Chemical Formula: C40H56O2

Chemical Formula C40H56O2

Found 155 metabolite its formula value is C40H56O2



C40H56O2 (568.4280076)

Lutein is a common carotenoid xanthophyll found in nature. Carotenoids are among the most common pigments in nature and are natural lipid-soluble antioxidants. Lutein is one of the two carotenoids (the other is zeaxanthin) that accumulate in the eye lens and macular region of the retina with concentrations in the macula greater than those found in plasma and other tissues. Lutein and zeaxanthin have identical chemical formulas and are isomers, but they are not stereoisomers. The main difference between them is in the location of a double bond in one of the end rings. This difference gives lutein three chiral centers whereas zeaxanthin has two. A relationship between macular pigment optical density, a marker of lutein and zeaxanthin concentration in the macula, and lens optical density, an antecedent of cataractous changes, has been suggested. The xanthophylls may act to protect the eye from ultraviolet phototoxicity via quenching reactive oxygen species and/or other mechanisms. Some observational studies have shown that generous intakes of lutein and zeaxanthin, particularly from certain xanthophyll-rich foods like spinach, broccoli, and eggs, are associated with a significant reduction in the risk for cataracts (up to 20\\\\\%) and age-related macular degeneration (up to 40\\\\\%). While the pathophysiology of cataract and age-related macular degeneration is complex and contains both environmental and genetic components, research studies suggest dietary factors including antioxidant vitamins and xanthophylls may contribute to a reduction in the risk of these degenerative eye diseases. Further research is necessary to confirm these observations (PMID: 11023002). Lutein is a carotenol. It has a role as a food colouring and a plant metabolite. It derives from a hydride of a (6R)-beta,epsilon-carotene. Lutein is an xanthophyll and one of 600 known naturally occurring carotenoids. Lutein is synthesized only by plants and like other xanthophylls is found in high quantities in green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale and yellow carrots. In green plants, xanthophylls act to modulate light energy and serve as non-photochemical quenching agents to deal with triplet chlorophyll (an excited form of chlorophyll), which is overproduced at very high light levels, during photosynthesis. Lutein is a natural product found in Eupatorium cannabinum, Hibiscus syriacus, and other organisms with data available. Lutein is lutein (LOO-teen) is a oxygenated carotenoid found in vegetables and fruits. lutein is found in the macula of the eye, where it is believed to act as a yellow filter. Lutein acts as an antioxidant, protecting cells against the damaging effects of free radicals. A xanthophyll found in the major LIGHT-HARVESTING PROTEIN COMPLEXES of plants. Dietary lutein accumulates in the MACULA LUTEA. See also: Calendula Officinalis Flower (part of); Corn (part of); Chicken; lutein (component of) ... View More ... Pigment from egg yolk and leaves. Found in all higher plants. Nutriceutical with anticancer and antioxidation props. Potentially useful for the treatment of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) of the eye Lutein A. CAS Common Chemistry. CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society, n.d. (retrieved 2024-07-12) (CAS RN: 127-40-2). Licensed under the Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0). Lutein (Xanthophyll) is a carotenoid with reported anti-inflammatory properties. A large body of evidence shows that lutein has several beneficial effects, especially on eye health[1]. Lutein exerts its biological activities, including anti-inflammation, anti-oxidase and anti-apoptosis, through effects on reactive oxygen species (ROS)[2][3]. Lutein is able to arrive in the brain and shows antidepressant-like and neuroprotective effects. Lutein is orally active[4]. Lutein (Xanthophyll) is a carotenoid with reported anti-inflammatory properties. A large body of evidence shows that lutein has several beneficial effects, especially on eye health[1]. Lutein exerts its biological activities, including anti-inflammation, anti-oxidase and anti-apoptosis, through effects on reactive oxygen species (ROS)[2][3]. Lutein is able to arrive in the brain and shows antidepressant-like and neuroprotective effects. Lutein is orally active[4].




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)

Zeaxanthin is a carotenoid xanthophyll and is one of the most common carotenoid found in nature. It is the pigment that gives corn, saffron, and many other plants their characteristic color. Zeaxanthin breaks down to form picrocrocin and safranal, which are responsible for the taste and aroma of saffron Carotenoids are among the most common pigments in nature and are natural lipid soluble antioxidants. Zeaxanthin is one of the two carotenoids (the other is lutein) that accumulate in the eye lens and macular region of the retina with concentrations in the macula greater than those found in plasma and other tissues. Lutein and zeaxanthin have identical chemical formulas and are isomers, but they are not stereoisomers. The main difference between them is in the location of a double bond in one of the end rings. This difference gives lutein three chiral centers whereas zeaxanthin has two. A relationship between macular pigment optical density, a marker of lutein and zeaxanthin concentration in the macula, and lens optical density, an antecedent of cataractous changes, has been suggested. The xanthophylls may act to protect the eye from ultraviolet phototoxicity via quenching reactive oxygen species and/or other mechanisms. Some observational studies have shown that generous intakes of lutein and zeaxanthin, particularly from certain xanthophyll-rich foods like spinach, broccoli and eggs, are associated with a significant reduction in the risk for cataract (up to 20\\%) and for age-related macular degeneration (up to 40\\%). While the pathophysiology of cataract and age-related macular degeneration is complex and contains both environmental and genetic components, research studies suggest dietary factors including antioxidant vitamins and xanthophylls may contribute to a reduction in the risk of these degenerative eye diseases. Further research is necessary to confirm these observations. (PMID: 11023002). Zeaxanthin has been found to be a microbial metabolite, it can be produced by Algibacter, Aquibacter, Escherichia, Flavobacterium, Formosa, Gramella, Hyunsoonleella, Kordia, Mesoflavibacter, Muricauda, Nubsella, Paracoccus, Siansivirga, Sphingomonas, Zeaxanthinibacter and yeast ( It is a marker for the activity of Bacillus subtilis and/or Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the intestine. Higher levels are associated with higher levels of Bacillus or Pseudomonas. (PMID: 17555270; PMID: 12147474) Zeaxanthin is a carotenol. It has a role as a bacterial metabolite, a cofactor and an antioxidant. It derives from a hydride of a beta-carotene. Zeaxanthin is a most common carotenoid alcohols found in nature that is involved in the xanthophyll cycle. As a coexistent isomer of lutein, zeaxanthin is synthesized in plants and some micro-organisms. It gives the distinct yellow color to many vegetables and other plants including paprika, corn, saffron and wolfberries. Zeaxanthin is one of the two primary xanthophyll carotenoids contained within the retina of the eye and plays a predominant component in the central macula. It is available as a dietary supplement for eye health benefits and potential prevention of age-related macular degeneration. Zeaxanthin is also added as a food dye. Zeaxanthin is a natural product found in Bangia fuscopurpurea, Erythrobacter longus, and other organisms with data available. Carotenoids found in fruits and vegetables. Zeaxanthin accumulates in the MACULA LUTEA. See also: Saffron (part of); Corn (part of); Lycium barbarum fruit (part of). D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)

Lactucaxanthin is a tunaxanthin that consists of ε,ε-carotene bearing hydroxy substituents at positions 3 and 3 (the 3S,3S,6S,6S-diastereomer) (ChEBI: 6357). It is a carotenoid found in human serum and breast milk (PMID: 9164160). Carotenoids are isoprenoid molecules that are widespread in nature and are typically seen as pigments in fruits, flowers, birds and crustacea. Animals are unable to synthesise carotenoids de novo, and rely upon the diet as a source of these compounds. Over recent years there has been considerable interest in dietary carotenoids with respect to their potential in alleviating age-related diseases in humans. This attention has been mirrored by significant advances in cloning most of the carotenoid genes and in the genetic manipulation of crop plants with the intention of increasing levels in the diet. Studies have shown an inverse relationship between the consumption of certain fruits and vegetables and the risk of epithelial cancer. Since carotenoids are among the micronutrients found in cancer preventive foods, detailed qualitative and quantitative determination of these compounds, particularly in fruits and vegetables and in human plasma, have recently become increasingly important. (PMID: 1416048, 15003396) Lactucaxanthin is a member of the class of compounds known as xanthophylls. Xanthophylls are carotenoids containing an oxygenated carotene backbone. Carotenes are characterized by the presence of two end-groups (mostly cyclohexene rings, but also cyclopentene rings or acyclic groups) linked by a long branched alkyl chain. Carotenes belonging form a subgroup of the carotenoids family. Xanthophylls arise by oxygenation of the carotene backbone. Thus, lactucaxanthin is considered to be an isoprenoid lipid molecule. Lactucaxanthin is practically insoluble (in water) and an extremely weak acidic compound (based on its pKa). Lactucaxanthin can be found in a number of food items such as pepper (c. baccatum), caraway, japanese persimmon, and lambsquarters, which makes lactucaxanthin a potential biomarker for the consumption of these food products. Lactucaxanthin can be found primarily in blood and breast milk. D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)

A carotenol that is beta,beta-carotene carrying two hydroxy substituents at positions 3 and 3 (the 3R,3S-diastereomer). It is rarely found in diet and is believed to be formed at the macula by metabolic transformations of ingested carotenoids. D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)

(3R,3R,6R,9-cis)-beta,epsilon-Carotene-3,3-diol is a carotenoid found in human fluids such as serum and breast milk (PMID: 9164160). Carotenoids are isoprenoid molecules that are widespread in nature and are typically seen as pigments in fruits, flowers, birds and crustacea. Animals are unable to synthesise carotenoids de novo, and rely upon the diet as a source of these compounds. Over recent years there has been considerable interest in dietary carotenoids with respect to their potential in alleviating age-related diseases in humans. This attention has been mirrored by significant advances in cloning most of the carotenoid genes and in the genetic manipulation of crop plants with the intention of increasing levels in the diet. Studies have shown an inverse relationship between the consumption of certain fruits and vegetables and the risk of epithelial cancer. Since carotenoids are among the micronutrients found in cancer preventive foods, detailed qualitative and quantitative determination of these compounds, particularly in fruits and vegetables and in human plasma, have recently become increasingly important (PMID: 1416048, 15003396). D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids (3R,3R,6R,9-cis)-Carotene-3,3-diol is a carotenoid found in human fluids. Lutein (Xanthophyll) is a carotenoid with reported anti-inflammatory properties. A large body of evidence shows that lutein has several beneficial effects, especially on eye health[1]. Lutein exerts its biological activities, including anti-inflammation, anti-oxidase and anti-apoptosis, through effects on reactive oxygen species (ROS)[2][3]. Lutein is able to arrive in the brain and shows antidepressant-like and neuroprotective effects. Lutein is orally active[4]. Lutein (Xanthophyll) is a carotenoid with reported anti-inflammatory properties. A large body of evidence shows that lutein has several beneficial effects, especially on eye health[1]. Lutein exerts its biological activities, including anti-inflammation, anti-oxidase and anti-apoptosis, through effects on reactive oxygen species (ROS)[2][3]. Lutein is able to arrive in the brain and shows antidepressant-like and neuroprotective effects. Lutein is orally active[4].




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)

Semi-beta-carotenone is found in fruits. Semi-beta-carotenone is isolated from Triphasia trifolia (limeberry). Isolated from Triphasia trifolia (limeberry). Semi-beta-carotenone is found in fruits.




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)

Constituent of Ipomoea batatas (sweet potato). (5R,5R,6S,8R)-Luteochrome is found in root vegetables and potato. (5R,5R,6S,8S)-Luteochrome is found in potato. (5R,5R,6S,8S)-Luteochrome is from Ipomoea batatas (sweet potato).




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)

Widespread carotenoid. Aurochrome is found in many foods, some of which are pepper (c. annuum), green bell pepper, orange bell pepper, and red bell pepper. Aurochrome is found in pepper (c. annuum). Aurochrome is widespread carotenoid.




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)

Constituent of paprika (Capsicum annuum). Cryptocapsin is found in many foods, some of which are pepper (c. annuum), herbs and spices, red bell pepper, and orange bell pepper. Cryptocapsin is found in herbs and spices. Cryptocapsin is a constituent of paprika (Capsicum annuum).


Cryptoxanthin epoxide


C40H56O2 (568.4280076)

Isolated from yellow paprika (Capsicum annuum variety Lycopersiforme), peel of ripe persimmon (Diospyros kaki), mature fruit of peach (Prunus persica) and ripe peel of a mandarin hybrid (Citrus reticulata). Cryptoxanthin epoxide is found in many foods, some of which are italian sweet red pepper, citrus, fruits, and green bell pepper. Cryptoxanthin epoxide is found in citrus. Cryptoxanthin epoxide is isolated from yellow paprika (Capsicum annuum var. Lycopersiforme), peel of ripe persimmon (Diospyros kaki), mature fruit of peach (Prunus persica) and ripe peel of a mandarin hybrid (Citrus reticulata




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)

5,6-Epoxy-5,6-dihydro-beta,beta-caroten-3-ol is found in citrus. 5,6-Epoxy-5,6-dihydro-beta,beta-caroten-3-ol is isolated from Citrus reticulata (mandarin). Isolated from Citrus reticulata (mandarin). 5,6-Epoxy-5,6-dihydro-beta,beta-caroten-3-ol is found in citrus.




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)

Constituent of persimmon (Diospyros kaki), star fruit (Averrhoa carambola), orange (Citrus sinensis) and alfalfa (Medicago) subspecies Poss. isolated from peach (Prunus persica). Cryptoflavin is found in papaya, citrus, and fruits. Cryptoflavin is found in citrus. Cryptoflavin is a constituent of persimmon (Diospyros kaki), star fruit (Averrhoa carambola), orange (Citrus sinensis) and alfalfa (Medicago) species Poss. isolated from peach (Prunus persica).




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)

Isozeaxanthin is found in fishes. Isozeaxanthin is widespread in marine animals. Additive for salmon feed. Widespread in marine animals. Additive for salmon feed. Isozeaxanthin is found in fishes.




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)

Constituent of Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Lycophyll is found in garden tomato and garden tomato (variety). Lycophyll is found in garden tomato. Lycophyll is a constituent of Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato).




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)

(3R,3R,6R,9-cis)-beta,epsilon-Carotene-3,3-diol is a carotenoid found in human fluids such as serum and breast milk (PMID: 9164160). Carotenoids are isoprenoid molecules that are widespread in nature and are typically seen as pigments in fruits, flowers, birds and crustacea. Animals are unable to synthesise carotenoids de novo, and rely upon the diet as a source of these compounds. Over recent years there has been considerable interest in dietary carotenoids with respect to their potential in alleviating age-related diseases in humans. This attention has been mirrored by significant advances in cloning most of the carotenoid genes and in the genetic manipulation of crop plants with the intention of increasing levels in the diet. Studies have shown an inverse relationship between the consumption of certain fruits and vegetables and the risk of epithelial cancer. Since carotenoids are among the micronutrients found in cancer preventive foods, detailed qualitative and quantitative determination of these compounds, particularly in fruits and vegetables and in human plasma, have recently become increasingly important (PMID: 1416048, 15003396). (3R,3R,6R,9-cis)-Carotene-3,3-diol is a carotenoid found in human fluids.




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)

(3R,3R,13-cis)-beta,beta-Carotene-3,3-diol is a carotenoid found in human fluids. Carotenoids are isoprenoid molecules that are widespread in nature and are typically seen as pigments in fruits, flowers, birds, and crustacea. Animals are unable to synthesize carotenoids de novo and rely upon the diet as a source of these compounds. Over recent years there has been considerable interest in dietary carotenoids with respect to their potential in alleviating age-related diseases in humans. This attention has been mirrored by significant advances in cloning most of the carotenoid genes and in the genetic manipulation of crop plants with the intention of increasing levels in the diet. Studies have shown an inverse relationship between the consumption of certain fruits and vegetables and the risk of epithelial cancer. Since carotenoids are among the micronutrients found in cancer-preventive foods, detailed qualitative and quantitative determination of these compounds, particularly in fruits and vegetables and in human plasma, have recently become increasingly important (PMID: 1416048, 15003396).




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)

(3R,3R,9-cis)-beta,beta-Carotene-3,3-diol is a carotenoid found in human fluids. Carotenoids are isoprenoid molecules that are widespread in nature and are typically seen as pigments in fruits, flowers, birds, and crustacea. Animals are unable to synthesize carotenoids de novo and rely upon the diet as a source of these compounds. Over recent years there has been considerable interest in dietary carotenoids with respect to their potential in alleviating age-related diseases in humans. This attention has been mirrored by significant advances in cloning most of the carotenoid genes and in the genetic manipulation of crop plants with the intention of increasing levels in the diet. Studies have shown an inverse relationship between the consumption of certain fruits and vegetables and the risk of epithelial cancer. Since carotenoids are among the micronutrients found in cancer-preventive foods, detailed qualitative and quantitative determination of these compounds, particularly in fruits and vegetables and in human plasma, have recently become increasingly important (PMID: 1416048, 15003396). (3R,3R,9-cis)-Carotene-3,3-diol is a carotenoid found in human fluids.




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)

(3R,3R,15-cis)-beta,beta-Carotene-3,3-diol is a carotenoid found in human fluids. Carotenoids are isoprenoid molecules that are widespread in nature and are typically seen as pigments in fruits, flowers, birds, and crustacea. Animals are unable to synthesize carotenoids de novo and rely upon the diet as a source of these compounds. Over recent years there has been considerable interest in dietary carotenoids with respect to their potential in alleviating age-related diseases in humans. This attention has been mirrored by significant advances in cloning most of the carotenoid genes and in the genetic manipulation of crop plants with the intention of increasing levels in the diet. Studies have shown an inverse relationship between the consumption of certain fruits and vegetables and the risk of epithelial cancer. Since carotenoids are among the micronutrients found in cancer-preventive foods, detailed qualitative and quantitative determination of these compounds, particularly in fruits and vegetables and in human plasma, have recently become increasingly important (PMID: 1416048, 15003396). (3R,3R,15-cis)-Carotene-3,3-diol is a carotenoid found in human fluids.




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)

(3R,3S,6R)-Carotene-3,3-diol is a carotenoid found in human fluids. Carotenoids are isoprenoid molecules that are widespread in nature and are typically seen as pigments in fruits, flowers, birds and crustacea. Animals are unable to synthesise carotenoids de novo, and rely upon the diet as a source of these compounds. Over recent years there has been considerable interest in dietary carotenoids with respect to their potential in alleviating age-related diseases in humans. This attention has been mirrored by significant advances in cloning most of the carotenoid genes and in the genetic manipulation of crop plants with the intention of increasing levels in the diet. Studies have shown an inverse relationship between the consumption of certain fruits and vegetables and the risk of epithelial cancer. Since carotenoids are among the micronutrients found in cancer preventive foods, detailed qualitative and quantitative determination of these compounds, particularly in fruits and vegetables and in human plasma, have recently become increasingly important. (PMID: 1416048, 15003396). D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)

(3R,3R,6R,13-cis)-beta,epsilon-Carotene-3,3-diol is a carotenoid found in human fluids. Carotenoids are isoprenoid molecules that are widespread in nature and are typically seen as pigments in fruits, flowers, birds, and crustacea. Animals are unable to synthesize carotenoids de novo, and rely upon the diet as a source of these compounds. Over recent years there has been considerable interest in dietary carotenoids with respect to their potential in alleviating age-related diseases in humans. This attention has been mirrored by significant advances in cloning most of the carotenoid genes and in the genetic manipulation of crop plants with the intention of increasing levels in the diet. Studies have shown an inverse relationship between the consumption of certain fruits and vegetables and the risk of epithelial cancer. Since carotenoids are among the micronutrients found in cancer-preventive foods, detailed qualitative and quantitative determination of these compounds, particularly in fruits and vegetables and in human plasma, have recently become increasingly important (PMID: 1416048, 15003396).




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)

meso-Zeaxanthin is found in animal foods. meso-Zeaxanthin is a constituent of shrimp Paratya compressa compressa and many fish




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)

(3S,3S)-beta,beta-Carotene-3,3-diol is isolated from various fishes, including channel catfish, Paratya compressa compressa (shrimp), and Theragra chalcogramma (pollack) (Dictionary of Food Compounds). Zeaxanthin is one of the two primary xanthophyll carotenoids contained within the retina of the eye. Within the central macula, zeaxanthin is the dominant component, whereas in the peripheral retina, lutein predominates. The principal natural form of zeaxanthin is (3R,3R)-zeaxanthin. As a food additive, zeaxanthin is a food dye with E number E161h (Wikipedia). Isolated from various fishes, including Paratya compressa compressa (shrimp) and Theragra chalcogramma (pollack) [DFC]




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)

(13Z,13Z,3R,3R,6R)-Lutein is a carotenoid found in human serum and breast milk (PMID: 9164160). This compound has also been isolated from kale (PMID: 10563916). Carotenoids are isoprenoid molecules that are widespread in nature and are typically seen as pigments in fruits, flowers, birds and crustacea. Animals are unable to synthesise carotenoids de novo, and rely upon the diet as a source of these compounds. Over recent years there has been considerable interest in dietary carotenoids with respect to their potential in alleviating age-related diseases in humans. This attention has been mirrored by significant advances in cloning most of the carotenoid genes and in the genetic manipulation of crop plants with the intention of increasing levels in the diet. Studies have shown an inverse relationship between the consumption of certain fruits and vegetables and the risk of epithelial cancer. Since carotenoids are among the micronutrients found in cancer preventive foods, detailed qualitative and quantitative determination of these compounds, particularly in fruits and vegetables and in human plasma, have recently become increasingly important. (PMID: 1416048, 15003396)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)

(3s,5r,8s)-5,8-epoxy-5,8-dihydro-beta,beta-caroten-3-ol is a member of the class of compounds known as xanthophylls. Xanthophylls are carotenoids containing an oxygenated carotene backbone. Carotenes are characterized by the presence of two end-groups (mostly cyclohexene rings, but also cyclopentene rings or acyclic groups) linked by a long branched alkyl chain. Carotenes belonging form a subgroup of the carotenoids family. Xanthophylls arise by oxygenation of the carotene backbone (3s,5r,8s)-5,8-epoxy-5,8-dihydro-beta,beta-caroten-3-ol is practically insoluble (in water) and an extremely weak acidic compound (based on its pKa). (3s,5r,8s)-5,8-epoxy-5,8-dihydro-beta,beta-caroten-3-ol can be found in guava, which makes (3s,5r,8s)-5,8-epoxy-5,8-dihydro-beta,beta-caroten-3-ol a potential biomarker for the consumption of this food product.


Lutein ester


C40H56O2 (568.4280076)

Lutein, also known as all-trans-lutein or 3,3-dihydroxy-alpha-carotene, is a member of the class of compounds known as xanthophylls. Xanthophylls are carotenoids containing an oxygenated carotene backbone. Carotenes are characterized by the presence of two end-groups (mostly cyclohexene rings, but also cyclopentene rings or acyclic groups) linked by a long branched alkyl chain. Carotenes belonging form a subgroup of the carotenoids family. Xanthophylls arise by oxygenation of the carotene backbone. Lutein is practically insoluble (in water) and an extremely weak acidic compound (based on its pKa). Lutein can be found in dandelion and ginkgo nuts, which makes lutein a potential biomarker for the consumption of these food products. Lutein can be found primarily in blood, as well as throughout most human tissues. Lutein exists in all eukaryotes, ranging from yeast to humans. Lutein is isomeric with zeaxanthin, differing only in the placement of one double bond. Lutein and zeaxanthin can be interconverted in the body through an intermediate called meso-zeaxanthin. The principal natural stereoisomer of lutein is (3R,3‚Ä≤R,6‚Ä≤R)-beta,epsilon-carotene-3,3‚Ä≤-diol. Lutein is a lipophilic molecule and is generally insoluble in water. The presence of the long chromophore of conjugated double bonds (polyene chain) provides the distinctive light-absorbing properties. The polyene chain is susceptible to oxidative degradation by light or heat and is chemically unstable in acids . Lutein, also known as all-trans-lutein or 3,3-dihydroxy-alpha-carotene, is a member of the class of compounds known as xanthophylls. Xanthophylls are carotenoids containing an oxygenated carotene backbone. Carotenes are characterized by the presence of two end-groups (mostly cyclohexene rings, but also cyclopentene rings or acyclic groups) linked by a long branched alkyl chain. Carotenes belonging form a subgroup of the carotenoids family. Xanthophylls arise by oxygenation of the carotene backbone. Lutein is practically insoluble (in water) and an extremely weak acidic compound (based on its pKa). Lutein can be found in dandelion and ginkgo nuts, which makes lutein a potential biomarker for the consumption of these food products. Lutein can be found primarily in blood, as well as throughout most human tissues. Lutein exists in all eukaryotes, ranging from yeast to humans. Lutein is isomeric with zeaxanthin, differing only in the placement of one double bond. Lutein and zeaxanthin can be interconverted in the body through an intermediate called meso-zeaxanthin. The principal natural stereoisomer of lutein is (3R,3′R,6′R)-beta,epsilon-carotene-3,3′-diol. Lutein is a lipophilic molecule and is generally insoluble in water. The presence of the long chromophore of conjugated double bonds (polyene chain) provides the distinctive light-absorbing properties. The polyene chain is susceptible to oxidative degradation by light or heat and is chemically unstable in acids . Lutein (Xanthophyll) is a carotenoid with reported anti-inflammatory properties. A large body of evidence shows that lutein has several beneficial effects, especially on eye health[1]. Lutein exerts its biological activities, including anti-inflammation, anti-oxidase and anti-apoptosis, through effects on reactive oxygen species (ROS)[2][3]. Lutein is able to arrive in the brain and shows antidepressant-like and neuroprotective effects. Lutein is orally active[4]. Lutein (Xanthophyll) is a carotenoid with reported anti-inflammatory properties. A large body of evidence shows that lutein has several beneficial effects, especially on eye health[1]. Lutein exerts its biological activities, including anti-inflammation, anti-oxidase and anti-apoptosis, through effects on reactive oxygen species (ROS)[2][3]. Lutein is able to arrive in the brain and shows antidepressant-like and neuroprotective effects. Lutein is orally active[4].




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)


Cucumariaxanthin A


C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)

D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)


Lycopene 1,2,1,2-diepoxide

Lycopene 1,2,1,2-diepoxide

C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)


(3E,3E)-3,4,3,4-tetradehydro-2H,2H-psi,psi-carotene-1,1-diol|alpha-Bacterioruberin|Bacteriorubina, Bis-demethylo-spirilloxanthin|O,O-didemethyl-spirilloxanthin

(3E,3E)-3,4,3,4-tetradehydro-2H,2H-psi,psi-carotene-1,1-diol|alpha-Bacterioruberin|Bacteriorubina, Bis-demethylo-spirilloxanthin|O,O-didemethyl-spirilloxanthin

C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)


Beta-Carotene 5,8-endoperoxide

Beta-Carotene 5,8-endoperoxide

C40H56O2 (568.4280076)


1,2-Dihydro-1-hydroxy-4-keto-gamma-carotin|1-Hydroxy-1,2-dihydro-beta,psi-caroten-4-one|3-Deoxy, 3, 4-dihydro-Flexixanthin|4-Keto-1-hydroxy-1,2-dihydro-gamma-carotin

1,2-Dihydro-1-hydroxy-4-keto-gamma-carotin|1-Hydroxy-1,2-dihydro-beta,psi-caroten-4-one|3-Deoxy, 3, 4-dihydro-Flexixanthin|4-Keto-1-hydroxy-1,2-dihydro-gamma-carotin

C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)

D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids Window width for selecting the precursor ion was 3 Da.; This record was created by the financial support of MEXT/JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 16HP2005 to the Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan. Lutein (Xanthophyll) is a carotenoid with reported anti-inflammatory properties. A large body of evidence shows that lutein has several beneficial effects, especially on eye health[1]. Lutein exerts its biological activities, including anti-inflammation, anti-oxidase and anti-apoptosis, through effects on reactive oxygen species (ROS)[2][3]. Lutein is able to arrive in the brain and shows antidepressant-like and neuroprotective effects. Lutein is orally active[4]. Lutein (Xanthophyll) is a carotenoid with reported anti-inflammatory properties. A large body of evidence shows that lutein has several beneficial effects, especially on eye health[1]. Lutein exerts its biological activities, including anti-inflammation, anti-oxidase and anti-apoptosis, through effects on reactive oxygen species (ROS)[2][3]. Lutein is able to arrive in the brain and shows antidepressant-like and neuroprotective effects. Lutein is orally active[4].




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)

Meso-zeaxanthin (3R,3´S-zeaxanthin) is a xanthophyll carotenoid, as it contains oxygen and hydrocarbons, and is one of the three stereoisomers of zeaxanthin. Of the three stereoisomers, meso-zeaxanthin is the second most abundant in nature after 3R,3´R-zeaxanthin, which is produced by plants and algae. To date, meso-zeaxanthin has been identified in specific tissues of marine organisms and in the macula lutea, also known as the "yellow spot", of the human retina . Meso-zeaxanthin is a member of the class of compounds known as xanthophylls. Xanthophylls are carotenoids containing an oxygenated carotene backbone. Carotenes are characterized by the presence of two end-groups (mostly cyclohexene rings, but also cyclopentene rings or acyclic groups) linked by a long branched alkyl chain. Carotenes belonging form a subgroup of the carotenoids family. Xanthophylls arise by oxygenation of the carotene backbone. Meso-zeaxanthin is practically insoluble (in water) and an extremely weak acidic compound (based on its pKa). Meso-zeaxanthin can be found in channel catfish, crustaceans, and fishes, which makes meso-zeaxanthin a potential biomarker for the consumption of these food products. D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids Window width for selecting the precursor ion was 3 Da.; This record was created by the financial support of MEXT/JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 16HP2005 to the Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan.


meso-Zeaxanthin/ (3R,3S)-Zeaxanthin

meso-Zeaxanthin/ (3R,3S)-Zeaxanthin

C40H56O2 (568.4280076)


Lutein B/ Calthaxanthin/ 3-Epilutein

Lutein B/ Calthaxanthin/ 3-Epilutein

C40H56O2 (568.4280076)


Tunaxanthin I/ Chiriquixanthin A

Tunaxanthin I/ Chiriquixanthin A

C40H56O2 (568.4280076)


Tunaxanthin C/ Oxyxantin 58/ (ent. Chiriquixanthin B)

Tunaxanthin C/ Oxyxantin 58/ (ent. Chiriquixanthin B)

C40H56O2 (568.4280076)


Tunaxanthin J/ Chiriquixanthin B

Tunaxanthin J/ Chiriquixanthin B

C40H56O2 (568.4280076)


Tunaxanthin B/ Oxyxanthin 51

Tunaxanthin B/ Oxyxanthin 51

C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)


1-OH-4-Keto-γ-carotene/ (Carotenoid K)

1-OH-4-Keto-γ-carotene/ (Carotenoid K)

C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)


Plectaniaxanthin/ (2R)-Plectaniaxanthin

Plectaniaxanthin/ (2R)-Plectaniaxanthin

C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)

D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)


Cryptoxanthin epoxide


C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)

A carotenone compound arising from oxidative cleavage of the 5,6-double bond.


Zeaxanthin, (3S,3S)-


C40H56O2 (568.4280076)


Lutein B


C40H56O2 (568.4280076)


Tunaxanthin I


C40H56O2 (568.4280076)


Tunaxanthin C


C40H56O2 (568.4280076)


Tunaxanthin J


C40H56O2 (568.4280076)


Tunaxanthin B


C40H56O2 (568.4280076)


Carotenoid K


C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)

A tunaxanthin that consists of epsilon,epsilon-carotene bearing hydroxy substituents at positions 3 and 3 (the 3S,3S,6S,6S-diastereomer). D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)


Rubixanthin 5,6-epoxide


C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)


2-Hydroxy-beta-carotene 5,6-epoxide


C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)


Beta-Carotene diepoxide


C40H56O2 (568.4280076)


Cryptoxanthin 5,6-epoxide


C40H56O2 (568.4280076)


Cryptoxanthin 5,8-epoxide


C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)


Neolutein C


C40H56O2 (568.4280076)


Neolutein B


C40H56O2 (568.4280076)


Tilefishxanthin I


C40H56O2 (568.4280076)


2-Hydroxy-alpha-carotene 5,6-epoxide


C40H56O2 (568.4280076)


Tunaxanthin A


C40H56O2 (568.4280076)


(5R,6S,5R)-Sapotexanthin 5,6-epoxide


C40H56O2 (568.4280076)


Calendula Extract

Calendula Extract

C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)

A carotenol isolated from the white tuna, or albacore tuna (Thunnus albacares).




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)

Zeaxanthin is one of the two primary xanthophyll carotenoids contained within the retina of the eye. Within the central macula, zeaxanthin is the dominant component, whereas in the peripheral retina, lutein predominates. The principal natural form of zeaxanthin is (3R,3R)-zeaxanthin. As a food additive, zeaxanthin is a food dye with E number E161h. [Wikipedia]. Zeaxanthin is found in many foods, some of which are coconut, shallot, alaska blueberry, and yellow zucchini. meso-Zeaxanthin is found in animal foods. meso-Zeaxanthin is a constituent of shrimp Paratya compressa compressa and many fish




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)

(3s,5r,8s)-5,8-epoxy-5,8-dihydro-beta,beta-caroten-3-ol is a member of the class of compounds known as xanthophylls. Xanthophylls are carotenoids containing an oxygenated carotene backbone. Carotenes are characterized by the presence of two end-groups (mostly cyclohexene rings, but also cyclopentene rings or acyclic groups) linked by a long branched alkyl chain. Carotenes belonging form a subgroup of the carotenoids family. Xanthophylls arise by oxygenation of the carotene backbone (3s,5r,8s)-5,8-epoxy-5,8-dihydro-beta,beta-caroten-3-ol is practically insoluble (in water) and an extremely weak acidic compound (based on its pKa). (3s,5r,8s)-5,8-epoxy-5,8-dihydro-beta,beta-caroten-3-ol can be found in guava, which makes (3s,5r,8s)-5,8-epoxy-5,8-dihydro-beta,beta-caroten-3-ol a potential biomarker for the consumption of this food product.


(3S,5R,6S)-beta-cryptoxanthin 5,6-epoxide

(3S,5R,6S)-beta-cryptoxanthin 5,6-epoxide

C40H56O2 (568.4280076)

An epoxycarotenol that beta-cryptoxanthin in which the 5,6-double bond has been epoxidised.




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)



Lutein B/Calthaxanthin/3-Epilutein

C40H56O2 (568.4280076)

D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)