NCBI Taxonomy: 39271

Agastache rugosa (ncbi_taxid: 39271)

found 207 associated metabolites at species taxonomy rank level.

Ancestor: Agastache

Child Taxonomies: none taxonomy data.

Rosmarinic acid


C18H16O8 (360.0845136)

Rosmarinic acid is an ester of caffeic acid and 3,4-dihydroxyphenyllactic acid. It is commonly found in species of the Boraginaceae and the subfamily Nepetoideae of the Lamiaceae. It is a red-orange powder that is slightly soluble in water, but well soluble is most organic solvents. Rosmarinic acid is one of the polyphenolic substances contained in culinary herbs such as perilla (Perilla frutescens L.), rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.), sage (Salvia officinalis L.), mint (Mentha arvense L.), and basil (Ocimum basilicum L.). These herbs are commonly grown in the garden as kitchen herbs, and while used to add flavor in cooking, are also known to have several potent physiological effects (PMID: 12482446, 15120569). BioTransformer predicts that rosmarinic acid is a product of methylrosmarinic acid metabolism via a hydrolysis-of-carboxylic-acid-ester-pattern1 reaction occurring in humans and human gut microbiota and catalyzed by the liver carboxylesterase 1 (P23141) enzyme (PMID: 30612223). (R)-rosmarinic acid is a stereoisomer of rosmarinic acid having (R)-configuration. It has a role as a plant metabolite and a geroprotector. It is a conjugate acid of a (R)-rosmarinate. It is an enantiomer of a (S)-rosmarinic acid. Rosmarinic acid is a natural product found in Dimetia scandens, Scrophularia scorodonia, and other organisms with data available. See also: Rosemary Oil (part of); Comfrey Root (part of); Holy basil leaf (part of) ... View More ... D004791 - Enzyme Inhibitors > D011480 - Protease Inhibitors > D015842 - Serine Proteinase Inhibitors D018373 - Peripheral Nervous System Agents > D018689 - Sensory System Agents D006401 - Hematologic Agents > D010975 - Platelet Aggregation Inhibitors Isolated from rosemary, mint, sage, thyme, lemon balm and other plants D002491 - Central Nervous System Agents > D000700 - Analgesics A stereoisomer of rosmarinic acid having (R)-configuration. D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants D000893 - Anti-Inflammatory Agents D018501 - Antirheumatic Agents Acquisition and generation of the data is financially supported in part by CREST/JST. Rosmarinic acid is a widespread phenolic ester compound in the plants. Rosmarinic acid inhibits MAO-A, MAO-B and COMT enzymes with IC50s of 50.1, 184.6 and 26.7 μM, respectively. Rosmarinic acid is a widespread phenolic ester compound in the plants. Rosmarinic acid inhibits MAO-A, MAO-B and COMT enzymes with IC50s of 50.1, 184.6 and 26.7 μM, respectively.



1-{6-[(2S,4S,5S,3R,6R)-3,4,5-trihydroxy-6-(hydroxymethyl)(2H-3,4,5,6-tetrahydr opyran-2-yloxy)]-2,4-dihydroxyphenyl}-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)propan-1-one

C21H24O10 (436.1369404)

Phlorizin, also known as phlorizoside or phlorrhizen, belongs to the class of organic compounds known as flavonoid o-glycosides. Flavonoid O-glycosides are compounds containing a carbohydrate moiety which is O-glycosidically linked to the 2-phenylchromen-4-one flavonoid backbone. Phlorizin (also referred to as phloridzin; chemical name phloretin-2-‚âà√≠‚Äö√¢¬ß-D-glucopyranoside) is a glucoside of phloretin, a dihydrochalcone, a family of bicyclic flavonoids, which in turn is a subgroup in the diverse phenylpropanoid synthesis pathway in plants. In humans, phlorizin is involved in lactose degradation. Phlorizin is a bitter tasting compound. phlorizin is found, on average, in the highest concentration in a few different foods, such as mexican oregano, european plums, and apples and in a lower concentration in pomegranates and apricots. phlorizin has also been detected, but not quantified, in several different foods, such as epazotes, durians, chinese broccoli, sesames, and sweet potato. This could make phlorizin a potential biomarker for the consumption of these foods. It is of sweet taste and contains four molecules of water in the crystal. Phlorizin is found primarily in unripe Malus (apple), root bark of apple, trace amounts have been found in strawberry. It is poorly soluble in ether and cold water, but soluble in ethanol and hot water. Closely related species, such as pear (Pyrus communis), cherry, and other fruit trees in the Rosaceae do not contain phloridzin. Phlorizin was studied as a potential pharmaceutical treatment for type 2 diabetes, but has since been superseded by more selective and more promising synthetic analogs, such as empagliflozin, canagliflozin and dapagliflozin. Phlorizin is a competitive inhibitor of SGLT1 and SGLT2 because it competes with D-glucose for binding to the carrier; this reduces renal glucose transport, lowering the amount of glucose in the blood. Phlorizin is not an effective drug because when orally consumed, it is nearly entirely converted into phloretin by hydrolytic enzymes in the small intestine. Above 200 °C, it decomposes. Phlorizin is an aryl beta-D-glucoside that is phloretin attached to a beta-D-glucopyranosyl residue at position 2 via a glycosidic linkage. It has a role as a plant metabolite and an antioxidant. It is an aryl beta-D-glucoside, a member of dihydrochalcones and a monosaccharide derivative. It is functionally related to a phloretin. Phlorizin is a natural product found in Malus doumeri, Vaccinium macrocarpon, and other organisms with data available. See also: ... View More ... An aryl beta-D-glucoside that is phloretin attached to a beta-D-glucopyranosyl residue at position 2 via a glycosidic linkage. Isolated from apple leaves and bark Phlorizin (Floridzin) is a non-selective SGLT inhibitor with Kis of 300 and 39 nM for hSGLT1 and hSGLT2, respectively. Phlorizin is also a Na+/K+-ATPase inhibitor. Phlorizin (Floridzin) is a non-selective SGLT inhibitor with Kis of 300 and 39 nM for hSGLT1 and hSGLT2, respectively. Phlorizin is also a Na+/K+-ATPase inhibitor.



5,7-Dihydroxy-2-(3-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one (Diosmetin)

C16H12O6 (300.06338519999997)

Diosmetin is a monomethoxyflavone that is the 4-methyl ether derivative of luteolin. It is a natural product isolated from citrus fruits which exhibits a range of pharmacological activities. It has a role as an antioxidant, an antineoplastic agent, a plant metabolite, a tropomyosin-related kinase B receptor agonist, an apoptosis inducer, an angiogenesis inhibitor, a cardioprotective agent, a bone density conservation agent, an anti-inflammatory agent and a vasodilator agent. It is a monomethoxyflavone, a trihydroxyflavone and a 3-hydroxyflavonoid. It is functionally related to a luteolin. It is a conjugate acid of a diosmetin-7-olate. Diosmetin is an O-methylated flavone and the aglycone part of the flavonoid glycosides diosmin that occurs naturally in citrus fruits. Pharmacologically, diosmetin is reported to exhibit anticancer, antimicrobial, antioxidant, oestrogenic and anti-inflamatory activities. It also acts as a weak TrkB receptor agonist. Diosmetin is a natural product found in Vicia tenuifolia, Salvia tomentosa, and other organisms with data available. See also: Agathosma betulina leaf (part of). A monomethoxyflavone that is the 4-methyl ether derivative of luteolin. It is a natural product isolated from citrus fruits which exhibits a range of pharmacological activities. Isolated from peel of lemon (Citrus limon) and others. Diosmetin is found in many foods, some of which are spearmint, citrus, rosemary, and common thyme. Diosmetin is found in citrus. Diosmetin is isolated from peel of lemon (Citrus limon) and other Diosmetin is a natural flavonoid which inhibits human CYP1A enzyme activity with an IC50 of 40 μM in HepG2 cell. Diosmetin is a natural flavonoid which inhibits human CYP1A enzyme activity with an IC50 of 40 μM in HepG2 cell.



4H-1-Benzopyran-4-one, 2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-5,7-dihydroxy-

C15H10O6 (286.047736)

Luteolin is a naturally occurring flavonoid. (PMID:17168665). The flavonoids are polyphenolic compounds found as integral components of the human diet. They are universally present as constituents of flowering plants, particularly of food plants. The flavonoids are phenyl substituted chromones (benzopyran derivatives) consisting of a 15-carbon basic skeleton (C6-C3-C6), composed of a chroman (C6-C3) nucleus (the benzo ring A and the heterocyclic ring C), also shared by the tocopherols, with a phenyl (the aromatic ring B) substitution usually at the 2-position. Different substitutions can typically occur in the rings, A and B. Several plants and spices containing flavonoid derivatives have found application as disease preventive and therapeutic agents in traditional medicine in Asia for thousands of years. The selection of a particular food plant, plant tissue or herb for its potential health benefits appears to mirror its flavonoid composition. The much lower risk of colon, prostate and breast cancers in Asians, who consume more vegetables, fruits and tea than populations in the Western hemisphere do, raises the question of whether flavonoid components mediate the protective effects of diets rich in these foodstuffs by acting as natural chemopreventive and anticancer agents. An impressive body of information exists on the antitumoral action of plant flavonoids. In vitro work has concentrated on the direct and indirect actions of flavonoids on tumor cells, and has found a variety of anticancer effects such as cell growth and kinase activity inhibition, apoptosis induction, suppression of the secretion of matrix metalloproteinases and of tumor invasive behavior. Furthermore, some studies have reported the impairment of in vivo angiogenesis by dietary flavonoids. Experimental animal studies indicate that certain dietary flavonoids possess antitumoral activity. The hydroxylation pattern of the B ring of the flavones and flavonols, such as luteolin seems to critically influence their activities, especially the inhibition of protein kinase activity and antiproliferation. The different mechanisms underlying the potential anticancer action of plant flavonoids await further elucidation. Certain dietary flavonols and flavones targeting cell surface signal transduction enzymes, such as protein tyrosine and focal adhesion kinases, and the processes of angiogenesis appear to be promising candidates as anticancer agents. Further in vivo studies of these bioactive constituents is deemed necessary in order to develop flavonoid-based anticancer strategies. In view of the increasing interest in the association between dietary flavonoids and cancer initiation and progression, this important field is likely to witness expanded effort and to attract and stimulate further vigorous investigations (PMID:16097445). Luteolin is a tetrahydroxyflavone in which the four hydroxy groups are located at positions 3, 4, 5 and 7. It is thought to play an important role in the human body as an antioxidant, a free radical scavenger, an anti-inflammatory agent and an immune system modulator as well as being active against several cancers. It has a role as an EC (fatty acid synthase) inhibitor, an antineoplastic agent, a vascular endothelial growth factor receptor antagonist, a plant metabolite, a nephroprotective agent, an angiogenesis inhibitor, a c-Jun N-terminal kinase inhibitor, an anti-inflammatory agent, an apoptosis inducer, a radical scavenger and an immunomodulator. It is a 3-hydroxyflavonoid and a tetrahydroxyflavone. It is a conjugate acid of a luteolin-7-olate. Luteolin is a natural product found in Verbascum lychnitis, Carex fraseriana, and other organisms with data available. Luteolin is a naturally-occurring flavonoid, with potential anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, apoptosis-inducing and chemopreventive activities. Upon administration, luteolin scavenges free radicals, protects cells from reactive oxygen species (ROS)-induced damage and induces direct cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in tumor cells. This inhibits tumor cell proliferation and suppresses metastasis. 5,7,3,4-tetrahydroxy-flavone, one of the FLAVONES. See also: Chamomile (part of); Cannabis sativa subsp. indica top (part of); Fenugreek seed (part of). A tetrahydroxyflavone in which the four hydroxy groups are located at positions 3, 4, 5 and 7. It is thought to play an important role in the human body as an antioxidant, a free radical scavenger, an anti-inflammatory agent and an immune system modulator as well as being active against several cancers. Flavone v. widespread in plant world; found especies in celery, peppermint, rosemary, thyme and Queen Annes Lace leaves (wild carrot). Potential nutriceutical. Luteolin is found in many foods, some of which are soy bean, ginger, abalone, and swiss chard. Acquisition and generation of the data is financially supported in part by CREST/JST. IPB_RECORD: 361; CONFIDENCE confident structure CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 48 Luteolin (Luteoline), a flavanoid compound, is a potent Nrf2 inhibitor. Luteolin has anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer properties, including the induction of apoptosis and cell cycle arrest, and the inhibition of metastasis and angiogenesis, in several cancer cell lines, including human non-small lung cancer cells[1][2][3]. Luteolin (Luteoline), a flavanoid compound, is a potent Nrf2 inhibitor. Luteolin has anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer properties, including the induction of apoptosis and cell cycle arrest, and the inhibition of metastasis and angiogenesis, in several cancer cell lines, including human non-small lung cancer cells[1][2][3].




C13H16N2O2 (232.1211716)

Melatonin is a member of the class of acetamides that is acetamide in which one of the hydrogens attached to the nitrogen atom is replaced by a 2-(5-methoxy-1H-indol-3-yl)ethyl group. It is a hormone secreted by the pineal gland in humans. It has a role as a hormone, an anticonvulsant, an immunological adjuvant, a radical scavenger, a central nervous system depressant, a human metabolite, a mouse metabolite and a geroprotector. It is a member of acetamides and a member of tryptamines. It is functionally related to a tryptamine. Melatonin is a biogenic amine that is found in animals, plants and microbes. Aaron B. Lerner of Yale University is credited for naming the hormone and for defining its chemical structure in 1958. In mammals, melatonin is produced by the pineal gland. The pineal gland is small endocrine gland, about the size of a rice grain and shaped like a pine cone (hence the name), that is located in the center of the brain (rostro-dorsal to the superior colliculus) but outside the blood-brain barrier. The secretion of melatonin increases in darkness and decreases during exposure to light, thereby regulating the circadian rhythms of several biological functions, including the sleep-wake cycle. In particular, melatonin regulates the sleep-wake cycle by chemically causing drowsiness and lowering the body temperature. Melatonin is also implicated in the regulation of mood, learning and memory, immune activity, dreaming, fertility and reproduction. Melatonin is also an effective antioxidant. Most of the actions of melatonin are mediated through the binding and activation of melatonin receptors. Individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) may have lower than normal levels of melatonin. A 2008 study found that unaffected parents of individuals with ASD also have lower melatonin levels, and that the deficits were associated with low activity of the ASMT gene, which encodes the last enzyme of melatonin synthesis. Reduced melatonin production has also been proposed as a likely factor in the significantly higher cancer rates in night workers. Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland that has multiple effects including somnolence, and is believed to play a role in regulation of the sleep-wake cycle. Melatonin is available over-the-counter and is reported to have beneficial effects on wellbeing and sleep. Melatonin has not been implicated in causing serum enzyme elevations or clinically apparent liver injury. Melatonin is a natural product found in Mesocricetus auratus, Ophiopogon japonicus, and other organisms with data available. Therapeutic Melatonin is a therapeutic chemically synthesized form of the pineal indole melatonin with antioxidant properties. The pineal synthesis and secretion of melatonin, a serotonin-derived neurohormone, is dependent on beta-adrenergic receptor function. Melatonin is involved in numerous biological functions including circadian rhythm, sleep, the stress response, aging, and immunity. Melatonin is a hormone involved in sleep regulatory activity, and a tryptophan-derived neurotransmitter, which inhibits the synthesis and secretion of other neurotransmitters such as dopamine and GABA. Melatonin is synthesized from serotonin intermediate in the pineal gland and the retina where the enzyme 5-hydroxyindole-O-methyltransferase, that catalyzes the last step of synthesis, is found. This hormone binds to and activates melatonin receptors and is involved in regulating the sleep and wake cycles. In addition, melatonin possesses antioxidative and immunoregulatory properties via regulating other neurotransmitters. Melatonin is a biogenic amine that is found in animals, plants and microbes. Aaron B. Lerner of Yale University is credited for naming the hormone and for defining its chemical structure in 1958. In mammals, melatonin is produced by the pineal gland. The pineal gland is small endocrine gland, about the size of a rice grain and shaped like a pine cone (hence the name), that is l... Melatonin is a biogenic amine that is found in animals, plants and microbes. Aaron B. Lerner of Yale University is credited for naming the hormone and for defining its chemical structure in 1958. In mammals, melatonin is produced by the pineal gland. The pineal gland is small endocrine gland, about the size of a rice grain and shaped like a pine cone (hence the name), that is located in the center of the brain (rostro-dorsal to the superior colliculus) but outside the blood-brain barrier. The secretion of melatonin increases in darkness and decreases during exposure to light, thereby regulating the circadian rhythms of several biological functions, including the sleep-wake cycle. In particular, melatonin regulates the sleep-wake cycle by chemically causing drowsiness and. lowering the body temperature. Melatonin is also implicated in the regulation of mood,learning and memory, immune activity, dreaming, fertility and reproduction. Melatonin is also an effective antioxidant. Most of the actions of melatonin are mediated through the binding and activation of melatonin receptors. Individuals with autism spectrum disorders(ASD) may have lower than normal levels of melatonin. A 2008 study found that unaffected parents of individuals with ASD also have lower melatonin levels, and that the deficits. were associated with low activity of the ASMT gene, which encodes the last enzyme of melatonin synthesis. Reduced melatonin production has also been proposed as a likely factor in the significantly higher cancer rates in night workers. Melatonin, also known chemically as N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine, is a naturally occurring compound found in animals, plants and microbes. In animals, circulating levels of the hormone melatonin vary in a daily cycle, thereby allowing the entrainment of the circadian rhythms of several biological functions. A member of the class of acetamides that is acetamide in which one of the hydrogens attached to the nitrogen atom is replaced by a 2-(5-methoxy-1H-indol-3-yl)ethyl group. It is a hormone secreted by the pineal gland in humans. Melatonin. CAS Common Chemistry. CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society, n.d. (retrieved 2024-07-01) (CAS RN: 73-31-4). Licensed under the Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0). Melatonin is a hormone made by the pineal gland that can activates melatonin receptor. Melatonin plays a role in sleep and possesses important antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties[1][2][3]. Melatonin is a novel selective ATF-6 inhibitor and induces human hepatoma cell apoptosis through COX-2 downregulation[4]. Melatonin attenuates palmitic acid-induced (HY-N0830) mouse granulosa cells apoptosis via endoplasmic reticulum stress[5]. Melatonin is a hormone made by the pineal gland that can activates melatonin receptor. Melatonin plays a role in sleep and possesses important antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties[1][2][3]. Melatonin is a novel selective ATF-6 inhibitor and induces human hepatoma cell apoptosis through COX-2 downregulation[4]. Melatonin attenuates palmitic acid-induced (HY-N0830) mouse granulosa cells apoptosis via endoplasmic reticulum stress[5].



5-hydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-7-[(2S,3R,4S,5R,6R)-3,4,5-trihydroxy-6-(hydroxymethyl)tetrahydropyran-2-yl]oxy-chromen-4-one;Apigenin 7-Glucoside

C21H20O10 (432.105642)

Cosmosiin, also known as apigenin 7-O-glucoside or apigetrin, is a member of the class of compounds known as flavonoid-7-O-glycosides. Flavonoid-7-O-glycosides are phenolic compounds containing a flavonoid moiety which is O-glycosidically linked to carbohydrate moiety at the C7-position. Cosmosiin is practically insoluble (in water) and a very weakly acidic compound (based on its pKa). Cosmosiin can be found in a number of food items, such as common thyme, white lupine, common oregano, and orange mint. Cosmosiin can also be found in dandelion coffee and in Teucrium gnaphalodes (Wikipedia). Cosmosiin can also be found plants such as wild celery and anise. Cosmosiin has been shown to exhibit anti-platelet function (PMID: 21834233). Apigenin 7-O-beta-D-glucoside is a glycosyloxyflavone that is apigenin substituted by a beta-D-glucopyranosyl moiety at position 7 via a glycosidic linkage. It has a role as a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, a metabolite and an antibacterial agent. It is a beta-D-glucoside, a dihydroxyflavone, a glycosyloxyflavone and a monosaccharide derivative. It is functionally related to an apigenin. It is a conjugate acid of an apigenin 7-O-beta-D-glucoside(1-). It is an enantiomer of an apigenin 7-O-beta-L-glucoside. Cosmosiin is a natural product found in Galeopsis tetrahit, Carex fraseriana, and other organisms with data available. See also: Chamomile (part of). Apiumetrin, also known as 7-O-beta-D-glucosyl-5,7,4-trihydroxyflavone or cosmosiin, is a member of the class of compounds known as flavonoid-7-o-glycosides. Flavonoid-7-o-glycosides are phenolic compounds containing a flavonoid moiety which is O-glycosidically linked to carbohydrate moiety at the C7-position. Apiumetrin is practically insoluble (in water) and a very weakly acidic compound (based on its pKa). Apiumetrin can be found in wild celery, which makes apiumetrin a potential biomarker for the consumption of this food product. Acquisition and generation of the data is financially supported in part by CREST/JST. Annotation level-1 Apigenin-7-glucoside (Apigenin-7-O-β-D-glucopyranoside) exhibits significant anti-proliferative and antioxidant activity and scavenges reactive oxygen species (ROS)[1][2]. Apigenin-7-glucoside (Apigenin-7-O-β-D-glucopyranoside) exhibits significant anti-proliferative and antioxidant activity and scavenges reactive oxygen species (ROS)[1][2].



5,7-Dihydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one; 4,5,7-Trihydroxyflavone; Pelargidenon 1449;

C15H10O5 (270.052821)

Apigenin is a trihydroxyflavone that is flavone substituted by hydroxy groups at positions 4, 5 and 7. It induces autophagy in leukaemia cells. It has a role as a metabolite and an antineoplastic agent. It is a conjugate acid of an apigenin-7-olate. Apigenin is a natural product found in Verbascum lychnitis, Carex fraseriana, and other organisms with data available. Apigenin is a plant-derived flavonoid that has significant promise as a skin cancer chemopreventive agent. Apigenin inhibits the expression of involucrin (hINV), a marker of keratinocyte differentiation, is increased by differentiating agents via a protein kinase Cdelta (PKCdelta), Ras, MEKK1, MEK3 cascade that increases AP1 factor level and AP1 factor binding to DNA elements in the hINV promoter. Apigenin suppresses the 12-O-tetradeconylphorbol-13-acetate-dependent increase in AP1 factor expression and binding to the hINV promoter and the increase in hINV promoter activity. Apigenin also inhibits the increase in promoter activity observed following overexpression of PKCdelta, constitutively active Ras, or MEKK1. The suppression of PKCdelta activity is associated with reduced phosphorylation of PKCdelta-Y311. Activation of hINV promoter activity by the green tea polyphenol, (-)-epigellocathecin-3-gallate, is also inhibited by apigenin, suggesting that the two chemopreventive agents can produce opposing actions in keratinocytes. (A7924). Apigenin, a flavone abundantly found in fruits and vegetables, exhibits antiproliferative, anti-inflammatory, and antimetastatic activities through poorly defined mechanisms. This flavonoid provides selective activity to promote caspase-dependent-apoptosis of leukemia cells and uncover an essential role of PKCdelta during the induction of apoptosis by apigenin. (A7925). Apigenin markedly induces the expression of death receptor 5 (DR5) and synergistically acts with exogenous soluble recombinant human tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) to induce apoptosis in malignant tumor cells. On the other hand, apigenin-mediated induction of DR5 expression is not observed in normal human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Moreover, apigenin does not sensitize normal human peripheral blood mononuclear cells to TRAIL-induced apoptosis. (A7926). 5,7,4-trihydroxy-flavone, one of the FLAVONES. See also: Chamomile (part of); Cannabis sativa subsp. indica top (part of); Fenugreek seed (part of). Apigenin is a plant-derived flavonoid that has significant promise as a skin cancer chemopreventive agent. Apigenin inhibits the expression of involucrin (hINV), a marker of keratinocyte differentiation, is increased by differentiating agents via a protein kinase Cdelta (PKCdelta), Ras, MEKK1, and MEK3 cascade that increases AP1 factor level and AP1 factor binding to DNA elements in the hINV promoter. Apigenin suppresses the 12-O-tetradeconylphorbol-13-acetate-dependent increase in AP1 factor expression and binding to the hINV promoter. Apigenin also inhibits the increase in promoter activity observed following overexpression of PKCdelta, constitutively active Ras, or MEKK1. The suppression of PKCdelta activity is associated with reduced phosphorylation of PKCdelta-Y311. Activation of hINV promoter activity by the green tea polyphenol, (-)-epigellocathecin-3-gallate, is also inhibited by apigenin, suggesting that the two chemopreventive agents can produce opposing actions in keratinocytes (PMID: 16982614). Apigenin, a flavone abundantly found in fruits and vegetables, exhibits antiproliferative, anti-inflammatory, and antimetastatic activities through poorly defined mechanisms. This flavonoid provides selective activity to promote caspase-dependent-apoptosis of leukemia cells and uncover an essential role of PKCdelta during the induction of apoptosis by apigenin (PMID: 16844095). Apigenin markedly induces the expression of death receptor 5 (DR5) and synergistically acts with exogenous soluble recombinant human tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) to induce apoptosis in malignant tumor cells. On the other hand, apigenin-mediated induction of DR5 expression is not observed in normal human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Moreover, apigenin does not sensitize normal human peripheral blood mononuclear cells to TRAIL-induced apoptosis (PMID: 16648565). Flavone found in a wide variety of foodstuffs; buckwheat, cabbage, celeriac, celery, lettuce, oregano, parsley, peppermint, perilla, pummelo juice, thyme, sweet potatoes, green tea and wild carrot [DFC] A trihydroxyflavone that is flavone substituted by hydroxy groups at positions 4, 5 and 7. It induces autophagy in leukaemia cells. CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 771; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX507; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 8558; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 8556 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 771; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX507; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 5097; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 5094 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 771; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX507; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 5096; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 5093 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 771; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX507; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 8561; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 8559 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 771; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX507; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 5082; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 5079 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 771; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX507; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 5104; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 5099 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 771; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX507; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 8572; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 8570 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 771; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX507; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 8556; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 8554 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 771; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX507; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 5085; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 5082 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 771; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX507; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 8554; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 8550 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 771; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX507; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 8540; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 8539 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 771; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX507; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 5090; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 5089 Acquisition and generation of the data is financially supported in part by CREST/JST. [Raw Data] CB002_Apigenin_pos_10eV_CB000005.txt [Raw Data] CB002_Apigenin_pos_40eV_CB000005.txt [Raw Data] CB002_Apigenin_pos_20eV_CB000005.txt [Raw Data] CB002_Apigenin_pos_30eV_CB000005.txt [Raw Data] CB002_Apigenin_pos_50eV_CB000005.txt [Raw Data] CB002_Apigenin_neg_40eV_000005.txt [Raw Data] CB002_Apigenin_neg_20eV_000005.txt [Raw Data] CB002_Apigenin_neg_10eV_000005.txt [Raw Data] CB002_Apigenin_neg_50eV_000005.txt CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 151 [Raw Data] CB002_Apigenin_neg_30eV_000005.txt CONFIDENCE standard compound; ML_ID 26 Apigenin (4',5,7-Trihydroxyflavone) is a competitive CYP2C9 inhibitor with a Ki of 2 μM. Apigenin (4',5,7-Trihydroxyflavone) is a competitive CYP2C9 inhibitor with a Ki of 2 μM.




C16H12O5 (284.0684702)

5,7-dihydroxy-4-methoxyflavone is a monomethoxyflavone that is the 4-methyl ether derivative of apigenin. It has a role as an anticonvulsant and a plant metabolite. It is a dihydroxyflavone and a monomethoxyflavone. It is functionally related to an apigenin. It is a conjugate acid of a 5-hydroxy-2-(4-methoxyphenyl)-4-oxo-4H-chromen-7-olate. Acacetin is a natural product found in Verbascum lychnitis, Odontites viscosus, and other organisms with data available. Acacetin (5,7-Dihydroxy-4'-methoxyflavone) is an orally active flavonoid derived from Dendranthema morifolium. Acacetin docks in the ATP binding pocket of PI3Kγ. Acacetin causes cell cycle arrest and induces apoptosis and autophagy in cancer cells. Acacetin has potent anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory activity and has the potential for pain-related diseases research[1][2]. Acacetin (5,7-Dihydroxy-4'-methoxyflavone) is an orally active flavonoid derived from Dendranthema morifolium. Acacetin docks in the ATP binding pocket of PI3Kγ. Acacetin causes cell cycle arrest and induces apoptosis and autophagy in cancer cells. Acacetin has potent anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory activity and has the potential for pain-related diseases research[1][2].


Luteolin 7-glucoside


C21H20O11 (448.100557)

Luteolin 7-O-beta-D-glucoside is a glycosyloxyflavone that is luteolin substituted by a beta-D-glucopyranosyl moiety at position 7 via a glycosidic linkage. It has a role as an antioxidant and a plant metabolite. It is a beta-D-glucoside, a glycosyloxyflavone, a trihydroxyflavone and a monosaccharide derivative. It is functionally related to a luteolin. It is a conjugate acid of a luteolin 7-O-beta-D-glucoside(1-). Cynaroside is a natural product found in Verbascum lychnitis, Carex fraseriana, and other organisms with data available. See also: Cynara scolymus leaf (part of); Lonicera japonica flower (part of); Chamaemelum nobile flower (part of). Luteolin 7-glucoside is found in anise. Luteolin 7-glucoside is a constituent of the leaves of Capsicum annuum (red pepper).Cynaroside is a flavone, a flavonoid-like chemical compound. It is a 7-O-glucoside of luteolin and can be found in dandelion coffee, in Ferula varia and F. foetida in Campanula persicifolia and C. rotundifolia and in Cynara scolymus (artichoke) A glycosyloxyflavone that is luteolin substituted by a beta-D-glucopyranosyl moiety at position 7 via a glycosidic linkage. Constituent of the leaves of Capsicum annuum (red pepper) Cynaroside (Luteolin 7-glucoside) is a flavonoid compound that exhibits anti-oxidative capabilities. Cynaroside is also a potent influenza RNA-dependent RNA polymerase inhibitor with an IC50 of 32 nM. Cynaroside also is a promising inhibitor for H2O2-induced apoptosis, has cytoprotection against oxidative stress-induced cardiovascular diseases. Cynaroside also has antibacterial, antifungal and anticancer activities, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities[1][3][4][5].



Linalool, certified reference material, TraceCERT(R)

C10H18O (154.1357578)

3,7-Dimethyl-1,6-octadien-3-ol, also known simply as linalool is a naturally occurring terpene alcohol. It belongs to the class of organic compounds known as acyclic monoterpenoids. These are monoterpenes that do not contain a cycle. Linalool has a role as a plant metabolite, a volatile oil component, an antimicrobial agent and a fragrance. There are two stereoisomers of Linalool ‚Äö√Ñ√¨ (S)-linalool and (R)-linalool. Linalool is used as a scent in 60\\\\\% to 80\\\\\% of perfumed hygiene products and cleaning agents including soaps, detergents, shampoos, and lotions. Linalool is also used by pest professionals as a flea, fruit fly, and cockroach insecticide. Linalool is found in more than 200 different species of plants, including many flowers and spice plants. (S)-linalool is found, for example, as a major constituent of the essential oils of coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.), cymbopogon (Cymbopogon martini var. martinii), and sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) flowers. (R)-linalool is present in lavender (Lavandula officinalis), bay laurel (Laurus nobilis), and sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum), among others. Linalool is also found in plants from the Lamiaceae family (mint and other herbs), Lauraceae (laurels, cinnamon, rosewood), Cinnamomum tamala, Solidago Meyen, Artemisia vulgaris (mugwort), Humulus lupulus. Linalool is also one of several monoterpenes that are found in cannabis plants (PMID:6991645 ). There are more than 140 known terpenes in cannabis and the combination of these terepenoids produces the skunky, fruity odor characteristic of C. savita. Like the majority of monoterpenes, linalool starts with the condensation of dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMAPP) and isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP) to form geranyl pyrophosphate (GPP) (PMID:7640522 ). Linalool is then synthesized with the aid of linalool synthase (LIS) (PMID:12572612 ). Linalool has a citrus, floral, rose, woody aroma and a citrus, orange, waxy taste. Linalool is found in a few different foods and spices, such as spearmints, corianders, common thymes, limes, grapes, lemons, grapefruit, oranges, pineapples, blackcurrants, basil, and common oregano. This could make, Linalool a potential biomarker for the consumption of these foods. Linalool is also synthesized, de novo, by yeast (C. cerevisiae) and may contribute to the floral tones found in some wines (PMID:15668008 ). Linalool is a monoterpenoid that is octa-1,6-diene substituted by methyl groups at positions 3 and 7 and a hydroxy group at position 3. It has been isolated from plants like Ocimum canum. It has a role as a plant metabolite, a volatile oil component, an antimicrobial agent and a fragrance. It is a tertiary alcohol and a monoterpenoid. Linalool is a natural product found in Nepeta nepetella, Teucrium montanum, and other organisms with data available. 3,7-Dimethyl-1,6-octadien-3-ol is a metabolite found in or produced by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. See also: Cinnamon Leaf Oil (part of); Clary Sage Oil (part of); Cannabis sativa subsp. indica top (part of) ... View More ... A monoterpenoid that is octa-1,6-diene substituted by methyl groups at positions 3 and 7 and a hydroxy group at position 3. It has been isolated from plants like Ocimum canum. Flavouring agent. Widespread natural occurrence as the optically active and racemic forms in over 200 essential oilsand is) also present in numerous fruits. D010575 - Pesticides > D007306 - Insecticides D016573 - Agrochemicals Linalool is natural monoterpene in essential olis of coriander, acts as a competitive antagonist of Nmethyl d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor, with anti-tumor, anti-cardiotoxicity activity[1].Linalool is a PPARα ligand that reduces plasma TG levels and rewires the hepatic transcriptome and plasma metabolome[2]. Linalool is a natural monoterpene which is a competitive NMDA receptor antagonist. Linalool is orally active and crosses the blood-brain barrier. Linalool has anticancer, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, anxiolytic, antidepressant, anti-stress, cardioprotective, hepatoprotective, nephroprotective and pulmonary protective activities[1][2][3][4][5]. Linalool is natural monoterpene in essential olis of coriander, acts as a competitive antagonist of Nmethyl d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor, with anti-tumor, anti-cardiotoxicity activity[1].Linalool is a PPARα ligand that reduces plasma TG levels and rewires the hepatic transcriptome and plasma metabolome[2].



1-Methyl-4-(1-methylethenyl)-or 1-methyl-4-isopropenyl-cyclohex-1-ene

C10H16 (136.1251936)

Dipentene appears as a colorless liquid with an odor of lemon. Flash point 113 °F. Density about 7.2 lb /gal and insoluble in water. Hence floats on water. Vapors heavier than air. Used as a solvent for rosin, waxes, rubber; as a dispersing agent for oils, resins, paints, lacquers, varnishes, and in floor waxes and furniture polishes. Limonene is a monoterpene that is cyclohex-1-ene substituted by a methyl group at position 1 and a prop-1-en-2-yl group at position 4 respectively. It has a role as a human metabolite. It is a cycloalkene and a p-menthadiene. Limonene is a natural product found in Teucrium montanum, Xylopia aromatica, and other organisms with data available. Limonene, (+/-)- is a racemic mixture of limonene, a natural cyclic monoterpene and major component of the oil extracted from citrus rind with chemo-preventive and antitumor activities. The metabolites of DL-limonene, perillic acid, dihydroperillic acid, uroterpenol and limonene 1,2-diol are suggested to inhibit tumor growth through inhibition of p21-dependent signaling, induce apoptosis via the induction of the transforming growth factor beta-signaling pathway, inhibit post-translational modification of signal transduction proteins, result in G1 cell cycle arrest as well as cause differential expression of cell cycle- and apoptosis-related genes. Limonene is a metabolite found in or produced by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A naturally-occurring class of MONOTERPENES which occur as a clear colorless liquid at room temperature. Limonene is the major component in the oil of oranges which has many uses, including as flavor and fragrance. It is recognized as safe in food by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). See also: Cannabis sativa subsp. indica top (part of); Larrea tridentata whole (part of). Constituent of many essential oils. (±)-Limonene is found in many foods, some of which are common oregano, nutmeg, herbs and spices, and summer savory. Dipentene is found in carrot. Dipentene is a constituent of many essential oils



Bicyclo(3.1.1)heptane, 6,6-dimethyl-2-methylene-, (1S,5S)-

C10H16 (136.1251936)

(-)-beta-pinene is the (1S,5S)-enantiomer of beta-pinene. It is an enantiomer of a (+)-beta-pinene. (-)-beta-Pinene is a natural product found in Curcuma amada, Molopospermum peloponnesiacum, and other organisms with data available. Flavouring ingredient. (-)-beta-Pinene is found in many foods, some of which are almond, hyssop, sweet bay, and common sage. (-)-beta-Pinene is found in almond. (-)-beta-Pinene is a flavouring ingredient. The (1S,5S)-enantiomer of beta-pinene. β-Pinene ((-)-β-Pinene), a major component of turpentine, inhibit infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) with an IC50 of 1.32 mM. β-Pinene presents antimicrobial activity[1][2]. β-Pinene ((-)-β-Pinene), a major component of turpentine, inhibit infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) with an IC50 of 1.32 mM. β-Pinene presents antimicrobial activity[1][2].


Caryophyllene alpha-oxide

[1R-(1R*,4R*,6R*,10S*)]- Caryophylene oxide Caryophyllene epoxide Caryophyllene oxyde Epoxycaryophyllene [1R-(1R*,4R*,6R*,10S*)]-4,12,12-trimethyl-9-methylene-5-oxatricyclo[,6]dodecane <>-Caryophyllene epoxide <>-Caryophyllene oxide

C15H24O (220.18270539999997)

Caryophyllene oxide is an epoxide. It has a role as a metabolite. Caryophyllene oxide is a natural product found in Xylopia emarginata, Eupatorium altissimum, and other organisms with data available. See also: Cannabis sativa subsp. indica top (part of). Caryophyllene alpha-oxide is a minor produced of epoxidn. of KGV69-V. Minor production of epoxidn. of KGV69-V Caryophyllene oxide, isolated from from Hymenaea courbaril, possesses analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity[1]. Caryophyllene oxide, isolated from from Hymenaea courbaril, possesses analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity[1].




C15H24 (204.18779039999998)

alpha-Humulene, also known as alpha-caryophyllene, belongs to the class of organic compounds known as sesquiterpenoids. These are terpenes with three consecutive isoprene units. Thus, alpha-humulene is considered to be an isoprenoid lipid molecule. alpha-Humulene is found in allspice. alpha-Humulene is a constituent of many essential oils including hops (Humulus lupulus) and cloves (Syzygium aromaticum). (1E,4E,8E)-alpha-humulene is the (1E,4E,8E)-isomer of alpha-humulene. Humulene is a natural product found in Nepeta nepetella, Teucrium montanum, and other organisms with data available. See also: Caryophyllene (related). α-Humulene is a main constituent of Tanacetum vulgare L. (Asteraceae) essential oil with anti-inflammation (IC50=15±2 μg/mL). α-Humulene inhibits COX-2 and iNOS expression[1]. α-Humulene is a main constituent of Tanacetum vulgare L. (Asteraceae) essential oil with anti-inflammation (IC50=15±2 μg/mL). α-Humulene inhibits COX-2 and iNOS expression[1].



2-Cyclopenten-1-one, 3-methyl-2-(2-pentenyl)-, (Z)- (8CI)

C11H16O (164.12010859999998)

(Z)-3-Methyl-2-(2-pentenyl)-2-cyclopenten-1-one is found in citrus. (Z)-3-Methyl-2-(2-pentenyl)-2-cyclopenten-1-one occurs in peppermint oil, green tea and bergamot oranges (Citrus bergamia).Jasmone is a natural organic compound extracted from the volatile portion of the oil from jasmine flowers. It is a colorless to pale yellow liquid that has the odor of jasmine. Jasmone can exist in two isomeric forms with differing geometry around the pentenyl double bond, cis-jasmone and trans-jasmone. The natural extract contains only the cis form, while synthetic material is often a mixture containing both forms, with the cis form predominating. Both forms have similar odors and chemical properties. (Wikipedia Jasmone is a cyclic ketone. Jasmone is a natural product found in Lonicera japonica, Pulicaria arabica, and other organisms with data available. Occurs in peppermint oil, green tea and bergamot oranges (Citrus bergamia) Cis-Jasmone is a plant-derived natural product. Cis-Jasmone is constitutively released by many flowers and sometimes by leaves as an attractant for pollinators or as a chemical cue for host location by insect flower herbivores. Cis-Jasmone treatment of crop plants not only induces direct defense against herbivores, but also induces indirect defense by releasing VOCs that attract natural enemies[1]. Cis-Jasmone is a plant-derived natural product. Cis-Jasmone is constitutively released by many flowers and sometimes by leaves as an attractant for pollinators or as a chemical cue for host location by insect flower herbivores. Cis-Jasmone treatment of crop plants not only induces direct defense against herbivores, but also induces indirect defense by releasing VOCs that attract natural enemies[1].



(R)-(+)--Pinene;(+)--Pinene; (1R)-(+)--Pinene; (1R)--Pinene; (1R,5R)-(+)--Pinene

C10H16 (136.1251936)

alpha-Pinene (CAS: 80-56-8) is an organic compound of the terpene class and is one of two isomers of pinene. It is found in the oils of many species of many coniferous trees, notably the pine. It is also found in the essential oil of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis). Both enantiomers are known in nature. 1S,5S- or (-)-alpha-pinene is more common in European pines, whereas the 1R,5R- or (+)-alpha-isomer is more common in North America. The racemic mixture is present in some oils such as eucalyptus oil (Wikipedia). alpha-Pinene is an organic compound of the terpene class, one of two isomers of pinene. It is found in the oils of many species of many coniferous trees, notably the pine. It is also found in the essential oil of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis). Both enantiomers are known in nature; 1S,5S- or (-)-alpha-pinene is more common in European pines, whereas the 1R,5R- or (+)-alpha-isomer is more common in North America. The racemic mixture is present in some oils such as eucalyptus oil. (+)-alpha-pinene is the (+)-enantiomer of alpha-pinene. It has a role as a plant metabolite and a human metabolite. It is an enantiomer of a (-)-alpha-pinene. (+)-alpha-Pinene is a natural product found in Juniperus drupacea, Eucalyptus deglupta, and other organisms with data available. The (+)-enantiomer of alpha-pinene. (1R)-α-Pinene is a volatile monoterpene with antimicrobial activities. (1R)-α-Pinene reduces Bacillus cereus population growth, and exhibits repellent effects[1][2]. (1R)-α-Pinene is a volatile monoterpene with antimicrobial activities. (1R)-α-Pinene reduces Bacillus cereus population growth, and exhibits repellent effects[1][2].



Eugenol, Pharmaceutical Secondary Standard; Certified Reference Material

C10H12O2 (164.0837252)

Eugenol appears as clear colorless pale yellow or amber-colored liquid. Odor of cloves. Spicy pungent taste. (NTP, 1992) Eugenol is a phenylpropanoid formally derived from guaiacol with an allyl chain substituted para to the hydroxy group. It is a major component of clove essential oil, and exhibits antibacterial, analgesic and antioxidant properties. It has been widely used in dentistry to treat toothache and pulpitis. It has a role as an allergen, a human blood serum metabolite, a sensitiser, a volatile oil component, a flavouring agent, an EC (monoamine oxidase) inhibitor, a radical scavenger, an antibacterial agent, an antineoplastic agent, an apoptosis inducer, an anaesthetic, an analgesic, a voltage-gated sodium channel blocker, a NF-kappaB inhibitor and an anti-inflammatory agent. It is a phenylpropanoid, a monomethoxybenzene, a member of phenols and an alkenylbenzene. It is functionally related to a guaiacol. Eugenol is a naturally occurring phenolic molecule found in several plants such as cinnamon, clove, and bay leaves. It has been used as a topical antiseptic as a counter-irritant and in dental preparations with zinc oxide for root canal sealing and pain control. Although not currently available in any FDA-approved products (including OTC), eugenol has been found to have anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, antipyretic, antioxidant, antifungal and analgesic properties. Its exact mechanism of action is unknown, however, it has been shown to interfere with action potential conduction. There are a number of unapproved OTC products available containing eugenol that advertise its use for the treatment of toothache. Eugenol is a Standardized Chemical Allergen. The physiologic effect of eugenol is by means of Increased Histamine Release, and Cell-mediated Immunity. Eugenol, also called clove oil, is an aromatic oil extracted from cloves that is used widely as a flavoring for foods and teas and as an herbal oil used topically to treat toothache and more rarely to be taken orally to treat gastrointestinal and respiratory complaints. Eugenol in therapeutic doses has not been implicated in causing serum enzyme elevations or clinically apparent liver injury, but ingestions of high doses, as with an overdose, can cause severe liver injury. Eugenol is a natural product found in Dahlia sherffii, Elettaria cardamomum, and other organisms with data available. Eugenol is an allyl chain-substituted guaiacol, i.e. 2-methoxy-4-(2-propenyl)phenol. Eugenol is a member of the allylbenzene class of chemical compounds. It is a clear to pale yellow oily liquid extracted from certain essential oils especially from clove oil, nutmeg, cinnamon, and bay leaf. It is slightly soluble in water and soluble in organic solvents. It has a pleasant, spicy, clove-like odor. Eugenol is used in perfumeries, flavorings, essential oils and in medicine as a local antiseptic and anaesthetic. It was used in the production of isoeugenol for the manufacture of vanillin, though most vanillin is now produced from petrochemicals or from by-products of paper manufacture (Wikipedia). 4-Allyl-2-methoxyphenol is a metabolite found in or produced by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A cinnamate derivative of the shikimate pathway found in CLOVE OIL and other PLANTS. See also: Cinnamon (part of); Clove Oil (part of); Cinnamon Leaf Oil (part of) ... View More ... Eugenol is an allyl chain-substituted guaiacol. Eugenol is a member of the phenylpropanoids class of chemical compounds. It is a clear to pale yellow oily liquid extracted from certain essential oils especially from clove oil, nutmeg, cinnamon, and bay leaf. It is slightly soluble in water and soluble in organic solvents. It has a pleasant, spicy, clove-like aroma. Eugenol is an allyl chain-substituted guaiacol, i.e. 2-methoxy-4-(2-propenyl)phenol. It is a clear to pale yellow oily liquid extracted from certain essential oils especially from clove oil, nutmeg, cinnamon, and bay leaf. Eugenol is used in perfumeries, flavorings, essential oils and in medicine as a local antiseptic and anaesthetic. It was used in the production of isoeugenol for the manufacture of vanillin, though most vanillin is now produced from petrochemicals or from by-products of paper manufacture (Wikipedia). Eugenol is used in perfumeries, flavorings, essential oils and in medicine as a local antiseptic and anesthetic. It is a key ingredient in Indonesian kretek (clove) cigarettes. It was used in the production of isoeugenol for the manufacture of vanillin, though most vanillin is now produced from phenol or from lignin. It is one of many compounds that is attractive to males of various species of orchid bees, who apparently gather the chemical to synthesize pheromones; it is commonly used as bait to attract and collect these bees for study. Eugenol has a very widespread occurrence in essential oils. Major component of clove oil. Also found in citrus and thyme oils. It is found in foods such as apple, apricot, banana and cherry fruits. Eugenol or 4-allyl-2-methoxyphenol is classified as a phenylpropanoid, formally derived from guaiacol, with an allyl chain positioned para to the hydroxy group. It is soluble in water, alcohol, chloroform, ether and oils. Eugenol is a neutral compound. It is biosynthesized from tyrosine. Eugenol is widely distributed in plants. It is a clear to pale yellow oily liquid extracted from clove oil, nutmeg, cinnamon, basil and bay leaf. It has a pleasant, spicy, clove-like odor with a spicy pungent taste. Eugenol is found in highest concentrations in cloves, allspices, and carrots and in lower concentrations in walnuts, ceylon cinnamons, and wild carrots. Eugenol has also been detected in shea tree, passion fruits, winged beans, fireweeds, and gingers, making it a potential biomarker for the consumption of these foods. Eugenol is used in perfumeries, flavorings and essential oils. It was first used for the manufacture of vanillin (, though most vanillin is now produced from petrochemicals or from by-products of paper manufacture. Eugenol is hepatotoxic, meaning it may cause damage to the liver, if consumed in high doses. Eugenol has local antiseptic and anaesthetic properties (PMID:15089054 ; PMID:935250 ) and acts as positive allosteric modulators of the GABA-A receptor. It has high antioxidant, anti-proliferative, and anti-inflammatory activities with potential roles in alleviating and preventing cancer and inflammatory reactions (PMID:27771920 ). A phenylpropanoid formally derived from guaiacol with an allyl chain substituted para to the hydroxy group. It is a major component of clove essential oil, and exhibits antibacterial, analgesic and antioxidant properties. It has been widely used in dentistry to treat toothache and pulpitis. C78272 - Agent Affecting Nervous System > C245 - Anesthetic Agent D000890 - Anti-Infective Agents D012997 - Solvents [Raw Data] CB226_Eugenol_pos_10eV_CB000079.txt [Raw Data] CB226_Eugenol_pos_20eV_CB000079.txt [Raw Data] CB226_Eugenol_pos_40eV_CB000079.txt [Raw Data] CB226_Eugenol_pos_50eV_CB000079.txt [Raw Data] CB226_Eugenol_pos_30eV_CB000079.txt Eugenol is an essential oil found in cloves with antibacterial, anthelmintic and antioxidant activity. Eugenol is shown to inhibit lipid peroxidation. Eugenol is an essential oil found in cloves with antibacterial, anthelmintic and antioxidant activity. Eugenol is shown to inhibit lipid peroxidation.



2-Propenal,3-(4-methoxyphenyl)-, (2E)-

C10H10O2 (162.06807600000002)

Isolated from oil of tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) and other oils. Flavouring ingredient. 3-(4-Methoxyphenyl)-2-propenal is found in many foods, some of which are tarragon, star anise, potato, and sweet basil. 3-(4-Methoxyphenyl)-2-propenal is found in potato. 3-(4-Methoxyphenyl)-2-propenal is isolated from oil of tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) and other oils. 3-(4-Methoxyphenyl)-2-propenal is a flavouring ingredien 4-Methoxycinnamaldehyde (p-Methoxycinnamaldehyde), an active constituent of Agastache rugosa, exhibits cytoprotective activity against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in human larynx carcinoma cell line. 4-Methoxycinnamaldehyde effectively inhibits cytopathic effect of RSV with an estimated IC50 of 0.055 μg/mL[1]. 4-Methoxycinnamaldehyde (p-Methoxycinnamaldehyde), an active constituent of Agastache rugosa, exhibits cytoprotective activity against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in human larynx carcinoma cell line. 4-Methoxycinnamaldehyde effectively inhibits cytopathic effect of RSV with an estimated IC50 of 0.055 μg/mL[1].



4-anisaldehyde, 1,2,3,4,5,6-(14)C6-labeled

C8H8O2 (136.0524268)

4-Methoxybenzaldehyde, also known as 4-anisaldehyde or p-formylanisole, belongs to the class of organic compounds known as benzoyl derivatives, with the chemical formula CH3OC6H4CHO. These are organic compounds containing an acyl moiety of benzoic acid with the formula (C6H5CO-). Anisaldehyde is prepared commercially by oxidation of 4-methoxytoluene (p-cresyl methyl ether) using manganese dioxide to convert a methyl group to the aldehyde group. 4-Methoxybenzaldehyde is a sweet, almond, and anise tasting compound. 4-Methoxybenzaldehyde can be found, on average, in the highest concentration within a few different foods, such as cumins, star anises, and fennels. 4-Methoxybenzaldehyde has also been detected, but not quantified, in several different foods, such as cornmints, anises, herbs and spices, tarragons, and tea. The related ortho isomer has a scent of licorice. It is a colorless liquid with a strong aroma. A solution of para-anisaldehyde in acid and ethanol is a useful stain in thin layer chromatography. Different chemical compounds on the plate can give different colors, allowing easy distinction. It is used as an intermediate in the synthesis of other compounds important in pharmaceuticals and perfumery. Found in anise oil, fennel and vanilla. Flavouring ingredient 4-Methoxybenzaldehyde is a naturally occurring fragrant phenolic compound. 4-Methoxybenzaldehyde has been found in many plant species including horseradish, anise, star anise. 4-Methoxybenzaldehyde is a possible neurotoxicant and it has shown effects that include mortality, attractancy, and interference with host seeking [1]. 4-Methoxybenzaldehyde is a naturally occurring fragrant phenolic compound. 4-Methoxybenzaldehyde has been found in many plant species including horseradish, anise, star anise. 4-Methoxybenzaldehyde is a possible neurotoxicant and it has shown effects that include mortality, attractancy, and interference with host seeking [1].




C15H26O (222.1983546)

alpha-Cadinol is found in cloves. alpha-Cadinol is a constituent of Juniperus communis (juniper)




C10H12O (148.08881019999998)

1-Methoxy-4-(2-propenyl)benzene, also known as methylchavicol or estragol, belongs to the class of organic compounds known as anisoles. These are organic compounds containing a methoxybenzene or a derivative thereof. 1-Methoxy-4-(2-propenyl)benzene is a sweet, alcohol, and anise tasting compound. 1-Methoxy-4-(2-propenyl)benzene is found, on average, in the highest concentration within a few different foods, such as anises, fennels, and sweet basils and in a lower concentration in cumins, tarragons, and parsley. 1-Methoxy-4-(2-propenyl)benzene has also been detected, but not quantified, in several different foods, such as citrus, chinese cinnamons, caraway, fats and oils, and cloves. This could make 1-methoxy-4-(2-propenyl)benzene a potential biomarker for the consumption of these foods. 1-Methoxy-4-(2-propenyl)benzene, with regard to humans, has been linked to the inborn metabolic disorder celiac disease. Constituent of many essential oils. Found in apple, bilberry and orange fruits and juices. Flavouring agent. Estragole (4-Allylanisole), a relatively nontoxic volatile terpenoid ether, is a major component of the essential oil of many plants. Estragole dose-dependently blocks nerve excitability[1]. Estragole displays anti-toxoplasma activity[2]. Estragole (4-Allylanisole), a relatively nontoxic volatile terpenoid ether, is a major component of the essential oil of many plants. Estragole dose-dependently blocks nerve excitability[1]. Estragole displays anti-toxoplasma activity[2].




C10H16O (152.12010859999998)

Carveol is a natural terpenoid alcohol that is a constituent of spearmint oil. It has an odor and flavor that resemble those of spearmint and caraway. Consequently, it is used as a fragrance in cosmetics and as a flavor additive in the food industry. Constituent of Valencia orange essence oil. Flavouring ingredient Carveol is an endogenous metabolite. Carveol is an endogenous metabolite.



1-Octen-3-ol, (+-)-isomer

C8H16O (128.1201086)

Isolated from a number of essential oils, e.g. lavender, leek, mint and mushrooms. Food odorant responsible for typical mushroom odour. Flavouring ingredient. (R)-1-Octen-3-ol is found in mushrooms, onion-family vegetables, and herbs and spices. (R)-1-Octen-3-ol, also known as 1-vinylhexanol or 3-hydroxy-1-octene, belongs to the class of organic compounds known as fatty alcohols. These are aliphatic alcohols consisting of a chain of a least six carbon atoms Oct-1-en-3-ol, a fatty acid fragrant, is a self-stimulating oxylipin messenger. Oct-1-en-3-ol serves as a signaling molecule in plant cellular responses, plant-herbivore interactions, and plant-plant interactions. Oct-1-en-3-ol causes dopamine neuron degeneration through disruption of dopamine handling[1][2]. Oct-1-en-3-ol, a fatty acid fragrant, is a self-stimulating oxylipin messenger. Oct-1-en-3-ol serves as a signaling molecule in plant cellular responses, plant-herbivore interactions, and plant-plant interactions. Oct-1-en-3-ol causes dopamine neuron degeneration through disruption of dopamine handling[1][2].


Ethyl pentyl ketone

Ethyl N-pentyl ketone

C8H16O (128.1201086)

Ethyl pentyl ketone, also known as 3-oxooctane or eak, is a member of the class of compounds known as ketones. Ketones are organic compounds in which a carbonyl group is bonded to two carbon atoms R2C=O (neither R may be a hydrogen atom). Ketones that have one or more alpha-hydrogen atoms undergo keto-enol tautomerization, the tautomer being an enol. Thus, ethyl pentyl ketone is considered to be an oxygenated hydrocarbon lipid molecule. Ethyl pentyl ketone is slightly soluble (in water) and an extremely weak basic (essentially neutral) compound (based on its pKa). Ethyl pentyl ketone is a sweet, butter, and fresh tasting compound and can be found in a number of food items such as rosemary, hyssop, spearmint, and rocket salad (sspecies), which makes ethyl pentyl ketone a potential biomarker for the consumption of these food products. Ethyl pentyl ketone can be found primarily in feces and saliva. Ethyl pentyl ketone exists in all eukaryotes, ranging from yeast to humans. Ethyl pentyl ketone, also known as 3-oxooctane or EAK, belongs to the class of organic compounds known as ketones. These are organic compounds in which a carbonyl group is bonded to two carbon atoms R2C=O (neither R may be a hydrogen atom). Ketones that have one or more alpha-hydrogen atoms undergo keto-enol tautomerization, the tautomer being an enol. Thus, ethyl pentyl ketone is considered to be an oxygenated hydrocarbon lipid molecule. A dialkyl ketone that is octane in which the two methylene protons at position 3 have been replaced by an oxo group. Ethyl pentyl ketone is a very hydrophobic molecule, practically insoluble in water, and relatively neutral. Ethyl pentyl ketone has been detected, but not quantified, in cardamoms and lemons. This could make ethyl pentyl ketone a potential biomarker for the consumption of these foods. Ethyl pentyl ketone, with regard to humans, has been linked to the inborn metabolic disorder celiac disease.




C10H14 (134.1095444)

Cymene, or p-cymene also known as p-cymol or isopropyltoluene, is a naturally occurring aromatic organic compound. It is classified as a hydrocarbon related to a monoterpene. Its structure consists of a benzene ring para-substituted with a methyl group and an isopropyl group. It is insoluble in water, but miscible with ethanol and ether. Cymene is a constituent of a number of essential oils, most commonly the oil of cumin and thyme. There are two less common geometric isomers. o-Cymene, in which the alkyl groups are ortho-substituted, and m-cymene, in which they are meta-substituted. p-Cymene is the only natural isomer. Cymene is a common ligand for ruthenium. V. widely distributed in plant oils e.g. terpentine and citrus oils and many others. It is used in flavour industries. 1-Isopropyl-4-methylbenzene is found in many foods, some of which are green bell pepper, lemon balm, saffron, and sweet basil.




C15H24 (204.18779039999998)

beta-Caryophyllene, also known as caryophyllene or (−)-β-caryophyllene, is a natural bicyclic sesquiterpene that is a constituent of many essential oils including that of Syzygium aromaticum (cloves), Cannabis sativa, rosemary, and hops. It is usually found as a mixture with isocaryophyllene (the cis double bond isomer) and α-humulene (obsolete name: α-caryophyllene), a ring-opened isomer. beta-Caryophyllene is notable for having both a cyclobutane ring and a trans-double bond in a nine-membered ring, both rarities in nature (Wikipedia). beta-Caryophyllene is a sweet and dry tasting compound that can be found in a number of food items such as allspice, fig, pot marjoram, and roman camomile, which makes beta-caryophyllene a potential biomarker for the consumption of these food products. beta-Caryophyllene can be found in feces and saliva. (-)-Caryophyllene. CAS Common Chemistry. CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society, n.d. (retrieved 2024-08-07) (CAS RN: 87-44-5). Licensed under the Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0). β-Caryophyllene is a CB2 receptor agonist. β-Caryophyllene is a CB2 receptor agonist.




C11H14O2 (178.09937440000002)

Methyleugenol, also known as 4-allylveratrole or eugenol methyl, belongs to the class of organic compounds known as dimethoxybenzenes. These are organic aromatic compounds containing a monocyclic benzene moiety carrying exactly two methoxy groups. FDA noted the action was despite its continuing stance that this substance does not pose a risk to public health under the conditions of its intended use. Methyleugenol is a sweet, anise, and apricot tasting compound. Methyleugenol is found, on average, in the highest concentration within a few different foods, such as allspices, tarragons, and sweet bay and in a lower concentration in sweet basils, rosemaries, and hyssops. Methyleugenol has also been detected, but not quantified, in several different foods, such as soy beans, evergreen blackberries, muskmelons, citrus, and pomes. This could make methyleugenol a potential biomarker for the consumption of these foods. As of October 2018, the US FDA withdrew authorization for the use of methyl eugenol as a synthetic flavoring substance for use in food because petitioners provided data demonstrating that these additives induce cancer in laboratory animals. Methyleugenol is formally rated as a possible carcinogen (by IARC 2B) and is also a potentially toxic compound. Methyl eugenol (allylveratrol) is a natural chemical compound classified as a phenylpropene, a type of phenylpropanoid. It is the methyl ether of eugenol and is important to insect behavior and pollination. Their ability to attract insects, particularly Bactrocera fruit flies was first noticed in 1915 by F. M. Howlett. The compound may have evolved in response to pathogens, as methyl eugenol has some antifungal activity. Methyl eugenol is found in a number of plants (over 450 species from 80 families including both angiosperm and gymnosperm families) and has a role in attracting pollinators. About 350 plant species have them as a component of floral fragrance. Methyleugenol is a clear colorless to pale yellow liquid with a spicy earthy odor. Bitter burning taste. (NTP, 1992) O-methyleugenol is a phenylpropanoid. It is functionally related to a eugenol. Methyleugenol is a natural product found in Vitis rotundifolia, Elettaria cardamomum, and other organisms with data available. Methyleugenol is a yellowish, oily, naturally occurring liquid with a clove-like aroma and is present in many essential oils. Methyleugenol is used as a flavoring agent, as a fragrance and as an anesthetic in rodents. Methyleugenol is mutagenic in animals and is reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen based on evidence of carcinogenicity in animals. (NCI05) Methyleugenol is found in allspice. Methyleugenol is present in many essential oils, e.g. nutmeg, mace and also many fruits, e.g. apple, banana, orange juice or peel, grapefruit, bilberryMethyleugenol has been shown to exhibit anti-nociceptive function (A7914).Methyleugenol belongs to the family of Anisoles. These are organic compounds contaiing a methoxybenzene or a derivative thereof. Present in many essential oils, e.g. nutmeg, mace and also many fruits, e.g. apple, banana, orange juice or peel, grapefruit, bilberry. Methyleugenol is found in many foods, some of which are wild carrot, sweet basil, citrus, and fruits. D002491 - Central Nervous System Agents > D002492 - Central Nervous System Depressants > D000777 - Anesthetics D009676 - Noxae > D002273 - Carcinogens D009676 - Noxae > D009153 - Mutagens Methyl Eugenol, a phenylpropanoid chemical in leaves, fruits, stems, and/or roots, may be released when that corresponding part of a plant is damaged as a result of feeding by an herbivore. Methyl Eugenol is used for male annihilation of the oriental fruit fly[1]. Methyl Eugenol is a bait that has oral activity against oriental fruit fly (Hendel).Methyl Eugenol has anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory activities. Methyl Eugenol can induce Autophagy in cells. Methyl Eugenol can be used in the study of intestinal ischemia/reperfusion injury[1][2][3]. Methyl Eugenol, a phenylpropanoid chemical in leaves, fruits, stems, and/or roots, may be released when that corresponding part of a plant is damaged as a result of feeding by an herbivore. Methyl Eugenol is used for male annihilation of the oriental fruit fly[1].




C10H16O (152.12010859999998)

(-)-trans-Isopulegone is found in fats and oils. (-)-trans-Isopulegone is a flavouring ingredient. It is isolated from oil of American pennyroyal (Hedeoma pulegioides), Mentha species and others, usually with Pulegon Flavouring ingredient. Isolated from oil of American pennyroyal (Hedeoma pulegioides), Mentha subspecies and others, usually with Pulegone. (-)-trans-Isopulegone is found in fats and oils.


Germacrene D


C15H24 (204.18779039999998)

Germacrene d, also known as germacrene d, (s-(e,e))-isomer, is a member of the class of compounds known as germacrane sesquiterpenoids. Germacrane sesquiterpenoids are sesquiterpenoids having the germacrane skeleton, with a structure characterized by a cyclodecane ring substituted with an isopropyl and two methyl groups. Germacrene d can be found in a number of food items such as peppermint, roman camomile, hyssop, and common walnut, which makes germacrene d a potential biomarker for the consumption of these food products.



laquo gammaraquo -(P-Hydroxyphenyl)-alpha -propylene

C9H10O (134.073161)

Chavicol is found in allspice. Chavicol is found in many essential oils, e.g. anise and Gardenia. Chavicol is used in perfumery and flavours. Found in many essential oils, e.g. anise and Gardenia. It is used in perfumery and flavours.




C10H16 (136.1251936)

(+)-Limonene, also known as d-limonene, is a naturally occurring monoterpene which is the major component in orange oil. Currently, (+)-limonene is widely used as a flavour and fragrance and is listed to be generally recognized as safe in food by the Food and Drug Administration (21 CFR 182.60 in the Code of Federal Regulations, U.S.A.). Recently, however, (+)-limonene has been shown to cause a male rat-specific kidney toxicity referred to as hyaline droplet nephropathy. Furthermore, chronic exposure to (+)-limonene causes a significant incidence of renal tubular tumours exclusively in male rats. Although (+)-limonene is not carcinogenic in female rats or male and female mice given much higher dosages, the male rat-specific nephrocarcinogenicity of (+)-limonene may raise some concern regarding the safety of (+)-limonene for human consumption. A considerable body of scientific data has indicated that the renal toxicity of (+)-limonene results from the accumulation of a protein, alpha 2u-globulin, in male rat kidney proximal tubule lysosomes. This protein is synthesized exclusively by adult male rats. Other species, including humans, synthesize proteins that share significant homology with alpha 2u-globulin. However, none of these proteins, including the mouse equivalent of alpha 2u-globulin, can produce this toxicity, indicating a unique specificity for alpha 2u-globulin. With chronic exposure to (+)-limonene, the hyaline droplet nephropathy progresses and the kidney shows tubular cell necrosis, granular cast formation at the corticomedullary junction, and compensatory cell proliferation. Both (+)-limonene and cis-d-limonene-1,2-oxide (the major metabolite involved in this toxicity) are negative in vitro mutagenicity screens. Therefore, the toxicity-related renal cell proliferation is believed to be integrally involved in the carcinogenicity of (+)-limonene as persistent elevations in renal cell proliferation may increase fixation of spontaneously altered DNA or serve to promote spontaneously initiated cells. The scientific data demonstrates that the tumorigenic activity of (+)-limonene in male rats is not relevant to humans. The three major lines of evidence supporting the human safety of (+)-limonene are (1) the male rat specificity of the nephrotoxicity and carcinogenicity; (2) the pivotal role that alpha 2u-globulin plays in the toxicity, as evidenced by the complete lack of toxicity in other species despite the presence of structurally similar proteins; and (3) the lack of genotoxicity of both (+)-limonene and d-limonene-1,2-oxide, supporting the concept of a nongenotoxic mechanism, namely, sustained renal cell proliferation (PMID:2024047). (4r)-limonene, also known as (+)-4-isopropenyl-1-methylcyclohexene or (R)-1-methyl-4-(1-methylethenyl)cyclohexene, is a member of the class of compounds known as menthane monoterpenoids. Menthane monoterpenoids are monoterpenoids with a structure based on the o-, m-, or p-menthane backbone. P-menthane consists of the cyclohexane ring with a methyl group and a (2-methyl)-propyl group at the 1 and 4 ring position, respectively. The o- and m- menthanes are much rarer, and presumably arise by alkyl migration of p-menthanes. Thus, (4r)-limonene is considered to be an isoprenoid lipid molecule (4r)-limonene can be found in sweet marjoram, which makes (4r)-limonene a potential biomarker for the consumption of this food product (4r)-limonene can be found primarily in saliva.




C10H18O (154.1357578)

Isomenthone (CAS: 491-07-6) is a flavouring ingredient and is found in many foods, including blackcurrant, orange mint, peppermint, and spearmint. (+)-Isomenthone is found in American pennyroyal oil (Hedeoma pulegioides), Mentha arvensis, Pelargonium tomentosum, and other essential oils. (-)-Isomenthone is found in cornmint, the oil of Mentha pulegium, and herbs and spices. Isolated from oils of Mentha arvensis, Mentha pulegium, Hedeoma pulegioides and others. (-)-Isomenthone is found in cornmint, spearmint, and herbs and spices. (+)-Isomenthone is an isomenthone isolated from Ziziphora clinopodioides Lam.. (+)-Isomenthone is an isomer of L-Menthone[1][2]. (+)-Isomenthone is an isomenthone isolated from Ziziphora clinopodioides Lam.. (+)-Isomenthone is an isomer of L-Menthone[1][2]. (+)-Isomenthone is an isomenthone isolated from Ziziphora clinopodioides Lam.. (+)-Isomenthone is an isomer of L-Menthone[1][2]. (+)-Isomenthone is an isomenthone isolated from Ziziphora clinopodioides Lam.. (+)-Isomenthone is an isomer of L-Menthone[1][2].




C10H18O (154.1357578)

(+)-Menthone is found in herbs and spices. (+)-Menthone is found in some essential oils, e.g. those of Barosma pulchellum, Mentha sachalinensi Found in some essential oils, e.g. those of Barosma pulchellum, Mentha sachalinensis




C10H16O (152.12010859999998)

(-)-cis-Carveol is found in citrus. (-)-cis-Carveol is a constituent of Valencia orange oil (Citrus sinensis). (-)-cis-Carveol is a flavouring agent Constituent of Valencia orange oil (Citrus sinensis). Flavouring agent. (-)-cis-Carveol is found in citrus.




C10H18O (154.1357578)

(R)-3,7-Dimethyl-1,6-octadien-3-ol is found in coriander. (R)-3,7-Dimethyl-1,6-octadien-3-ol is a constituent of many essential oils including Melissa officinalis (lemon balm), rose, neroli and lavender. (R)-3,7-Dimethyl-1,6-octadien-3-ol is a major component of oil of field mint (Mentha arvensis) Constituent of many essential oils including Melissa officinalis (lemon balm), rose, neroli and lavender. Major component of oil of field mint (Mentha arvensis). L-Linalool is found in many foods, some of which are tea, cumin, pummelo, and coriander.




C10H16 (136.1251936)

An isomer of pinene with an exocyclic double bond. It is a component of essential oils from many plants. Widely distributed in plants, usually associated with a-Pinene JPV84-W but in smaller amounts. Found in lime peel oil, ginger, nutmeg, mace, bitter fennel, rosemary and sage. Flavour ingredient β-Pinene ((-)-β-Pinene), a major component of turpentine, inhibit infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) with an IC50 of 1.32 mM. β-Pinene presents antimicrobial activity[1][2]. β-Pinene ((-)-β-Pinene), a major component of turpentine, inhibit infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) with an IC50 of 1.32 mM. β-Pinene presents antimicrobial activity[1][2].


Caffeic acid ethyl ester

2-Propenoic acid, 3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-, ethyl ester

C11H12O4 (208.0735552)

Caffeic acid ethyl ester, also known as (E)-ethyl 3,4-dihydroxycinnamate or (E)-ethyl caffeate, belongs to coumaric acids and derivatives class of compounds. Those are aromatic compounds containing Aromatic compounds containing a cinnamic acid moiety (or a derivative thereof) hydroxylated at the C2 (ortho-), C3 (meta-), or C4 (para-) carbon atom of the benzene ring. Caffeic acid ethyl ester is practically insoluble (in water) and a very weakly acidic compound (based on its pKa). Caffeic acid ethyl ester can be found in eggplant and vinegar, which makes caffeic acid ethyl ester a potential biomarker for the consumption of these food products. Ethyl caffeate is an ester of an hydroxycinnamic acid, a naturally occurring organic compound . Ethyl trans-caffeate is an ethyl ester resulting from the formal condensation of the carboxy group of trans-caffeic acid with ethanol. It has a role as an anti-inflammatory agent and an antineoplastic agent. It is an alkyl caffeate ester and an ethyl ester. It is functionally related to a trans-caffeic acid. Ethyl caffeate is a natural product found in Cichorium endivia, Cichorium pumilum, and other organisms with data available. Ethyl Caffeate is a natural phenolic compound isolated from Bidens pilosa. Ethyl caffeate suppresses NF-κB activation and its downstream inflammatory mediators, inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) in vitro or in mouse skin[1]. Ethyl Caffeate is a natural phenolic compound isolated from Bidens pilosa. Ethyl caffeate suppresses NF-κB activation and its downstream inflammatory mediators, inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) in vitro or in mouse skin[1].


Methylrosmarinic acid

Benzenepropanoic acid, .alpha.-[[(2E)-3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-1-oxo-2-propenyl]oxy]-3,4-dihydroxy-, methyl ester, (.alpha.R)-

C19H18O8 (374.1001628)

Methyl rosmarinate is a hydroxycinnamic acid. Methyl rosmarinate is a natural product found in Dimetia scandens, Bourreria pulchra, and other organisms with data available. Methylrosmarinic acid is found in herbs and spices. Methylrosmarinic acid is isolated from Salvia (sage) species. Isolated from Salvia (sage) subspecies Methyl rosmarinate is found in herbs and spices. Methyl rosmarinate is a noncompetitive tyrosinase inhibitor which is isolated from Rabdosia serra, with an IC50 of 0.28 mM for mushroom tyrosinase, and also inhibits a-glucosidase[1]. Methyl rosmarinate is a noncompetitive tyrosinase inhibitor which is isolated from Rabdosia serra, with an IC50 of 0.28 mM for mushroom tyrosinase, and also inhibits a-glucosidase[1].



1H-Cycloprop(e)azulen-7-ol, decahydro-1,1,7-trimethyl-4-methylene-, (1aR-(1aalpha,4aalpha,7beta,7abeta,7balpha))-

C15H24O (220.18270539999997)

Spathulenol is a tricyclic sesquiterpenoid that is 4-methylidenedecahydro-1H-cyclopropa[e]azulene carrying three methyl substituents at positions 1, 1 and 7 as well as a hydroxy substituent at position 7. It has a role as a volatile oil component, a plant metabolite, an anaesthetic and a vasodilator agent. It is a sesquiterpenoid, a carbotricyclic compound, a tertiary alcohol and an olefinic compound. Spathulenol is a natural product found in Xylopia aromatica, Xylopia emarginata, and other organisms with data available. See also: Chamomile (part of). A tricyclic sesquiterpenoid that is 4-methylidenedecahydro-1H-cyclopropa[e]azulene carrying three methyl substituents at positions 1, 1 and 7 as well as a hydroxy substituent at position 7. Spathulenol is found in alcoholic beverages. Spathulenol is a constituent of Salvia sclarea (clary sage).



2-Cyclohexen-1-one, 3-methyl-6-(1-methylethyl)-, (S)-

C10H16O (152.12010859999998)

Piperitone is found in ceylan cinnamon. Piperitone is a flavouring ingredient.Piperitone is a natural monoterpene ketone which is a component of some essential oils. Both stereoisomers, the D-form and the L-form, are known. The D-form has a peppermint-like aroma and has been isolated from the oils of plants from the genera Cymbopogon, Andropogon, and Mentha. The L-form has been isolated from Sitka spruce. (Wikipedia Piperitone is a p-menthane monoterpenoid that is cyclohex-2-en-1-one substituted by a methyl group at position 3 and an isopropyl group at position 6. It has a role as a volatile oil component and a plant metabolite. It is a p-menthane monoterpenoid and a cyclic terpene ketone. Piperitone is a natural product found in Clinopodium dalmaticum, Eucalyptus fasciculosa, and other organisms with data available. A p-menthane monoterpenoid that is cyclohex-2-en-1-one substituted by a methyl group at position 3 and an isopropyl group at position 6. Flavouring ingredient Piperitone is as a powerful repellent and antiappetent agent. Piperitone is very toxic to Cymbopogon schoenanthus (C. schoenanthus) adults, newly laid eggs and to neonate larvae. Insecticidal activity[1]. Piperitone is as a powerful repellent and antiappetent agent. Piperitone is very toxic to Cymbopogon schoenanthus (C. schoenanthus) adults, newly laid eggs and to neonate larvae. Insecticidal activity[1].



Cyclobuta[1,2:3,4]dicyclopentene,decahydro-3a-methyl-6-methylene-1-(1-methylethyl)-, (1S,3aS,3bR,6aS,6bR)-

C15H24 (204.18779039999998)

beta-Bourbonene is found in cloves. beta-Bourbonene is a flavouring agent.



2-Cyclopenten-1-one, 3-methyl-2-(2-pentenyl)-, (e)- (8ci)

C11H16O (164.12010859999998)

trans-Jasmone is found in spearmint. Jasmone is a natural organic compound extracted from the volatile portion of the oil from jasmine flowers. It is a colorless to pale yellow liquid that has the odor of jasmine. Jasmone can exist in two isomeric forms with differing geometry around the pentenyl double bond, cis-jasmone and trans-jasmone. The natural extract contains only the cis form, while synthetic material is often a mixture containing both forms, with the cis form predominating. Both forms have similar odors and chemical properties. (Wikipedia Jasmone is a natural organic compound extracted from the volatile portion of the oil from jasmine flowers. It is a colorless to pale yellow liquid that has the odor of jasmine. Jasmone can exist in two isomeric forms with differing geometry around the pentenyl double bond, cis-jasmone and trans-jasmone. The natural extract contains only the cis form, while synthetic material is often a mixture containing both forms, with the cis form predominating. Both forms have similar odors and chemical properties. trans-Jasmone is found in spearmint. Cis-Jasmone is a plant-derived natural product. Cis-Jasmone is constitutively released by many flowers and sometimes by leaves as an attractant for pollinators or as a chemical cue for host location by insect flower herbivores. Cis-Jasmone treatment of crop plants not only induces direct defense against herbivores, but also induces indirect defense by releasing VOCs that attract natural enemies[1]. Cis-Jasmone is a plant-derived natural product. Cis-Jasmone is constitutively released by many flowers and sometimes by leaves as an attractant for pollinators or as a chemical cue for host location by insect flower herbivores. Cis-Jasmone treatment of crop plants not only induces direct defense against herbivores, but also induces indirect defense by releasing VOCs that attract natural enemies[1].


1-Octen-3-yl acetate

Pentyl vinyl carbinol acetate

C10H18O2 (170.1306728)

1-Octen-3-yl acetate is found in fruits. 1-Octen-3-yl acetate is present in Mentha species oils, lavender oil, anise hyssop, mushrooms and melon. 1-Octen-3-yl acetate is a flavouring ingredient. [CCD Present in Mentha subspecies oils, lavender oil, anise hyssop, mushrooms and melon. Flavouring ingredient. [CCD]. 1-Octen-3-yl acetate is found in mushrooms, herbs and spices, and fruits.



p-Anisaldehyde, United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Reference Standard

C8H8O2 (136.0524268)

4-Methoxybenzaldehyde, also known as 4-anisaldehyde or p-formylanisole, belongs to the class of organic compounds known as benzoyl derivatives, with the chemical formula CH3OC6H4CHO. These are organic compounds containing an acyl moiety of benzoic acid with the formula (C6H5CO-). Anisaldehyde is prepared commercially by oxidation of 4-methoxytoluene (p-cresyl methyl ether) using manganese dioxide to convert a methyl group to the aldehyde group. 4-Methoxybenzaldehyde is a sweet, almond, and anise tasting compound. 4-Methoxybenzaldehyde can be found, on average, in the highest concentration within a few different foods, such as cumins, star anises, and fennels. 4-Methoxybenzaldehyde has also been detected, but not quantified, in several different foods, such as cornmints, anises, herbs and spices, tarragons, and tea. The related ortho isomer has a scent of licorice. It is a colorless liquid with a strong aroma. A solution of para-anisaldehyde in acid and ethanol is a useful stain in thin layer chromatography. Different chemical compounds on the plate can give different colors, allowing easy distinction. It is used as an intermediate in the synthesis of other compounds important in pharmaceuticals and perfumery. P-methoxybenzaldehyde is a member of the class of benzaldehydes consisting of benzaldehyde itself carrying a methoxy substituent at position 4. It has a role as an insect repellent, a human urinary metabolite, a plant metabolite and a bacterial metabolite. 4-Methoxybenzaldehyde is a natural product found in Vanilla pompona, Solidago odora, and other organisms with data available. See also: Anise Oil (part of). Found in anise oil, fennel and vanilla. Flavouring ingredient 4-Methoxybenzaldehyde is a naturally occurring fragrant phenolic compound. 4-Methoxybenzaldehyde has been found in many plant species including horseradish, anise, star anise. 4-Methoxybenzaldehyde is a possible neurotoxicant and it has shown effects that include mortality, attractancy, and interference with host seeking [1]. 4-Methoxybenzaldehyde is a naturally occurring fragrant phenolic compound. 4-Methoxybenzaldehyde has been found in many plant species including horseradish, anise, star anise. 4-Methoxybenzaldehyde is a possible neurotoxicant and it has shown effects that include mortality, attractancy, and interference with host seeking [1].




C16H12O5 (284.0684702)

5,7-dihydroxy-4-methoxyflavone is a monomethoxyflavone that is the 4-methyl ether derivative of apigenin. It has a role as an anticonvulsant and a plant metabolite. It is a dihydroxyflavone and a monomethoxyflavone. It is functionally related to an apigenin. It is a conjugate acid of a 5-hydroxy-2-(4-methoxyphenyl)-4-oxo-4H-chromen-7-olate. Acacetin is a natural product found in Verbascum lychnitis, Odontites viscosus, and other organisms with data available. A monomethoxyflavone that is the 4-methyl ether derivative of apigenin. 5,7-dihydroxy-2-(4-methoxyphenyl)-4h-chromen-4-one, also known as 4-methoxy-5,7-dihydroxyflavone or acacetin, is a member of the class of compounds known as 4-o-methylated flavonoids. 4-o-methylated flavonoids are flavonoids with methoxy groups attached to the C4 atom of the flavonoid backbone. Thus, 5,7-dihydroxy-2-(4-methoxyphenyl)-4h-chromen-4-one is considered to be a flavonoid lipid molecule. 5,7-dihydroxy-2-(4-methoxyphenyl)-4h-chromen-4-one is practically insoluble (in water) and a very weakly acidic compound (based on its pKa). 5,7-dihydroxy-2-(4-methoxyphenyl)-4h-chromen-4-one can be synthesized from apigenin. 5,7-dihydroxy-2-(4-methoxyphenyl)-4h-chromen-4-one is also a parent compound for other transformation products, including but not limited to, acacetin-7-O-beta-D-galactopyranoside, acacetin-8-C-neohesperidoside, and isoginkgetin. 5,7-dihydroxy-2-(4-methoxyphenyl)-4h-chromen-4-one can be found in ginkgo nuts, orange mint, and winter savory, which makes 5,7-dihydroxy-2-(4-methoxyphenyl)-4h-chromen-4-one a potential biomarker for the consumption of these food products. Annotation level-1 relative retention time with respect to 9-anthracene Carboxylic Acid is 1.223 relative retention time with respect to 9-anthracene Carboxylic Acid is 1.225 Acacetin (5,7-Dihydroxy-4'-methoxyflavone) is an orally active flavonoid derived from Dendranthema morifolium. Acacetin docks in the ATP binding pocket of PI3Kγ. Acacetin causes cell cycle arrest and induces apoptosis and autophagy in cancer cells. Acacetin has potent anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory activity and has the potential for pain-related diseases research[1][2]. Acacetin (5,7-Dihydroxy-4'-methoxyflavone) is an orally active flavonoid derived from Dendranthema morifolium. Acacetin docks in the ATP binding pocket of PI3Kγ. Acacetin causes cell cycle arrest and induces apoptosis and autophagy in cancer cells. Acacetin has potent anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory activity and has the potential for pain-related diseases research[1][2].




C13H16N2O2 (232.1211716)

N - Nervous system > N05 - Psycholeptics > N05C - Hypnotics and sedatives > N05CH - Melatonin receptor agonists D002491 - Central Nervous System Agents > D002492 - Central Nervous System Depressants D006730 - Hormones, Hormone Substitutes, and Hormone Antagonists > D006728 - Hormones COVID info from clinicaltrial, clinicaltrials, clinical trial, clinical trials C147908 - Hormone Therapy Agent > C548 - Therapeutic Hormone D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants C26170 - Protective Agent > C275 - Antioxidant Corona-virus Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 SARS-CoV COVID19 SARS2 SARS ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 3385; CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 961; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX508; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 3387 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 961; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX508; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 3387; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 3385 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 961; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX508; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 3400; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 3398 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 961; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX508; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 3376; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 3375 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 961; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX502; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 3184; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 3183 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 961; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX508; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 3391; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 3387 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 961; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX502; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 3198; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 3196 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 961; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX508; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 7086; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 7084 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 961; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX502; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 7064; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 7062 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 961; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX502; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 7062; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 7059 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 961; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX502; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 7093; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 7090 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 961; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX502; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 7098; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 7096 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 961; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX502; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 7084; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 7082 relative retention time with respect to 9-anthracene Carboxylic Acid is 0.685 relative retention time with respect to 9-anthracene Carboxylic Acid is 0.686 relative retention time with respect to 9-anthracene Carboxylic Acid is 0.679 relative retention time with respect to 9-anthracene Carboxylic Acid is 0.682 Melatonin is a hormone made by the pineal gland that can activates melatonin receptor. Melatonin plays a role in sleep and possesses important antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties[1][2][3]. Melatonin is a novel selective ATF-6 inhibitor and induces human hepatoma cell apoptosis through COX-2 downregulation[4]. Melatonin attenuates palmitic acid-induced (HY-N0830) mouse granulosa cells apoptosis via endoplasmic reticulum stress[5]. Melatonin is a hormone made by the pineal gland that can activates melatonin receptor. Melatonin plays a role in sleep and possesses important antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties[1][2][3]. Melatonin is a novel selective ATF-6 inhibitor and induces human hepatoma cell apoptosis through COX-2 downregulation[4]. Melatonin attenuates palmitic acid-induced (HY-N0830) mouse granulosa cells apoptosis via endoplasmic reticulum stress[5].




C15H10O5 (270.052821)

Annotation level-1 relative retention time with respect to 9-anthracene Carboxylic Acid is 1.061 relative retention time with respect to 9-anthracene Carboxylic Acid is 1.062 relative retention time with respect to 9-anthracene Carboxylic Acid is 1.058 relative retention time with respect to 9-anthracene Carboxylic Acid is 1.059 Apigenin (4',5,7-Trihydroxyflavone) is a competitive CYP2C9 inhibitor with a Ki of 2 μM. Apigenin (4',5,7-Trihydroxyflavone) is a competitive CYP2C9 inhibitor with a Ki of 2 μM.



4H-1-Benzopyran-4-one, 2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-5,7-dihydroxy- (9CI)

C15H10O6 (286.047736)

Annotation level-1 relative retention time with respect to 9-anthracene Carboxylic Acid is 0.976 relative retention time with respect to 9-anthracene Carboxylic Acid is 0.975 relative retention time with respect to 9-anthracene Carboxylic Acid is 0.968 relative retention time with respect to 9-anthracene Carboxylic Acid is 0.971 Luteolin (Luteoline), a flavanoid compound, is a potent Nrf2 inhibitor. Luteolin has anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer properties, including the induction of apoptosis and cell cycle arrest, and the inhibition of metastasis and angiogenesis, in several cancer cell lines, including human non-small lung cancer cells[1][2][3]. Luteolin (Luteoline), a flavanoid compound, is a potent Nrf2 inhibitor. Luteolin has anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer properties, including the induction of apoptosis and cell cycle arrest, and the inhibition of metastasis and angiogenesis, in several cancer cell lines, including human non-small lung cancer cells[1][2][3].



4H-1-Benzopyran-4-one, 5,7-dihydroxy-2-(3-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)-

C16H12O6 (300.06338519999997)

Diosmetin is a natural flavonoid which inhibits human CYP1A enzyme activity with an IC50 of 40 μM in HepG2 cell. Diosmetin is a natural flavonoid which inhibits human CYP1A enzyme activity with an IC50 of 40 μM in HepG2 cell.


Germacrene D

1,6-Cyclodecadiene, 1-methyl-5-methylene-8-(1-methylethyl)-, [s-(E,E)]-

C15H24 (204.18779039999998)

(-)-germacrene D is a germacrene D. It is an enantiomer of a (+)-germacrene D. (-)-Germacrene D is a natural product found in Teucrium montanum, Stachys obliqua, and other organisms with data available. See also: Clary Sage Oil (part of).




C15H26O (222.1983546)

A cadinane sesquiterpenoid that is cadin-4-ene carrying a hydroxy substituent at position 10.




C10H12O (148.08881019999998)

1-Methoxy-4-(2-propenyl)benzene, also known as methylchavicol or estragol, belongs to the class of organic compounds known as anisoles. These are organic compounds containing a methoxybenzene or a derivative thereof. 1-Methoxy-4-(2-propenyl)benzene is a sweet, alcohol, and anise tasting compound. 1-Methoxy-4-(2-propenyl)benzene is found, on average, in the highest concentration within a few different foods, such as anises, fennels, and sweet basils and in a lower concentration in cumins, tarragons, and parsley. 1-Methoxy-4-(2-propenyl)benzene has also been detected, but not quantified, in several different foods, such as citrus, chinese cinnamons, caraway, fats and oils, and cloves. This could make 1-methoxy-4-(2-propenyl)benzene a potential biomarker for the consumption of these foods. 1-Methoxy-4-(2-propenyl)benzene, with regard to humans, has been linked to the inborn metabolic disorder celiac disease. Estragole is a colorless liquid with odor of anise. Insoluble in water. Isolated from rind of persea gratissima grath. and from oil of estragon. Found in oils of Russian anise, basil, fennel turpentine, tarragon oil, anise bark oil. (NTP, 1992) Estragole is a phenylpropanoid that is chavicol in which the hydroxy group is replaced by a methoxy group. It has a role as a flavouring agent, an insect attractant, a plant metabolite, a genotoxin and a carcinogenic agent. It is an alkenylbenzene, a monomethoxybenzene and a phenylpropanoid. It is functionally related to a chavicol. Estragole is a natural product found in Vitis rotundifolia, Chaerophyllum macrospermum, and other organisms with data available. See also: Anise Oil (part of). Constituent of many essential oils. Found in apple, bilberry and orange fruits and juices. Flavouring agent. A phenylpropanoid that is chavicol in which the hydroxy group is replaced by a methoxy group. Estragole (4-Allylanisole), a relatively nontoxic volatile terpenoid ether, is a major component of the essential oil of many plants. Estragole dose-dependently blocks nerve excitability[1]. Estragole displays anti-toxoplasma activity[2]. Estragole (4-Allylanisole), a relatively nontoxic volatile terpenoid ether, is a major component of the essential oil of many plants. Estragole dose-dependently blocks nerve excitability[1]. Estragole displays anti-toxoplasma activity[2].



p-Anisaldehyde, United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Reference Standard

C8H8O2 (136.0524268)

4-Methoxybenzaldehyde, also known as 4-anisaldehyde or p-formylanisole, belongs to the class of organic compounds known as benzoyl derivatives, with the chemical formula CH3OC6H4CHO. These are organic compounds containing an acyl moiety of benzoic acid with the formula (C6H5CO-). Anisaldehyde is prepared commercially by oxidation of 4-methoxytoluene (p-cresyl methyl ether) using manganese dioxide to convert a methyl group to the aldehyde group. 4-Methoxybenzaldehyde is a sweet, almond, and anise tasting compound. 4-Methoxybenzaldehyde can be found, on average, in the highest concentration within a few different foods, such as cumins, star anises, and fennels. 4-Methoxybenzaldehyde has also been detected, but not quantified, in several different foods, such as cornmints, anises, herbs and spices, tarragons, and tea. The related ortho isomer has a scent of licorice. It is a colorless liquid with a strong aroma. A solution of para-anisaldehyde in acid and ethanol is a useful stain in thin layer chromatography. Different chemical compounds on the plate can give different colors, allowing easy distinction. It is used as an intermediate in the synthesis of other compounds important in pharmaceuticals and perfumery. P-methoxybenzaldehyde is a member of the class of benzaldehydes consisting of benzaldehyde itself carrying a methoxy substituent at position 4. It has a role as an insect repellent, a human urinary metabolite, a plant metabolite and a bacterial metabolite. 4-Methoxybenzaldehyde is a natural product found in Vanilla pompona, Solidago odora, and other organisms with data available. See also: Anise Oil (part of). Found in anise oil, fennel and vanilla. Flavouring ingredient 4-Methoxybenzaldehyde is a naturally occurring fragrant phenolic compound. 4-Methoxybenzaldehyde has been found in many plant species including horseradish, anise, star anise. 4-Methoxybenzaldehyde is a possible neurotoxicant and it has shown effects that include mortality, attractancy, and interference with host seeking [1]. 4-Methoxybenzaldehyde is a naturally occurring fragrant phenolic compound. 4-Methoxybenzaldehyde has been found in many plant species including horseradish, anise, star anise. 4-Methoxybenzaldehyde is a possible neurotoxicant and it has shown effects that include mortality, attractancy, and interference with host seeking [1].




C21H24O10 (436.13694039999996)

Origin: Plant; Formula(Parent): C21H24O10; Bottle Name:Phloridzin; PRIME Parent Name:Phloretin-2-O-glucoside; PRIME in-house No.:S0307, Glycosides relative retention time with respect to 9-anthracene Carboxylic Acid is 0.718 relative retention time with respect to 9-anthracene Carboxylic Acid is 0.713 relative retention time with respect to 9-anthracene Carboxylic Acid is 0.714 Acquisition and generation of the data is financially supported by the Max-Planck-Society IPB_RECORD: 2021; CONFIDENCE confident structure Phlorizin (Floridzin) is a non-selective SGLT inhibitor with Kis of 300 and 39 nM for hSGLT1 and hSGLT2, respectively. Phlorizin is also a Na+/K+-ATPase inhibitor. Phlorizin (Floridzin) is a non-selective SGLT inhibitor with Kis of 300 and 39 nM for hSGLT1 and hSGLT2, respectively. Phlorizin is also a Na+/K+-ATPase inhibitor.




C10H12O2 (164.0837252)

C78272 - Agent Affecting Nervous System > C245 - Anesthetic Agent D000890 - Anti-Infective Agents D012997 - Solvents Eugenol is an essential oil found in cloves with antibacterial, anthelmintic and antioxidant activity. Eugenol is shown to inhibit lipid peroxidation. Eugenol is an essential oil found in cloves with antibacterial, anthelmintic and antioxidant activity. Eugenol is shown to inhibit lipid peroxidation.




C15H24 (204.18779039999998)

A beta-caryophyllene in which the stereocentre adjacent to the exocyclic double bond has S configuration while the remaining stereocentre has R configuration. It is the most commonly occurring form of beta-caryophyllene, occurring in many essential oils, particularly oil of cloves. D018373 - Peripheral Nervous System Agents > D018689 - Sensory System Agents D002491 - Central Nervous System Agents > D000700 - Analgesics D000893 - Anti-Inflammatory Agents D018501 - Antirheumatic Agents β-Caryophyllene is a CB2 receptor agonist. β-Caryophyllene is a CB2 receptor agonist.




C8H16O (128.1201086)

Oct-1-en-3-ol, a fatty acid fragrant, is a self-stimulating oxylipin messenger. Oct-1-en-3-ol serves as a signaling molecule in plant cellular responses, plant-herbivore interactions, and plant-plant interactions. Oct-1-en-3-ol causes dopamine neuron degeneration through disruption of dopamine handling[1][2]. Oct-1-en-3-ol, a fatty acid fragrant, is a self-stimulating oxylipin messenger. Oct-1-en-3-ol serves as a signaling molecule in plant cellular responses, plant-herbivore interactions, and plant-plant interactions. Oct-1-en-3-ol causes dopamine neuron degeneration through disruption of dopamine handling[1][2].



Cyclobuta[1,2:3,4]dicyclopentene,decahydro-3a-methyl-6-methylene-1-(1-methylethyl)-, (1S,3aS,3bR,6aS,6bR)-

C15H24 (204.18779039999998)

Flavouring agent. beta-Bourbonene is found in many foods, some of which are rosemary, common oregano, sweet basil, and winter savory.



2-Cyclopenten-1-one, 3-methyl-2-(2-pentenyl)-, (e)- (8ci)

C11H16O (164.12010859999998)


Octenyl acetate

Pentyl vinyl carbinol acetate

C10H18O2 (170.1306728)




C10H16O (152.12010859999998)

Piperitone is as a powerful repellent and antiappetent agent. Piperitone is very toxic to Cymbopogon schoenanthus (C. schoenanthus) adults, newly laid eggs and to neonate larvae. Insecticidal activity[1]. Piperitone is as a powerful repellent and antiappetent agent. Piperitone is very toxic to Cymbopogon schoenanthus (C. schoenanthus) adults, newly laid eggs and to neonate larvae. Insecticidal activity[1].




C10H18O (154.1357578)

A menthone that is cyclohexanone substituted by a methyl and an isopropyl group at positions 5 and 2 respectively (the 2R,5S-stereoisomer).




C10H18O (154.1357578)


FOH 8:1


C8H16O (128.1201086)

Oct-1-en-3-ol, a fatty acid fragrant, is a self-stimulating oxylipin messenger. Oct-1-en-3-ol serves as a signaling molecule in plant cellular responses, plant-herbivore interactions, and plant-plant interactions. Oct-1-en-3-ol causes dopamine neuron degeneration through disruption of dopamine handling[1][2]. Oct-1-en-3-ol, a fatty acid fragrant, is a self-stimulating oxylipin messenger. Oct-1-en-3-ol serves as a signaling molecule in plant cellular responses, plant-herbivore interactions, and plant-plant interactions. Oct-1-en-3-ol causes dopamine neuron degeneration through disruption of dopamine handling[1][2].




C8H16O (128.1201086)

A dialkyl ketone that is octane in which the two methylene protons at position 3 have been replaced by an oxo group.




C10H16O (152.12010859999998)




C10H14 (134.1095444)

A monoterpene that is toluene substituted by an isopropyl group at position 4.




C21H20O10 (432.105642)

Apigenin-7-glucoside (Apigenin-7-O-β-D-glucopyranoside) exhibits significant anti-proliferative and antioxidant activity and scavenges reactive oxygen species (ROS)[1][2]. Apigenin-7-glucoside (Apigenin-7-O-β-D-glucopyranoside) exhibits significant anti-proliferative and antioxidant activity and scavenges reactive oxygen species (ROS)[1][2].



4H-1-Benzopyran-4-one, 5,7-dihydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (9CI)

C15H10O5 (270.052821)

Apigenin (4',5,7-Trihydroxyflavone) is a competitive CYP2C9 inhibitor with a Ki of 2 μM. Apigenin (4',5,7-Trihydroxyflavone) is a competitive CYP2C9 inhibitor with a Ki of 2 μM.




C21H20O11 (448.100557)

Cynaroside (Luteolin 7-glucoside) is a flavonoid compound that exhibits anti-oxidative capabilities. Cynaroside is also a potent influenza RNA-dependent RNA polymerase inhibitor with an IC50 of 32 nM. Cynaroside also is a promising inhibitor for H2O2-induced apoptosis, has cytoprotection against oxidative stress-induced cardiovascular diseases. Cynaroside also has antibacterial, antifungal and anticancer activities, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities[1][3][4][5].




C15H24 (204.18779039999998)

α-Humulene is a main constituent of Tanacetum vulgare L. (Asteraceae) essential oil with anti-inflammation (IC50=15±2 μg/mL). α-Humulene inhibits COX-2 and iNOS expression[1]. α-Humulene is a main constituent of Tanacetum vulgare L. (Asteraceae) essential oil with anti-inflammation (IC50=15±2 μg/mL). α-Humulene inhibits COX-2 and iNOS expression[1].




C10H14 (134.1095444)



4-06-00-06337 (Beilstein Handbook Reference)

C11H14O2 (178.09937440000002)

D002491 - Central Nervous System Agents > D002492 - Central Nervous System Depressants > D000777 - Anesthetics D009676 - Noxae > D002273 - Carcinogens D009676 - Noxae > D009153 - Mutagens Methyl Eugenol, a phenylpropanoid chemical in leaves, fruits, stems, and/or roots, may be released when that corresponding part of a plant is damaged as a result of feeding by an herbivore. Methyl Eugenol is used for male annihilation of the oriental fruit fly[1]. Methyl Eugenol is a bait that has oral activity against oriental fruit fly (Hendel).Methyl Eugenol has anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory activities. Methyl Eugenol can induce Autophagy in cells. Methyl Eugenol can be used in the study of intestinal ischemia/reperfusion injury[1][2][3]. Methyl Eugenol, a phenylpropanoid chemical in leaves, fruits, stems, and/or roots, may be released when that corresponding part of a plant is damaged as a result of feeding by an herbivore. Methyl Eugenol is used for male annihilation of the oriental fruit fly[1].




C10H12O2 (164.0837252)

C78272 - Agent Affecting Nervous System > C245 - Anesthetic Agent D000890 - Anti-Infective Agents D012997 - Solvents Eugenol is an essential oil found in cloves with antibacterial, anthelmintic and antioxidant activity. Eugenol is shown to inhibit lipid peroxidation. Eugenol is an essential oil found in cloves with antibacterial, anthelmintic and antioxidant activity. Eugenol is shown to inhibit lipid peroxidation.



2-Cyclohexen-1-ol, 2-methyl-5-(1-methylethenyl)-, (1S,5R)-

C10H16O (152.12010859999998)



Bicyclo(3.1.1)hept-2-ene, 2,6,6-trimethyl-, (1theta)-

C10H16 (136.1251936)

(1R)-α-Pinene is a volatile monoterpene with antimicrobial activities. (1R)-α-Pinene reduces Bacillus cereus population growth, and exhibits repellent effects[1][2]. (1R)-α-Pinene is a volatile monoterpene with antimicrobial activities. (1R)-α-Pinene reduces Bacillus cereus population growth, and exhibits repellent effects[1][2].




C10H12O (148.08881019999998)

Estragole (4-Allylanisole), a relatively nontoxic volatile terpenoid ether, is a major component of the essential oil of many plants. Estragole dose-dependently blocks nerve excitability[1]. Estragole displays anti-toxoplasma activity[2]. Estragole (4-Allylanisole), a relatively nontoxic volatile terpenoid ether, is a major component of the essential oil of many plants. Estragole dose-dependently blocks nerve excitability[1]. Estragole displays anti-toxoplasma activity[2].




C8H8O2 (136.0524268)

4-Methoxybenzaldehyde is a naturally occurring fragrant phenolic compound. 4-Methoxybenzaldehyde has been found in many plant species including horseradish, anise, star anise. 4-Methoxybenzaldehyde is a possible neurotoxicant and it has shown effects that include mortality, attractancy, and interference with host seeking [1]. 4-Methoxybenzaldehyde is a naturally occurring fragrant phenolic compound. 4-Methoxybenzaldehyde has been found in many plant species including horseradish, anise, star anise. 4-Methoxybenzaldehyde is a possible neurotoxicant and it has shown effects that include mortality, attractancy, and interference with host seeking [1].




C9H10O (134.073161)



(E)-3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)prop-2-enoic acid ethyl ester

C11H12O4 (208.0735552)

Ethyl Caffeate is a natural phenolic compound isolated from Bidens pilosa. Ethyl caffeate suppresses NF-κB activation and its downstream inflammatory mediators, inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) in vitro or in mouse skin[1]. Ethyl Caffeate is a natural phenolic compound isolated from Bidens pilosa. Ethyl caffeate suppresses NF-κB activation and its downstream inflammatory mediators, inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) in vitro or in mouse skin[1].




C10H16O (152.12010859999998)



2-Cyclopenten-1-one, 3-methyl-2-(2-pentenyl)-, (Z)- (8CI)

C11H16O (164.12010859999998)

Cis-Jasmone is a plant-derived natural product. Cis-Jasmone is constitutively released by many flowers and sometimes by leaves as an attractant for pollinators or as a chemical cue for host location by insect flower herbivores. Cis-Jasmone treatment of crop plants not only induces direct defense against herbivores, but also induces indirect defense by releasing VOCs that attract natural enemies[1]. Cis-Jasmone is a plant-derived natural product. Cis-Jasmone is constitutively released by many flowers and sometimes by leaves as an attractant for pollinators or as a chemical cue for host location by insect flower herbivores. Cis-Jasmone treatment of crop plants not only induces direct defense against herbivores, but also induces indirect defense by releasing VOCs that attract natural enemies[1].


WLN: 5V2

Ethyl N-pentyl ketone

C8H16O (128.1201086)



Benzenepropanoic acid, .alpha.-[[(2E)-3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-1-oxo-2-propenyl]oxy]-3,4-dihydroxy-, (.alpha.R)-

C18H16O8 (360.0845136)

D004791 - Enzyme Inhibitors > D011480 - Protease Inhibitors > D015842 - Serine Proteinase Inhibitors D018373 - Peripheral Nervous System Agents > D018689 - Sensory System Agents D006401 - Hematologic Agents > D010975 - Platelet Aggregation Inhibitors D002491 - Central Nervous System Agents > D000700 - Analgesics D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants D000893 - Anti-Inflammatory Agents D018501 - Antirheumatic Agents Rosmarinic acid is a widespread phenolic ester compound in the plants. Rosmarinic acid inhibits MAO-A, MAO-B and COMT enzymes with IC50s of 50.1, 184.6 and 26.7 μM, respectively. Rosmarinic acid is a widespread phenolic ester compound in the plants. Rosmarinic acid inhibits MAO-A, MAO-B and COMT enzymes with IC50s of 50.1, 184.6 and 26.7 μM, respectively.




C10H18O (154.1357578)




C10H10O2 (162.06807600000002)

4-Methoxycinnamaldehyde (p-Methoxycinnamaldehyde), an active constituent of Agastache rugosa, exhibits cytoprotective activity against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in human larynx carcinoma cell line. 4-Methoxycinnamaldehyde effectively inhibits cytopathic effect of RSV with an estimated IC50 of 0.055 μg/mL[1]. 4-Methoxycinnamaldehyde (p-Methoxycinnamaldehyde), an active constituent of Agastache rugosa, exhibits cytoprotective activity against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in human larynx carcinoma cell line. 4-Methoxycinnamaldehyde effectively inhibits cytopathic effect of RSV with an estimated IC50 of 0.055 μg/mL[1].



Cyclobuta[1,2:3,4]dicyclopentene,decahydro-3a-methyl-6-methylene-1-(1-methylethyl)-, (1S,3aS,3bR,6aS,6bR)-

C15H24 (204.18779039999998)

Bourbonene is a member of the class of compounds known as sesquiterpenoids. Sesquiterpenoids are terpenes with three consecutive isoprene units. Thus, bourbonene is considered to be an isoprenoid lipid molecule. Bourbonene can be found in orange mint, which makes bourbonene a potential biomarker for the consumption of this food product. beta-Bourbonene is found in cloves. beta-Bourbonene is a flavouring agent.



[1R-(1R*,4R*,6R*,10S*)]- Caryophylene oxide Caryophyllene epoxide Caryophyllene oxyde Epoxycaryophyllene [1R-(1R*,4R*,6R*,10S*)]-4,12,12-trimethyl-9-methylene-5-oxatricyclo[,6]dodecane <>-Caryophyllene epoxide <>-Caryophyllene oxide

C15H24O (220.18270539999997)

Caryophyllene oxide is an epoxide. It has a role as a metabolite. Caryophyllene oxide is a natural product found in Xylopia emarginata, Eupatorium altissimum, and other organisms with data available. See also: Cannabis sativa subsp. indica top (part of). A natural product found in Cupania cinerea. Caryophyllene oxide, isolated from from Hymenaea courbaril, possesses analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity[1]. Caryophyllene oxide, isolated from from Hymenaea courbaril, possesses analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity[1].




C10H16 (136.1251936)




C9H10O (134.073161)



Isomenthone, (+/-)-

C10H18O (154.1357578)




C10H16O (152.12010859999998)

The (1R,5R)-stereoisomer of carveol.


1-Octen-3-yl acetate

1-Octen-3-yl acetate

C10H18O2 (170.1306728)



2-Propenal,3-(4-methoxyphenyl)-, (2E)-

C10H10O2 (162.06807600000002)

4-Methoxycinnamaldehyde (p-Methoxycinnamaldehyde), an active constituent of Agastache rugosa, exhibits cytoprotective activity against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in human larynx carcinoma cell line. 4-Methoxycinnamaldehyde effectively inhibits cytopathic effect of RSV with an estimated IC50 of 0.055 μg/mL[1]. 4-Methoxycinnamaldehyde (p-Methoxycinnamaldehyde), an active constituent of Agastache rugosa, exhibits cytoprotective activity against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in human larynx carcinoma cell line. 4-Methoxycinnamaldehyde effectively inhibits cytopathic effect of RSV with an estimated IC50 of 0.055 μg/mL[1].