1-phosphate degradation
- 2'-deoxy-α-D-ribose 1-phosphate degradation
- superpathway of L-methionine salvage and degradation
- 3-dehydroquinate biosynthesis I
- L-isoleucine biosynthesis II
- epoxypseudoisoeugenol-2-methylbutanoate biosynthesis
- ethanol degradation I
- ethanolamine utilization
- L-threonine degradation IV
- pyruvate fermentation to ethanol I
- pyrimidine nucleobases salvage II
- t-anethole biosynthesis
- trehalose biosynthesis V
- 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetate degradation
- coenzyme M biosynthesis I
- benzene degradation
- stipitatate biosynthesis
- phytate degradation I
- umbelliferone biosynthesis
- L-methionine salvage cycle I (bacteria and plants)
- hyperforin and adhyperforin biosynthesis
- anthocyanin biosynthesis (pelargonidin 3-O-glucoside)
- superpathway of gibberellin biosynthesis
- quercetin gentiotetraside biosynthesis
- kaempferol gentiobioside biosynthesis
- superpathway of betalain biosynthesis
- flavonol glucosylation I
- myricetin gentiobioside biosynthesis
- lupanine biosynthesis
- superpathway of anaerobic sucrose degradation
- sucrose degradation II (sucrose synthase)
- hydroxycinnamic acid tyramine amides biosynthesis
- luteolin biosynthesis
- morphine biosynthesis
- polymethylated quercetin glucoside biosynthesis I - quercetin series (Chrysosplenium)
- polymethylated quercetin glucoside biosynthesis II - quercetagetin series (Chrysosplenium)
- superpathway of polymethylated quercetin/quercetagetin glucoside biosynthesis (Chrysosplenium)
- gibberellin biosynthesis II (early C-3 hydroxylation)
- superpathway of proto- and siroheme biosynthesis
- stachyose biosynthesis
- berberine biosynthesis
- vindoline, vindorosine and vinblastine biosynthesis
- coumarins biosynthesis (engineered)
- reactive oxygen species degradation
- eupatolitin 3-O-glucoside biosynthesis
- volatile cinnamoic ester biosynthesis
- 5-deoxystrigol biosynthesis
- methyl indole-3-acetate interconversion
- (S)-reticuline biosynthesis I
- suberin monomers biosynthesis
- rosmarinic acid biosynthesis II
- superpathway of rosmarinic acid biosynthesis
- betalamic acid biosynthesis
- chrysin biosynthesis
- phytate degradation I
Biological Process
574 related biological process reactions.
- Metabolism:
3alpha,7alpha,12alpha-trihydroxy-5beta-cholest-24-one-CoA + CoA-SH ⟶ choloyl-CoA + propionyl CoA
- Porphyrin metabolism:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Heme degradation:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Transport of small molecules:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Iron uptake and transport:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Cellular responses to stimuli:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Cellular responses to stress:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Cellular responses to stimuli:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Cellular responses to stress:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Transport of small molecules:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Iron uptake and transport:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Metabolism:
1-3-oxo-THA-CoA + CoA-SH ⟶ DHA-CoA + propionyl CoA
- Porphyrin metabolism:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Heme degradation:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Cellular responses to stimuli:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Cellular responses to stress:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Transport of small molecules:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Iron uptake and transport:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Metabolism:
1-3-oxo-THA-CoA + CoA-SH ⟶ DHA-CoA + propionyl CoA
- Porphyrin metabolism:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Heme degradation:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Cellular responses to stimuli:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Cellular responses to stress:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Transport of small molecules:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Iron uptake and transport:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Metabolism:
1-3-oxo-THA-CoA + CoA-SH ⟶ DHA-CoA + propionyl CoA
- Porphyrin metabolism:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Heme degradation:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Metabolism:
2MACA-CoA + CoA ⟶ Ac-CoA + PROP-CoA
- Porphyrin metabolism:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Heme degradation:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Transport of small molecules:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Iron uptake and transport:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Cellular responses to stimuli:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Cellular responses to stress:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Transport of small molecules:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Iron uptake and transport:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Metabolism:
3alpha,7alpha,12alpha-trihydroxy-5beta-cholest-24-one-CoA + CoA-SH ⟶ choloyl-CoA + propionyl CoA
- Porphyrin metabolism:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Heme degradation:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Cellular responses to stimuli:
BIL:ALB + O2.- ⟶ ALB + BV
- Cellular responses to stress:
BIL:ALB + O2.- ⟶ ALB + BV
- Metabolism:
1-3-oxo-THA-CoA + CoA-SH ⟶ DHA-CoA + propionyl CoA
- Porphyrin metabolism:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Heme degradation:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Transport of small molecules:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Iron uptake and transport:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Cellular responses to stimuli:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Cellular responses to stress:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Metabolism:
2MACA-CoA + CoA ⟶ Ac-CoA + PROP-CoA
- Porphyrin metabolism:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Heme degradation:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Cellular responses to stimuli:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Cellular responses to stress:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Transport of small molecules:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Iron uptake and transport:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Cellular responses to stimuli:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Cellular responses to stress:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Metabolism:
ATP + PROP-CoA + carbon dioxide ⟶ ADP + MEMA-CoA + Pi
- Porphyrin metabolism:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Heme degradation:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Transport of small molecules:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Iron uptake and transport:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Metabolism:
1-3-oxo-THA-CoA + CoA-SH ⟶ DHA-CoA + propionyl CoA
- Porphyrin metabolism:
- Heme degradation:
- Cellular responses to stimuli:
- Cellular responses to stress:
- Transport of small molecules:
ATP + CHOL + H2O ⟶ ADP + CHOL + Pi
- Iron uptake and transport:
- Cellular response to chemical stress:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Cytoprotection by HMOX1:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Cellular response to chemical stress:
- Cytoprotection by HMOX1:
- Cellular response to chemical stress:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Cytoprotection by HMOX1:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Cellular response to chemical stress:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Cytoprotection by HMOX1:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Cellular response to chemical stress:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Cytoprotection by HMOX1:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Cellular response to chemical stress:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Cytoprotection by HMOX1:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Cellular response to chemical stress:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Cytoprotection by HMOX1:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Cellular response to chemical stress:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Cytoprotection by HMOX1:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Cellular response to chemical stress:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Cytoprotection by HMOX1:
Oxygen + TPNH + heme ⟶ BV + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + TPN
- Cellular response to chemical stress:
BIL:ALB + O2.- ⟶ ALB + BV
- Cytoprotection by HMOX1:
BIL:ALB + O2.- ⟶ ALB + BV
- Cell Cycle:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Cell Cycle, Mitotic:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- M Phase:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Mitotic Prophase:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Condensation of Prophase Chromosomes:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- DNA Repair:
MUTYH:(8oxoG:Ade)-dsDNA ⟶ Ade + MUTYH:AP-dsDNA
- DNA Damage Reversal:
2OG + Fe2+ + N6-methyladenosine ⟶ CH2O + SUCCA + adenosine + carbon dioxide
- Reversal of alkylation damage by DNA dioxygenases:
2OG + Fe2+ + N6-methyladenosine ⟶ CH2O + SUCCA + adenosine + carbon dioxide
- Cell Cycle:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Cell Cycle, Mitotic:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- M Phase:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Mitotic Prophase:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Condensation of Prophase Chromosomes:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- DNA Repair:
MUTYH:(8oxoG:Ade)-dsDNA ⟶ Ade + MUTYH:AP-dsDNA
- DNA Damage Reversal:
2OG + Fe2+ + N6-methyladenosine ⟶ CH2O + SUCCA + adenosine + carbon dioxide
- Reversal of alkylation damage by DNA dioxygenases:
2OG + Fe2+ + N6-methyladenosine ⟶ CH2O + SUCCA + adenosine + carbon dioxide
- Cell Cycle:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Cell Cycle, Mitotic:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- M Phase:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Mitotic Prophase:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Condensation of Prophase Chromosomes:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- DNA Repair:
MUTYH:(8oxoG:Ade)-dsDNA ⟶ Ade + MUTYH:AP-dsDNA
- DNA Damage Reversal:
2OG + Fe2+ + N6-methyladenosine ⟶ CH2O + SUCCA + adenosine + carbon dioxide
- Reversal of alkylation damage by DNA dioxygenases:
2OG + Fe2+ + N6-methyladenosine ⟶ CH2O + SUCCA + adenosine + carbon dioxide
- Cell Cycle:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Cell Cycle, Mitotic:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- M Phase:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Mitotic Prophase:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Condensation of Prophase Chromosomes:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Cell Cycle:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Cell Cycle, Mitotic:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- M Phase:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Mitotic Prophase:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Condensation of Prophase Chromosomes:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Cell Cycle:
H2O + NAD + Q8MQX9 ⟶ 2'-O-acetyl-ADP-ribose + NAM + Q8MQX9
- Cell Cycle, Mitotic:
H2O + NAD + Q8MQX9 ⟶ 2'-O-acetyl-ADP-ribose + NAM + Q8MQX9
- M Phase:
H2O + NAD + Q8MQX9 ⟶ 2'-O-acetyl-ADP-ribose + NAM + Q8MQX9
- Mitotic Prophase:
Ca2+ + DAG ⟶ DAG:active PKC:Ca+2
- Cell Cycle:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Cell Cycle, Mitotic:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- M Phase:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Mitotic Prophase:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Condensation of Prophase Chromosomes:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- DNA Repair:
MUTYH:(8oxoG:Ade)-dsDNA ⟶ Ade + MUTYH:AP-dsDNA
- DNA Damage Reversal:
2OG + Fe2+ + N6-methyladenosine ⟶ CH2O + SUCCA + adenosine + carbon dioxide
- Reversal of alkylation damage by DNA dioxygenases:
2OG + Fe2+ + N6-methyladenosine ⟶ CH2O + SUCCA + adenosine + carbon dioxide
- DNA Repair:
MUTYH:(8oxoG:Ade)-dsDNA ⟶ Ade + MUTYH:AP-dsDNA
- DNA Damage Reversal:
2OG + Fe2+ + N6-methyladenosine ⟶ CH2O + SUCCA + adenosine + carbon dioxide
- Reversal of alkylation damage by DNA dioxygenases:
2OG + Fe2+ + N6-methyladenosine ⟶ CH2O + SUCCA + adenosine + carbon dioxide
- ALKBH2 mediated reversal of alkylation damage:
2OG + ALKBH2:Fe2+:1-meA-dsDNA + Oxygen ⟶ ALKBH2:Fe2+ + CH2O + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- ALKBH3 mediated reversal of alkylation damage:
2OG + ALKBH3:Fe2+:ASCC1:ASCC2:ASCC3:1-meA-dsDNA + Oxygen ⟶ ALKBH3:Fe2+:ASCC1:ASCC2:ASCC3 + CH2O + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Cell Cycle:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Cell Cycle, Mitotic:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- M Phase:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Mitotic Prophase:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Condensation of Prophase Chromosomes:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- DNA Repair:
MUTYH:(8oxoG:Ade)-dsDNA ⟶ Ade + MUTYH:AP-dsDNA
- DNA Damage Reversal:
2OG + Fe2+ + N6-methyladenosine ⟶ CH2O + SUCCA + adenosine + carbon dioxide
- Reversal of alkylation damage by DNA dioxygenases:
2OG + Fe2+ + N6-methyladenosine ⟶ CH2O + SUCCA + adenosine + carbon dioxide
- Cell Cycle:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Cell Cycle, Mitotic:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- M Phase:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Mitotic Prophase:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Condensation of Prophase Chromosomes:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Cell Cycle:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Cell Cycle, Mitotic:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- M Phase:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Mitotic Prophase:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Condensation of Prophase Chromosomes:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- DNA Repair:
MUTYH:(8oxoG:Ade)-dsDNA ⟶ Ade + MUTYH:AP-dsDNA
- DNA Damage Reversal:
2OG + Fe2+ + N6-methyladenosine ⟶ CH2O + SUCCA + adenosine + carbon dioxide
- Reversal of alkylation damage by DNA dioxygenases:
2OG + Fe2+ + N6-methyladenosine ⟶ CH2O + SUCCA + adenosine + carbon dioxide
- Cell Cycle:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Cell Cycle, Mitotic:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- M Phase:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Mitotic Prophase:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Condensation of Prophase Chromosomes:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Cell Cycle:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Cell Cycle, Mitotic:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- M Phase:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Mitotic Prophase:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Condensation of Prophase Chromosomes:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Cell Cycle:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Cell Cycle, Mitotic:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- M Phase:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Mitotic Prophase:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Condensation of Prophase Chromosomes:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- DNA Repair:
MUTYH:(8oxoG:Ade)-dsDNA ⟶ Ade + MUTYH:AP-dsDNA
- DNA Damage Reversal:
2OG + Fe2+ + N6-methyladenosine ⟶ CH2O + SUCCA + adenosine + carbon dioxide
- Reversal of alkylation damage by DNA dioxygenases:
2OG + Fe2+ + N6-methyladenosine ⟶ CH2O + SUCCA + adenosine + carbon dioxide
- DNA Repair:
MUTYH:(8oxoG:Ade)-dsDNA ⟶ Ade + MUTYH:AP-dsDNA
- DNA Damage Reversal:
2OG + Fe2+ + N6-methyladenosine ⟶ CH2O + SUCCA + adenosine + carbon dioxide
- Reversal of alkylation damage by DNA dioxygenases:
2OG + Fe2+ + N6-methyladenosine ⟶ CH2O + SUCCA + adenosine + carbon dioxide
- Cell Cycle:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Cell Cycle, Mitotic:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- M Phase:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Mitotic Prophase:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Condensation of Prophase Chromosomes:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Condensation of Prophase Chromosomes:
2OG + Oxygen + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3:H4K20me1 ⟶ CH2O + PHF8:Nucleosome with H3K4me2/3 + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Extracellular matrix organization:
2OG + Oxygen + Prolyl 3-hydroxylases:Fe2+:4-Hyp collagen propeptides ⟶ Prolyl 3-hydroxylases:Fe2+:3,4-Hyp collagen propeptides + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Collagen formation:
2OG + Oxygen + Prolyl 3-hydroxylases:Fe2+:4-Hyp collagen propeptides ⟶ Prolyl 3-hydroxylases:Fe2+:3,4-Hyp collagen propeptides + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Collagen biosynthesis and modifying enzymes:
2OG + Oxygen + Prolyl 3-hydroxylases:Fe2+:4-Hyp collagen propeptides ⟶ Prolyl 3-hydroxylases:Fe2+:3,4-Hyp collagen propeptides + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Extracellular matrix organization:
5PHL + H2O ⟶ 2AMAS + Pi + ammonia
- Collagen formation:
2OG + Lysyl hydroxylases:Lysyl hydroxylase procollagen substrates + Oxygen ⟶ Lysyl hydroxylases:Lysyl hydroxylated collagen propeptides + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Collagen biosynthesis and modifying enzymes:
2OG + Lysyl hydroxylases:Lysyl hydroxylase procollagen substrates + Oxygen ⟶ Lysyl hydroxylases:Lysyl hydroxylated collagen propeptides + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Extracellular matrix organization:
5PHL + H2O ⟶ 2AMAS + Pi + ammonia
- Collagen formation:
H2O + Oxygen ⟶ H2O2 + ammonia
- Collagen biosynthesis and modifying enzymes:
2OG + Lysyl hydroxylases:Lysyl hydroxylase procollagen substrates + Oxygen ⟶ Lysyl hydroxylases:Lysyl hydroxylated collagen propeptides + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Extracellular matrix organization:
4-Hyp collagen propeptides + Prolyl 3-hydroxylases:Fe2+ ⟶ Prolyl 3-hydroxylases:Fe2+:4-Hyp collagen propeptides
- Collagen formation:
4-Hyp collagen propeptides + Prolyl 3-hydroxylases:Fe2+ ⟶ Prolyl 3-hydroxylases:Fe2+:4-Hyp collagen propeptides
- Collagen biosynthesis and modifying enzymes:
4-Hyp collagen propeptides + Prolyl 3-hydroxylases:Fe2+ ⟶ Prolyl 3-hydroxylases:Fe2+:4-Hyp collagen propeptides
- Extracellular matrix organization:
4-Hyp collagen propeptides + Prolyl 3-hydroxylases:Fe2+ ⟶ Prolyl 3-hydroxylases:Fe2+:4-Hyp collagen propeptides
- Collagen formation:
4-Hyp collagen propeptides + Prolyl 3-hydroxylases:Fe2+ ⟶ Prolyl 3-hydroxylases:Fe2+:4-Hyp collagen propeptides
- Collagen biosynthesis and modifying enzymes:
4-Hyp collagen propeptides + Prolyl 3-hydroxylases:Fe2+ ⟶ Prolyl 3-hydroxylases:Fe2+:4-Hyp collagen propeptides
- Extracellular matrix organization:
4-Hyp collagen propeptides + Prolyl 3-hydroxylases:Fe2+ ⟶ Prolyl 3-hydroxylases:Fe2+:4-Hyp collagen propeptides
- Collagen formation:
4-Hyp collagen propeptides + Prolyl 3-hydroxylases:Fe2+ ⟶ Prolyl 3-hydroxylases:Fe2+:4-Hyp collagen propeptides
- Collagen biosynthesis and modifying enzymes:
4-Hyp collagen propeptides + Prolyl 3-hydroxylases:Fe2+ ⟶ Prolyl 3-hydroxylases:Fe2+:4-Hyp collagen propeptides
- Extracellular matrix organization:
4-Hyp collagen propeptides + Prolyl 3-hydroxylases:Fe2+ ⟶ Prolyl 3-hydroxylases:Fe2+:4-Hyp collagen propeptides
- Collagen formation:
4-Hyp collagen propeptides + Prolyl 3-hydroxylases:Fe2+ ⟶ Prolyl 3-hydroxylases:Fe2+:4-Hyp collagen propeptides
- Collagen biosynthesis and modifying enzymes:
4-Hyp collagen propeptides + Prolyl 3-hydroxylases:Fe2+ ⟶ Prolyl 3-hydroxylases:Fe2+:4-Hyp collagen propeptides
- Metabolism of vitamins and cofactors:
H2O + Oxygen + PXL ⟶ H2O2 + PDXate
- Metabolism of cofactors:
dihydrobiopterin + p-S1177-eNOS:CaM:HSP90:p-AKT1:BH4 ⟶ Tetrahydrobiopterin + p-S1177-eNOS:CaM:HSP90:p-AKT1:BH2
- Tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) synthesis, recycling, salvage and regulation:
dihydrobiopterin + p-S1177-eNOS:CaM:HSP90:p-AKT1:BH4 ⟶ Tetrahydrobiopterin + p-S1177-eNOS:CaM:HSP90:p-AKT1:BH2
- Heme biosynthesis:
Oxygen + coproporphyrinogen III ⟶ H2O2 + carbon dioxide + protoporphyrinogen
- Metabolism:
3alpha,7alpha,12alpha-trihydroxy-5beta-cholest-24-one-CoA + CoA-SH ⟶ choloyl-CoA + propionyl CoA
- Porphyrin metabolism:
- Heme biosynthesis:
Fe2+ + protoporphyrin ⟶ H+ + heme
- Heme biosynthesis:
Oxygen + coproporphyrinogen III ⟶ H2O2 + carbon dioxide + protoporphyrinogen
- Heme biosynthesis:
Oxygen + coproporphyrinogen III ⟶ H2O2 + carbon dioxide + protoporphyrinogen
- Metabolism:
ATP + PROP-CoA + carbon dioxide ⟶ ADP + MEMA-CoA + Pi
- Porphyrin metabolism:
BIL + Homologues of GSTA1 ⟶ BIL:GSTA1, FABP1
- Heme biosynthesis:
Oxygen + coproporphyrinogen III ⟶ H2O2 + carbon dioxide + protoporphyrinogen
- Heme biosynthesis:
Oxygen + coproporphyrinogen III ⟶ H2O2 + carbon dioxide + protoporphyrinogen
- Heme biosynthesis:
Oxygen + coproporphyrinogen III ⟶ H2O2 + carbon dioxide + protoporphyrinogen
- Heme biosynthesis:
Oxygen + coproporphyrinogen III ⟶ H2O2 + carbon dioxide + protoporphyrinogen
- Heme biosynthesis:
Oxygen + coproporphyrinogen III ⟶ H2O2 + carbon dioxide + protoporphyrinogen
- Metabolism:
2MACA-CoA + CoA ⟶ Ac-CoA + PROP-CoA
- Porphyrin metabolism:
- Heme biosynthesis:
Oxygen + coproporphyrinogen III ⟶ H2O2 + carbon dioxide + protoporphyrinogen
- Heme biosynthesis:
Oxygen + coproporphyrinogen III ⟶ H2O2 + carbon dioxide + protoporphyrinogen
- Metabolism:
CAR + propionyl CoA ⟶ CoA-SH + Propionylcarnitine
- Porphyrin metabolism:
- Heme biosynthesis:
Oxygen + coproporphyrinogen III ⟶ H2O2 + carbon dioxide + protoporphyrinogen
- Metabolism:
- Porphyrin metabolism:
Oxygen + coproporphyrinogen III ⟶ H2O2 + carbon dioxide + protoporphyrinogen
- Heme biosynthesis:
Oxygen + coproporphyrinogen III ⟶ H2O2 + carbon dioxide + protoporphyrinogen
- Heme biosynthesis:
Oxygen + coproporphyrinogen III ⟶ H2O2 + carbon dioxide + protoporphyrinogen
- Extracellular matrix organization:
5PHL + H2O ⟶ 2AMAS + Pi + ammonia
- Collagen formation:
2OG + Lysyl hydroxylases:Lysyl hydroxylase procollagen substrates + Oxygen ⟶ Lysyl hydroxylases:Lysyl hydroxylated collagen propeptides + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Collagen biosynthesis and modifying enzymes:
2OG + Lysyl hydroxylases:Lysyl hydroxylase procollagen substrates + Oxygen ⟶ Lysyl hydroxylases:Lysyl hydroxylated collagen propeptides + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Extracellular matrix organization:
Prolyl 3-hydroxylases:Fe2+ ⟶ Prolyl 3-hydroxylases:Fe2+:4-Hyp collagen propeptides
- Collagen formation:
Prolyl 3-hydroxylases:Fe2+ ⟶ Prolyl 3-hydroxylases:Fe2+:4-Hyp collagen propeptides
- Collagen biosynthesis and modifying enzymes:
Prolyl 3-hydroxylases:Fe2+ ⟶ Prolyl 3-hydroxylases:Fe2+:4-Hyp collagen propeptides
- Extracellular matrix organization:
5PHL + H2O ⟶ 2AMAS + Pi + ammonia
- Collagen formation:
2OG + Lysyl hydroxylases:Lysyl hydroxylase procollagen substrates + Oxygen ⟶ Lysyl hydroxylases:Lysyl hydroxylated collagen propeptides + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Collagen biosynthesis and modifying enzymes:
2OG + Lysyl hydroxylases:Lysyl hydroxylase procollagen substrates + Oxygen ⟶ Lysyl hydroxylases:Lysyl hydroxylated collagen propeptides + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Extracellular matrix organization:
2OG + Oxygen + Prolyl 3-hydroxylases:Fe2+:4-Hyp collagen propeptides ⟶ Prolyl 3-hydroxylases:Fe2+:3,4-Hyp collagen propeptides + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Collagen formation:
2OG + Oxygen + Prolyl 3-hydroxylases:Fe2+:4-Hyp collagen propeptides ⟶ Prolyl 3-hydroxylases:Fe2+:3,4-Hyp collagen propeptides + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Collagen biosynthesis and modifying enzymes:
2OG + Oxygen + Prolyl 3-hydroxylases:Fe2+:4-Hyp collagen propeptides ⟶ Prolyl 3-hydroxylases:Fe2+:3,4-Hyp collagen propeptides + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Collagen formation:
2OG + Lysyl hydroxylases:Lysyl hydroxylase procollagen substrates + Oxygen ⟶ Lysyl hydroxylases:Lysyl hydroxylated collagen propeptides + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Collagen biosynthesis and modifying enzymes:
2OG + Lysyl hydroxylases:Lysyl hydroxylase procollagen substrates + Oxygen ⟶ Lysyl hydroxylases:Lysyl hydroxylated collagen propeptides + SUCCA + carbon dioxide
- Signaling Pathways:
ADORA2A,B + Ade-Rib ⟶ ADORA2A,B:Ade-Rib
- Signaling by GPCR:
ADORA2A,B + Ade-Rib ⟶ ADORA2A,B:Ade-Rib
- GPCR downstream signalling:
H2O + cAMP ⟶ AMP
- G alpha (i) signalling events:
ATP ⟶ PPi + cAMP
- Opioid Signalling:
ATP ⟶ PPi + cAMP
- DARPP-32 events:
H2O + cAMP ⟶ AMP
- Signaling Pathways:
AcK685- p-Y705,S727-STAT3 dimer + H2O ⟶ CH3COO- + p-Y705,S727-STAT3 dimer
- Signaling by GPCR:
ADORA1,3 + Ade-Rib ⟶ ADORA1,3:Ade-Rib
- GPCR downstream signalling:
Heterotrimeric G-protein Gi (inactive) + Ligand:GPCR complexes that activate Gi ⟶ Ligand:GPCR complexes that activate Gi:Heterotrimeric G-protein Gi (inactive)
- G alpha (i) signalling events:
Heterotrimeric G-protein Gi (inactive) + Ligand:GPCR complexes that activate Gi ⟶ Ligand:GPCR complexes that activate Gi:Heterotrimeric G-protein Gi (inactive)
- Opioid Signalling:
PKA tetramer + cAMP ⟶ PKA tetramer:4xcAMP
- DARPP-32 events:
PKA tetramer + cAMP ⟶ PKA tetramer:4xcAMP
- Signaling Pathways:
AcK685- p-Y705,S727-STAT3 dimer + H2O ⟶ CH3COO- + p-Y705,S727-STAT3 dimer
- Signaling by GPCR:
ADORA1,3 + Ade-Rib ⟶ ADORA1,3:Ade-Rib
- GPCR downstream signalling:
Heterotrimeric G-protein Gi (inactive) + Ligand:GPCR complexes that activate Gi ⟶ Ligand:GPCR complexes that activate Gi:Heterotrimeric G-protein Gi (inactive)
- G alpha (i) signalling events:
Heterotrimeric G-protein Gi (inactive) + Ligand:GPCR complexes that activate Gi ⟶ Ligand:GPCR complexes that activate Gi:Heterotrimeric G-protein Gi (inactive)
- Opioid Signalling:
PKA tetramer + cAMP ⟶ PKA tetramer:4xcAMP
- DARPP-32 events:
PKA tetramer + cAMP ⟶ PKA tetramer:4xcAMP
- Signaling Pathways:
AcK685- p-Y705,S727-STAT3 dimer + H2O ⟶ CH3COO- + p-Y705,S727-STAT3 dimer
- Signaling by GPCR:
ADORA2A,B + Ade-Rib ⟶ ADORA2A,B:Ade-Rib
- GPCR downstream signalling:
Heterotrimeric G-protein Gi (inactive) + Ligand:GPCR complexes that activate Gi ⟶ Ligand:GPCR complexes that activate Gi:Heterotrimeric G-protein Gi (inactive)
- G alpha (i) signalling events:
Heterotrimeric G-protein Gi (inactive) + Ligand:GPCR complexes that activate Gi ⟶ Ligand:GPCR complexes that activate Gi:Heterotrimeric G-protein Gi (inactive)
- Opioid Signalling:
PKA tetramer + cAMP ⟶ PKA tetramer:4xcAMP
- DARPP-32 events:
PKA tetramer + cAMP ⟶ PKA tetramer:4xcAMP
- Signaling Pathways:
AcK685- p-Y705,S727-STAT3 dimer + H2O ⟶ CH3COO- + p-Y705,S727-STAT3 dimer
- Signaling by GPCR:
ADORA1,3 + Ade-Rib ⟶ ADORA1,3:Ade-Rib
- GPCR downstream signalling:
PKA tetramer + cAMP ⟶ PKA tetramer:4xcAMP
- G alpha (i) signalling events:
PKA tetramer + cAMP ⟶ PKA tetramer:4xcAMP
- Opioid Signalling:
PKA tetramer + cAMP ⟶ PKA tetramer:4xcAMP
- DARPP-32 events:
PKA tetramer + cAMP ⟶ PKA tetramer:4xcAMP
- Signaling Pathways:
AcK685- p-Y705,S727-STAT3 dimer + H2O ⟶ CH3COO- + p-Y705,S727-STAT3 dimer
- Signaling by GPCR:
ADORA1,3 + Ade-Rib ⟶ ADORA1,3:Ade-Rib
- GPCR downstream signalling:
Heterotrimeric G-protein Gi (inactive) + Ligand:GPCR complexes that activate Gi ⟶ Ligand:GPCR complexes that activate Gi:Heterotrimeric G-protein Gi (inactive)
- G alpha (i) signalling events:
Heterotrimeric G-protein Gi (inactive) + Ligand:GPCR complexes that activate Gi ⟶ Ligand:GPCR complexes that activate Gi:Heterotrimeric G-protein Gi (inactive)
- Opioid Signalling:
ATP ⟶ PPi + cAMP
- DARPP-32 events:
H2O + cAMP ⟶ AMP
- Metabolism:
H2O + PBG ⟶ HMBL + ammonia
- Heme synthesis:
H2O + PBG ⟶ HMBL + ammonia
- Immune System:
Rap1 cAMP-GEFs + cAMP ⟶ Rap1 cAMP-GEFs:cAMP
- Innate Immune System:
TLR4:TLR6 + oxLDL:CD36 ⟶ TLR4:TLR6:CD36:oxLDL
- ROS and RNS production in phagocytes:
H+ + O2.- ⟶ H2O2
- Latent infection of Homo sapiens with Mycobacterium tuberculosis:
H+ + MSH + NADH + nitrosomycothiol ⟶ H2O + MSSM + NAD + ammonia
- heme degradation I:
H+ + O2 + a reduced [NADPH-hemoprotein reductase] + ferroheme b ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized [NADPH-hemoprotein reductase]
- heme degradation III:
A(H2) + H+ + O2 + ferroheme b ⟶ A + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + biliverdin-IX δ
- heme degradation II:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + ferroheme b ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- heme degradation I:
H+ + O2 + a reduced [NADPH-hemoprotein reductase] + ferroheme b ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized [NADPH-hemoprotein reductase]
- phycoerythrobilin biosynthesis II:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + ferroheme b ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phycoviolobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + ferroheme b ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phycoerythrobilin biosynthesis I:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + ferroheme b ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phycourobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + ferroheme b ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + ferroheme b ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phycocyanobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + ferroheme b ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + ferroheme b ⟶ CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + biliverdin-IX-α
- heme degradation:
A(H2) + O2 + protoheme IX ⟶ A + Fe2+ + H2O + biliverdin-IX-α + carbon monoxide
- heme degradation:
H+ + O2 + a reduced [NADPH-hemoprotein reductase] + ferroheme b ⟶ Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized [NADPH-hemoprotein reductase] + biliverdin-IX-α + carbon monoxide
- phycocyanobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced [NADPH-hemoprotein reductase] + ferroheme b ⟶ Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized [NADPH-hemoprotein reductase] + biliverdin-IX-α + carbon monoxide
- heme degradation:
A(H2) + H+ + O2 + protoheme IX ⟶ A + Fe2+ + H2O + biliverdin-IX-α + carbon monoxide
- phycoerythrobilin biosynthesis:
A(H2) + H+ + O2 + protoheme IX ⟶ A + Fe2+ + H2O + biliverdin-IX-α + carbon monoxide
- phycocyanobilin biosynthesis:
A(H2) + H+ + O2 + protoheme IX ⟶ A + Fe2+ + H2O + biliverdin-IX-α + carbon monoxide
- heme degradation VI:
A(H2) + H+ + O2 + ferroheme b ⟶ β-staphylobilin + A + Fe2+ + H2O + formaldehyde
- heme degradation VI:
A(H2) + H+ + O2 + ferroheme b ⟶ δ-staphylobilin + A + Fe2+ + H2O + formaldehyde
- sulfur oxidation II (Fe+3-dependent):
Fe3+ + H2O + sulfite ⟶ Fe2+ + H+ + sulfate
- superpathway of sulfide oxidation (Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans):
Fe3+ + H2O + sulfite ⟶ Fe2+ + H+ + sulfate
- heme biosynthesis:
O2 + protoporphyrinogen IX ⟶ hydrogen peroxide + protoporphyrin IX
- heme biosynthesis from uroporphyrinogen-III II:
H+ + uroporphyrinogen-III ⟶ CO2 + coproporphyrinogen III
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
hydrogen peroxide ⟶ H2O + O2
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
glutathione + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ GSSG + H2O
- ethylene biosynthesis III (microbes):
4-(methylsulfanyl)-2-oxobutanoate + hydroxyl radical ⟶ CO2 + ethene + methanethiol
- ethylene biosynthesis:
H+ + superoxide ⟶ O2 + hydrogen peroxide
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
Fe2+ + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ Fe3+ + OH- + hydroxyl radical
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
H+ + superoxide ⟶ O2 + hydrogen peroxide
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
Fe2+ + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ Fe3+ + OH- + hydroxyl radical
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
Fe2+ + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ Fe3+ + OH- + hydroxyl radical
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
Fe2+ + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ Fe3+ + OH- + hydroxyl radical
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
Fe2+ + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ Fe3+ + OH- + hydroxyl radical
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
H+ + superoxide ⟶ O2 + hydrogen peroxide
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
glutathione + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ GSSG + H2O
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
glutathione + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ GSSG + H2O
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
H+ + superoxide ⟶ O2 + hydrogen peroxide
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
glutathione + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ GSSG + H2O
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
Fe2+ + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ Fe3+ + OH- + hydroxyl radical
- heme degradation V:
δ-anaerubin + NADP+ ⟶ H+ + NADPH + anaerobilin
- heme degradation VII:
A(H2) + H+ + O2 + ferroheme b ⟶ A + Fe2+ + H2O + mycobilin b
- heme degradation VII:
A(H2) + H+ + O2 + ferroheme b ⟶ A + Fe2+ + H2O + mycobilin b
- lipoate biosynthesis and incorporation II:
ATP + a [lipoyl-carrier protein]-L-lysine + octanoate ⟶ AMP + H+ + a [lipoyl-carrier protein] N6-octanoyl-L-lysine + diphosphate
- lipoate biosynthesis and incorporation II:
H+ + SAM + a [lipoyl-carrier protein] N6-octanoyl-L-lysine + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + an [Fe-S] cluster scaffold protein carrying a [4Fe-4S]+2 cluster ⟶ 5'-deoxyadenosine + Fe2+ + a [lipoyl-carrier protein] N6-[(R)-dihydrolipoyl]-L-lysine + an [Fe-S] cluster scaffold protein + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + met + sulfide(2-)
Plant Reactome(4)
- Metabolism and regulation:
ATP + CoA + propionate ⟶ AMP + PPi + PROP-CoA
- Inorganic nutrients metabolism:
Nitrite ⟶ H2O + ammonia
- Response to iron deficiency:
2OG + nicotianamine ⟶ 3''-deamino-3''-oxonicotianamine + L-Glu
- Iron uptake and transport in root vascular system:
Fe(III)-DMA + L-ascorbate ⟶ Fe(II)-NA
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- heme degradation I:
H+ + O2 + a reduced [NADPH-hemoprotein reductase] + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized [NADPH-hemoprotein reductase]
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- heme degradation I:
H+ + O2 + a reduced [NADPH-hemoprotein reductase] + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized [NADPH-hemoprotein reductase]
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- heme degradation I:
H+ + O2 + a reduced [NADPH-hemoprotein reductase] + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized [NADPH-hemoprotein reductase]
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- heme degradation I:
H+ + O2 + a reduced [NADPH-hemoprotein reductase] + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized [NADPH-hemoprotein reductase]
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- heme degradation I:
H+ + O2 + a reduced [NADPH-hemoprotein reductase] + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized [NADPH-hemoprotein reductase]
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- phytochromobilin biosynthesis:
H+ + O2 + a reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + protoheme ⟶ (Z,Z)-biliverdin-IX α + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + an oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
Fe2+ + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ Fe3+ + OH- + hydroxyl radical
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
hydrogen peroxide ⟶ H2O + O2
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
Fe2+ + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ Fe3+ + OH- + hydroxyl radical
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
Fe2+ + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ Fe3+ + OH- + hydroxyl radical
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
H+ + superoxide ⟶ O2 + hydrogen peroxide
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
Fe2+ + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ Fe3+ + OH- + hydroxyl radical
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
glutathione + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ GSSG + H2O
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
Fe2+ + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ Fe3+ + OH- + hydroxyl radical
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
hydrogen peroxide ⟶ H2O + O2
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
H+ + superoxide ⟶ O2 + hydrogen peroxide
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
H+ + superoxide ⟶ O2 + hydrogen peroxide
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
H+ + superoxide ⟶ O2 + hydrogen peroxide
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
Fe2+ + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ Fe3+ + OH- + hydroxyl radical
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
glutathione + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ GSSG + H2O
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
hydrogen peroxide ⟶ H2O + O2
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
Fe2+ + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ Fe3+ + OH- + hydroxyl radical
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
hydrogen peroxide ⟶ H2O + O2
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
H+ + superoxide ⟶ O2 + hydrogen peroxide
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
H+ + superoxide ⟶ O2 + hydrogen peroxide
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
Fe2+ + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ Fe3+ + OH- + hydroxyl radical
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
hydrogen peroxide ⟶ H2O + O2
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
Fe2+ + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ Fe3+ + OH- + hydroxyl radical
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
Fe2+ + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ Fe3+ + OH- + hydroxyl radical
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
Fe2+ + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ Fe3+ + OH- + hydroxyl radical
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
glutathione + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ GSSG + H2O
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
hydrogen peroxide ⟶ H2O + O2
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
glutathione + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ GSSG + H2O
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
Fe2+ + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ Fe3+ + OH- + hydroxyl radical
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
Fe2+ + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ Fe3+ + OH- + hydroxyl radical
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
hydrogen peroxide ⟶ H2O + O2
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
H+ + superoxide ⟶ O2 + hydrogen peroxide
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
Fe2+ + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ Fe3+ + OH- + hydroxyl radical
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
Fe2+ + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ Fe3+ + OH- + hydroxyl radical
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
Fe2+ + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ Fe3+ + OH- + hydroxyl radical
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
glutathione + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ GSSG + H2O
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
glutathione + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ GSSG + H2O
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
hydrogen peroxide ⟶ H2O + O2
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
hydrogen peroxide ⟶ H2O + O2
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
hydrogen peroxide ⟶ H2O + O2
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
hydrogen peroxide ⟶ H2O + O2
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
Fe2+ + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ Fe3+ + OH- + hydroxyl radical
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
Fe2+ + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ Fe3+ + OH- + hydroxyl radical
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
H+ + superoxide ⟶ O2 + hydrogen peroxide
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
glutathione + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ GSSG + H2O
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
H+ + superoxide ⟶ O2 + hydrogen peroxide
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
glutathione + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ GSSG + H2O
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
Fe2+ + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ Fe3+ + OH- + hydroxyl radical
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
H+ + superoxide ⟶ O2 + hydrogen peroxide
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
hydrogen peroxide ⟶ H2O + O2
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
hydrogen peroxide ⟶ H2O + O2
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
glutathione + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ GSSG + H2O
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
hydrogen peroxide ⟶ H2O + O2
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
Fe2+ + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ Fe3+ + OH- + hydroxyl radical
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
glutathione + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ GSSG + H2O
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
glutathione + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ GSSG + H2O
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
glutathione + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ GSSG + H2O
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
glutathione + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ GSSG + H2O
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
Fe2+ + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ Fe3+ + OH- + hydroxyl radical
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
hydrogen peroxide ⟶ H2O + O2
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
hydrogen peroxide ⟶ H2O + O2
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
hydrogen peroxide ⟶ H2O + O2
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
Fe2+ + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ Fe3+ + OH- + hydroxyl radical
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
Fe2+ + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ Fe3+ + OH- + hydroxyl radical
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
Fe2+ + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ Fe3+ + OH- + hydroxyl radical
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
Fe2+ + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ Fe3+ + OH- + hydroxyl radical
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
Fe2+ + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ Fe3+ + OH- + hydroxyl radical
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
Fe2+ + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ Fe3+ + OH- + hydroxyl radical
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
Fe2+ + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ Fe3+ + OH- + hydroxyl radical
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
Fe2+ + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ Fe3+ + OH- + hydroxyl radical
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
Fe2+ + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ Fe3+ + OH- + hydroxyl radical
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
Fe2+ + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ Fe3+ + OH- + hydroxyl radical
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
Fe2+ + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ Fe3+ + OH- + hydroxyl radical
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
Fe2+ + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ Fe3+ + OH- + hydroxyl radical
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
Fe2+ + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ Fe3+ + OH- + hydroxyl radical
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
Fe2+ + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ Fe3+ + OH- + hydroxyl radical
- reactive oxygen species degradation:
Fe2+ + hydrogen peroxide ⟶ Fe3+ + OH- + hydroxyl radical
- iron reduction and absorption:
H+ + NAD+ + a siderophore-bound Fe(II) ⟶ NADH + a siderophore-bound Fe(III)
- iron reduction and absorption:
H+ + NAD+ + a siderophore-bound Fe(II) ⟶ NADH + a siderophore-bound Fe(III)
- iron reduction and absorption:
H+ + NAD+ + a siderophore-bound Fe(II) ⟶ NADH + a siderophore-bound Fe(III)
- iron reduction and absorption:
H+ + NAD+ + a siderophore-bound Fe(II) ⟶ NADH + a siderophore-bound Fe(III)
- iron reduction and absorption:
H+ + NAD+ + a siderophore-bound Fe(II) ⟶ NADH + a siderophore-bound Fe(III)
- iron reduction and absorption:
H+ + NAD+ + a siderophore-bound Fe(II) ⟶ NADH + a siderophore-bound Fe(III)
- iron reduction and absorption:
H+ + NAD+ + a siderophore-bound Fe(II) ⟶ NADH + a siderophore-bound Fe(III)
- iron reduction and absorption:
H+ + NAD+ + a siderophore-bound Fe(II) ⟶ NADH + a siderophore-bound Fe(III)
- iron reduction and absorption:
H+ + NAD+ + a siderophore-bound Fe(II) ⟶ NADH + a siderophore-bound Fe(III)
- iron reduction and absorption:
H+ + NAD+ + a siderophore-bound Fe(II) ⟶ NADH + a siderophore-bound Fe(III)
- iron reduction and absorption:
H+ + NAD+ + a siderophore-bound Fe(II) ⟶ NADH + a siderophore-bound Fe(III)
- iron reduction and absorption:
H+ + an Fe(II)-siderophore ⟶ Fe2+ + a siderophore
- iron reduction and absorption:
H+ + an Fe(II)-siderophore ⟶ Fe2+ + a siderophore
- iron reduction and absorption:
H+ + NAD+ + a siderophore-bound Fe(II) ⟶ NADH + a siderophore-bound Fe(III)
COVID-19 Disease Map(2)
- @COVID-19 Disease
Heme + NADPH + O2 ⟶ Biliverdin + CO + Fe2+ + H2O + NADP+
- @COVID-19 Disease
H_sub_2_endsub_O_sub_2_endsub_ + glutathione ⟶ H_sub_2_endsub_O + glutathione disulfide
- Kandutsch-Russell Pathway (Cholesterol Biosynthesis):
Fe2+ + Hydrogen Ion + Lathosterol + Oxygen ⟶ 7-Dehydrocholesterol + Fe3+ + Water
- Porphyrin Metabolism:
AH2 + Heme + Oxygen ⟶ A + Biliverdin + Carbon monoxide + Fe2+ + Water
- Acute Intermittent Porphyria:
AH2 + Heme + Oxygen ⟶ A + Biliverdin + Carbon monoxide + Fe2+ + Water
- Porphyria Variegata (PV):
AH2 + Heme + Oxygen ⟶ A + Biliverdin + Carbon monoxide + Fe2+ + Water
- Congenital Erythropoietic Porphyria (CEP) or Gunther Disease:
AH2 + Heme + Oxygen ⟶ A + Biliverdin + Carbon monoxide + Fe2+ + Water
- Hereditary Coproporphyria (HCP):
AH2 + Heme + Oxygen ⟶ A + Biliverdin + Carbon monoxide + Fe2+ + Water
- Porphyrin Metabolism:
AH2 + Heme + Oxygen ⟶ A + Biliverdin + Carbon monoxide + Fe2+ + Water
- Porphyrin Metabolism:
AH2 + Heme + Oxygen ⟶ A + Biliverdin + Carbon monoxide + Fe2+ + Water
- Acute Intermittent Porphyria:
AH2 + Heme + Oxygen ⟶ A + Biliverdin + Carbon monoxide + Fe2+ + Water
- Congenital Erythropoietic Porphyria (CEP) or Gunther Disease:
AH2 + Heme + Oxygen ⟶ A + Biliverdin + Carbon monoxide + Fe2+ + Water
- Hereditary Coproporphyria (HCP):
AH2 + Heme + Oxygen ⟶ A + Biliverdin + Carbon monoxide + Fe2+ + Water
- Porphyria Variegata (PV):
AH2 + Heme + Oxygen ⟶ A + Biliverdin + Carbon monoxide + Fe2+ + Water
- Porphyrin Metabolism:
AH2 + Heme + Oxygen ⟶ A + Biliverdin + Carbon monoxide + Fe2+ + Water
- Porphyrin Metabolism:
AH2 + Heme + Oxygen ⟶ A + Biliverdin + Carbon monoxide + Fe2+ + Water
- Porphyrin Metabolism:
AH2 + Heme + Oxygen ⟶ A + Biliverdin + Carbon monoxide + Fe2+ + Water
- Acute Intermittent Porphyria:
AH2 + Heme + Oxygen ⟶ A + Biliverdin + Carbon monoxide + Fe2+ + Water
- Congenital Erythropoietic Porphyria (CEP) or Gunther Disease:
AH2 + Heme + Oxygen ⟶ A + Biliverdin + Carbon monoxide + Fe2+ + Water
- Hereditary Coproporphyria (HCP):
AH2 + Heme + Oxygen ⟶ A + Biliverdin + Carbon monoxide + Fe2+ + Water
- Porphyria Variegata (PV):
AH2 + Heme + Oxygen ⟶ A + Biliverdin + Carbon monoxide + Fe2+ + Water
- Bloch Pathway (Cholesterol Biosynthesis):
Desmosterol + NADP ⟶ Cholesterol + Hydrogen Ion + NADPH
- Porphyrin Metabolism:
Adenosine triphosphate + Hydrogen Ion + L-Glutamic acid ⟶ Adenosine monophosphate + Pyrophosphate
- Porphyrin Metabolism:
Adenosine triphosphate + Hydrogen Ion + L-Glutamic acid ⟶ Adenosine monophosphate + Pyrophosphate
- Biosynthesis of Siderophore Group Nonribosomal Peptides:
2,3-Dihydroxybenzoic acid + Adenosine triphosphate + L-Serine ⟶ Adenosine monophosphate + Hydrogen Ion + Pyrophosphate + enterobactin
- Biosynthesis of Siderophore Group Nonribosomal Peptides:
2,3-Dihydroxybenzoic acid + Adenosine triphosphate + L-Serine ⟶ Adenosine monophosphate + Hydrogen Ion + Pyrophosphate + enterobactin
0 organism taxonomy source information
- PubMed: 来源于PubMed文献库中的文献信息,我们通过自然语言数据挖掘得到的在同一篇文献中被同时提及的相关代谢物列表,这个列表按照代谢物同时出现的文献数量降序排序,取前10个代谢物作为相关研究中关联性很高的代谢物集合展示在桑基图中。
- NCBI Taxonomy: 通过文献数据挖掘,得到的代谢物物种来源信息关联。这个关联信息同样按照出现的次数降序排序,取前10个代谢物作为高关联度的代谢物集合展示在桑吉图上。
- Chemical Taxonomy: 在物质分类上处于同一个分类集合中的其他代谢物
- Chemical Reaction: 在化学反应过程中,存在为当前代谢物相关联的生化反应过程中的反应底物或者反应产物的关联代谢物信息。
Sub-cellular location | Genes |
Literature Reference
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