NCBI Taxonomy: 200492

Sophora alopecuroides (ncbi_taxid: 200492)

found 117 associated metabolites at species taxonomy rank level.

Ancestor: Sophora

Child Taxonomies: Sophora alopecuroides var. tomentosa, Sophora alopecuroides var. alopecuroides


Genistein, Pharmaceutical Secondary Standard; Certified Reference Material

C15H10O5 (270.052821)

Genistein is a 7-hydroxyisoflavone with additional hydroxy groups at positions 5 and 4. It is a phytoestrogenic isoflavone with antioxidant properties. It has a role as an antineoplastic agent, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, an EC [DNA topoisomerase (ATP-hydrolysing)] inhibitor, a phytoestrogen, a plant metabolite, a geroprotector and a human urinary metabolite. It is a conjugate acid of a genistein(1-). An isoflavonoid derived from soy products. It inhibits protein-tyrosine kinase and topoisomerase-II (DNA topoisomerases, type II) activity and is used as an antineoplastic and antitumor agent. Experimentally, it has been shown to induce G2 phase arrest in human and murine cell lines. Additionally, genistein has antihelmintic activity. It has been determined to be the active ingredient in Felmingia vestita, which is a plant traditionally used against worms. It has shown to be effective in the treatment of common liver fluke, pork trematode and poultry cestode. Further, genistein is a phytoestrogen which has selective estrogen receptor modulator properties. It has been investigated in clinical trials as an alternative to classical hormone therapy to help prevent cardiovascular disease in postmenopausal women. Natural sources of genistein include tofu, fava beans, soybeans, kudzu, and lupin. Genistein is a natural product found in Pterocarpus indicus, Ficus septica, and other organisms with data available. Genistein is a soy-derived isoflavone and phytoestrogen with antineoplastic activity. Genistein binds to and inhibits protein-tyrosine kinase, thereby disrupting signal transduction and inducing cell differentiation. This agent also inhibits topoisomerase-II, leading to DNA fragmentation and apoptosis, and induces G2/M cell cycle arrest. Genistein exhibits antioxidant, antiangiogenic, and immunosuppressive activities. (NCI04) Genistein is one of several known isoflavones. Isoflavones compounds, such as genistein and daidzein, are found in a number of plants, but soybeans and soy products like tofu and textured vegetable protein are the primary food source. Genistein is a natural bioactive compound derived from legumes and has drawn because of its potentially beneficial effects on some human degenerative diseases. It has a weak estrogenic effect and is a well-known non-specific tyrosine kinase inhibitor at pharmacological doses. Epidemiological studies show that genistein intake is inversely associated with the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Data suggests a protective role of genistein in cardiovascular events. However, the mechanisms of the genistein action on vascular protective effects are unclear. Past extensive studies exploring its hypolipidemic effect resulted in contradictory data. Genistein also is a relatively poor antioxidant. However, genistein protects against pro-inflammatory factor-induced vascular endothelial barrier dysfunction and inhibits leukocyte-endothelium interaction, thereby modulating vascular inflammation, a major event in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. Genistein exerts a non-genomic action by targeting on important signaling molecules in vascular endothelial cells (ECs). Genistein rapidly activates endothelial nitric oxide synthase and production of nitric oxide in ECs. This genistein effect is novel since it is independent of its known effects, but mediated by the cyclic adenosine monophosphate/protein kinase A (cAMP/PKA) cascade. Genistein directly stimulates the plasma membrane-associated adenylate cyclases, leading to activation of the cAMP signaling pathway. In addition, genistein activates peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors, ligand-activated nuclear receptors important to normal vascular function. Furthermore, genistein reduces reactive oxygen species (ROS) by attenuating the expression of ROS-producing enzymes. These findings reveal the roles for genistein in the regulation of vascular function and provide a basis for further investigating its therapeutic potential f... Genistein is one of several known isoflavones. Isoflavones compounds, such as genistein and daidzein, are found in a number of plants, but soybeans and soy products like tofu and textured vegetable protein are the primary food source. Genistein is a natural bioactive compound derived from legumes and has drawn because of its potentially beneficial effects on some human degenerative diseases. It has a weak estrogenic effect and is a well-known non-specific tyrosine kinase inhibitor at pharmacological doses. Epidemiological studies show that genistein intake is inversely associated with the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Data suggests a protective role of genistein in cardiovascular events. However, the mechanisms of the genistein action on vascular protective effects are unclear. Past extensive studies exploring its hypolipidemic effect resulted in contradictory data. Genistein also is a relatively poor antioxidant. However, genistein protects against pro-inflammatory factor-induced vascular endothelial barrier dysfunction and inhibits leukocyte-endothelium interaction, thereby modulating vascular inflammation, a major event in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. Genistein exerts a non-genomic action by targeting on important signaling molecules in vascular endothelial cells (ECs). Genistein rapidly activates endothelial nitric oxide synthase and production of nitric oxide in ECs. This genistein effect is novel since it is independent of its known effects, but mediated by the cyclic adenosine monophosphate/protein kinase A (cAMP/PKA) cascade. Genistein directly stimulates the plasma membrane-associated adenylate cyclases, leading to activation of the cAMP signaling pathway. In addition, genistein activates peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors, ligand-activated nuclear receptors important to normal vascular function. Furthermore, genistein reduces reactive oxygen species (ROS) by attenuating the expression of ROS-producing enzymes. These findings reveal the roles for genistein in the regulation of vascular function and provide a basis for further investigating its therapeutic potential for inflammatory-related vascular disease. (PMID:17979711). Genistein is a biomarker for the consumption of soy beans and other soy products. Genistein is a phenolic compound belonging to the isoflavonoid group. Isoflavonoids are found mainly in soybean. Genistein and daidzein (an other isoflavonoid) represent the major phytochemicals found in this plant. Health benefits (e.g. reduced risk for certain cancers and diseases of old age) associated to soya products consumption have been observed in East Asian populations and several epidemiological studies. This association has been linked to the action of isoflavonoids. With a chemical structure similar to the hormone 17-b-estradiol, soy isoflavones are able to interact with the estrogen receptor. They also possess numerous biological activities. (PMID: 15540649). Genistein is a biomarker for the consumption of soy beans and other soy products. A 7-hydroxyisoflavone with additional hydroxy groups at positions 5 and 4. It is a phytoestrogenic isoflavone with antioxidant properties. C274 - Antineoplastic Agent > C163758 - Targeted Therapy Agent > C1821 - Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator D006730 - Hormones, Hormone Substitutes, and Hormone Antagonists > D006728 - Hormones > D004967 - Estrogens C274 - Antineoplastic Agent > C129818 - Antineoplastic Hormonal/Endocrine Agent > C481 - Antiestrogen C471 - Enzyme Inhibitor > C1404 - Protein Kinase Inhibitor > C1967 - Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor C147908 - Hormone Therapy Agent > C548 - Therapeutic Hormone > C483 - Therapeutic Estrogen D004791 - Enzyme Inhibitors > D047428 - Protein Kinase Inhibitors D020011 - Protective Agents > D016588 - Anticarcinogenic Agents C274 - Antineoplastic Agent > C1742 - Angiogenesis Inhibitor C147908 - Hormone Therapy Agent > C547 - Hormone Antagonist D000970 - Antineoplastic Agents C1892 - Chemopreventive Agent CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 765; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX507; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 5085; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 5082 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 765; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX507; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 8554; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 8550 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 765; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX507; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 5097; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 5094 ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 5097; CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 765; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX507; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 5094 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 765; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX507; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 5104; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 5099 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 765; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX507; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 8558; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 8556 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 765; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX507; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 5082; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 5079 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 765; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX507; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 8540; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 8539 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 765; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX507; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 8556; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 8554 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 765; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX507; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 8561; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 8559 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 765; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX507; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 5096; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 5093 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 765; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX507; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 8572; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 8570 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 765; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX507; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 5090; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 5089 CONFIDENCE Reference Standard (Level 1); NaToxAq - Natural Toxins and Drinking Water Quality - From Source to Tap ( CONFIDENCE standard compound; EAWAG_UCHEM_ID 3265 IPB_RECORD: 441; CONFIDENCE confident structure CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 4238 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 8827 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 2419 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 4162 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 176 Genistein, a soy isoflavone, is a multiple tyrosine kinases (e.g., EGFR) inhibitor which acts as a chemotherapeutic agent against different types of cancer, mainly by altering apoptosis, the cell cycle, and angiogenesis and inhibiting metastasis. Genistein, a soy isoflavone, is a multiple tyrosine kinases (e.g., EGFR) inhibitor which acts as a chemotherapeutic agent against different types of cancer, mainly by altering apoptosis, the cell cycle, and angiogenesis and inhibiting metastasis.


Ferulic acid

(E)-3-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)prop-2-enoic acid

C10H10O4 (194.057906)

trans-Ferulic acid is a highly abundant phenolic phytochemical which is present in plant cell walls. Ferulic acid is a phenolic acid that can be absorbed by the small intestine and excreted through the urine. It is one of the most abundant phenolic acids in plants, varying from 5 g/kg in wheat bran to 9 g/kg in sugar-beet pulp and 50 g/kg in corn kernel. It occurs primarily in seeds and leaves both in its free form (albeit rarely) and covalently linked to lignin and other biopolymers. It is usually found as ester cross-links with polysaccharides in the cell wall, such as arabinoxylans in grasses, pectin in spinach and sugar beet, and xyloglucans in bamboo. It also can cross-link with proteins. Due to its phenolic nucleus and an extended side chain conjugation (carbohydrates and proteins), it readily forms a resonance-stabilized phenoxy radical which accounts for its potent antioxidant potential. Food supplementation with curcumin and ferulic acid is considered a nutritional approach to reducing oxidative damage and amyloid pathology in Alzheimer disease (PMID:17127365, 1398220, 15453708, 9878519). Ferulic acid can be found in Pseudomonas and Saccharomyces (PMID:8395165). Ferulic acid is a ferulic acid consisting of trans-cinnamic acid bearing methoxy and hydroxy substituents at positions 3 and 4 respectively on the phenyl ring. It has a role as an antioxidant, a MALDI matrix material, a plant metabolite, an anti-inflammatory agent, an apoptosis inhibitor and a cardioprotective agent. It is a conjugate acid of a ferulate. Ferulic acid is a natural product found in Haplophyllum griffithianum, Visnea mocanera, and other organisms with data available. Ferulic acid is a metabolite found in or produced by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. See also: Angelica sinensis root (part of). Widely distributed in plants, first isolated from Ferula foetida (asafoetida). Antioxidant used to inhibit oxidn. of fats, pastry products, etc. Antifungal agent used to prevent fruit spoilage. trans-Ferulic acid is found in many foods, some of which are deerberry, peach, shea tree, and common bean. A ferulic acid consisting of trans-cinnamic acid bearing methoxy and hydroxy substituents at positions 3 and 4 respectively on the phenyl ring. D018373 - Peripheral Nervous System Agents > D018689 - Sensory System Agents D005765 - Gastrointestinal Agents > D002756 - Cholagogues and Choleretics D002317 - Cardiovascular Agents > D000959 - Antihypertensive Agents D019995 - Laboratory Chemicals > D007202 - Indicators and Reagents D002491 - Central Nervous System Agents > D000700 - Analgesics D000975 - Antioxidants > D016166 - Free Radical Scavengers D006401 - Hematologic Agents > D000925 - Anticoagulants D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants D000893 - Anti-Inflammatory Agents D018501 - Antirheumatic Agents Acquisition and generation of the data is financially supported in part by CREST/JST. KEIO_ID H074 (E)-Ferulic acid is a isomer of Ferulic acid which is an aromatic compound, abundant in plant cell walls. (E)-Ferulic acid causes the phosphorylation of β-catenin, resulting in proteasomal degradation of β-catenin and increases the expression of pro-apoptotic factor Bax and decreases the expression of pro-survival factor survivin. (E)-Ferulic acid shows a potent ability to remove reactive oxygen species (ROS) and inhibits lipid peroxidation. (E)-Ferulic acid exerts both anti-proliferation and anti-migration effects in the human lung cancer cell line H1299[1]. (E)-Ferulic acid is a isomer of Ferulic acid which is an aromatic compound, abundant in plant cell walls. (E)-Ferulic acid causes the phosphorylation of β-catenin, resulting in proteasomal degradation of β-catenin and increases the expression of pro-apoptotic factor Bax and decreases the expression of pro-survival factor survivin. (E)-Ferulic acid shows a potent ability to remove reactive oxygen species (ROS) and inhibits lipid peroxidation. (E)-Ferulic acid exerts both anti-proliferation and anti-migration effects in the human lung cancer cell line H1299[1]. Ferulic acid is a novel fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 (FGFR1) inhibitor with IC50s of 3.78 and 12.5 μM for FGFR1 and FGFR2, respectively. Ferulic acid is a novel fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 (FGFR1) inhibitor with IC50s of 3.78 and 12.5 μM for FGFR1 and FGFR2, respectively.




C20H20O5 (340.13106700000003)

Sophoraflavanone B is a trihydroxyflavanone that is (S)-naringenin having a prenyl group at position 8. It has a role as a platelet aggregation inhibitor and a plant metabolite. It is a trihydroxyflavanone, a member of 4-hydroxyflavanones and a (2S)-flavan-4-one. It is functionally related to a (S)-naringenin. It is a conjugate acid of a sophoraflavanone B(1-). 8-Prenylnaringenin is a natural product found in Macaranga conifera, Macaranga denticulata, and other organisms with data available. D006730 - Hormones, Hormone Substitutes, and Hormone Antagonists > D006728 - Hormones > D004967 - Estrogens A trihydroxyflavanone that is (S)-naringenin having a prenyl group at position 8. INTERNAL_ID 2299; CONFIDENCE Reference Standard (Level 1) CONFIDENCE Reference Standard (Level 1); INTERNAL_ID 2299



2 inverted exclamation mark ,3,4,4 inverted exclamation mark -tetrahydroxy Chalcone

C15H12O5 (272.0684702)

Butein is a chalcone that is (E)-chalcone bearing four additional hydroxy substituents at positions 2, 3, 4 and 4. It has a role as a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, an antioxidant, an EC (aldehyde reductase) inhibitor, an antineoplastic agent, a geroprotector, a radiosensitizing agent, a hypoglycemic agent and a plant metabolite. It is a member of chalcones and a polyphenol. Butein is a natural product found in Dahlia pinnata, Calanticaria bicolor, and other organisms with data available. Butein is a flavonoid obtained from the seed of Cyclopia subternata. It is a specific protein tyrosine kinase inhibitor that induces apoptosis. (NCI) See also: Semecarpus anacardium juice (part of). A chalcone that is (E)-chalcone bearing four additional hydroxy substituents at positions 2, 3, 4 and 4. C471 - Enzyme Inhibitor > C1404 - Protein Kinase Inhibitor > C1967 - Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Butein, also known as 2,3,4,4-tetrahydroxychalcone, is a member of the class of compounds known as 2-hydroxychalcones. 2-hydroxychalcones are organic compounds containing chalcone skeleton that carries a hydroxyl group at the 2-position. Thus, butein is considered to be a flavonoid lipid molecule. Butein is practically insoluble (in water) and a very weakly acidic compound (based on its pKa). Butein is a bitter tasting compound found in broad bean, which makes butein a potential biomarker for the consumption of this food product. Butein is a chalcone of the chalconoids. It can be found in Toxicodendron vernicifluum (or formerly Rhus verniciflua), Dahlia, Butea (Butea monosperma) and Coreopsis It has antioxidative, aldose reductase and advanced glycation endproducts inhibitory effects. It is also a sirtuin-activating compound, a chemical compound having an effect on sirtuins, a group of enzymes that use NAD+ to remove acetyl groups from proteins. It turned out that buteins possess a high ability to inhibit aromatase process in the human body, for this reason, the use of these compounds in the treatment of breast cancer on the estrogen ground has been taken into account. The first attempts of sport pro-hormone supplementation with the use of buteins took place in Poland . Butein is a cAMP-specific PDE inhibitor with an IC50 of 10.4 μM for PDE4[1]. Butein is a specific protein tyrosine kinase inhibitor with IC50s of 16 and 65 μM for EGFR and p60c-src in HepG2 cells[2]. Butein sensitizes HeLa cells to Cisplatin through AKT and ERK/p38 MAPK pathways by targeting FoxO3a[3]. Butein is a SIRT1 activator (STAC). Butein is a cAMP-specific PDE inhibitor with an IC50 of 10.4 μM for PDE4[1]. Butein is a specific protein tyrosine kinase inhibitor with IC50s of 16 and 65 μM for EGFR and p60c-src in HepG2 cells[2]. Butein sensitizes HeLa cells to Cisplatin through AKT and ERK/p38 MAPK pathways by targeting FoxO3a[3]. Butein is a SIRT1 activator (STAC).




C29H50O (414.386145)

beta-Sitosterol, a main dietary phytosterol found in plants, may have the potential for prevention and therapy for human cancer. Phytosterols are plant sterols found in foods such as oils, nuts, and vegetables. Phytosterols, in the same way as cholesterol, contain a double bond and are susceptible to oxidation, and are characterized by anti-carcinogenic and anti-atherogenic properties (PMID:13129445, 11432711). beta-Sitosterol is a phytopharmacological extract containing a mixture of phytosterols, with smaller amounts of other sterols, bonded with glucosides. These phytosterols are commonly derived from the South African star grass, Hypoxis rooperi, or from species of Pinus and Picea. The purported active constituent is termed beta-sitosterol. Additionally, the quantity of beta-sitosterol-beta-D-glucoside is often reported. Although the exact mechanism of action of beta-sitosterols is unknown, it may be related to cholesterol metabolism or anti-inflammatory effects (via interference with prostaglandin metabolism). Compared with placebo, beta-sitosterol improved urinary symptom scores and flow measures (PMID:10368239). A plant food-based diet modifies the serum beta-sitosterol concentration in hyperandrogenic postmenopausal women. This finding indicates that beta-sitosterol can be used as a biomarker of exposure in observational studies or as a compliance indicator in dietary intervention studies of cancer prevention (PMID:14652381). beta-Sitosterol induces apoptosis and activates key caspases in MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells (PMID:12579296). Sitosterol is a member of the class of phytosterols that is stigmast-5-ene substituted by a beta-hydroxy group at position 3. It has a role as a sterol methyltransferase inhibitor, an anticholesteremic drug, an antioxidant, a plant metabolite and a mouse metabolite. It is a 3beta-sterol, a stigmastane sterol, a 3beta-hydroxy-Delta(5)-steroid, a C29-steroid and a member of phytosterols. It derives from a hydride of a stigmastane. Active fraction of Solanum trilobatum; reduces side-effects of radiation-induced toxicity. Beta-Sitosterol is a natural product found in Elodea canadensis, Ophiopogon intermedius, and other organisms with data available. beta-Sitosterol is one of several phytosterols (plant sterols) with chemical structures similar to that of cholesterol. Sitosterols are white, waxy powders with a characteristic odor. They are hydrophobic and soluble in alcohols. beta-Sitosterol is found in many foods, some of which are ginseng, globe artichoke, sesbania flower, and common oregano. C1907 - Drug, Natural Product > C28178 - Phytosterol > C68437 - Unsaturated Phytosterol D057847 - Lipid Regulating Agents > D000960 - Hypolipidemic Agents D009676 - Noxae > D000963 - Antimetabolites Beta-Sitosterol (purity>98\\%) is a plant sterol. Beta-Sitosterol (purity>98\\%) interfere with multiple cell signaling pathways, including cell cycle, apoptosis, proliferation, survival, invasion, angiogenesis, metastasis and inflammation[1]. Beta-Sitosterol (purity>98\%) is a plant sterol. Beta-Sitosterol (purity>98\%) interfere with multiple cell signaling pathways, including cell cycle, apoptosis, proliferation, survival, invasion, angiogenesis, metastasis and inflammation[1].




C15H10O5 (270.052821)

Sulfuretin is a member of 1-benzofurans. Sulfuretin is a natural product found in Calanticaria bicolor, Dipteryx lacunifera, and other organisms with data available. Sulfuretin inhibits the inflammatory response by suppressing the NF-κB pathway. Sulfuretin can be used for the research of allergic airway inflammation. Sulfuretin reduces oxidative stress, platelet aggregation, and mutagenesis[1]. Sulfuretin is a competitive and potent inhibitor of monophenolase and diphenolase activities with the IC50 of 13.64 μM[2]. Sulfuretin inhibits the inflammatory response by suppressing the NF-κB pathway. Sulfuretin can be used for the research of allergic airway inflammation. Sulfuretin reduces oxidative stress, platelet aggregation, and mutagenesis[1]. Sulfuretin is a competitive and potent inhibitor of monophenolase and diphenolase activities with the IC50 of 13.64 μM[2].




C15H20N2O (244.157555)

Sophoramine is a naphthyridine derivative. Sophoramine is a natural product found in Sophora viciifolia, Sophora pachycarpa, and other organisms with data available.




C11H14N2O (190.1106074)

N - Nervous system > N07 - Other nervous system drugs > N07B - Drugs used in addictive disorders > N07BA - Drugs used in nicotine dependence C78272 - Agent Affecting Nervous System > C47796 - Cholinergic Agonist > C73579 - Nicotinic Agonist relative retention time with respect to 9-anthracene Carboxylic Acid is 0.054 relative retention time with respect to 9-anthracene Carboxylic Acid is 0.052 Cytisinicline (Cytisine) is an alkaloid. Cytisinicline (Cytisine) is a partial agonist of α4β2 nAChRs[1], and partial to full agonist at β4 containing receptors and α7 receptors[2]. Has been used medically to help with smoking cessation[3]. Cytisinicline (Cytisine) is an alkaloid. Cytisinicline (Cytisine) is a partial agonist of α4β2 nAChRs[1], and partial to full agonist at β4 containing receptors and α7 receptors[2]. Has been used medically to help with smoking cessation[3]. Cytisinicline (Cytisine) is an alkaloid. Cytisinicline (Cytisine) is a partial agonist of α4β2 nAChRs[1], and partial to full agonist at β4 containing receptors and α7 receptors[2]. Has been used medically to help with smoking cessation[3].




C15H26N2 (234.2095876)

Sparteine is a quinolizidine alkaloid and a quinolizidine alkaloid fundamental parent. Sparteine is a plant alkaloid derived from Cytisus scoparius and Lupinus mutabilis which may chelate calcium and magnesium. It is a sodium channel blocker, so it falls in the category of class 1a antiarrhythmic agents. Sparteine is not currently FDA-approved for human use, and its salt, sparteine sulfate, is one of the products that have been withdrawn or removed from the market for reasons of safety or effectiveness. Sparteine is a natural product found in Ormosia coarctata, Thermopsis chinensis, and other organisms with data available. A quinolizidine alkaloid isolated from several FABACEAE including LUPINUS; SPARTIUM; and CYTISUS. It has been used as an oxytocic and an anti-arrhythmia agent. It has also been of interest as an indicator of CYP2D6 genotype. See also: Cytisus scoparius flowering top (part of). C - Cardiovascular system > C01 - Cardiac therapy > C01B - Antiarrhythmics, class i and iii > C01BA - Antiarrhythmics, class ia C78274 - Agent Affecting Cardiovascular System > C47793 - Antiarrhythmic Agent D002317 - Cardiovascular Agents > D000889 - Anti-Arrhythmia Agents D012102 - Reproductive Control Agents > D010120 - Oxytocics Annotation level-1 CONFIDENCE Reference Standard (Level 1); INTERNAL_ID 53 CONFIDENCE Reference Standard (Level 1); INTERNAL_ID 39 CONFIDENCE Reference Standard (Level 1); INTERNAL_ID 32 INTERNAL_ID 24; CONFIDENCE Reference Standard (Level 1) CONFIDENCE Reference Standard (Level 1); INTERNAL_ID 24 CONFIDENCE Reference Standard (Level 1); INTERNAL_ID 17 CONFIDENCE Reference Standard (Level 1); INTERNAL_ID 9 CONFIDENCE Reference Standard (Level 1); INTERNAL_ID 2 relative retention time with respect to 9-anthracene Carboxylic Acid is 0.395 beta-Isosparteine is a natural product found in Ulex airensis, Ulex densus, and other organisms with data available. A quinolizidine alkaloid isolated from several FABACEAE including LUPINUS; SPARTIUM; and CYTISUS. It has been used as an oxytocic and an anti-arrhythmia agent. It has also been of interest as an indicator of CYP2D6 genotype. (+)-Sparteine is a natural product found in Baptisia australis, Dermatophyllum secundiflorum, and other organisms with data available. A quinolizidine alkaloid isolated from several FABACEAE including LUPINUS; SPARTIUM; and CYTISUS. It has been used as an oxytocic and an anti-arrhythmia agent. It has also been of interest as an indicator of CYP2D6 genotype. (-)-Sparteine is a natural alkaloid isolated from beans. (-)-Sparteine is a natural alkaloid isolated from beans. (+)-Sparteine is a natural alkaloid acting as a ganglionic blocking agent. (+)-Sparteine competitively blocks nicotinic ACh receptor in the neurons. (+)-Sparteine is a natural alkaloid acting as a ganglionic blocking agent. (+)-Sparteine competitively blocks nicotinic ACh receptor in the neurons. (+)-Sparteine is a natural alkaloid acting as a ganglionic blocking agent. (+)-Sparteine competitively blocks nicotinic ACh receptor in the neurons.




C16H12O5 (284.0684702)

(-)-maackiain is the (-)-enantiomer of maackiain. It is an enantiomer of a (+)-maackiain. Maackiain is a natural product found in Tephrosia virginiana, Leptolobium bijugum, and other organisms with data available. (-)-Maackiain. CAS Common Chemistry. CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society, n.d. (retrieved 2024-07-09) (CAS RN: 2035-15-6). Licensed under the Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0). (-)-Maackiain is a pterocarpan phytoalexin produced from Sophora flavescens. (-)-Maackiain is toxic to several genera of fungal pathogens of legume and non legume hosts[1]. (-)-Maackiain is a pterocarpan phytoalexin produced from Sophora flavescens. (-)-Maackiain is toxic to several genera of fungal pathogens of legume and non legume hosts[1]. (-)-Maackiain is a pterocarpan phytoalexin produced from Sophora flavescens. (-)-Maackiain is toxic to several genera of fungal pathogens of legume and non legume hosts[1]. (-)-Maackiain is a pterocarpan phytoalexin produced from Sophora flavescens. (-)-Maackiain is toxic to several genera of fungal pathogens of legume and non legume hosts[1].



1H,5H,10H-Dipyrido(2,1-f:3,2,1-ij)(1,6)naphthyridin-10-one, dodecahydro-, 4-oxide, (4R,7aS,13aR,13bR,13cS)-

C15H24N2O2 (264.18376839999996)

Ammothamnine is an alkaloid and a tertiary amine oxide. Oxymatrine is a natural product found in Sophora pachycarpa, Sophora chrysophylla, and other organisms with data available. D002317 - Cardiovascular Agents > D000889 - Anti-Arrhythmia Agents D000890 - Anti-Infective Agents > D000998 - Antiviral Agents Origin: Plant; SubCategory_DNP: Alkaloids derived from lysine, Quinolizidine alkaloids, Sophora alkaloid Oxymatrine is under investigation in clinical trial NCT02202473 (Oxymatrine Plus Lamivudine Combination Therapy Versus Lamivudine Monotherapy for Chronic Hepatitis B Infected Subjects). Matrine oxide is a natural product found in Daphniphyllum oldhamii, Sophora viciifolia, and other organisms with data available. Oxymatrine, an alkaloid from Sophora flavescens Alt. with anti-inflammatory, antifibrosis, and antitumor effects, inhibits the iNOS expression and TGF-β/Smad pathway. Oxymatrine inhibits bocavirus minute virus of canines (MVC) replication, reduces viral gene expression and decreases apoptosis induced by viral infection. Oxymatrine, an alkaloid from Sophora flavescens Alt. with anti-inflammatory, antifibrosis, and antitumor effects, inhibits the iNOS expression and TGF-β/Smad pathway. Oxymatrine inhibits bocavirus minute virus of canines (MVC) replication, reduces viral gene expression and decreases apoptosis induced by viral infection. Oxysophoridine (Sophoridine N-oxide) is a bioactive alkaloid extracted from the Sophora alopecuroides Linn. Oxysophoridine (Sophoridine N-oxide) shows anti inflammatory, anti oxidative stress and anti apoptosis effects[1][2]. Oxysophoridine (Sophoridine N-oxide) is a bioactive alkaloid extracted from the Sophora alopecuroides Linn. Oxysophoridine (Sophoridine N-oxide) shows anti inflammatory, anti oxidative stress and anti apoptosis effects[1][2].




C22H22O10 (446.1212912)

(-)-maackiain-3-o-glucoside, also known as trifolrhizin, is a member of the class of compounds known as pterocarpans. Pterocarpans are benzo-pyrano-furano-benzene compounds, containing the 6H-[1]benzofuro[3,2-c]chromene skeleton. They are derivatives of isoflavonoids (-)-maackiain-3-o-glucoside is slightly soluble (in water) and a very weakly acidic compound (based on its pKa). (-)-maackiain-3-o-glucoside can be found in a number of food items such as pepper (c. pubescens), loquat, nopal, and kiwi, which makes (-)-maackiain-3-o-glucoside a potential biomarker for the consumption of these food products. Trifolirhizin is a pterocarpan flavonoid isolated from the roots of Sophora flavescens. Trifolirhizin possesses potent tyrosinase inhibitory activity with an IC50 of 506 μM[1]. Trifolirhizin exhibits potential anti-inflammatory and anticancer activities[2]. Trifolirhizin is a pterocarpan flavonoid isolated from the roots of Sophora flavescens. Trifolirhizin possesses potent tyrosinase inhibitory activity with an IC50 of 506 μM[1]. Trifolirhizin exhibits potential anti-inflammatory and anticancer activities[2].



3-(1,3-Benzodioxol-5-yl)-7-hydroxy-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one, 9ci

C16H10O5 (282.052821)

Isolated from Pisum sativum (pea) and Trifolium pratense (red clover). Pseudobaptigenin is found in many foods, some of which are canada blueberry, oval-leaf huckleberry, radish, and lentils. Pseudobaptigenin is found in herbs and spices. Pseudobaptigenin is isolated from Pisum sativum (pea) and Trifolium pratense (red clover).




C15H24N2O (248.18885339999997)

Matrine is an alkaloid. Matrine is a natural product found in Daphniphyllum oldhamii, Sophora viciifolia, and other organisms with data available. Matrine is an alkaloid found in plants from the Sophora genus. It has a variety of pharmacological effects, including anti-cancer effects, and action as a kappa opioid receptor and μ-receptor agonist. Tetracyclic bis-quinolizidine alkaloids found in the family LEGUMINOSAE, mainly in the genus SOPHORA. See also: Matrine; salicylic acid (component of). Annotation level-1 relative retention time with respect to 9-anthracene Carboxylic Acid is 0.230 relative retention time with respect to 9-anthracene Carboxylic Acid is 0.224 Sophoridine is a natural product found in Sophora viciifolia, Leontice leontopetalum, and other organisms with data available. Tetracyclic bis-quinolizidine alkaloids found in the family LEGUMINOSAE, mainly in the genus SOPHORA. INTERNAL_ID 2268; CONFIDENCE Reference Standard (Level 1) CONFIDENCE Reference Standard (Level 1); INTERNAL_ID 2268 Matrine (Matridin-15-one) is an alkaloid found in plants from the Sophora genus that can act as a kappa opioid receptor and u-receptor agonist. Matrine has a variety of pharmacological effects, including anti-cancer, anti-oxidative stress, anti-inflammation and anti-apoptosis effects. Matrine is potential in the research of disease like human non-small cell lung cancer, hepatoma, papillary thyroid cancer and acute kidney injury (AKI)[1][2][3][4][5]. Matrine (Matridin-15-one) is an alkaloid found in plants from the Sophora genus that can act as a kappa opioid receptor and u-receptor agonist. Matrine has a variety of pharmacological effects, including anti-cancer, anti-oxidative stress, anti-inflammation and anti-apoptosis effects. Matrine is potential in the research of disease like human non-small cell lung cancer, hepatoma, papillary thyroid cancer and acute kidney injury (AKI)[1][2][3][4][5]. Matrine (Matridin-15-one) is an alkaloid found in plants from the Sophora genus that can act as a kappa opioid receptor and u-receptor agonist. Matrine has a variety of pharmacological effects, including anti-cancer, anti-oxidative stress, anti-inflammation and anti-apoptosis effects. Matrine is potential in the research of disease like human non-small cell lung cancer, hepatoma, papillary thyroid cancer and acute kidney injury (AKI)[1][2][3][4][5]. Sophoridine is a quinolizidine alkaloid isolated from Leguminous plant Sophora flavescens. Sophoridine induces apoptosis. Sophoridine has the potential to be a novel, potent and selective antitumor agent candidate for pancreatic cancer with well-tolerated toxicity[1]. Sophoridine is a quinolizidine alkaloid isolated from Leguminous plant Sophora flavescens. Sophoridine induces apoptosis. Sophoridine has the potential to be a novel, potent and selective antitumor agent candidate for pancreatic cancer with well-tolerated toxicity[1].



3-(2,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-5,7-dihydroxy-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one, 9CI

C15H10O6 (286.047736)

Isolated from Cajanus cajan (pigeon pea), Dolichos biflorus (papadi), Lablab niger (hyacinth bean), Phaseolus vulgaris (kidney bean) and Phaseolus coccineus (scarlet runner bean). 2-Hydroxygenistein is found in many foods, some of which are pulses, walnut, saskatoon berry, and garden tomato (variety). 2-Hydroxygenistein is found in adzuki bean. 2-Hydroxygenistein is isolated from Cajanus cajan (pigeon pea), Dolichos biflorus (papadi), Lablab niger (hyacinth bean), Phaseolus vulgaris (kidney bean) and Phaseolus coccineus (scarlet runner bean).




C15H24N2 (232.19393839999998)

Aloperine is a natural product found in Thinicola incana, Sophora alopecuroides, and other organisms with data available. Aloperine is an alkaloid in sophora plants such as Sophora alopecuroides L, which has shown anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory and anti-virus properties[1]. Aloperine is widely used to treat patients with allergic contact dermatitis eczema and other skin inflammation in China[2]. Aloperine induces apoptosis and autophagy in HL-60 cells[1]. Aloperine is an alkaloid in sophora plants such as Sophora alopecuroides L, which has shown anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory and anti-virus properties[1]. Aloperine is widely used to treat patients with allergic contact dermatitis eczema and other skin inflammation in China[2]. Aloperine induces apoptosis and autophagy in HL-60 cells[1].




C15H20N2O2 (260.15247)

Baptifoline is found in coffee and coffee products. Baptifoline is an alkaloid from Caulophyllum thalictroides (blue cohosh). Alkaloid from Caulophyllum thalictroides (blue cohosh). Baptifoline is found in coffee and coffee products.


Dihydrophaseic acid

(2Z,4E)-3-Methyl-5-[(1S)-1alpha-hydroxy-2,6-dimethyl-2alpha,6alpha-(epoxymethano)-4beta-hydroxycyclohexane-1-yl]-2,4-pentadienoic acid

C15H22O5 (282.1467162)

Dihydrophaseic acid is an apo carotenoid sesquiterpenoid that is phaseic acid in which the keto group has been reduced to the corresponding alcohol such that the two hydroxy groups are on opposite sides of the 6-membered ring. It has a role as a metabolite. It is a 6-hydroxy monocarboxylic acid, a cyclic ether, a tertiary alcohol, a secondary alcohol, an apo carotenoid sesquiterpenoid and an alpha,beta-unsaturated monocarboxylic acid. It is functionally related to a phaseic acid. Dihydrophaseic acid is a natural product found in Breynia rostrata, Sophora alopecuroides, and other organisms with data available. Dihydrophaseic acid (DPA), also known as 4-dihydrophaseic acid, belongs to the class of organic compounds known as abscisic acid and derivatives. These are terpene compounds containing the abscisic acid moiety, which is characterized by a 3-methylpenta-2,4-dienoic acid attached to the C1 carbon of a 4-oxocyclohex-2-ene moiety. Dihydrophaseic acid is found in coconut. Dihydrophaseic acid is isolated from French beans. An apo carotenoid sesquiterpenoid that is phaseic acid in which the keto group has been reduced to the corresponding alcohol such that the two hydroxy groups are on opposite sides of the 6-membered ring. Isolated from French beans. Dihydrophaseic acid is found in many foods, some of which are sunflower, corn, pulses, and coconut.



Sophoraflavanone G

C25H28O6 (424.1885788)

Sophoraflavanone G (Kushenol F) is iaolated from Sophora flavescens and shows anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory properties.? Sophoraflavanone G (Kushenol F) induces MDA-MB-231 and HL-60 cells apoptosis through suppression of MAPK-related pathways[1][2]. Sophoraflavanone G (Kushenol F) is iaolated from Sophora flavescens and shows anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory properties.? Sophoraflavanone G (Kushenol F) induces MDA-MB-231 and HL-60 cells apoptosis through suppression of MAPK-related pathways[1][2].




C22H22O10 (446.1212912)

Maackiain O-beta-D-galactopyranoside is found in herbs and spices. Maackiain O-beta-D-galactopyranoside is isolated from Trifolium pratense (red clover). Trifolirhizin is a pterocarpan flavonoid isolated from the roots of Sophora flavescens. Trifolirhizin possesses potent tyrosinase inhibitory activity with an IC50 of 506 μM[1]. Trifolirhizin exhibits potential anti-inflammatory and anticancer activities[2]. Trifolirhizin is a pterocarpan flavonoid isolated from the roots of Sophora flavescens. Trifolirhizin possesses potent tyrosinase inhibitory activity with an IC50 of 506 μM[1]. Trifolirhizin exhibits potential anti-inflammatory and anticancer activities[2].




C15H10O5 (270.052821)




C20H20O5 (340.13106700000003)

(s)-4,5,7-trihydroxy-8-prenylflavanone is a member of the class of compounds known as 8-prenylated flavanones. 8-prenylated flavanones are flavanones that features a C5-isoprenoid substituent at the 8-position. Thus, (s)-4,5,7-trihydroxy-8-prenylflavanone is considered to be a flavonoid lipid molecule (s)-4,5,7-trihydroxy-8-prenylflavanone is practically insoluble (in water) and a very weakly acidic compound (based on its pKa). (s)-4,5,7-trihydroxy-8-prenylflavanone can be found in beer, which makes (s)-4,5,7-trihydroxy-8-prenylflavanone a potential biomarker for the consumption of this food product.




C11H14N2O (190.1106074)

Cytisine is an organic heterotricyclic compound that is the toxic principle in Laburnum seeds and is found in many members of the Fabaceae (legume, pea or bean) family. An acetylcholine agonist, it is widely used throughout Eastern Europe as an aid to giving up smoking. It has a role as a nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonist, a phytotoxin and a plant metabolite. It is an alkaloid, an organic heterotricyclic compound, a secondary amino compound, a lactam and a bridged compound. Cytisine is an alkaloid naturally derived from the Fabaceae family of plants including the genera Laburnum and Cytisus. Recent studies have shown it to be a more effective and significantly more affordable smoking cessation treatment than nicotine replacement therapy. Also known as baptitoxine or sophorine, cytisine has been used as a smoking cessation treatment since 1964, and is relatively unknown in regions outside of central and Eastern Europe. Cytisine is a partial nicotinic acetylcholine agonist with a half-life of 4.8 hours. Recent Phase III clinical trials using Tabex (a brand of Cytisine marketed by Sopharma AD) have shown similar efficacy to varenicline, but at a fraction of the cost. Cytisine is a natural product found in Viscum cruciatum, Thermopsis chinensis, and other organisms with data available. See also: Cytisus scoparius flowering top (part of); Thermopsis lanceolata whole (part of). An organic heterotricyclic compound that is the toxic principle in Laburnum seeds and is found in many members of the Fabaceae (legume, pea or bean) family. An acetylcholine agonist, it is widely used throughout Eastern Europe as an aid to giving up smoking. N - Nervous system > N07 - Other nervous system drugs > N07B - Drugs used in addictive disorders > N07BA - Drugs used in nicotine dependence C78272 - Agent Affecting Nervous System > C47796 - Cholinergic Agonist > C73579 - Nicotinic Agonist Cytisinicline (Cytisine) is an alkaloid. Cytisinicline (Cytisine) is a partial agonist of α4β2 nAChRs[1], and partial to full agonist at β4 containing receptors and α7 receptors[2]. Has been used medically to help with smoking cessation[3]. Cytisinicline (Cytisine) is an alkaloid. Cytisinicline (Cytisine) is a partial agonist of α4β2 nAChRs[1], and partial to full agonist at β4 containing receptors and α7 receptors[2]. Has been used medically to help with smoking cessation[3]. Cytisinicline (Cytisine) is an alkaloid. Cytisinicline (Cytisine) is a partial agonist of α4β2 nAChRs[1], and partial to full agonist at β4 containing receptors and α7 receptors[2]. Has been used medically to help with smoking cessation[3].



(41S,7aS,13aR,13bR)-2,3,41,6,7,7a,8,13,13a,13b-Decahydro-1H,5H,10H-dipyrido[2,1-f:3,2,1-ij][1,6]naphthyridin-10-one hydrat

C15H22N2O (246.1732042)

Sophocarpine is a natural product found in Daphniphyllum oldhamii, Sophora viciifolia, and other organisms with data available. Sophocarpine is one of the significant alkaloid extracted from the traditional herb medicine Sophora flavescens which has many pharmacological properties such as anti-virus, anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory. Sophocarpine significantly inhibits the growth of gastric cancer (GC) cells through multiple mechanisms such as induction of autophagy, activation of cell apoptosis and down-regulation of cell survival PI3K/AKT signaling pathway. Sophocarpine has been demonstrated to have anti-tumor activity in various cancer cells, including hepatocellular carcinoma, prostate cancer and colorectal cancer[1]. Sophocarpine is one of the significant alkaloid extracted from the traditional herb medicine Sophora flavescens which has many pharmacological properties such as anti-virus, anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory. Sophocarpine significantly inhibits the growth of gastric cancer (GC) cells through multiple mechanisms such as induction of autophagy, activation of cell apoptosis and down-regulation of cell survival PI3K/AKT signaling pathway. Sophocarpine has been demonstrated to have anti-tumor activity in various cancer cells, including hepatocellular carcinoma, prostate cancer and colorectal cancer[1]. Sophocarpine is one of the significant alkaloid extracted from the traditional herb medicine Sophora flavescens which has many pharmacological properties such as anti-virus, anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory. Sophocarpine significantly inhibits the growth of gastric cancer (GC) cells through multiple mechanisms such as induction of autophagy, activation of cell apoptosis and down-regulation of cell survival PI3K/AKT signaling pathway. Sophocarpine has been demonstrated to have anti-tumor activity in various cancer cells, including hepatocellular carcinoma, prostate cancer and colorectal cancer[1].



1H,5H,10H-DIPYRIDO(2,1-F:3,2,1-IJ)(1,6)NAPHTHYRIDIN-10-ONE, 2,3,6,7,7A,8,13,13A,13B,13C-DECAHYDRO-, 4-OXIDE, (4R,7AS,13AR,13BR,13CS)-

C15H22N2O2 (262.1681192)

Matridin-15-one, 13,14-didehydro-, 1-oxide is a natural product found in Sophora viciifolia, Sophora alopecuroides, and other organisms with data available. Oxysophocarpine is an alkaloid extracted from Sophora alopecuroides.?Oxysophocarpine has neuroprotective and anti-nociceptive effects on the central and peripheral nervous systems[1]. Oxysophocarpine inhibits the?growth?and?metastasis?of ?oral?squamous?cell?carcinoma?(OSCC)[2]. Oxysophocarpine is an alkaloid extracted from Sophora alopecuroides.?Oxysophocarpine has neuroprotective and anti-nociceptive effects on the central and peripheral nervous systems[1]. Oxysophocarpine inhibits the?growth?and?metastasis?of ?oral?squamous?cell?carcinoma?(OSCC)[2].



[ S, (-) ] -2,3-Dihydro-7-hydroxy-2alpha- [ 4-hydroxy-3- (3-methyl-2-butenyl) phenyl ] -8- (3-methyl-2-butenyl) -4H-1-benzopyran-4-one

C25H28O4 (392.19874880000003)

Glabrol is a member of flavanones. Glabrol is a natural product found in Sophora alopecuroides, Euchresta formosana, and other organisms with data available. See also: Glycyrrhiza Glabra (part of). Glabrol (Compound 1), One isoprenyl flavonoid was isolated from ethanol extract of licorice roots, is a potent and non-competitive Acyl-coenzyme A: cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT) inhibitor with an IC50 value of 24.6 μM for rat liver microsomal ACAT activity[1]. Glabrol (Compound 1), One isoprenyl flavonoid was isolated from ethanol extract of licorice roots, is a potent and non-competitive Acyl-coenzyme A: cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT) inhibitor with an IC50 value of 24.6 μM for rat liver microsomal ACAT activity[1]. Glabrol (Compound 1), One isoprenyl flavonoid was isolated from ethanol extract of licorice roots, is a potent and non-competitive Acyl-coenzyme A: cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT) inhibitor with an IC50 value of 24.6 μM for rat liver microsomal ACAT activity[1].




C22H22O10 (446.1212912)

Trifolirhizin is a member of pterocarpans. Trifolirhizin is a natural product found in Sophora alopecuroides, Ononis arvensis, and other organisms with data available. Trifolirhizin is a pterocarpan flavonoid isolated from the roots of Sophora flavescens. Trifolirhizin possesses potent tyrosinase inhibitory activity with an IC50 of 506 μM[1]. Trifolirhizin exhibits potential anti-inflammatory and anticancer activities[2]. Trifolirhizin is a pterocarpan flavonoid isolated from the roots of Sophora flavescens. Trifolirhizin possesses potent tyrosinase inhibitory activity with an IC50 of 506 μM[1]. Trifolirhizin exhibits potential anti-inflammatory and anticancer activities[2].



(8S,10S)-10-(((2R,4S,5S,6S)-4-amino-5-hydroxy-6-methyltetrahydro-2H-pyran-2-yl)oxy)-6,8,11-trihydroxy-8-(2-hydroxyacetyl)-1-methoxy-7,8,9,10-tetrahydrotetracene-5,12-dione hydrochloride

C27H29NO11.HCl (579.15073)

Adriamycin hydrochloride appears as orange-red thin needles. Aqueous solutions yellow-orange at acid pHs, orange-red at neutral pHs, and violet blue over pH 9. (NTP, 1992) Doxorubicin hydrochloride is an anthracycline. ["Doxorubicin hydrochloride (liposomal) is an antineoplastic prescription medicine approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of certain types of cancer, including ovarian cancer, multiple myeloma, and AIDS-related Kaposi sarcoma.","Kaposi sarcoma is caused by infection with human herpesvirus-8 (HHV-8). HHV-8 infection can be an opportunistic infection (OI) of HIV."] Doxorubicin Hydrochloride is the hydrochloride salt of doxorubicin, an anthracycline antibiotic with antineoplastic activity. Doxorubicin, isolated from the bacterium Streptomyces peucetius var. caesius, is the hydroxylated congener of daunorubicin. Doxorubicin intercalates between base pairs in the DNA helix, thereby preventing DNA replication and ultimately inhibiting protein synthesis. Additionally, doxorubicin inhibits topoisomerase II which results in an increased and stabilized cleavable enzyme-DNA linked complex during DNA replication and subsequently prevents the ligation of the nucleotide strand after double-strand breakage. Doxorubicin also forms oxygen free radicals resulting in cytotoxicity secondary to lipid peroxidation of cell membrane lipids; the formation of oxygen free radicals also contributes to the toxicity of the anthracycline antibiotics, namely the cardiac and cutaneous vascular effects. Antineoplastic antibiotic obtained from Streptomyces peucetius. It is a hydroxy derivative of DAUNORUBICIN. See also: Doxorubicin (has active moiety). C274 - Antineoplastic Agent > C2189 - Signal Transduction Inhibitor > C129824 - Antineoplastic Protein Inhibitor D000970 - Antineoplastic Agents > D059003 - Topoisomerase Inhibitors > D059005 - Topoisomerase II Inhibitors C274 - Antineoplastic Agent > C186664 - Cytotoxic Chemotherapeutic Agent > C259 - Antineoplastic Antibiotic C471 - Enzyme Inhibitor > C129825 - Antineoplastic Enzyme Inhibitor > C1748 - Topoisomerase Inhibitor C274 - Antineoplastic Agent > C186664 - Cytotoxic Chemotherapeutic Agent > C2842 - DNA Binding Agent D004791 - Enzyme Inhibitors Doxorubicin (Hydroxydaunorubicin) hydrochloride, a cytotoxic anthracycline antibiotic, is an anti-cancer chemotherapy agent. Doxorubicin hydrochloride is a potent human DNA topoisomerase I and topoisomerase II inhibitor with IC50s of 0.8 μM and 2.67 μM, respectively. Doxorubicin hydrochloride reduces basal phosphorylation of AMPK and its downstream target acetyl-CoA carboxylase. Doxorubicin hydrochloride induces apoptosis and autophagy[1][2][3]. Doxorubicin (Hydroxydaunorubicin) hydrochloride, a cytotoxic anthracycline antibiotic, is an anti-cancer chemotherapy agent. Doxorubicin hydrochloride is a potent human DNA topoisomerase I and topoisomerase II inhibitor with IC50s of 0.8 μM and 2.67 μM, respectively. Doxorubicin hydrochloride reduces basal phosphorylation of AMPK and its downstream target acetyl-CoA carboxylase. Doxorubicin hydrochloride induces apoptosis and autophagy[1][2][3]. Doxorubicin (Hydroxydaunorubicin) hydrochloride, a cytotoxic anthracycline antibiotic, is an anti-cancer chemotherapy agent. Doxorubicin hydrochloride is a potent human DNA topoisomerase I and topoisomerase II inhibitor with IC50s of 0.8 μM and 2.67 μM, respectively. Doxorubicin hydrochloride reduces basal phosphorylation of AMPK and its downstream target acetyl-CoA carboxylase. Doxorubicin hydrochloride induces apoptosis and autophagy[1][2][3].


Kushenol P


C26H32O7 (456.2147922)




C15H22N2O2 (262.1681192)

Oxysophocarpine is an alkaloid extracted from Sophora alopecuroides.?Oxysophocarpine has neuroprotective and anti-nociceptive effects on the central and peripheral nervous systems[1]. Oxysophocarpine inhibits the?growth?and?metastasis?of ?oral?squamous?cell?carcinoma?(OSCC)[2]. Oxysophocarpine is an alkaloid extracted from Sophora alopecuroides.?Oxysophocarpine has neuroprotective and anti-nociceptive effects on the central and peripheral nervous systems[1]. Oxysophocarpine inhibits the?growth?and?metastasis?of ?oral?squamous?cell?carcinoma?(OSCC)[2].




C29H50O (414.386145)

A member of the class of phytosterols that is stigmast-5-ene substituted by a beta-hydroxy group at position 3. C1907 - Drug, Natural Product > C28178 - Phytosterol > C68437 - Unsaturated Phytosterol D057847 - Lipid Regulating Agents > D000960 - Hypolipidemic Agents D009676 - Noxae > D000963 - Antimetabolites Beta-Sitosterol (purity>98\\%) is a plant sterol. Beta-Sitosterol (purity>98\\%) interfere with multiple cell signaling pathways, including cell cycle, apoptosis, proliferation, survival, invasion, angiogenesis, metastasis and inflammation[1]. Beta-Sitosterol (purity>98\%) is a plant sterol. Beta-Sitosterol (purity>98\%) interfere with multiple cell signaling pathways, including cell cycle, apoptosis, proliferation, survival, invasion, angiogenesis, metastasis and inflammation[1].



3- (1,3-Benzodioxol-5-yl) -7-hydroxy-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one

C16H10O5 (282.052821)

A member of the class of 7-hydroxyisoflavones that is 7-hydroxyisoflavone and in which the phenyl group at position 3 is replaced by a 1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl group.




C15H10O5 (270.052821)

Sulfuretin is a member of 1-benzofurans. Sulfuretin is a natural product found in Calanticaria bicolor, Dipteryx lacunifera, and other organisms with data available. Sulfuretin inhibits the inflammatory response by suppressing the NF-κB pathway. Sulfuretin can be used for the research of allergic airway inflammation. Sulfuretin reduces oxidative stress, platelet aggregation, and mutagenesis[1]. Sulfuretin is a competitive and potent inhibitor of monophenolase and diphenolase activities with the IC50 of 13.64 μM[2]. Sulfuretin inhibits the inflammatory response by suppressing the NF-κB pathway. Sulfuretin can be used for the research of allergic airway inflammation. Sulfuretin reduces oxidative stress, platelet aggregation, and mutagenesis[1]. Sulfuretin is a competitive and potent inhibitor of monophenolase and diphenolase activities with the IC50 of 13.64 μM[2].



3-(2,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-5,7-dihydroxy-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one, 9CI

C15H10O6 (286.047736)

2-hydroxygenistein is a hydroxyisoflavone that is genistein substituted by an additional hydroxy group at position 2. It has been isolated from Crotalaria lachnophora. It has a role as a plant metabolite. It is functionally related to a genistein. It is a conjugate acid of a 2-hydroxygenistein(1-). 2-Hydroxygenistein is a natural product found in Crotalaria lachnophora, Vigna radiata, and other organisms with data available. Isolated from Cajanus cajan (pigeon pea), Dolichos biflorus (papadi), Lablab niger (hyacinth bean), Phaseolus vulgaris (kidney bean) and Phaseolus coccineus (scarlet runner bean). 2-Hydroxygenistein is found in many foods, some of which are pulses, walnut, saskatoon berry, and garden tomato (variety). 2-Hydroxygenistein is found in adzuki bean. 2-Hydroxygenistein is isolated from Cajanus cajan (pigeon pea), Dolichos biflorus (papadi), Lablab niger (hyacinth bean), Phaseolus vulgaris (kidney bean) and Phaseolus coccineus (scarlet runner bean). A hydroxyisoflavone that is genistein substituted by an additional hydroxy group at position 2. It has been isolated from Crotalaria lachnophora.



Flavone, 3,4,7-trihydroxy- (6CI,7CI,8CI); 2-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-7-hydroxy-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one; 3,4,7-Trihydroxyflavone; 3,4,7-Trihydroxylflavone; 5-Deoxyluteolin; 7,3,4-Trihydroxyflavone

C15H10O5 (270.052821)

7,3,4-Trihydroxyflavone is a natural product found in Dipteryx lacunifera, Thermopsis macrophylla, and other organisms with data available.




C15H10O5 (270.052821)

C274 - Antineoplastic Agent > C163758 - Targeted Therapy Agent > C1821 - Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator D006730 - Hormones, Hormone Substitutes, and Hormone Antagonists > D006728 - Hormones > D004967 - Estrogens C274 - Antineoplastic Agent > C129818 - Antineoplastic Hormonal/Endocrine Agent > C481 - Antiestrogen C471 - Enzyme Inhibitor > C1404 - Protein Kinase Inhibitor > C1967 - Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor C147908 - Hormone Therapy Agent > C548 - Therapeutic Hormone > C483 - Therapeutic Estrogen D004791 - Enzyme Inhibitors > D047428 - Protein Kinase Inhibitors D020011 - Protective Agents > D016588 - Anticarcinogenic Agents C274 - Antineoplastic Agent > C1742 - Angiogenesis Inhibitor C147908 - Hormone Therapy Agent > C547 - Hormone Antagonist D000970 - Antineoplastic Agents C1892 - Chemopreventive Agent Disclaimer: While authors make an effort to ensure that the content of this record is accurate, the authors make no representations or warranties in relation to the accuracy or completeness of the record. This record do not reflect any viewpoints of the affiliation and organization to which the authors belong. Acquisition and generation of the data is financially supported by the Max-Planck-Society IPB_RECORD: 2181; CONFIDENCE confident structure Genistein, a soy isoflavone, is a multiple tyrosine kinases (e.g., EGFR) inhibitor which acts as a chemotherapeutic agent against different types of cancer, mainly by altering apoptosis, the cell cycle, and angiogenesis and inhibiting metastasis. Genistein, a soy isoflavone, is a multiple tyrosine kinases (e.g., EGFR) inhibitor which acts as a chemotherapeutic agent against different types of cancer, mainly by altering apoptosis, the cell cycle, and angiogenesis and inhibiting metastasis.




C10H10O4 (194.057906)

Ferulic acid, also known as 4-hydroxy-3-methoxycinnamic acid or 3-methoxy-4-hydroxy-trans-cinnamic acid, is a member of the class of compounds known as hydroxycinnamic acids. Hydroxycinnamic acids are compounds containing an cinnamic acid where the benzene ring is hydroxylated. Ferulic acid is practically insoluble (in water) and a weakly acidic compound (based on its pKa). Ferulic acid can be found in a number of food items such as flaxseed, pepper (c. chinense), chinese cinnamon, and wakame, which makes ferulic acid a potential biomarker for the consumption of these food products. Ferulic acid can be found primarily in blood, feces, and urine, as well as in human fibroblasts and stratum corneum tissues. Ferulic acid exists in all eukaryotes, ranging from yeast to humans. Ferulic acid is a hydroxycinnamic acid, a type of organic compound. It is an abundant phenolic phytochemical found in plant cell walls, covalently bonded as side chains to molecules such as arabinoxylans. As a component of lignin, ferulic acid is a precursor in the manufacture of other aromatic compounds. The name is derived from the genus Ferula, referring to the giant fennel (Ferula communis) . D018373 - Peripheral Nervous System Agents > D018689 - Sensory System Agents D005765 - Gastrointestinal Agents > D002756 - Cholagogues and Choleretics D002317 - Cardiovascular Agents > D000959 - Antihypertensive Agents D019995 - Laboratory Chemicals > D007202 - Indicators and Reagents D002491 - Central Nervous System Agents > D000700 - Analgesics D000975 - Antioxidants > D016166 - Free Radical Scavengers D006401 - Hematologic Agents > D000925 - Anticoagulants D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants D000893 - Anti-Inflammatory Agents D018501 - Antirheumatic Agents (E)-Ferulic acid is a isomer of Ferulic acid which is an aromatic compound, abundant in plant cell walls. (E)-Ferulic acid causes the phosphorylation of β-catenin, resulting in proteasomal degradation of β-catenin and increases the expression of pro-apoptotic factor Bax and decreases the expression of pro-survival factor survivin. (E)-Ferulic acid shows a potent ability to remove reactive oxygen species (ROS) and inhibits lipid peroxidation. (E)-Ferulic acid exerts both anti-proliferation and anti-migration effects in the human lung cancer cell line H1299[1]. (E)-Ferulic acid is a isomer of Ferulic acid which is an aromatic compound, abundant in plant cell walls. (E)-Ferulic acid causes the phosphorylation of β-catenin, resulting in proteasomal degradation of β-catenin and increases the expression of pro-apoptotic factor Bax and decreases the expression of pro-survival factor survivin. (E)-Ferulic acid shows a potent ability to remove reactive oxygen species (ROS) and inhibits lipid peroxidation. (E)-Ferulic acid exerts both anti-proliferation and anti-migration effects in the human lung cancer cell line H1299[1]. Ferulic acid is a novel fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 (FGFR1) inhibitor with IC50s of 3.78 and 12.5 μM for FGFR1 and FGFR2, respectively. Ferulic acid is a novel fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 (FGFR1) inhibitor with IC50s of 3.78 and 12.5 μM for FGFR1 and FGFR2, respectively.




C15H26N2 (234.2095876)

C - Cardiovascular system > C01 - Cardiac therapy > C01B - Antiarrhythmics, class i and iii > C01BA - Antiarrhythmics, class ia D002317 - Cardiovascular Agents > D000889 - Anti-Arrhythmia Agents D012102 - Reproductive Control Agents > D010120 - Oxytocics CONFIDENCE Reference Standard (Level 1); INTERNAL_ID 3 (-)-Sparteine is a natural alkaloid isolated from beans. (-)-Sparteine is a natural alkaloid isolated from beans. (+)-Sparteine is a natural alkaloid acting as a ganglionic blocking agent. (+)-Sparteine competitively blocks nicotinic ACh receptor in the neurons. (+)-Sparteine is a natural alkaloid acting as a ganglionic blocking agent. (+)-Sparteine competitively blocks nicotinic ACh receptor in the neurons. (+)-Sparteine is a natural alkaloid acting as a ganglionic blocking agent. (+)-Sparteine competitively blocks nicotinic ACh receptor in the neurons.




C15H20N2O (244.157555)

Origin: Plant; SubCategory_DNP: Alkaloids derived from lysine, Quinolizidine alkaloids, Sophora alkaloid




C15H22N2O (246.1732042)

CONFIDENCE Reference Standard (Level 1); INTERNAL_ID 2290 Sophocarpine is one of the significant alkaloid extracted from the traditional herb medicine Sophora flavescens which has many pharmacological properties such as anti-virus, anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory. Sophocarpine significantly inhibits the growth of gastric cancer (GC) cells through multiple mechanisms such as induction of autophagy, activation of cell apoptosis and down-regulation of cell survival PI3K/AKT signaling pathway. Sophocarpine has been demonstrated to have anti-tumor activity in various cancer cells, including hepatocellular carcinoma, prostate cancer and colorectal cancer[1]. Sophocarpine is one of the significant alkaloid extracted from the traditional herb medicine Sophora flavescens which has many pharmacological properties such as anti-virus, anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory. Sophocarpine significantly inhibits the growth of gastric cancer (GC) cells through multiple mechanisms such as induction of autophagy, activation of cell apoptosis and down-regulation of cell survival PI3K/AKT signaling pathway. Sophocarpine has been demonstrated to have anti-tumor activity in various cancer cells, including hepatocellular carcinoma, prostate cancer and colorectal cancer[1]. Sophocarpine is one of the significant alkaloid extracted from the traditional herb medicine Sophora flavescens which has many pharmacological properties such as anti-virus, anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory. Sophocarpine significantly inhibits the growth of gastric cancer (GC) cells through multiple mechanisms such as induction of autophagy, activation of cell apoptosis and down-regulation of cell survival PI3K/AKT signaling pathway. Sophocarpine has been demonstrated to have anti-tumor activity in various cancer cells, including hepatocellular carcinoma, prostate cancer and colorectal cancer[1].




C11H14N2O (190.1106074)

N - Nervous system > N07 - Other nervous system drugs > N07B - Drugs used in addictive disorders > N07BA - Drugs used in nicotine dependence C78272 - Agent Affecting Nervous System > C47796 - Cholinergic Agonist > C73579 - Nicotinic Agonist CONFIDENCE Reference Standard (Level 1); INTERNAL_ID 2241 Cytisinicline (Cytisine) is an alkaloid. Cytisinicline (Cytisine) is a partial agonist of α4β2 nAChRs[1], and partial to full agonist at β4 containing receptors and α7 receptors[2]. Has been used medically to help with smoking cessation[3]. Cytisinicline (Cytisine) is an alkaloid. Cytisinicline (Cytisine) is a partial agonist of α4β2 nAChRs[1], and partial to full agonist at β4 containing receptors and α7 receptors[2]. Has been used medically to help with smoking cessation[3]. Cytisinicline (Cytisine) is an alkaloid. Cytisinicline (Cytisine) is a partial agonist of α4β2 nAChRs[1], and partial to full agonist at β4 containing receptors and α7 receptors[2]. Has been used medically to help with smoking cessation[3].




C16H12O5 (284.0684702)

Widespread in the Leguminosae subfamily. Constituent of Trifolium pratense (red clover). (-)-Maackiain is found in many foods, some of which are nectarine, chickpea, alaska blueberry, and adzuki bean. (-)-Maackiain is a pterocarpan phytoalexin produced from Sophora flavescens. (-)-Maackiain is toxic to several genera of fungal pathogens of legume and non legume hosts[1]. (-)-Maackiain is a pterocarpan phytoalexin produced from Sophora flavescens. (-)-Maackiain is toxic to several genera of fungal pathogens of legume and non legume hosts[1]. (-)-Maackiain is a pterocarpan phytoalexin produced from Sophora flavescens. (-)-Maackiain is toxic to several genera of fungal pathogens of legume and non legume hosts[1]. (-)-Maackiain is a pterocarpan phytoalexin produced from Sophora flavescens. (-)-Maackiain is toxic to several genera of fungal pathogens of legume and non legume hosts[1].




C15H10O5 (270.052821)




C20H20O4 (324.13615200000004)


Doxorubicin Hydrochloride

Doxorubicin Hydrochloride

C27H30ClNO11 (579.1507300000001)

C274 - Antineoplastic Agent > C2189 - Signal Transduction Inhibitor > C129824 - Antineoplastic Protein Inhibitor D000970 - Antineoplastic Agents > D059003 - Topoisomerase Inhibitors > D059005 - Topoisomerase II Inhibitors C274 - Antineoplastic Agent > C186664 - Cytotoxic Chemotherapeutic Agent > C259 - Antineoplastic Antibiotic C471 - Enzyme Inhibitor > C129825 - Antineoplastic Enzyme Inhibitor > C1748 - Topoisomerase Inhibitor C274 - Antineoplastic Agent > C186664 - Cytotoxic Chemotherapeutic Agent > C2842 - DNA Binding Agent D004791 - Enzyme Inhibitors Doxorubicin (Hydroxydaunorubicin) hydrochloride, a cytotoxic anthracycline antibiotic, is an anti-cancer chemotherapy agent. Doxorubicin hydrochloride is a potent human DNA topoisomerase I and topoisomerase II inhibitor with IC50s of 0.8 μM and 2.67 μM, respectively. Doxorubicin hydrochloride reduces basal phosphorylation of AMPK and its downstream target acetyl-CoA carboxylase. Doxorubicin hydrochloride induces apoptosis and autophagy[1][2][3]. Doxorubicin (Hydroxydaunorubicin) hydrochloride, a cytotoxic anthracycline antibiotic, is an anti-cancer chemotherapy agent. Doxorubicin hydrochloride is a potent human DNA topoisomerase I and topoisomerase II inhibitor with IC50s of 0.8 μM and 2.67 μM, respectively. Doxorubicin hydrochloride reduces basal phosphorylation of AMPK and its downstream target acetyl-CoA carboxylase. Doxorubicin hydrochloride induces apoptosis and autophagy[1][2][3]. Doxorubicin (Hydroxydaunorubicin) hydrochloride, a cytotoxic anthracycline antibiotic, is an anti-cancer chemotherapy agent. Doxorubicin hydrochloride is a potent human DNA topoisomerase I and topoisomerase II inhibitor with IC50s of 0.8 μM and 2.67 μM, respectively. Doxorubicin hydrochloride reduces basal phosphorylation of AMPK and its downstream target acetyl-CoA carboxylase. Doxorubicin hydrochloride induces apoptosis and autophagy[1][2][3].




C29H50O (414.386145)

C1907 - Drug, Natural Product > C28178 - Phytosterol > C68437 - Unsaturated Phytosterol D057847 - Lipid Regulating Agents > D000960 - Hypolipidemic Agents D009676 - Noxae > D000963 - Antimetabolites Beta-Sitosterol (purity>98\\%) is a plant sterol. Beta-Sitosterol (purity>98\\%) interfere with multiple cell signaling pathways, including cell cycle, apoptosis, proliferation, survival, invasion, angiogenesis, metastasis and inflammation[1]. Beta-Sitosterol (purity>98\%) is a plant sterol. Beta-Sitosterol (purity>98\%) interfere with multiple cell signaling pathways, including cell cycle, apoptosis, proliferation, survival, invasion, angiogenesis, metastasis and inflammation[1].


NPI 031L

4H-1-Benzopyran-4-one, 5,7-dihydroxy-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-

C15H10O5 (270.052821)

C274 - Antineoplastic Agent > C163758 - Targeted Therapy Agent > C1821 - Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator D006730 - Hormones, Hormone Substitutes, and Hormone Antagonists > D006728 - Hormones > D004967 - Estrogens C274 - Antineoplastic Agent > C129818 - Antineoplastic Hormonal/Endocrine Agent > C481 - Antiestrogen C471 - Enzyme Inhibitor > C1404 - Protein Kinase Inhibitor > C1967 - Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor C147908 - Hormone Therapy Agent > C548 - Therapeutic Hormone > C483 - Therapeutic Estrogen D004791 - Enzyme Inhibitors > D047428 - Protein Kinase Inhibitors D020011 - Protective Agents > D016588 - Anticarcinogenic Agents C274 - Antineoplastic Agent > C1742 - Angiogenesis Inhibitor C147908 - Hormone Therapy Agent > C547 - Hormone Antagonist D000970 - Antineoplastic Agents C1892 - Chemopreventive Agent Genistein, a soy isoflavone, is a multiple tyrosine kinases (e.g., EGFR) inhibitor which acts as a chemotherapeutic agent against different types of cancer, mainly by altering apoptosis, the cell cycle, and angiogenesis and inhibiting metastasis. Genistein, a soy isoflavone, is a multiple tyrosine kinases (e.g., EGFR) inhibitor which acts as a chemotherapeutic agent against different types of cancer, mainly by altering apoptosis, the cell cycle, and angiogenesis and inhibiting metastasis.



4H-1-Benzopyran-4-one, 3-(1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl)-7-hydroxy-

C16H10O5 (282.052821)



4H-1-Benzopyran-4-one, 2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-7-hydroxy-

C15H10O5 (270.052821)


Matrine 1beta-oxide


C15H24N2O2 (264.18376839999996)

Oxysophoridine (Sophoridine N-oxide) is a bioactive alkaloid extracted from the Sophora alopecuroides Linn. Oxysophoridine (Sophoridine N-oxide) shows anti inflammatory, anti oxidative stress and anti apoptosis effects[1][2]. Oxysophoridine (Sophoridine N-oxide) is a bioactive alkaloid extracted from the Sophora alopecuroides Linn. Oxysophoridine (Sophoridine N-oxide) shows anti inflammatory, anti oxidative stress and anti apoptosis effects[1][2].


Butanedioic acid, 2,3-dihydroxy-2-((4-hydroxyphenyl)methyl)-, (2R,3S)-

Butanedioic acid, 2,3-dihydroxy-2-((4-hydroxyphenyl)methyl)-, (2R,3S)-

C11H12O7 (256.05830019999996)


3-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)prop-2-enoic acid

3-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)prop-2-enoic acid

C10H10O4 (194.057906)