Classification Term: 169886

C40 isoprenoids (ontology term: 15a1dcf5ba8b442316e300eae669c533)

found 63 associated metabolites at sub_class metabolite taxonomy ontology rank level.

Ancestor: Isoprenoids

Child Taxonomies: There is no child term of current ontology term.



C42H58O6 (658.4233168000001)

Fucoxanthin is an epoxycarotenol that is found in brown seaweed and which exhibits anti-cancer, anti-diabetic, anti-oxidative and neuroprotective properties. It has a role as an algal metabolite, a CFTR potentiator, a food antioxidant, a neuroprotective agent, a hypoglycemic agent, an apoptosis inhibitor, a hepatoprotective agent, a marine metabolite and a plant metabolite. It is an epoxycarotenol, an acetate ester, a secondary alcohol, a tertiary alcohol and a member of allenes. Fucoxanthin is a natural product found in Aequipecten opercularis, Ascidia zara, and other organisms with data available. Fucoxanthin is a carotenoid, with formula C40H60O6. It is found as an accessory pigment in the chloroplasts of brown algae and most other heterokonts, giving them a brown or olive-green color. Fucoxanthin absorbs light primarily in the blue-green to yellow-green part of the visible spectrum, peaking at around 510-525 nm by various estimates and absorbing significantly in the range of 450 to 540 nm. -- Wikipedia [HMDB] Fucoxanthin is a carotenoid, with formula C40H60O6. It is found as an accessory pigment in the chloroplasts of brown algae and most other heterokonts, giving them a brown or olive-green color. Fucoxanthin absorbs light primarily in the blue-green to yellow-green part of the visible spectrum, peaking at around 510-525 nm by various estimates and absorbing significantly in the range of 450 to 540 nm. -- Wikipedia. D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids Fucoxanthin (all-trans-Fucoxanthin) is a marine carotenoid and shows anti-obesity, anti-diabetic, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anticancer activities[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]. Fucoxanthin is a marine carotenoid and shows anti-obesity, anti-diabetic, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anticancer activities. Fucoxanthin (all-trans-Fucoxanthin) is a marine carotenoid and shows anti-obesity, anti-diabetic, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anticancer activities[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]. Fucoxanthin is a marine carotenoid and shows anti-obesity, anti-diabetic, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anticancer activities.




C40H56 (536.4381776)

Beta-carotene is a cyclic carotene obtained by dimerisation of all-trans-retinol. A strongly-coloured red-orange pigment abundant in plants and fruit and the most active and important provitamin A carotenoid. It has a role as a biological pigment, a provitamin A, a plant metabolite, a human metabolite, a mouse metabolite, a cofactor, a ferroptosis inhibitor and an antioxidant. It is a cyclic carotene and a carotenoid beta-end derivative. Beta-carotene, with the molecular formula C40H56, belongs to the group of carotenoids consisting of isoprene units. The presence of long chains of conjugated double bonds donates beta-carotene with specific colors. It is the most abundant form of carotenoid and it is a precursor of the vitamin A. Beta-carotene is composed of two retinyl groups. It is an antioxidant that can be found in yellow, orange and green leafy vegetables and fruits. Under the FDA, beta-carotene is considered as a generally recognized as safe substance (GRAS). Beta-Carotene is a natural product found in Epicoccum nigrum, Lonicera japonica, and other organisms with data available. Beta-Carotene is a naturally-occurring retinol (vitamin A) precursor obtained from certain fruits and vegetables with potential antineoplastic and chemopreventive activities. As an anti-oxidant, beta carotene inhibits free-radical damage to DNA. This agent also induces cell differentiation and apoptosis of some tumor cell types, particularly in early stages of tumorigenesis, and enhances immune system activity by stimulating the release of natural killer cells, lymphocytes, and monocytes. (NCI04) beta-Carotene is a metabolite found in or produced by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A carotenoid that is a precursor of VITAMIN A. Beta carotene is administered to reduce the severity of photosensitivity reactions in patients with erythropoietic protoporphyria (PORPHYRIA, ERYTHROPOIETIC). See also: Lycopene (part of); Broccoli (part of); Lycium barbarum fruit (part of). Beta-Carotene belongs to the class of organic compounds known as carotenes. These are a type of polyunsaturated hydrocarbon molecules containing eight consecutive isoprene units. Carotenes are characterized by the presence of two end-groups (mostly cyclohexene rings, but also cyclopentene rings or acyclic groups) linked by a long branched alkyl chain. Beta-carotene is therefore considered to be an isoprenoid lipid molecule. Beta-carotene is a strongly coloured red-orange pigment abundant in fungi, plants, and fruits. It is synthesized biochemically from eight isoprene units and therefore has 40 carbons. Among the carotenes, beta-carotene is distinguished by having beta-rings at both ends of the molecule. Beta-Carotene is biosynthesized from geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate. It is the most common form of carotene in plants. In nature, Beta-carotene is a precursor (inactive form) to vitamin A. Vitamin A is produed via the action of beta-carotene 15,15-monooxygenase on carotenes. In mammals, carotenoid absorption is restricted to the duodenum of the small intestine and dependent on a class B scavenger receptor (SR-B1) membrane protein, which is also responsible for the absorption of vitamin E. One molecule of beta-carotene can be cleaved by the intestinal enzyme Beta-Beta-carotene 15,15-monooxygenase into two molecules of vitamin A. Beta-Carotene contributes to the orange color of many different fruits and vegetables. Vietnamese gac and crude palm oil are particularly rich sources, as are yellow and orange fruits, such as cantaloupe, mangoes, pumpkin, and papayas, and orange root vegetables such as carrots and sweet potatoes. Excess beta-carotene is predominantly stored in the fat tissues of the body. The most common side effect of excessive beta-carotene consumption is carotenodermia, a physically harmless condition that presents as a conspicuous orange skin tint arising from deposition of the carotenoid in the outermost layer of the epidermis. Yellow food colour, dietary supplement, nutrient, Vitamin A precursor. Nutriceutical with antioxidation props. beta-Carotene is found in many foods, some of which are summer savory, gram bean, sunburst squash (pattypan squash), and other bread product. A cyclic carotene obtained by dimerisation of all-trans-retinol. A strongly-coloured red-orange pigment abundant in plants and fruit and the most active and important provitamin A carotenoid. D - Dermatologicals > D02 - Emollients and protectives > D02B - Protectives against uv-radiation > D02BB - Protectives against uv-radiation for systemic use A - Alimentary tract and metabolism > A11 - Vitamins > A11C - Vitamin a and d, incl. combinations of the two > A11CA - Vitamin a, plain D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids D018977 - Micronutrients > D014815 - Vitamins > D000072664 - Provitamins



2,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,30-Dotriacontatridecaene, 2,6,10,14,19,23,27,31-octamethyl-, (6E,8E,10E,12E,14E,16E,18E,20E,22E,24E,26E)-

C40H56 (536.4381776)

Lycopene is an acyclic carotene commonly obtained from tomatoes and other red fruits. It has a role as an antioxidant and a plant metabolite. It contains a carotenoid psi-end derivative. Lycopene is a naturally occuring red carotenoid pigment that is responsible in red to pink colors seen in tomatoes, pink grapefruit, and other foods. Having a chemical formula of C40H56, lycopene is a tetraterpene assembled from eight isoprene units that are solely composed of carbon and hydrogen. Lycophene may undergo extensive isomerization that allows 1056 theoretical cis-trans configurations; however the all-trans configuration of lycopene is the most predominant isomer found in foods that gives the red hue. Lycopene is a non-essential human nutrient that is classified as a non-provitamin A carotenoid pigment since it lacks a terminal beta ionone ring and does not mediate vitamin A activity. However lycophene is a potent antioxidant molecule that scavenges reactive oxygen species (ROS) singlet oxygen. Tomato lycopene extract is used as a color additive in food products. Lycopene is a natural product found in Rhodobacter capsulatus, Afifella marina, and other organisms with data available. Lycopene is a linear, unsaturated hydrocarbon carotenoid, the major red pigment in fruits such as tomatoes, pink grapefruit, apricots, red oranges, watermelon, rosehips, and guava. As a class, carotenoids are pigment compounds found in photosynthetic organisms (plants, algae, and some types of fungus), and are chemically characterized by a large polyene chain containing 35-40 carbon atoms; some carotenoid polyene chains are terminated by two 6-carbon rings. In animals, carotenoids such as lycopene may possess antioxidant properties which may retard aging and many degenerative diseases. As an essential nutrient, lycopene is required in the animal diet. (NCI04) A carotenoid and red pigment produced by tomatoes, other red fruits and vegetables, and photosynthetic algae. It is a key intermediate in the biosynthesis of other carotenoids, and has antioxidant, anti-carcinogenic, radioprotective, and anti-inflammatory properties. Lycopene (molecular formula: C40H56) is a bright red carotenoid pigment. It is a phytochemical found in tomatoes and other red fruits. Lycopene is the most common carotenoid in the human body and is one of the most potent carotenoid antioxidants. Its name is derived from the tomatos species classification, Solanum lycopersicum. Lycopene is a terpene assembled from 8 isoprene units. Lycopene is the most powerful carotenoid quencher of singlet oxygen. Singlet oxygen from ultraviolet light is a primary cause of skin aging (Wikipedia). D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids An acyclic carotene commonly obtained from tomatoes and other red fruits. D020011 - Protective Agents > D011837 - Radiation-Protective Agents D020011 - Protective Agents > D016588 - Anticarcinogenic Agents D000893 - Anti-Inflammatory Agents D000970 - Antineoplastic Agents It is used as food colouring




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)

Lutein is a common carotenoid xanthophyll found in nature. Carotenoids are among the most common pigments in nature and are natural lipid-soluble antioxidants. Lutein is one of the two carotenoids (the other is zeaxanthin) that accumulate in the eye lens and macular region of the retina with concentrations in the macula greater than those found in plasma and other tissues. Lutein and zeaxanthin have identical chemical formulas and are isomers, but they are not stereoisomers. The main difference between them is in the location of a double bond in one of the end rings. This difference gives lutein three chiral centers whereas zeaxanthin has two. A relationship between macular pigment optical density, a marker of lutein and zeaxanthin concentration in the macula, and lens optical density, an antecedent of cataractous changes, has been suggested. The xanthophylls may act to protect the eye from ultraviolet phototoxicity via quenching reactive oxygen species and/or other mechanisms. Some observational studies have shown that generous intakes of lutein and zeaxanthin, particularly from certain xanthophyll-rich foods like spinach, broccoli, and eggs, are associated with a significant reduction in the risk for cataracts (up to 20\\\\\%) and age-related macular degeneration (up to 40\\\\\%). While the pathophysiology of cataract and age-related macular degeneration is complex and contains both environmental and genetic components, research studies suggest dietary factors including antioxidant vitamins and xanthophylls may contribute to a reduction in the risk of these degenerative eye diseases. Further research is necessary to confirm these observations (PMID: 11023002). Lutein is a carotenol. It has a role as a food colouring and a plant metabolite. It derives from a hydride of a (6R)-beta,epsilon-carotene. Lutein is an xanthophyll and one of 600 known naturally occurring carotenoids. Lutein is synthesized only by plants and like other xanthophylls is found in high quantities in green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale and yellow carrots. In green plants, xanthophylls act to modulate light energy and serve as non-photochemical quenching agents to deal with triplet chlorophyll (an excited form of chlorophyll), which is overproduced at very high light levels, during photosynthesis. Lutein is a natural product found in Eupatorium cannabinum, Hibiscus syriacus, and other organisms with data available. Lutein is lutein (LOO-teen) is a oxygenated carotenoid found in vegetables and fruits. lutein is found in the macula of the eye, where it is believed to act as a yellow filter. Lutein acts as an antioxidant, protecting cells against the damaging effects of free radicals. A xanthophyll found in the major LIGHT-HARVESTING PROTEIN COMPLEXES of plants. Dietary lutein accumulates in the MACULA LUTEA. See also: Calendula Officinalis Flower (part of); Corn (part of); Chicken; lutein (component of) ... View More ... Pigment from egg yolk and leaves. Found in all higher plants. Nutriceutical with anticancer and antioxidation props. Potentially useful for the treatment of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) of the eye Lutein A. CAS Common Chemistry. CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society, n.d. (retrieved 2024-07-12) (CAS RN: 127-40-2). Licensed under the Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0). Lutein (Xanthophyll) is a carotenoid with reported anti-inflammatory properties. A large body of evidence shows that lutein has several beneficial effects, especially on eye health[1]. Lutein exerts its biological activities, including anti-inflammation, anti-oxidase and anti-apoptosis, through effects on reactive oxygen species (ROS)[2][3]. Lutein is able to arrive in the brain and shows antidepressant-like and neuroprotective effects. Lutein is orally active[4]. Lutein (Xanthophyll) is a carotenoid with reported anti-inflammatory properties. A large body of evidence shows that lutein has several beneficial effects, especially on eye health[1]. Lutein exerts its biological activities, including anti-inflammation, anti-oxidase and anti-apoptosis, through effects on reactive oxygen species (ROS)[2][3]. Lutein is able to arrive in the brain and shows antidepressant-like and neuroprotective effects. Lutein is orally active[4].




C40H52O4 (596.3865392)

Astaxanthin (pronounced as-tuh-zan-thin) is a carotenoid. It belongs to a larger class of phytochemicals known as terpenes. It is classified as a xanthophyll, which means "yellow leaves". Like many carotenoids, it is a colorful, lipid-soluble pigment. Astaxanthin is produced by microalgae, yeast, salmon, trout, krill, shrimp, crayfish, crustaceans, and the feathers of some birds. Professor Basil Weedon was the first to map the structure of astaxanthin.; Astaxanthin is the main carotenoid pigment found in aquatic animals. It is also found in some birds, such as flamingoes, quails, and other species. This carotenoid is included in many well-known seafoods such as salmon, trout, red seabream, shrimp, lobster, and fish eggs. Astaxanthin, similar to other carotenoids, cannot be synthesized by animals and must be provided in the diet. Mammals, including humans, lack the ability to synthesize astaxanthin or to convert dietary astaxanthin into vitamin A. Astaxanthin belongs to the xanthophyll class of carotenoids. It is closely related to beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, sharing with them many of the general metabolic and physiological functions attributed to carotenoids. In addition, astaxanthin has unique chemical properties based on its molecular structure. The presence of the hydroxyl (OH) and keto (CdO) moieties on each ionone ring explains some of its unique features, namely, the ability to be esterified and a higher antioxidant activity and a more polar nature than other carotenoids. In its free form, astaxanthin is considerably unstable and particularly susceptible to oxidation. Hence it is found in nature either conjugated with proteins (e.g., salmon muscle or lobster exoskeleton) or esterified with one or two fatty acids (monoester and diester forms), which stabilize the molecule. Various astaxanthin isomers have been characterized on the basis of the configuration of the two hydroxyl groups on the molecule. the geometrical and optical isomers of astaxanthin are distributed selectively in different tissues and that levels of free astaxanthin in the liver are greater than the corresponding concentration in the plasma, suggesting concentrative uptake by the liver. Astaxanthin, similar to other carotenoids, is a very lipophilic compound and has a low oral bioavailability. This criterion has limited the ability to test this compound in well-defined rodent models of human disease. (PMID: 16562856); Astaxanthin is a carotenoid widely used in salmonid and crustacean aquaculture to provide the pink color characteristic of that species. This application has been well documented for over two decades and is currently the major market driver for the pigment. Additionally, astaxanthin also plays a key role as an intermediary in reproductive processes. Synthetic astaxanthin dominates the world market but recent interest in natural sources of the pigment has increased substantially. Common sources of natural astaxanthin are the green algae Haematococcus pluvialis, the red yeast, Phaffia rhodozyma, as well as crustacean byproducts. Astaxanthin possesses an unusual antioxidant activity which has caused a surge in the nutraceutical market for the encapsulated productand is) also, health benefits such as cardiovascular disease prevention, immune system boosting, bioactivity against Helycobacter pylori, and cataract prevention, have been associated with astaxanthin consumption. Research on the health benefits of astaxanthin is very recent and has mostly been performed in vitro or at the pre-clinical level with humans. (PMID: 16431409); Astaxanthin, unlike some carotenoids, does not convert to Vitamin A (retinol) in the human body. Too much Vitamin A is toxic for a human, but astaxanthin is not. However, it is a powerful antioxidant; it is claimed to be 10 times more capable than other carotenoids. However, other sources suggest astaxanthin has slightly lower antioxidant activity than other carotenoids.; While astaxanthin is a natural nutr... Astaxanthin is the main carotenoid pigment found in aquatic animals. It is also found in some birds, such as flamingoes, quails, and other species. This carotenoid is included in many well-known seafoods such as salmon, trout, red seabream, shrimp, lobster, and fish eggs. Astaxanthin, similar to other carotenoids, cannot be synthesized by animals and must be provided in the diet. Mammals, including humans, lack the ability to synthesize astaxanthin or to convert dietary astaxanthin into vitamin A. Astaxanthin belongs to the xanthophyll class of carotenoids. It is closely related to beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, sharing with them many of the general metabolic and physiological functions attributed to carotenoids. In addition, astaxanthin has unique chemical properties based on its molecular structure. The presence of the hydroxyl (OH) and keto (CdO) moieties on each ionone ring explains some of its unique features, namely, the ability to be esterified and a higher antioxidant activity and a more polar nature than other carotenoids. In its free form, astaxanthin is considerably unstable and particularly susceptible to oxidation. Hence it is found in nature either conjugated with proteins (e.g. salmon muscle or lobster exoskeleton) or esterified with one or two fatty acids (monoester and diester forms) which stabilize the molecule. Various astaxanthin isomers have been characterized on the basis of the configuration of the two hydroxyl groups on the molecule. The geometrical and optical isomers of astaxanthin are distributed selectively in different tissues and levels of free astaxanthin in the liver are greater than the corresponding concentration in the plasma, suggesting concentrative uptake by the liver. Astaxanthin, similar to other carotenoids, is a very lipophilic compound and has a low oral bioavailability. This criterion has limited the ability to test this compound in well-defined rodent models of human disease (PMID: 16562856). Astaxanthin is a carotenoid widely used in salmonid and crustacean aquaculture to provide the pink colour characteristic of that species. This application has been well documented for over two decades and is currently the major market driver for the pigment. Additionally, astaxanthin also plays a key role as an intermediary in reproductive processes. Synthetic astaxanthin dominates the world market but recent interest in natural sources of the pigment has increased substantially. Common sources of natural astaxanthin are the green algae Haematococcus pluvialis (the red yeast), Phaffia rhodozyma, as well as crustacean byproducts. Astaxanthin possesses an unusual antioxidant activity which has caused a surge in the nutraceutical market for the encapsulated product. Also, health benefits such as cardiovascular disease prevention, immune system boosting, bioactivity against Helicobacter pylori, and cataract prevention, have been associated with astaxanthin consumption. Research on the health benefits of astaxanthin is very recent and has mostly been performed in vitro or at the pre-clinical level with humans (PMID: 16431409). Astaxanthin is used in fish farming to induce trout flesh colouring. Astaxanthin is a carotenone that consists of beta,beta-carotene-4,4-dione bearing two hydroxy substituents at positions 3 and 3 (the 3S,3S diastereomer). A carotenoid pigment found mainly in animals (crustaceans, echinoderms) but also occurring in plants. It can occur free (as a red pigment), as an ester, or as a blue, brown or green chromoprotein. It has a role as an anticoagulant, an antioxidant, a food colouring, a plant metabolite and an animal metabolite. It is a carotenone and a carotenol. It derives from a hydride of a beta-carotene. Astaxanthin is a keto-carotenoid in the terpenes class of chemical compounds. It is classified as a xanthophyll but it is a carotenoid with no vitamin A activity. It is found in the majority of aquatic organisms with red pigment. Astaxanthin has shown to mediate anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory actions. It may be found in fish feed or some animal food as a color additive. Astaxanthin is a natural product found in Ascidia zara, Linckia laevigata, and other organisms with data available. Astaxanthin is a natural and synthetic xanthophyll and nonprovitamin A carotenoid, with potential antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antineoplastic activities. Upon administration, astaxanthin may act as an antioxidant and reduce oxidative stress, thereby preventing protein and lipid oxidation and DNA damage. By decreasing the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and free radicals, it may also prevent ROS-induced activation of nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kB) transcription factor and the production of inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-1beta (IL-1b), IL-6 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-a). In addition, astaxanthin may inhibit cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) and nitric oxide (NO) activities, thereby reducing inflammation. Oxidative stress and inflammation play key roles in the pathogenesis of many diseases, including cardiovascular, neurological, autoimmune and neoplastic diseases. A carotenone that consists of beta,beta-carotene-4,4-dione bearing two hydroxy substituents at positions 3 and 3 (the 3S,3S diastereomer). A carotenoid pigment found mainly in animals (crustaceans, echinoderms) but also occurring in plants. It can occur free (as a red pigment), as an ester, or as a blue, brown or green chromoprotein. D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids C308 - Immunotherapeutic Agent > C210 - Immunoadjuvant C2140 - Adjuvant




C40H56 (536.4381776)

alpha-Carotene belongs to the class of organic compounds known as carotenes. These are a type of unsaturated hydrocarbons containing eight consecutive isoprene units. They are characterized by the presence of two end-groups (mostly cyclohexene rings, but also cyclopentene rings or acyclic groups) linked by a long branched alkyl chain. alpha-Carotene is considered to be an isoprenoid lipid molecule. alpha-Carotene is one of the primary isomers of carotene. Plasma levels of alpha-carotene are positively associated with the detection rate of AFB1-DNA adducts in a dose-dependent manner, whereas plasma lycopene level was inversely related to the presence of the adducts in urine (PMID: 9214602). (6R)-beta,epsilon-carotene is an alpha-carotene. It is an enantiomer of a (6S)-beta,epsilon-carotene. alpha-Carotene is a natural product found in Hibiscus syriacus, Scandix stellata, and other organisms with data available. Widespread carotenoid, e.g. in carrots and palm oil. Has vitamin A activity but less than that of b-Carotene A cyclic carotene with a beta- and an epsilon-ring at opposite ends respectively. D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)

Zeaxanthin is a carotenoid xanthophyll and is one of the most common carotenoid found in nature. It is the pigment that gives corn, saffron, and many other plants their characteristic color. Zeaxanthin breaks down to form picrocrocin and safranal, which are responsible for the taste and aroma of saffron Carotenoids are among the most common pigments in nature and are natural lipid soluble antioxidants. Zeaxanthin is one of the two carotenoids (the other is lutein) that accumulate in the eye lens and macular region of the retina with concentrations in the macula greater than those found in plasma and other tissues. Lutein and zeaxanthin have identical chemical formulas and are isomers, but they are not stereoisomers. The main difference between them is in the location of a double bond in one of the end rings. This difference gives lutein three chiral centers whereas zeaxanthin has two. A relationship between macular pigment optical density, a marker of lutein and zeaxanthin concentration in the macula, and lens optical density, an antecedent of cataractous changes, has been suggested. The xanthophylls may act to protect the eye from ultraviolet phototoxicity via quenching reactive oxygen species and/or other mechanisms. Some observational studies have shown that generous intakes of lutein and zeaxanthin, particularly from certain xanthophyll-rich foods like spinach, broccoli and eggs, are associated with a significant reduction in the risk for cataract (up to 20\\%) and for age-related macular degeneration (up to 40\\%). While the pathophysiology of cataract and age-related macular degeneration is complex and contains both environmental and genetic components, research studies suggest dietary factors including antioxidant vitamins and xanthophylls may contribute to a reduction in the risk of these degenerative eye diseases. Further research is necessary to confirm these observations. (PMID: 11023002). Zeaxanthin has been found to be a microbial metabolite, it can be produced by Algibacter, Aquibacter, Escherichia, Flavobacterium, Formosa, Gramella, Hyunsoonleella, Kordia, Mesoflavibacter, Muricauda, Nubsella, Paracoccus, Siansivirga, Sphingomonas, Zeaxanthinibacter and yeast ( It is a marker for the activity of Bacillus subtilis and/or Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the intestine. Higher levels are associated with higher levels of Bacillus or Pseudomonas. (PMID: 17555270; PMID: 12147474) Zeaxanthin is a carotenol. It has a role as a bacterial metabolite, a cofactor and an antioxidant. It derives from a hydride of a beta-carotene. Zeaxanthin is a most common carotenoid alcohols found in nature that is involved in the xanthophyll cycle. As a coexistent isomer of lutein, zeaxanthin is synthesized in plants and some micro-organisms. It gives the distinct yellow color to many vegetables and other plants including paprika, corn, saffron and wolfberries. Zeaxanthin is one of the two primary xanthophyll carotenoids contained within the retina of the eye and plays a predominant component in the central macula. It is available as a dietary supplement for eye health benefits and potential prevention of age-related macular degeneration. Zeaxanthin is also added as a food dye. Zeaxanthin is a natural product found in Bangia fuscopurpurea, Erythrobacter longus, and other organisms with data available. Carotenoids found in fruits and vegetables. Zeaxanthin accumulates in the MACULA LUTEA. See also: Saffron (part of); Corn (part of); Lycium barbarum fruit (part of). D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids




C40H56O3 (584.4229226)

Capsanthin is found in green vegetables. Capsanthin is a constituent of paprika (Capsicum annuum) and asparagus (Asparagus officinalis). Potential nutriceutical.Paprika oleoresin (also known as paprika extract) is an oil soluble extract from the fruits of Capsicum Annum Linn or Capsicum Frutescens(Indian red chillies), and is primarily used as a colouring and/or flavouring in food products. It is composed of capsaicin, the main flavouring compound giving pungency in higher concentrations, and capsanthin and capsorubin, the main colouring compounds (among other carotenoids) Capsanthin is a carotenone. It has a role as a plant metabolite. Capsanthin is a natural product found in Capsicum annuum, Lilium lancifolium, and Gallus gallus with data available. See also: Red Pepper (part of). Constituent of paprika (Capsicum annuum) and asparagus (Asparagus officinalis). Potential nutriceutical D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids


beta-Carotene 5,6-epoxide

β-Carotene 5,6-epoxide

C40H56O (552.4330926)

D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids An epoxycarotenoid of beta-carotene.




C40H64 (544.5007744)

Phytoene, also known as all-trans-phytoene or 15-cis-phytoene, is a member of the class of compounds known as carotenes. Carotenes are a type of unsaturated hydrocarbons containing eight consecutive isoprene units. They are characterized by the presence of two end-groups (mostly cyclohexene rings, but also cyclopentene rings or acyclic groups) linked by a long branched alkyl chain. Carotenes belonging form a subgroup of the carotenoids family. Thus, phytoene is considered to be an isoprenoid lipid molecule. Phytoene can be found in a number of food items such as turmeric, garden onion, winter squash, and coconut, which makes phytoene a potential biomarker for the consumption of these food products. Phytoene can be found primarily in blood and breast milk. Phytoene (FY-toe-een) is a 40-carbon intermediate in the biosynthesis of carotenoids. The synthesis of phytoene is the first committed step in the synthesis of carotenoids in plants. Phytoene is produced from two molecules of geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate (GGPP) by the action of the enzyme phytoene synthase. The two GGPP molecules are condensed together followed by removal of diphosphate and proton shift leading to the formation of phytoene . Phytoene, also known as 7,7,8,8,11,11,12,12-octahydrocarotene, is a carotenoid found in human fluids. Carotenoids are isoprenoid molecules that are widespread in nature and are typically seen as pigments in fruits, flowers, birds, and crustacea. Animals are unable to synthesize carotenoids de novo, and rely upon the diet as a source of these compounds. Over recent years there has been considerable interest in dietary carotenoids with respect to their potential in alleviating age-related diseases in humans. This attention has been mirrored by significant advances in cloning most of the carotenoid genes and in the genetic manipulation of crop plants with the intention of increasing levels in the diet. Studies have shown an inverse relationship between the consumption of certain fruits and vegetables and the risk of epithelial cancer. Since carotenoids are among the micronutrients found in cancer-preventive foods, detailed qualitative and quantitative determination of these compounds, particularly in fruits and vegetables and in human plasma, have recently become increasingly important (PMID: 1416048, 15003396). D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids




C40H52O2 (564.3967092)

Canthaxanthin, also known as Cantaxanthin, Cantaxanthine, or Canthaxanthine is a keto-carotenoid, a pigment widely distributed in nature. Carotenoids belong to a larger class of phytochemicals known as terpenoids. Canthaxanin is also classified as a xanthophyll. Xanthophylls are yellow pigments and form one of two major divisions of the carotenoid group; the other division is formed by the carotenes. Both are carotenoids. Xanthophylls and carotenes are similar in structure, but xanthophylls contain oxygen atoms while carotenes are purely hydrocarbons, which do not contain oxygen. Their content of oxygen causes xanthophylls to be more polar (in molecular structure) than carotenes and causes their separation from carotenes in many types of chromatography. (Carotenes are usually more orange in color than xanthophylls. Canthaxanthin is naturally found in bacteria, algae and some fungi. Canthaxanthin is associated with E number E161g and is approved for use as a food coloring agent in different countries, including the United States and the EU. Canthaxanthin is used as poultry feed additive to yield red color in skin and yolks. The European Union permits the use of canthaxanthin in feedstuff at a maximum content of 25 mg/kg of final feedstuff while the United States allows the use of this pigment in broiler chicken and salmonid fish feeds. Canthoxanthin was first isolated in edible chanterelle mushroom (Cantharellus cinnabarinus), from which it derived its name. It has also been found in green algae, bacteria, archea (a halophilic archaeon called Haloferax alexandrines), fungi and bioaccumulates in tissues and egg yolk from wild birds and at low levels in crustaceans and fish such as carp, golden grey mullet, and seabream. Canthaxanthin is not found in wild Atlantic Salmon, but is a minor carotenoid in Pacific Salmon. Canthaxanthin is used in farm-raised trout to give a red/orange color to their flesh similar to wild trout. Canthaxanthin has been used as a food additive for egg yolk, in cosmetics and as a pigmenting agent for human skin applications. It has also been used as a feed additive in fish and crustacean farms. Canthaxanthin is a potent lipid-soluble antioxidant (PMID: 2505240). Canthaxanthin increases resistance to lipid peroxidation primarily by enhancing membrane alpha-tocopherol levels and secondarily by providing weak direct antioxidant activity. Canthaxanthin biosynthesis in bacteria and algae proceeds from beta-carotene via the action of an enzyme known as a beta-carotene ketolase, that is able to add a carbonyl group to carbon 4 and 4 of the beta carotene molecule. Food colouring. Constituent of the edible mushroom (Cantharellus cinnabarinus), sea trout, salmon and brine shrimp. It is used in broiler chicken feed to enhance the yellow colour of chicken skin D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids




C40H58 (538.4538268)

D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids Window width to select the precursor ion was 3 Da.; CONE_VOLTAGE is 10 V.; This record was created by the financial support of MEXT/JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 19HP8024 to the Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan.




C40H54 (534.4225284)

D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids Window width to select the precursor ion was 3 Da.; CONE_VOLTAGE is 10 V.; This record was created by the financial support of MEXT/JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 19HP8024 to the Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan.




C40H56O4 (600.4178376)

Capsorubin is found in herbs and spices. Capsorubin is a constituent of paprika (Capsicum annuum). Potential nutriceutical.Capsorubin is one of the main colouring constituant of paprika oleoresin (paprika extract). (Wikipedia). D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids Constituent of paprika (Capsicum annuum). Potential nutriceutical




C40H54O2 (566.4123584)




C40H50O2 (562.3810599999999)

D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids


Prephytoene diphosphate

{[hydroxy({[(1R,2R,3R)-2-methyl-3-[(1E,5E,9E)-2,6,10,14-tetramethylpentadeca-1,5,9,13-tetraen-1-yl]-2-[(3E,7E)-4,8,12-trimethyltrideca-3,7,11-trien-1-yl]cyclopropyl]methoxy})phosphoryl]oxy}phosphonic acid

C40H68O7P2 (722.4440038000001)

Phytoene is a precursor to carotenoids. Prephytoene comes from geranyl geranyl diphosphate (GGPP). Carotenoids are essential for life. Prephytoene diphosphate is involved in the following two reactions: 1) Prephytoene diphosphate + H+ + NADPH <=> Pyrophosphate + cis-Phytoene + NADP+ and 2) Geranylgeranyl diphosphate <=> Pyrophosphate + Prephytoene diphosphate + H+ [HMDB]. Prephytoene diphosphate is found in many foods, some of which are brassicas, wasabi, cocoa bean, and black elderberry. Phytoene is a precursor to carotenoids. Prephytoene comes from geranyl geranyl diphosphate (GGPP). Carotenoids are essential for life. Prephytoene diphosphate is involved in the following two reactions: 1) Prephytoene diphosphate + H+ + NADPH <=> Pyrophosphate + cis-Phytoene + NADP+ and 2) Geranylgeranyl diphosphate <=> Pyrophosphate + Prephytoene diphosphate + H+.



Neurosporaxanthin; all-trans-Neurosporaxanthin

C35H46O2 (498.34976159999997)

D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids



4,8,13,17-tetramethylicosa-2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18-nonaenedioic acid

C24H28O4 (380.19874880000003)

Norbixin is a water-soluble food colour. Commercial forms contain mixtures of isomers and their methyl esters. Norbixin is used to colour butter, margarine and other fat-related products. Upon exposure to alkali, the bixins methyl ester is hydrolyzed to produce the dicarboxylic acid norbixin, a water-soluble derivative. Bixin is an apocarotenoid found in annatto, a natural food coloring obtained from the seeds of the achiote tree (Bixa orellana). (Wikipedia Water-soluble food colour. Commercial forms contain mixts. of isomers and their Me esters. It is used to colour butter, margarine and other fat-related products D000074385 - Food Ingredients > D005503 - Food Additives > D005505 - Food Coloring Agents D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids D004396 - Coloring Agents




C41H58O (566.4487418)




C41H60O2 (584.459306)

D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids




C41H60O (568.464391)

D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids




C40H54O3 (582.4072734)

D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids




C30H40 (400.31298400000003)




C40H52O2 (564.3967092)

Carotene-3,3-dione is a carotenoid found in human fluids. Carotenoids are isoprenoid molecules that are widespread in nature and are typically seen as pigments in fruits, flowers, birds and crustacea. Animals are unable to synthesise carotenoids de novo, and rely upon the diet as a source of these compounds. Over recent years there has been considerable interest in dietary carotenoids with respect to their potential in alleviating age-related diseases in humans. This attention has been mirrored by significant advances in cloning most of the carotenoid genes and in the genetic manipulation of crop plants with the intention of increasing levels in the diet. Studies have shown an inverse relationship between the consumption of certain fruits and vegetables and the risk of epithelial cancer. Since carotenoids are among the micronutrients found in cancer preventive foods, detailed qualitative and quantitative determination of these compounds, particularly in fruits and vegetables and in human plasma, have recently become increasingly important. (PMID: 1416048, 15003396).




C40H58 (538.4538268)

Isolated from sweet corn (Zea mays) grains and Citrus subspecies beta-Zeacarotene is found in many foods, some of which are fats and oils, citrus, corn, and sweet orange. beta-Zeacarotene is found in cereals and cereal products. beta-Zeacarotene is isolated from sweet corn (Zea mays) grains and Citrus specie




C42H60O2 (596.459306)




C40H54 (534.4225284)

Torulene can be found in a number of food items such as spinach, sparkleberry, cherimoya, and rye, which makes torulene a potential biomarker for the consumption of these food products. Torulene (3,4-didehydro-beta,gamma-carotene) is a carotene (a hydrocarbon carotenoid) which is notable for being synthesized by red pea aphids (Acyrthosiphon pisum), imparting the natural red color to the aphids, which aids in their camouflage and escape from predation. The aphids have gained the ability to synthesize torulene by horizontal gene transfer of a number of genes for carotenoid synthesis, apparently from fungi. Plants, fungi, and microorganisms can synthesize carotenoids, but torulene made by pea aphids is the only carotenoid known to be synthesized by an organism in the animal kingdom . Torulene can be found in a number of food items such as spinach, sparkleberry, cherimoya, and rye, which makes torulene a potential biomarker for the consumption of these food products. Torulene (3,4-didehydro-β,γ-carotene) is a carotene (a hydrocarbon carotenoid) which is notable for being synthesized by red pea aphids (Acyrthosiphon pisum), imparting the natural red color to the aphids, which aids in their camouflage and escape from predation. The aphids have gained the ability to synthesize torulene by horizontal gene transfer of a number of genes for carotenoid synthesis, apparently from fungi. Plants, fungi, and microorganisms can synthesize carotenoids, but torulene made by pea aphids is the only carotenoid known to be synthesized by an organism in the animal kingdom .


Astaxanthin glucoside


C46H62O9 (758.4393602)




C42H62O2 (598.4749552)




C40H52O5 (612.3814542)



beta,beta-Carotene-4,4-dione, 3,3-dihydroxy-, (3S,3S)-

C40H52O4 (596.3865392)

Window width for selecting the precursor ion was 3 Da.; This record was created by the financial support of MEXT/JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 16HP2005 to the Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan. D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids C308 - Immunotherapeutic Agent > C210 - Immunoadjuvant C2140 - Adjuvant




C40H56O3 (584.4229226)

Capsanthin is a carotenone. It has a role as a plant metabolite. Capsanthin is a natural product found in Capsicum annuum, Lilium lancifolium, and Gallus gallus with data available. See also: Red Pepper (part of). D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)

D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids Window width for selecting the precursor ion was 3 Da.; This record was created by the financial support of MEXT/JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 16HP2005 to the Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan. Lutein (Xanthophyll) is a carotenoid with reported anti-inflammatory properties. A large body of evidence shows that lutein has several beneficial effects, especially on eye health[1]. Lutein exerts its biological activities, including anti-inflammation, anti-oxidase and anti-apoptosis, through effects on reactive oxygen species (ROS)[2][3]. Lutein is able to arrive in the brain and shows antidepressant-like and neuroprotective effects. Lutein is orally active[4]. Lutein (Xanthophyll) is a carotenoid with reported anti-inflammatory properties. A large body of evidence shows that lutein has several beneficial effects, especially on eye health[1]. Lutein exerts its biological activities, including anti-inflammation, anti-oxidase and anti-apoptosis, through effects on reactive oxygen species (ROS)[2][3]. Lutein is able to arrive in the brain and shows antidepressant-like and neuroprotective effects. Lutein is orally active[4].




C40H56O (552.4330926)

Isolated from papaya (Carica papaya) and many other higher plants, also from fish eggs [DFC]. beta-Cryptoxanthin is found in many foods, some of which are smelt, soy yogurt, common carp, and rose hip.




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)

Meso-zeaxanthin (3R,3´S-zeaxanthin) is a xanthophyll carotenoid, as it contains oxygen and hydrocarbons, and is one of the three stereoisomers of zeaxanthin. Of the three stereoisomers, meso-zeaxanthin is the second most abundant in nature after 3R,3´R-zeaxanthin, which is produced by plants and algae. To date, meso-zeaxanthin has been identified in specific tissues of marine organisms and in the macula lutea, also known as the "yellow spot", of the human retina . Meso-zeaxanthin is a member of the class of compounds known as xanthophylls. Xanthophylls are carotenoids containing an oxygenated carotene backbone. Carotenes are characterized by the presence of two end-groups (mostly cyclohexene rings, but also cyclopentene rings or acyclic groups) linked by a long branched alkyl chain. Carotenes belonging form a subgroup of the carotenoids family. Xanthophylls arise by oxygenation of the carotene backbone. Meso-zeaxanthin is practically insoluble (in water) and an extremely weak acidic compound (based on its pKa). Meso-zeaxanthin can be found in channel catfish, crustaceans, and fishes, which makes meso-zeaxanthin a potential biomarker for the consumption of these food products. D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids Window width for selecting the precursor ion was 3 Da.; This record was created by the financial support of MEXT/JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 16HP2005 to the Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan.




C42H58O6 (658.4233168000001)

Fucoxanthin is an epoxycarotenol that is found in brown seaweed and which exhibits anti-cancer, anti-diabetic, anti-oxidative and neuroprotective properties. It has a role as an algal metabolite, a CFTR potentiator, a food antioxidant, a neuroprotective agent, a hypoglycemic agent, an apoptosis inhibitor, a hepatoprotective agent, a marine metabolite and a plant metabolite. It is an epoxycarotenol, an acetate ester, a secondary alcohol, a tertiary alcohol and a member of allenes. Fucoxanthin is a natural product found in Aequipecten opercularis, Ascidia zara, and other organisms with data available. An epoxycarotenol that is found in brown seaweed and which exhibits anti-cancer, anti-diabetic, anti-oxidative and neuroprotective properties. D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids Window width to select the precursor ion was 3 Da.; This record was created by the financial support of MEXT/JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 19HP8024 to the Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan. Window width for selecting the precursor ion was 3 Da.; This record was created by the financial support of MEXT/JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 16HP2005 to the Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan. Fucoxanthin (all-trans-Fucoxanthin) is a marine carotenoid and shows anti-obesity, anti-diabetic, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anticancer activities[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]. Fucoxanthin is a marine carotenoid and shows anti-obesity, anti-diabetic, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anticancer activities. Fucoxanthin (all-trans-Fucoxanthin) is a marine carotenoid and shows anti-obesity, anti-diabetic, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anticancer activities[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]. Fucoxanthin is a marine carotenoid and shows anti-obesity, anti-diabetic, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anticancer activities.




C40H56 (536.4381776)

Lycopene, also known as all-trans-lycopene or e160d, is a member of the class of compounds known as carotenes. Carotenes are a type of unsaturated hydrocarbons containing eight consecutive isoprene units. They are characterized by the presence of two end-groups (mostly cyclohexene rings, but also cyclopentene rings or acyclic groups) linked by a long branched alkyl chain. Carotenes belonging form a subgroup of the carotenoids family. Thus, lycopene is considered to be an isoprenoid lipid molecule. Lycopene can be found in a number of food items such as american butterfish, babassu palm, scup, and condensed milk, which makes lycopene a potential biomarker for the consumption of these food products. Lycopene can be found primarily in blood and breast milk, as well as throughout most human tissues. Moreover, lycopene is found to be associated with endometrial cancer. In plants, algae, and other photosynthetic organisms, lycopene is an intermediate in the biosynthesis of many carotenoids, including beta-carotene, which is responsible for yellow, orange, or red pigmentation, photosynthesis, and photoprotection. Like all carotenoids, lycopene is a tetraterpene. It is insoluble in water. Eleven conjugated double bonds give lycopene its deep red color. Owing to the strong color, lycopene is a useful as a food coloring (registered as E160d) and is approved for use in the USA, Australia and New Zealand (registered as 160d) and the European Union . D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids D020011 - Protective Agents > D011837 - Radiation-Protective Agents D020011 - Protective Agents > D016588 - Anticarcinogenic Agents D000893 - Anti-Inflammatory Agents D000970 - Antineoplastic Agents Window width to select the precursor ion was 3 Da.; This record was created by the financial support of MEXT/JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 16HP2005 to the Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan.




C40H56 (536.4381776)

Window width to select the precursor ion was 3 Da.; CONE_VOLTAGE is 10 V.; This record was created by the financial support of MEXT/JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 16HP2005 to the Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan.




C39H48O6 (612.3450708)

D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids




C40H50O4 (594.3708899999999)

D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids




C40H56O4 (600.4178376)

D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids




C42H60O2 (596.459306)

D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids




C24H28O4 (380.19874880000003)

D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids




C40H64 (544.5007744)

D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids




C40H52O2 (564.3967092)

A carotenone that consists of beta,beta-carotene bearing two oxo substituents at positions 4 and 4. D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids


Loroxanthin dodecenoate


C52H76O4 (764.5743295999999)




C40H56 (536.4381776)




C22H30O (310.229653)




C46H66O7 (730.4808286)




C40H56O5 (616.4127526)




C22H30O (310.229653)




C42H62O2 (598.4749552)




C40H58O2 (570.4436568)




C46H66O7 (730.4808286)




C40H56O5 (616.4127526)