Reaction Process: PathBank:SMP0121182

Citrate Cycle related metabolites

find 28 related metabolites which is associated with chemical reaction(pathway) Citrate Cycle

Isocitric acid ⟶ Water + cis-Aconitic acid

Succinic acid

butanedioic acid

C4H6O4 (118.0266076)

Succinic acid appears as white crystals or shiny white odorless crystalline powder. pH of 0.1 molar solution: 2.7. Very acid taste. (NTP, 1992) Succinic acid is an alpha,omega-dicarboxylic acid resulting from the formal oxidation of each of the terminal methyl groups of butane to the corresponding carboxy group. It is an intermediate metabolite in the citric acid cycle. It has a role as a nutraceutical, a radiation protective agent, an anti-ulcer drug, a micronutrient and a fundamental metabolite. It is an alpha,omega-dicarboxylic acid and a C4-dicarboxylic acid. It is a conjugate acid of a succinate(1-). A water-soluble, colorless crystal with an acid taste that is used as a chemical intermediate, in medicine, the manufacture of lacquers, and to make perfume esters. It is also used in foods as a sequestrant, buffer, and a neutralizing agent. (Hawleys Condensed Chemical Dictionary, 12th ed, p1099; McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, 4th ed, p1851) Succinic acid is a metabolite found in or produced by Escherichia coli (strain K12, MG1655). Succinic acid is a dicarboxylic acid. The anion, succinate, is a component of the citric acid cycle capable of donating electrons to the electron transfer chain. Succinic acid is created as a byproduct of the fermentation of sugar. It lends to fermented beverages such as wine and beer a common taste that is a combination of saltiness, bitterness and acidity. Succinate is commonly used as a chemical intermediate, in medicine, the manufacture of lacquers, and to make perfume esters. It is also used in foods as a sequestrant, buffer, and a neutralizing agent. Succinate plays a role in the citric acid cycle, an energy-yielding process and is metabolized by succinate dehydrogenase to fumarate. Succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) plays an important role in the mitochondria, being both part of the respiratory chain and the Krebs cycle. SDH with a covalently attached FAD prosthetic group, binds enzyme substrates (succinate and fumarate) and physiological regulators (oxaloacetate and ATP). Oxidizing succinate links SDH to the fast-cycling Krebs cycle portion where it participates in the breakdown of acetyl-CoA throughout the whole Krebs cycle. Succinate can readily be imported into the mitochondrial matrix by the n-butylmalonate- (or phenylsuccinate-) sensitive dicarboxylate carrier in exchange with inorganic phosphate or another organic acid, e.g. malate. (A3509) Mutations in the four genes encoding the subunits of succinate dehydrogenase are associated with a wide spectrum of clinical presentations (i.e.: Huntingtons disease. (A3510). Succinate also acts as an oncometabolite. Succinate inhibits 2-oxoglutarate-dependent histone and DNA demethylase enzymes, resulting in epigenetic silencing that affects neuroendocrine differentiation. A water-soluble, colorless crystal with an acid taste that is used as a chemical intermediate, in medicine, the manufacture of lacquers, and to make perfume esters. It is also used in foods as a sequestrant, buffer, and a neutralizing agent. (Hawleys Condensed Chemical Dictionary, 12th ed, p1099; McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, 4th ed, p1851) Succinic acid (succinate) is a dicarboxylic acid. It is an important component of the citric acid or TCA cycle and is capable of donating electrons to the electron transfer chain. Succinate is found in all living organisms ranging from bacteria to plants to mammals. In eukaryotes, succinate is generated in the mitochondria via the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA). Succinate can readily be imported into the mitochondrial matrix by the n-butylmalonate- (or phenylsuccinate-) sensitive dicarboxylate carrier in exchange with inorganic phosphate or another organic acid, e. g. malate (PMID 16143825). Succinate can exit the mitochondrial matrix and function in the cytoplasm as well as the extracellular space. Succinate has multiple biological roles including roles as a metabolic intermediate and roles as a cell signalling molecule. Succinate can alter gene expression patterns, thereby modulating the epigenetic landscape or it can exhibit hormone-like signaling functions (PMID: 26971832). As such, succinate links cellular metabolism, especially ATP formation, to the regulation of cellular function. Succinate can be broken down or metabolized into fumarate by the enzyme succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), which is part of the electron transport chain involved in making ATP. Dysregulation of succinate synthesis, and therefore ATP synthesis, can happen in a number of genetic mitochondrial diseases, such as Leigh syndrome, and Melas syndrome. Succinate has been found to be associated with D-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria, which is an inborn error of metabolism. Succinic acid has recently been identified as an oncometabolite or an endogenous, cancer causing metabolite. High levels of this organic acid can be found in tumors or biofluids surrounding tumors. Its oncogenic action appears to due to its ability to inhibit prolyl hydroxylase-containing enzymes. In many tumours, oxygen availability becomes limited (hypoxia) very quickly due to rapid cell proliferation and limited blood vessel growth. The major regulator of the response to hypoxia is the HIF transcription factor (HIF-alpha). Under normal oxygen levels, protein levels of HIF-alpha are very low due to constant degradation, mediated by a series of post-translational modification events catalyzed by the prolyl hydroxylase domain-containing enzymes PHD1, 2 and 3, (also known as EglN2, 1 and 3) that hydroxylate HIF-alpha and lead to its degradation. All three of the PHD enzymes are inhibited by succinate. In humans, urinary succinic acid is produced by Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumonia, Enterobacter, Acinetobacter, Proteus mirabilis, Citrobacter frundii, Enterococcus faecalis (PMID: 22292465). Succinic acid is also found in Actinobacillus, Anaerobiospirillum, Mannheimia, Corynebacterium and Basfia (PMID: 22292465; PMID: 18191255; PMID: 26360870). Succinic acid is widely distributed in higher plants and produced by microorganisms. It is found in cheeses and fresh meats. Succinic acid is a flavouring enhancer, pH control agent [DFC]. Succinic acid is also found in yellow wax bean, swamp cabbage, peanut, and abalone. An alpha,omega-dicarboxylic acid resulting from the formal oxidation of each of the terminal methyl groups of butane to the corresponding carboxy group. It is an intermediate metabolite in the citric acid cycle. COVID info from PDB, Protein Data Bank Corona-virus Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 SARS-CoV COVID19 SARS2 SARS Acquisition and generation of the data is financially supported in part by CREST/JST. KEIO_ID S004 Succinic acid is a potent and orally active anxiolytic agent. Succinic acid is an intermediate product of the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Succinic acid can be used as a precursor of many industrially important chemicals in food, chemical and pharmaceutical industries[1][2]. Succinic acid is a potent and orally active anxiolytic agent. Succinic acid is an intermediate product of the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Succinic acid can be used as a precursor of many industrially important chemicals in food, chemical and pharmaceutical industries[1][2].


Adenosine triphosphate

({[({[(2R,3S,4R,5R)-5-(6-amino-9H-purin-9-yl)-3,4-dihydroxyoxolan-2-yl]methoxy}(hydroxy)phosphoryl)oxy](hydroxy)phosphoryl}oxy)phosphonic acid

C10H16N5O13P3 (506.9957476)

Adenosine triphosphate, also known as atp or atriphos, is a member of the class of compounds known as purine ribonucleoside triphosphates. Purine ribonucleoside triphosphates are purine ribobucleotides with a triphosphate group linked to the ribose moiety. Adenosine triphosphate is slightly soluble (in water) and an extremely strong acidic compound (based on its pKa). Adenosine triphosphate can be found in a number of food items such as lichee, alpine sweetvetch, pecan nut, and black mulberry, which makes adenosine triphosphate a potential biomarker for the consumption of these food products. Adenosine triphosphate can be found primarily in blood, cellular cytoplasm, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and saliva, as well as throughout most human tissues. Adenosine triphosphate exists in all living species, ranging from bacteria to humans. In humans, adenosine triphosphate is involved in several metabolic pathways, some of which include phosphatidylethanolamine biosynthesis PE(16:0/18:4(6Z,9Z,12Z,15Z)), carteolol action pathway, phosphatidylethanolamine biosynthesis PE(20:3(5Z,8Z,11Z)/15:0), and carfentanil action pathway. Adenosine triphosphate is also involved in several metabolic disorders, some of which include lysosomal acid lipase deficiency (wolman disease), phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase deficiency 1 (PEPCK1), propionic acidemia, and the oncogenic action of d-2-hydroxyglutarate in hydroxygluaricaciduria. Moreover, adenosine triphosphate is found to be associated with rachialgia, neuroinfection, stroke, and subarachnoid hemorrhage. Adenosine triphosphate is a non-carcinogenic (not listed by IARC) potentially toxic compound. Adenosine triphosphate is a drug which is used for nutritional supplementation, also for treating dietary shortage or imbalanc. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is a complex organic chemical that participates in many processes. Found in all forms of life, ATP is often referred to as the "molecular unit of currency" of intracellular energy transfer. When consumed in metabolic processes, it converts to either the di- or monophosphates, respectively ADP and AMP. Other processes regenerate ATP such that the human body recycles its own body weight equivalent in ATP each day. It is also a precursor to DNA and RNA . ATP is able to store and transport chemical energy within cells. ATP also plays an important role in the synthesis of nucleic acids. ATP can be produced by various cellular processes, most typically in mitochondria by oxidative phosphorylation under the catalytic influence of ATP synthase. The total quantity of ATP in the human body is about 0.1 mole. The energy used by human cells requires the hydrolysis of 200 to 300 moles of ATP daily. This means that each ATP molecule is recycled 2000 to 3000 times during a single day. ATP cannot be stored, hence its consumption must closely follow its synthesis (DrugBank). Metabolism of organophosphates occurs principally by oxidation, by hydrolysis via esterases and by reaction with glutathione. Demethylation and glucuronidation may also occur. Oxidation of organophosphorus pesticides may result in moderately toxic products. In general, phosphorothioates are not directly toxic but require oxidative metabolism to the proximal toxin. The glutathione transferase reactions produce products that are, in most cases, of low toxicity. Paraoxonase (PON1) is a key enzyme in the metabolism of organophosphates. PON1 can inactivate some organophosphates through hydrolysis. PON1 hydrolyzes the active metabolites in several organophosphates insecticides as well as, nerve agents such as soman, sarin, and VX. The presence of PON1 polymorphisms causes there to be different enzyme levels and catalytic efficiency of this esterase, which in turn suggests that different individuals may be more susceptible to the toxic effect of organophosphate exposure (T3DB). ATP is an adenosine 5-phosphate in which the 5-phosphate is a triphosphate group. It is involved in the transportation of chemical energy during metabolic pathways. It has a role as a nutraceutical, a micronutrient, a fundamental metabolite and a cofactor. It is an adenosine 5-phosphate and a purine ribonucleoside 5-triphosphate. It is a conjugate acid of an ATP(3-). An adenine nucleotide containing three phosphate groups esterified to the sugar moiety. In addition to its crucial roles in metabolism adenosine triphosphate is a neurotransmitter. Adenosine triphosphate is a metabolite found in or produced by Escherichia coli (strain K12, MG1655). Adenosine-5-triphosphate is a natural product found in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Arabidopsis thaliana, and other organisms with data available. Adenosine Triphosphate is an adenine nucleotide comprised of three phosphate groups esterified to the sugar moiety, found in all living cells. Adenosine triphosphate is involved in energy production for metabolic processes and RNA synthesis. In addition, this substance acts as a neurotransmitter. In cancer studies, adenosine triphosphate is synthesized to examine its use to decrease weight loss and improve muscle strength. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is a nucleotide consisting of a purine base (adenine) attached to the first carbon atom of ribose (a pentose sugar). Three phosphate groups are esterified at the fifth carbon atom of the ribose. ATP is incorporated into nucleic acids by polymerases in the processes of DNA replication and transcription. ATP contributes to cellular energy charge and participates in overall energy balance, maintaining cellular homeostasis. ATP can act as an extracellular signaling molecule via interactions with specific purinergic receptors to mediate a wide variety of processes as diverse as neurotransmission, inflammation, apoptosis, and bone remodelling. Extracellular ATP and its metabolite adenosine have also been shown to exert a variety of effects on nearly every cell type in human skin, and ATP seems to play a direct role in triggering skin inflammatory, regenerative, and fibrotic responses to mechanical injury, an indirect role in melanocyte proliferation and apoptosis, and a complex role in Langerhans cell-directed adaptive immunity. During exercise, intracellular homeostasis depends on the matching of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) supply and ATP demand. Metabolites play a useful role in communicating the extent of ATP demand to the metabolic supply pathways. Effects as different as proliferation or differentiation, chemotaxis, release of cytokines or lysosomal constituents, and generation of reactive oxygen or nitrogen species are elicited upon stimulation of blood cells with extracellular ATP. The increased concentration of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in erythrocytes from patients with chronic renal failure (CRF) has been observed in many studies but the mechanism leading to these abnormalities still is controversial. (A3367, A3368, A3369, A3370, A3371). Adenosine triphosphate is a metabolite found in or produced by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. An adenine nucleotide containing three phosphate groups esterified to the sugar moiety. In addition to its crucial roles in metabolism adenosine triphosphate is a neurotransmitter. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is a nucleotide consisting of a purine base (adenine) attached to the first carbon atom of ribose (a pentose sugar). Three phosphate groups are esterified at the fifth carbon atom of the ribose. ATP is incorporated into nucleic acids by polymerases in the processes of DNA replication and transcription. ATP contributes to cellular energy charge and participates in overall energy balance, maintaining cellular homeostasis. ATP can act as an extracellular signaling molecule via interactions with specific purinergic receptors to mediate a wide variety of processes as diverse as neurotransmission, inflammation, apoptosis, and bone remodelling. Extracellular ATP and its metabolite adenosine have also been shown to exert a variety of effects on nearly every cell type in human skin, and ATP seems to play a direct role in triggering skin inflammatory, regenerative, and fibrotic responses to mechanical injury, an indirect role in melanocyte proliferation and apoptosis, and a complex role in Langerhans cell-directed adaptive immunity. During exercise, intracellular homeostasis depends on the matching of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) supply and ATP demand. Metabolites play a useful role in communicating the extent of ATP demand to the metabolic supply pathways. Effects as different as proliferation or differentiation, chemotaxis, release of cytokines or lysosomal constituents, and generation of reactive oxygen or nitrogen species are elicited upon stimulation of blood cells with extracellular ATP. The increased concentration of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in erythrocytes from patients with chronic renal failure (CRF) has been observed in many studies but the mechanism leading to these abnormalities still is controversial. (PMID: 15490415, 15129319, 14707763, 14696970, 11157473). 5′-ATP. CAS Common Chemistry. CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society, n.d. (retrieved 2024-07-01) (CAS RN: 56-65-5). Licensed under the Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0).


Adenosine diphosphate

[({[(2R,3S,4R,5R)-5-(6-amino-9H-purin-9-yl)-3,4-dihydroxyoxolan-2-yl]methoxy}(hydroxy)phosphoryl)oxy]phosphonic acid

C10H15N5O10P2 (427.029415)

Adenosine diphosphate (ADP), also known as adenosine pyrophosphate (APP), is an important organic compound in metabolism and is essential to the flow of energy in living cells. ADP consists of three important structural components: a sugar backbone attached to adenine and two phosphate groups bonded to the 5 carbon atom of ribose. The diphosphate group of ADP is attached to the 5’ carbon of the sugar backbone, while the adenine attaches to the 1’ carbon. ADP belongs to the class of organic compounds known as purine ribonucleoside diphosphates. These are purine ribobucleotides with diphosphate group linked to the ribose moiety. It is an ester of pyrophosphoric acid with the nucleotide adenine. Adenosine diphosphate is a nucleotide. ADP exists in all living species, ranging from bacteria to humans. In humans, ADP is involved in d4-gdi signaling pathway. ADP is the product of ATP dephosphorylation by ATPases. ADP is converted back to ATP by ATP synthases. ADP consists of the pyrophosphate group, the pentose sugar ribose, and the nucleobase adenine. Adenosine diphosphate, abbreviated ADP, is a nucleotide. It is an ester of pyrophosphoric acid with the nucleotide adenine. ADP consists of the pyrophosphate group, the pentose sugar ribose, and the nucleobase adenine. 5′-ADP. CAS Common Chemistry. CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society, n.d. (retrieved 2024-07-01) (CAS RN: 58-64-0). Licensed under the Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0). Adenosine 5'-diphosphate (Adenosine diphosphate) is a nucleoside diphosphate. Adenosine 5'-diphosphate is the product of ATP dephosphorylation by ATPases. Adenosine 5'-diphosphate induces human platelet aggregation and inhibits stimulated adenylate cyclase by an action at P2T-purinoceptors. Adenosine 5'-diphosphate (Adenosine diphosphate) is a nucleoside diphosphate. Adenosine 5'-diphosphate is the product of ATP dephosphorylation by ATPases. Adenosine 5'-diphosphate induces human platelet aggregation and inhibits stimulated adenylate cyclase by an action at P2T-purinoceptors.


Oxoglutaric acid

2-oxopentanedioic acid

C5H6O5 (146.0215226)

Oxoglutaric acid, also known as alpha-ketoglutarate, alpha-ketoglutaric acid, AKG, or 2-oxoglutaric acid, is classified as a gamma-keto acid or a gamma-keto acid derivative. gamma-Keto acids are organic compounds containing an aldehyde substituted with a keto group on the C4 carbon atom. alpha-Ketoglutarate is considered to be soluble (in water) and acidic. alpha-Ketoglutarate is a key molecule in the TCA cycle, playing a fundamental role in determining the overall rate of this important metabolic process (PMID: 26759695). In the TCA cycle, AKG is decarboxylated to succinyl-CoA and carbon dioxide by AKG dehydrogenase, which functions as a key control point of the TCA cycle. Additionally, AKG can be generated from isocitrate by oxidative decarboxylation catalyzed by the enzyme known as isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH). In addition to these routes of production, AKG can be produced from glutamate by oxidative deamination via glutamate dehydrogenase, and as a product of pyridoxal phosphate-dependent transamination reactions (mediated by branched-chain amino acid transaminases) in which glutamate is a common amino donor. AKG is a nitrogen scavenger and a source of glutamate and glutamine that stimulates protein synthesis and inhibits protein degradation in muscles. In particular, AKG can decrease protein catabolism and increase protein synthesis to enhance bone tissue formation in skeletal muscles (PMID: 26759695). Interestingly, enteric feeding of AKG supplements can significantly increase circulating plasma levels of hormones such as insulin, growth hormone, and insulin-like growth factor-1 (PMID: 26759695). It has recently been shown that AKG can extend the lifespan of adult C. elegans by inhibiting ATP synthase and TOR (PMID: 24828042). In combination with molecular oxygen, alpha-ketoglutarate is required for the hydroxylation of proline to hydroxyproline in the production of type I collagen. A recent study has shown that alpha-ketoglutarate promotes TH1 differentiation along with the depletion of glutamine thereby favouring Treg (regulatory T-cell) differentiation (PMID: 26420908). alpha-Ketoglutarate has been found to be associated with fumarase deficiency, 2-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex deficiency, and D-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria, which are all inborn errors of metabolism (PMID: 8338207). Oxoglutaric acid has been found to be a metabolite produced by Corynebacterium and yeast (PMID: 27872963) (YMDB). [Spectral] 2-Oxoglutarate (exact mass = 146.02152) and S-Adenosyl-L-homocysteine (exact mass = 384.12159) were not completely separated on HPLC under the present analytical conditions as described in AC$XXX. Additionally some of the peaks in this data contains dimers and other unidentified ions. [Spectral] 2-Oxoglutarate (exact mass = 146.02152) and (S)-Malate (exact mass = 134.02152) were not completely separated on HPLC under the present analytical conditions as described in AC$XXX. Additionally some of the peaks in this data contains dimers and other unidentified ions. Flavouring ingredient


Aconitate [cis or trans]

(1Z)-prop-1-ene-1,2,3-tricarboxylic acid

C6H6O6 (174.0164376)

cis-Aconitic acid is an intermediate in the tricarboxylic acid cycle produced by the dehydration of citric acid. The enzyme aconitase (aconitate hydratase; EC catalyses the stereo-specific isomerization of citrate to isocitrate via cis-aconitate in the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Present in apple fruits, maple syrup and passion fruit juice cis-Aconitic acid, also known as (Z)-aconitic acid, plays several important biological roles: Intermediate in the Citric Acid Cycle: cis-Aconitic acid is an intermediate in the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, also known as the Krebs cycle or citric acid cycle. It is formed from citrate by the enzyme aconitase and is rapidly converted into isocitrate, another key intermediate in the cycle. The TCA cycle is central to cellular respiration, generating energy-rich molecules like NADH and FADH2. Regulation of Aconitase Activity: The conversion of citrate to cis-aconitate and then to isocitrate by aconitase is an important regulatory step in the TCA cycle. This conversion helps in maintaining the balance of the cycle and is influenced by factors like the energy status of the cell. Role in Cholesterol Synthesis: cis-Aconitic acid is also involved in the synthesis of cholesterol. It serves as a precursor for the synthesis of mevalonate, a key intermediate in the cholesterol biosynthesis pathway. Potential Involvement in Disease: Altered metabolism or accumulation of cis-aconitic acid has been associated with certain diseases, including neurodegenerative disorders and cancer. Its role in these conditions is an area of ongoing research. Plant Growth and Development: In plants, cis-aconitic acid has been found to play a role in growth and development, including seed germination and leaf senescence. In summary, cis-aconitic acid is a crucial intermediate in the TCA cycle, impacting energy production and various metabolic pathways in cells. Its role extends to cholesterol synthesis and potentially to various disease processes, highlighting its importance in cellular metabolism and physiology. cis-Aconitic acid. CAS Common Chemistry. CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society, n.d. (retrieved 2024-07-01) (CAS RN: 585-84-2). Licensed under the Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0). (Z)-Aconitic acid (cis-Aconitic acid) is the cis-isomer of Aconitic acid. (Z)-Aconitic acid (cis-Aconitic acid) is an intermediate in the tricarboxylic acid cycle produced by the dehydration of citric acid. (Z)-Aconitic acid (cis-Aconitic acid) is the cis-isomer of Aconitic acid. (Z)-Aconitic acid (cis-Aconitic acid) is an intermediate in the tricarboxylic acid cycle produced by the dehydration of citric acid.


Coenzyme A

{[(2R,3S,4R,5R)-5-(6-amino-9H-purin-9-yl)-4-hydroxy-2-({[hydroxy({hydroxy[(3R)-3-hydroxy-2,2-dimethyl-3-({2-[(2-sulfanylethyl)carbamoyl]ethyl}carbamoyl)propoxy]phosphoryl}oxy)phosphoryl]oxy}methyl)oxolan-3-yl]oxy}phosphonic acid

C21H36N7O16P3S (767.1152046000001)

Coenzyme A (CoA, CoASH, or HSCoA) is a coenzyme notable for its role in the synthesis and oxidization of fatty acids and the oxidation of pyruvate in the citric acid cycle. It is adapted from beta-mercaptoethylamine, panthothenate, and adenosine triphosphate. It is also a parent compound for other transformation products, including but not limited to, phenylglyoxylyl-CoA, tetracosanoyl-CoA, and 6-hydroxyhex-3-enoyl-CoA. Coenzyme A is synthesized in a five-step process from pantothenate and cysteine. In the first step pantothenate (vitamin B5) is phosphorylated to 4-phosphopantothenate by the enzyme pantothenate kinase (PanK, CoaA, CoaX). In the second step, a cysteine is added to 4-phosphopantothenate by the enzyme phosphopantothenoylcysteine synthetase (PPC-DC, CoaB) to form 4-phospho-N-pantothenoylcysteine (PPC). In the third step, PPC is decarboxylated to 4-phosphopantetheine by phosphopantothenoylcysteine decarboxylase (CoaC). In the fourth step, 4-phosphopantetheine is adenylylated to form dephospho-CoA by the enzyme phosphopantetheine adenylyl transferase (CoaD). Finally, dephospho-CoA is phosphorylated using ATP to coenzyme A by the enzyme dephosphocoenzyme A kinase (CoaE). Since coenzyme A is, in chemical terms, a thiol, it can react with carboxylic acids to form thioesters, thus functioning as an acyl group carrier. CoA assists in transferring fatty acids from the cytoplasm to the mitochondria. A molecule of coenzyme A carrying an acetyl group is also referred to as acetyl-CoA. When it is not attached to an acyl group, it is usually referred to as CoASH or HSCoA. Coenzyme A is also the source of the phosphopantetheine group that is added as a prosthetic group to proteins such as acyl carrier proteins and formyltetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase. Acetyl-CoA is an important molecule itself. It is the precursor to HMG CoA which is a vital component in cholesterol and ketone synthesis. Furthermore, it contributes an acetyl group to choline to produce acetylcholine in a reaction catalysed by choline acetyltransferase. Its main task is conveying the carbon atoms within the acetyl group to the citric acid cycle to be oxidized for energy production (Wikipedia). Coenzyme A (CoA, CoASH, or HSCoA) is a coenzyme, notable for its role in the synthesis and oxidization of fatty acids, and the oxidation of pyruvate in the citric acid cycle. It is adapted from beta-mercaptoethylamine, panthothenate and adenosine triphosphate. Acetyl-CoA is an important molecule itself. It is the precursor to HMG CoA, which is a vital component in cholesterol and ketone synthesis. Furthermore, it contributes an acetyl group to choline to produce acetylcholine, in a reaction catalysed by choline acetyltransferase. Its main task is conveying the carbon atoms within the acetyl group to the citric acid cycle to be oxidized for energy production. -- Wikipedia [HMDB]. Coenzyme A is found in many foods, some of which are grape, cowpea, pili nut, and summer savory. COVID info from COVID-19 Disease Map, WikiPathways Corona-virus Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 SARS-CoV COVID19 SARS2 SARS Coenzyme A (CoASH) is a ubiquitous and essential cofactor, which is an acyl group carrier and carbonyl-activating group for the citric acid cycle and fatty acid metabolism. Coenzyme A plays a central role in the oxidation of pyruvate in the citric acid cycle and the metabolism of carboxylic acids, including short- and long-chain fatty acids[1]. Coenzyme A (CoASH) is a ubiquitous and essential cofactor, which is an acyl group carrier and carbonyl-activating group for the citric acid cycle and fatty acid metabolism. Coenzyme A plays a central role in the oxidation of pyruvate in the citric acid cycle and the metabolism of carboxylic acids, including short- and long-chain fatty acids[1]. Coenzyme A, a ubiquitous essential cofactor, is an acyl group carrier and carbonyl-activating group for the citric acid cycle and fatty acid metabolism. Coenzyme A plays a central role in the metabolism of carboxylic acids, including short- and long-chain fatty acids[1].


Guanosine diphosphate

[({[(2R,3S,4R,5R)-5-(2-amino-6-oxo-6,9-dihydro-3H-purin-9-yl)-3,4-dihydroxyoxolan-2-yl]methoxy}(hydroxy)phosphoryl)oxy]phosphonic acid

C10H15N5O11P2 (443.02433)

Guanosine diphosphate, also known as gdp or 5-diphosphate, guanosine, is a member of the class of compounds known as purine ribonucleoside diphosphates. Purine ribonucleoside diphosphates are purine ribobucleotides with diphosphate group linked to the ribose moiety. Guanosine diphosphate is slightly soluble (in water) and a moderately acidic compound (based on its pKa). Guanosine diphosphate can be found in a number of food items such as strawberry, onion-family vegetables, walnut, and scarlet bean, which makes guanosine diphosphate a potential biomarker for the consumption of these food products. Guanosine diphosphate can be found primarily in blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Guanosine diphosphate exists in all living species, ranging from bacteria to humans. In humans, guanosine diphosphate is involved in several metabolic pathways, some of which include betahistine h1-antihistamine action, fexofenadine h1-antihistamine action, clocinizine h1-antihistamine action, and bepotastine h1-antihistamine action. Guanosine diphosphate is also involved in several metabolic disorders, some of which include adenine phosphoribosyltransferase deficiency (APRT), canavan disease, gout or kelley-seegmiller syndrome, and pyruvate dehydrogenase complex deficiency. Moreover, guanosine diphosphate is found to be associated with epilepsy, subarachnoid hemorrhage, neuroinfection, and stroke. Guanosine diphosphate, abbreviated GDP, is a nucleoside diphosphate. It is an ester of pyrophosphoric acid with the nucleoside guanosine. GDP consists of the pyrophosphate group, the pentose sugar ribose, and the nucleobase guanine . Guanosine diphosphate, also known as 5-GDP or 5-diphosphate, guanosine, belongs to the class of organic compounds known as purine ribonucleoside diphosphates. These are purine ribobucleotides with diphosphate group linked to the ribose moiety. Guanosine diphosphate exists in all living species, ranging from bacteria to humans. In humans, guanosine diphosphate is involved in intracellular signalling through adenosine receptor A2B and adenosine. Outside of the human body, Guanosine diphosphate has been detected, but not quantified in several different foods, such as devilfish, java plums, green beans, almonds, and orange mints. Guanosine diphosphate is a purine ribonucleoside 5-diphosphate resulting from the formal condensation of the hydroxy group at the 5 position of guanosine with pyrophosphoric acid. COVID info from COVID-19 Disease Map, PDB, Protein Data Bank Corona-virus Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 SARS-CoV COVID19 SARS2 SARS


Guanosine triphosphate

({[({[(2R,3S,4R,5R)-5-(2-amino-6-oxo-6,9-dihydro-1H-purin-9-yl)-3,4-dihydroxyoxolan-2-yl]methoxy}(hydroxy)phosphoryl)oxy](hydroxy)phosphoryl}oxy)phosphonic acid

C10H16N5O14P3 (522.9906626)

Guanosine-5-triphosphate (GTP) is a purine nucleoside triphosphate. It is one of the building blocks needed for the synthesis of RNA during the transcription process. Its structure is similar to that of the guanosine nucleoside, the only difference being that nucleotides like GTP have phosphates on their ribose sugar. GTP has the guanine nucleobase attached to the 1 carbon of the ribose and it has the triphosphate moiety attached to riboses 5 carbon. GTP is essential to signal transduction, in particular with G-proteins, in second-messenger mechanisms where it is converted to guanosine diphosphate (GDP) through the action of GTPases. Guanosine triphosphate, also known as 5-GTP or H4GTP, belongs to the class of organic compounds known as purine ribonucleoside triphosphates. These are purine ribonucleotides with a triphosphate group linked to the ribose moiety. Thus, a GTP-bound tubulin serves as a cap at the tip of microtubule to protect from depolymerization; and, once the GTP is hydrolyzed, the microtubule begins to depolymerize and shrink rapidly. Guanosine triphosphate exists in all living species, ranging from bacteria to humans. In humans, guanosine triphosphate is involved in intracellular signalling through adenosine receptor A2B and adenosine. Guanosine-5-triphosphate (GTP) is a purine nucleoside triphosphate. Outside of the human body, guanosine triphosphate has been detected, but not quantified in several different foods, such as mandarin orange (clementine, tangerine), coconuts, new zealand spinachs, sweet marjorams, and pepper (capsicum). Cyclic guanosine triphosphate (cGTP) helps cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) activate cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channels in the olfactory system. It also has the role of a source of energy or an activator of substrates in metabolic reactions, like that of ATP, but more specific. It is used as a source of energy for protein synthesis and gluconeogenesis. For instance, a GTP molecule is generated by one of the enzymes in the citric acid cycle. GTP is also used as an energy source for the translocation of the ribosome towards the 3 end of the mRNA. During microtubule polymerization, each heterodimer formed by an alpha and a beta tubulin molecule carries two GTP molecules, and the GTP is hydrolyzed to GDP when the tubulin dimers are added to the plus end of the growing microtubule. The importing of these proteins plays an important role in several pathways regulated within the mitochondria organelle, such as converting oxaloacetate to phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) in gluconeogenesis. GTP is involved in energy transfer within the cell. Guanosine triphosphate (GTP) is a guanine nucleotide containing three phosphate groups esterified to the sugar moiety. GTP functions as a carrier of phosphates and pyrophosphates involved in channeling chemical energy into specific biosynthetic pathways. GTP activates the signal transducing G proteins which are involved in various cellular processes including proliferation, differentiation, and activation of several intracellular kinase cascades. Proliferation and apoptosis are regulated in part by the hydrolysis of GTP by small GTPases Ras and Rho. Another type of small GTPase, Rab, plays a role in the docking and fusion of vesicles and may also be involved in vesicle formation. In addition to its role in signal transduction, GTP also serves as an energy-rich precursor of mononucleotide units in the enzymatic biosynthesis of DNA and RNA. [HMDB]. Guanosine triphosphate is found in many foods, some of which are oat, star fruit, lingonberry, and linden. COVID info from PDB, Protein Data Bank, WikiPathways Corona-virus Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 SARS-CoV COVID19 SARS2 SARS


Phosphoenolpyruvic acid

Phosphoenolpyruvic Acid Trisodium Salt monohydrate

C3H5O6P (167.98237600000002)

Phosphoenolpyruvate, also known as pep or 2-(phosphonooxy)-2-propenoic acid, is a member of the class of compounds known as phosphate esters. Phosphate esters are organic compounds containing phosphoric acid ester functional group, with the general structure R1P(=O)(R2)OR3. R1,R2 = O,N, or halogen atom; R3 = organyl group. Phosphoenolpyruvate is soluble (in water) and an extremely strong acidic compound (based on its pKa). Phosphoenolpyruvate can be found in a number of food items such as okra, endive, chestnut, and dandelion, which makes phosphoenolpyruvate a potential biomarker for the consumption of these food products. Phosphoenolpyruvate can be found primarily in blood, cellular cytoplasm, and saliva, as well as in human prostate tissue. Phosphoenolpyruvate exists in all living species, ranging from bacteria to humans. In humans, phosphoenolpyruvate is involved in several metabolic pathways, some of which include glycolysis, amino sugar metabolism, gluconeogenesis, and glycogenosis, type IC. Phosphoenolpyruvate is also involved in several metabolic disorders, some of which include glycogen storage disease type 1A (GSD1A) or von gierke disease, salla disease/infantile sialic acid storage disease, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase deficiency 1 (PEPCK1), and pyruvate dehydrogenase complex deficiency. Phosphoenolpyruvate (2-phosphoenolpyruvate, PEP) as the ester derived from the enol of pyruvate and phosphate. It exists as an anion; the parent acid, which is only of theoretical interest, is phosphoenolpyruvic acid. PEP is an important intermediate in biochemistry. It has the highest-energy phosphate bond found (−61.9 kJ/mol) in living organisms, and is involved in glycolysis and gluconeogenesis. In plants, it is also involved in the biosynthesis of various aromatic compounds, and in carbon fixation; in bacteria, it is also used as the source of energy for the phosphotransferase system . Phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) is an important chemical compound in biochemistry. It has a high energy phosphate bond, and is involved in glycolysis and gluconeogenesis. In glycolysis, PEP is formed by the action of the enzyme enolase on 2-phosphoglycerate. Metabolism of PEP to pyruvate by pyruvate kinase (PK) generates 1 molecule of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) via substrate-level phosphorylation. ATP is one of the major currencies of chemical energy within cells. In gluconeogenesis, PEP is formed from the decarboxylation of oxaloacetate and hydrolysis of 1 guanosine triphosphate molecule. This reaction is catalyzed by the enzyme phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK). This reaction is a rate-limiting step in gluconeogenesis. (wikipedia). [Spectral] Phosphoenolpyruvate (exact mass = 167.98237) and 6-Phospho-D-gluconate (exact mass = 276.02463) were not completely separated on HPLC under the present analytical conditions as described in AC$XXX. Additionally some of the peaks in this data contains dimers and other unidentified ions. Acquisition and generation of the data is financially supported in part by CREST/JST. KEIO_ID P007


DL-Malic acid

2-Hydroxyethane-1,2-dicarboxylic acid

C4H6O5 (134.0215226)

Malic acid (CAS: 6915-15-7) is a tart-tasting organic dicarboxylic acid that plays a role in many sour or tart foods. Apples contain malic acid, which contributes to the sourness of a green apple. Malic acid can make a wine taste tart, although the amount decreases with increasing fruit ripeness (Wikipedia). In its ionized form, malic acid is called malate. Malate is an intermediate of the TCA cycle along with fumarate. It can also be formed from pyruvate as one of the anaplerotic reactions. In humans, malic acid is both derived from food sources and synthesized in the body through the citric acid cycle or Krebs cycle which takes place in the mitochondria. Malates importance to the production of energy in the body during both aerobic and anaerobic conditions is well established. Under aerobic conditions, the oxidation of malate to oxaloacetate provides reducing equivalents to the mitochondria through the malate-aspartate redox shuttle. During anaerobic conditions, where a buildup of excess reducing equivalents inhibits glycolysis, malic acids simultaneous reduction to succinate and oxidation to oxaloacetate is capable of removing the accumulating reducing equivalents. This allows malic acid to reverse hypoxias inhibition of glycolysis and energy production. In studies on rats, it has been found that only tissue malate is depleted following exhaustive physical activity. Other key metabolites from the citric acid cycle needed for energy production were found to be unchanged. Because of this, a deficiency of malic acid has been hypothesized to be a major cause of physical exhaustion. Notably, the administration of malic acid to rats has been shown to elevate mitochondrial malate and increase mitochondrial respiration and energy production. Malic acid has been found to be a metabolite in Aspergillus (Hugo Vanden Bossche, D.W.R. Mackenzie and G. Cauwenbergh. Aspergillus and Aspergillosis, 1987). Acidulant, antioxidant, flavouring agent, flavour enhancer. Not for use in baby foods (GRAS) Malic acid. CAS Common Chemistry. CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society, n.d. (retrieved 2024-07-01) (CAS RN: 6915-15-7). Licensed under the Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0). (S)-Malic acid ((S)-2-Hydroxysuccinic acid) is a dicarboxylic acid in naturally occurring form, contributes to the pleasantly sour taste of fruits and is used as a food additive. (S)-Malic acid ((S)-2-Hydroxysuccinic acid) is a dicarboxylic acid in naturally occurring form, contributes to the pleasantly sour taste of fruits and is used as a food additive. Malic acid (Hydroxybutanedioic acid) is a dicarboxylic acid that is naturally found in fruits such as apples and pears. It plays a role in many sour or tart foods. Malic acid (Hydroxybutanedioic acid) is a dicarboxylic acid that is naturally found in fruits such as apples and pears. It plays a role in many sour or tart foods.



3-Carboxy-3-oxopropanoic acid

C4H4O5 (132.00587339999998)

Oxalacetic acid, also known as oxaloacetic acid, keto-oxaloacetate or 2-oxobutanedioate, belongs to the class of organic compounds known as short-chain keto acids and derivatives. These are keto acids with an alkyl chain the contains less than 6 carbon atoms. Oxalacetic acid is a metabolic intermediate in many processes that occur in animals and plants. It takes part in gluconeogenesis, the urea cycle, the glyoxylate cycle, amino acid synthesis, fatty acid synthesis and the citric acid cycle. Oxalacetic acid exists in all living species, ranging from bacteria to plants to humans. Within humans, oxalacetic acid participates in a number of enzymatic reactions. In particular, oxalacetic acid is an intermediate of the citric acid cycle, where it reacts with acetyl-CoA to form citrate, catalyzed by citrate synthase. It is also involved in gluconeogenesis and the urea cycle. In gluconeogenesis oxaloacetate is decarboxylated and phosphorylated by phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase and becomes 2-phosphoenolpyruvate using guanosine triphosphate (GTP) as phosphate source. In the urea cycle, malate is acted on by malate dehydrogenase to become oxaloacetate, producing a molecule of NADH. After that, oxaloacetate can be recycled to aspartate, as this recycling maintains the flow of nitrogen into the cell. In mice, injections of oxalacetic acid have been shown to promote brain mitochondrial biogenesis, activate the insulin signaling pathway, reduce neuroinflammation and activate hippocampal neurogenesis (PMID: 25027327). Oxalacetic acid has also been reported to reduce hyperglycemia in type II diabetes and to extend longevity in C. elegans (PMID: 25027327). Outside of the human body, oxalacetic acid has been detected, but not quantified in, several different foods, such as Persian limes, lemon balms, wild rice, canola, and peanuts. This could make oxalacetic acid a potential biomarker for the consumption of these foods. Oxalacetic acid, also known as ketosuccinic acid or oxaloacetate, belongs to short-chain keto acids and derivatives class of compounds. Those are keto acids with an alkyl chain the contains less than 6 carbon atoms. Thus, oxalacetic acid is considered to be a fatty acid lipid molecule. Oxalacetic acid is soluble (in water) and a moderately acidic compound (based on its pKa). Oxalacetic acid can be synthesized from succinic acid. Oxalacetic acid can also be synthesized into oxaloacetic acid 4-methyl ester. Oxalacetic acid can be found in a number of food items such as daikon radish, sacred lotus, cucurbita (gourd), and tarragon, which makes oxalacetic acid a potential biomarker for the consumption of these food products. Oxalacetic acid can be found primarily in cellular cytoplasm, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and urine, as well as in human liver tissue. Oxalacetic acid exists in all living species, ranging from bacteria to humans. In humans, oxalacetic acid is involved in several metabolic pathways, some of which include the oncogenic action of succinate, the oncogenic action of 2-hydroxyglutarate, glycogenosis, type IB, and the oncogenic action of fumarate. Oxalacetic acid is also involved in several metabolic disorders, some of which include the oncogenic action of l-2-hydroxyglutarate in hydroxygluaricaciduria, transfer of acetyl groups into mitochondria, argininemia, and 2-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex deficiency. Moreover, oxalacetic acid is found to be associated with anoxia. C274 - Antineoplastic Agent > C177430 - Agent Targeting Cancer Metabolism C26170 - Protective Agent > C1509 - Neuroprotective Agent Oxaloacetic acid (2-Oxosuccinic acid) is a metabolic intermediate involved in several ways, such as citric acid cycle, gluconeogenesis, the urea cycle, the glyoxylate cycle, amino acid synthesis, and fatty acid synthesis[1][2]. Oxaloacetic acid (2-Oxosuccinic acid) is a metabolic intermediate involved in several ways, such as citric acid cycle, gluconeogenesis, the urea cycle, the glyoxylate cycle, amino acid synthesis, and fatty acid synthesis[1][2].



(1,8-Diethyl-1,3,4,9-tetrahydro-pyrano[3,4-b]indol-1-yl)-acetic acid

C17H21NO3 (287.1521356)

Etodolac is only found in individuals that have used or taken this drug. It is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) with anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic properties. Its therapeutic effects are due to its ability to inhibit prostaglandin synthesis. It is indicated for relief of signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Similar to other NSAIDs, the anti-inflammatory effects of etodolac result from inhibition of the enzyme cycooxygenase (COX). This decreases the synthesis of peripheral prostaglandins involved in mediating inflammation. Etodolac binds to the upper portion of the COX enzyme active site and prevents its substrate, arachidonic acid, from entering the active site. Etodolac was previously thought to be a non-selective COX inhibitor, but it is now known to be 5 – 50 times more selective for COX-2 than COX-1. Antipyresis may occur by central action on the hypothalamus, resulting in peripheral dilation, increased cutaneous blood flow, and subsequent heat loss. M - Musculo-skeletal system > M01 - Antiinflammatory and antirheumatic products > M01A - Antiinflammatory and antirheumatic products, non-steroids > M01AB - Acetic acid derivatives and related substances D018501 - Antirheumatic Agents > D000894 - Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal > D016861 - Cyclooxygenase Inhibitors D004791 - Enzyme Inhibitors > D016861 - Cyclooxygenase Inhibitors > D052246 - Cyclooxygenase 2 Inhibitors C78272 - Agent Affecting Nervous System > C241 - Analgesic Agent > C2198 - Nonnarcotic Analgesic D006133 - Growth Substances > D010937 - Plant Growth Regulators > D007210 - Indoleacetic Acids D018373 - Peripheral Nervous System Agents > D018689 - Sensory System Agents D002491 - Central Nervous System Agents > D000700 - Analgesics D000893 - Anti-Inflammatory Agents KEIO_ID E034; [MS2] KO008956 KEIO_ID E034



{[(2R,3S,4R,5R)-2-({[({[(3R)-3-[(2-{[2-(acetylsulfanyl)ethyl]carbamoyl}ethyl)carbamoyl]-3-hydroxy-2,2-dimethylpropoxy](hydroxy)phosphoryl}oxy)(hydroxy)phosphoryl]oxy}methyl)-5-(6-amino-9H-purin-9-yl)-4-hydroxyoxolan-3-yl]oxy}phosphonic acid

C23H38N7O17P3S (809.1257688000001)

The main function of coenzyme A is to carry acyl groups (such as the acetyl group) or thioesters. Acetyl-CoA is an important molecule itself. It is the precursor to HMG CoA, which is a vital component in cholesterol and ketone synthesis. (wikipedia). acetyl CoA participates in the biosynthesis of fatty acids and sterols, in the oxidation of fatty acids and in the metabolism of many amino acids. It also acts as a biological acetylating agent. The main function of coenzyme A is to carry acyl groups (such as the acetyl group) or thioesters. Acetyl-CoA is an important molecule itself. It is the precursor to HMG CoA, which is a vital component in cholesterol and ketone synthesis. (wikipedia)


Isocitric acid

3-carboxy-2,3-dideoxy-1-hydroxypropan-1,2,3-tricarboxylic acid

C6H8O7 (192.0270018)

Isocitric acid, also known as isocitrate belongs to the class of organic compounds known as tricarboxylic acids and derivatives. These are carboxylic acids containing exactly three carboxyl groups. Isocitric acid is a TCA (tricarboxylic acid) cycle intermediate. It is a structural isomer of citric acid and is formed from citrate with the help of the enzyme aconitase. More specifically, Isocitric acid is synthesized from citric acid via the intermediate cis-aconitic acid by the enzyme aconitase (aconitate hydratase). Isocitrate is acted upon by isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) to form alpha-ketoglutarate. This is a two-step process, which involves oxidation of isocitrate to oxalosuccinate (a ketone), followed by the decarboxylation of the carboxyl group beta to the ketone, forming alpha-ketoglutarate. In humans, IDH exists in three isoforms: IDH3 catalyzes the third step of the citric acid cycle while converting NAD+ to NADH in the mitochondria. The isoforms IDH1 and IDH2 catalyze the same reaction outside the context of the citric acid cycle and use NADP+ as a cofactor instead of NAD+. They localize to the cytosol as well as the mitochondrion and peroxisome. Isocitric acid exists in all living species, ranging from bacteria to plants to humans. Isocitric acid is a minor organic acid found in most fruit juices, especially in blackberries, youngberries, and boyberries, and in vegetables, especially in carrots. The determination of D-isocitric acid has become of importance in the analysis of fruit juices for the detection of illegal additives (adulteration). Since the quantities of citric and isocitric acids are correlated in fruit juices, a high ratio of citric to isocitric acid can indicate the addition of citric acid as an alduterant. In authentic orange juice, for example, the ratio of citric acid to D-isocitric acid is usually less than 130. Isocitric acid is mostly used in the food industry (food additive) as a food acidulant. The citrate oxidation to isocitrate is catalyzed by the enzyme aconitase. Human prostatic secretion is remarkably rich in citric acid and low aconitase activity will therefore play a significant role in enabling accumulation of high citrate levels (PubMed ID 8115279) [HMDB]. Isocitric acid is found in many foods, some of which are wild carrot, redcurrant, carrot, and soursop. [Spectral] Isocitrate (exact mass = 192.027) and CDP (exact mass = 403.01818) were not completely separated on HPLC under the present analytical conditions as described in AC$XXX. Additionally some of the peaks in this data contains dimers and other unidentified ions. Isocitric acid. CAS Common Chemistry. CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society, n.d. (retrieved 2024-07-01) (CAS RN: 320-77-4). Licensed under the Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0). Isocitric acid is an endogenous metabolite present in Saliva and Cellular_Cytoplasm that can be used for the research of Alzheimer's Disease, Lewy Body Dementia and Anoxia[1][2][3]. Isocitric acid is an endogenous metabolite present in Saliva and Cellular_Cytoplasm that can be used for the research of Alzheimer's Disease, Lewy Body Dementia and Anoxia[1][2][3].


Pyruvic acid

alpha-Ketopropanoic acid

C3H4O3 (88.0160434)

Pyruvic acid, also known as 2-oxopropanoic acid or alpha-ketopropionic acid, belongs to alpha-keto acids and derivatives class of compounds. Those are organic compounds containing an aldehyde substituted with a keto group on the adjacent carbon. Thus, pyruvic acid is considered to be a fatty acid lipid molecule. Pyruvic acid is soluble (in water) and a moderately acidic compound (based on its pKa). Pyruvic acid can be synthesized from propionic acid. Pyruvic acid is also a parent compound for other transformation products, including but not limited to, 4-hydroxy-3-iodophenylpyruvate, 3-acylpyruvic acid, and methyl pyruvate. Pyruvic acid can be found in a number of food items such as kumquat, groundcherry, coconut, and prunus (cherry, plum), which makes pyruvic acid a potential biomarker for the consumption of these food products. Pyruvic acid can be found primarily in most biofluids, including sweat, blood, urine, and feces, as well as throughout most human tissues. Pyruvic acid exists in all living species, ranging from bacteria to humans. In humans, pyruvic acid is involved in several metabolic pathways, some of which include glycogenosis, type IB, glycolysis, urea cycle, and gluconeogenesis. Pyruvic acid is also involved in several metabolic disorders, some of which include non ketotic hyperglycinemia, pyruvate dehydrogenase complex deficiency, fructose-1,6-diphosphatase deficiency, and 4-hydroxybutyric aciduria/succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase deficiency. Moreover, pyruvic acid is found to be associated with anoxia, schizophrenia, fumarase deficiency, and meningitis. Pyruvic acid is a non-carcinogenic (not listed by IARC) potentially toxic compound. Pyruvic acid is a drug which is used for nutritional supplementation, also for treating dietary shortage or imbalanc. Pyruvic acid can be made from glucose through glycolysis, converted back to carbohydrates (such as glucose) via gluconeogenesis, or to fatty acids through a reaction with acetyl-CoA. It can also be used to construct the amino acid alanine and can be converted into ethanol or lactic acid via fermentation . Those taking large doses of supplemental pyruvate—usually greater than 5 grams daily—have reported gastrointestinal symptoms, including abdominal discomfort and bloating, gas and diarrhea. One child receiving pyruvate intravenously for restrictive cardiomyopathy died (DrugBank). Pyruvate serves as a biological fuel by being converted to acetyl coenzyme A, which enters the tricarboxylic acid or Krebs cycle where it is metabolized to produce ATP aerobically. Energy can also be obtained anaerobically from pyruvate via its conversion to lactate. Pyruvate injections or perfusions increase contractile function of hearts when metabolizing glucose or fatty acids. This inotropic effect is striking in hearts stunned by ischemia/reperfusion. The inotropic effect of pyruvate requires intracoronary infusion. Among possible mechanisms for this effect are increased generation of ATP and an increase in ATP phosphorylation potential. Another is activation of pyruvate dehydrogenase, promoting its own oxidation by inhibiting pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase. Pyruvate dehydrogenase is inactivated in ischemia myocardium. Yet another is reduction of cytosolic inorganic phosphate concentration. Pyruvate, as an antioxidant, is known to scavenge such reactive oxygen species as hydrogen peroxide and lipid peroxides. Indirectly, supraphysiological levels of pyruvate may increase cellular reduced glutathione (T3DB). Pyruvic acid or pyruvate is a simple alpha-keto acid. It is a three-carbon molecule containing a carboxylic acid group and a ketone functional group. Pyruvate is the simplest alpha-keto acid and according to official nomenclature by IUPAC, it is called alpha-keto propanoic acid. Like other keto acids, pyruvic acid can tautomerize from its ketone form to its enol form, containing a double bond and an alcohol. Pyruvate is found in all living organisms ranging from bacteria to plants to humans. It is intermediate compound in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Pyruvate is a key intermediate in several metabolic pathways throughout the cell. In particular, pyruvic acid can be made from glucose through glycolysis, converted back to carbohydrates (such as glucose) via gluconeogenesis, or to fatty acids through a reaction with acetyl-CoA. Pyruvic acid supplies energy to cells through the citric acid cycle (TCA or Krebs cycle) when oxygen is present (aerobic respiration), and alternatively ferments to produce lactate when oxygen is lacking (lactic acid). In glycolysis, phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) is converted to pyruvate by pyruvate kinase. This reaction is strongly exergonic and irreversible. In gluconeogenesis, it takes two enzymes, pyruvate carboxylase and PEP carboxykinase, to catalyze the reverse transformation of pyruvate to PEP. Pyruvic acid is also a metabolite of Corynebacterium (PMID: 27872963). Pyruvic acid. CAS Common Chemistry. CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society, n.d. (retrieved 2024-07-01) (CAS RN: 127-17-3). Licensed under the Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0). Pyruvic acid is an intermediate metabolite in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Pyruvic acid is an intermediate metabolite in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.



beta-Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide hydrate

[C21H28N7O14P2]+ (664.1169428000001)

[Spectral] NAD+ (exact mass = 663.10912) and 3,4-Dihydroxy-L-phenylalanine (exact mass = 197.06881) and Cytidine (exact mass = 243.08552) were not completely separated on HPLC under the present analytical conditions as described in AC$XXX. Additionally some of the peaks in this data contains dimers and other unidentified ions. [Spectral] NAD+ (exact mass = 663.10912) and NADP+ (exact mass = 743.07545) were not completely separated on HPLC under the present analytical conditions as described in AC$XXX. Additionally some of the peaks in this data contains dimers and other unidentified ions. COVID info from COVID-19 Disease Map Corona-virus Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 SARS-CoV COVID19 SARS2 SARS


1,4-Dihydronicotinamide adenine dinucleotide

Dihydronicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide

C21H29N7O14P2 (665.1247674)

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) is a coenzyme central to metabolism. Found in all living cells, NAD is called a dinucleotide because it consists of two nucleotides joined through their phosphate groups. One nucleotide contains an adenine nucleobase and the other nicotinamide. NAD exists in two forms: an oxidized and reduced form, abbreviated as NAD+ and NADH (H for hydrogen) respectively. NADH is the reduced form of NAD+, and NAD+ is the oxidized form of NADH. NAD (or nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is used extensively in glycolysis and the citric acid cycle of cellular respiration. The reducing potential stored in NADH can be either converted into ATP through the electron transport chain or used for anabolic metabolism. ATP "energy" is necessary for an organism to live. Green plants obtain ATP through photosynthesis, while other organisms obtain it via cellular respiration. NAD is a coenzyme composed of ribosylnicotinamide 5-diphosphate coupled to adenosine 5-phosphate by a pyrophosphate linkage. It is found widely in nature and is involved in numerous enzymatic reactions in which it serves as an electron carrier by being alternately oxidized (NAD+) and reduced (NADH). NADP is formed through the addition of a phosphate group to the 2 position of the adenosyl nucleotide through an ester linkage. NADH is the reduced form of NAD+, and NAD+ is the oxidized form of NADH, A coenzyme composed of ribosylnicotinamide 5-diphosphate coupled to adenosine 5-phosphate by pyrophosphate linkage. It is found widely in nature and is involved in numerous enzymatic reactions in which it serves as an electron carrier by being alternately oxidized (NAD+) and reduced (NADH). It forms NADP with the addition of a phosphate group to the 2 position of the adenosyl nucleotide through an ester linkage.(Dorland, 27th ed) [HMDB]. NADH is found in many foods, some of which are dill, ohelo berry, fox grape, and black-eyed pea. Acquisition and generation of the data is financially supported in part by CREST/JST. COVID info from COVID-19 Disease Map Corona-virus Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 SARS-CoV COVID19 SARS2 SARS




C6H4O2 (108.0211284)

Quinone is also called 1,4-benzoquinone or cyclohexadienedione. Quinones are oxidized derivatives of aromatic compounds and are often readily made from reactive aromatic compounds with electron-donating substituents such as phenols and catechols, which increase the nucleophilicity of the ring and contributes to the large redox potential needed to break aromaticity. Derivatives of quinones are common constituents of biologically relevant molecules. Some serve as electron acceptors in electron transport chains such as those in photosynthesis (plastoquinone, phylloquinone), and aerobic respiration (ubiquinone). Quinone is a common constituent of biologically relevant molecules (e.g. Vitamin K1 is phylloquinone). A natural example of quinones as oxidizing agents is the spray of bombardier beetles. Hydroquinone is reacted with hydrogen peroxide to produce a fiery blast of steam, a strong deterent in the animal world. 1,4-Benzoquinone, commonly known as para-quinone or quinone, is a chemical compound with the formula C6H4O2. 1,4-Benzoquinone is found in barley, olive, and anise. D019995 - Laboratory Chemicals > D007202 - Indicators and Reagents



Hydroquinone, lead (2+) salt (2:1)

C6H6O2 (110.0367776)

Hydroquinone, also benzene-1,4-diol, is an aromatic organic compound which is a type of phenol, having the chemical formula C6H4(OH)2. Its chemical structure has two hydroxyl groups bonded to a benzene ring in a para position. Hydroquinone is commonly used as a biomarker for benzene exposure. The presence of hydroquinone in normal individuals stems mainly from direct dietary ingestion, catabolism of tyrosine and other substrates by gut bacteria, ingestion of arbutin containing foods, cigarette smoking, and the use of some over-the-counter medicines. Hydroquinone is a white granular solid at room temperature and pressure. The hydroxyl groups of hydroquinone are quite weakly acidic. Hydroquinone can lose an H+ from one of the hydroxyls to form a monophenolate ion or lose an H+ from both to form a diphenolate ion. Hydroquinone has a variety of uses principally associated with its action as a reducing agent which is soluble in water. It is a major component in most photographic developers where, with the compound Metol, it reduces silver halides to elemental silver. [HMDB]. Hydroquinone is found in many foods, some of which are kai-lan, agar, red bell pepper, and jostaberry. Hydroquinone, also known as benzene-1,4-diol, is an aromatic organic compound which is a type of phenol, having the chemical formula C6H4(OH)2. Its chemical structure has two hydroxyl groups bonded to a benzene ring in a para position. Hydroquinone is commonly used as a biomarker for benzene exposure. The presence of hydroquinone in normal individuals stems mainly from direct dietary ingestion, catabolism of tyrosine and other substrates by gut bacteria, ingestion of arbutin-containing foods, cigarette smoking, and the use of some over-the-counter medicines. Hydroquinone is a white granular solid at room temperature and pressure. The hydroxyl groups of hydroquinone are quite weakly acidic. Hydroquinone can lose an H+ from one of the hydroxyls to form a monophenolate ion or lose an H+ from both to form a diphenolate ion. Hydroquinone has a variety of uses principally associated with its action as a reducing agent which is soluble in water. It is a major component of most photographic developers where, with the compound Metol, it reduces silver halides to elemental silver. D020011 - Protective Agents > D011837 - Radiation-Protective Agents D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants D009676 - Noxae > D009153 - Mutagens D - Dermatologicals



Sterile purified water in containers

H2O (18.0105642)

Water is a chemical substance that is essential to all known forms of life. It appears colorless to the naked eye in small quantities, though it is actually slightly blue in color. It covers 71\\% of Earths surface. Current estimates suggest that there are 1.4 billion cubic kilometers (330 million m3) of it available on Earth, and it exists in many forms. It appears mostly in the oceans (saltwater) and polar ice caps, but it is also present as clouds, rain water, rivers, freshwater aquifers, lakes, and sea ice. Water in these bodies perpetually moves through a cycle of evaporation, precipitation, and runoff to the sea. Clean water is essential to human life. In many parts of the world, it is in short supply. From a biological standpoint, water has many distinct properties that are critical for the proliferation of life that set it apart from other substances. It carries out this role by allowing organic compounds to react in ways that ultimately allow replication. All known forms of life depend on water. Water is vital both as a solvent in which many of the bodys solutes dissolve and as an essential part of many metabolic processes within the body. Metabolism is the sum total of anabolism and catabolism. In anabolism, water is removed from molecules (through energy requiring enzymatic chemical reactions) in order to grow larger molecules (e.g. starches, triglycerides and proteins for storage of fuels and information). In catabolism, water is used to break bonds in order to generate smaller molecules (e.g. glucose, fatty acids and amino acids to be used for fuels for energy use or other purposes). Water is thus essential and central to these metabolic processes. Water is also central to photosynthesis and respiration. Photosynthetic cells use the suns energy to split off waters hydrogen from oxygen. Hydrogen is combined with CO2 (absorbed from air or water) to form glucose and release oxygen. All living cells use such fuels and oxidize the hydrogen and carbon to capture the suns energy and reform water and CO2 in the process (cellular respiration). Water is also central to acid-base neutrality and enzyme function. An acid, a hydrogen ion (H+, that is, a proton) donor, can be neutralized by a base, a proton acceptor such as hydroxide ion (OH-) to form water. Water is considered to be neutral, with a pH (the negative log of the hydrogen ion concentration) of 7. Acids have pH values less than 7 while bases have values greater than 7. Stomach acid (HCl) is useful to digestion. However, its corrosive effect on the esophagus during reflux can temporarily be neutralized by ingestion of a base such as aluminum hydroxide to produce the neutral molecules water and the salt aluminum chloride. Human biochemistry that involves enzymes usually performs optimally around a biologically neutral pH of 7.4. (Wikipedia). Water, also known as purified water or dihydrogen oxide, is a member of the class of compounds known as homogeneous other non-metal compounds. Homogeneous other non-metal compounds are inorganic non-metallic compounds in which the largest atom belongs to the class of other nonmetals. Water can be found in a number of food items such as caraway, oxheart cabbage, alaska wild rhubarb, and japanese walnut, which makes water a potential biomarker for the consumption of these food products. Water can be found primarily in most biofluids, including ascites Fluid, blood, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and lymph, as well as throughout all human tissues. Water exists in all living species, ranging from bacteria to humans. In humans, water is involved in several metabolic pathways, some of which include cardiolipin biosynthesis CL(20:4(5Z,8Z,11Z,14Z)/18:0/20:4(5Z,8Z,11Z,14Z)/18:2(9Z,12Z)), cardiolipin biosynthesis cl(i-13:0/i-15:0/i-20:0/i-24:0), cardiolipin biosynthesis CL(18:0/18:0/20:4(5Z,8Z,11Z,14Z)/22:5(7Z,10Z,13Z,16Z,19Z)), and cardiolipin biosynthesis cl(a-13:0/i-18:0/i-13:0/i-19:0). Water is also involved in several metabolic disorders, some of which include de novo triacylglycerol biosynthesis tg(i-21:0/i-13:0/21:0), de novo triacylglycerol biosynthesis tg(22:0/20:0/i-20:0), de novo triacylglycerol biosynthesis tg(a-21:0/i-20:0/i-14:0), and de novo triacylglycerol biosynthesis tg(i-21:0/a-17:0/i-12:0). Water is a drug which is used for diluting or dissolving drugs for intravenous, intramuscular or subcutaneous injection, according to instructions of the manufacturer of the drug to be administered [fda label]. Water plays an important role in the world economy. Approximately 70\\% of the freshwater used by humans goes to agriculture. Fishing in salt and fresh water bodies is a major source of food for many parts of the world. Much of long-distance trade of commodities (such as oil and natural gas) and manufactured products is transported by boats through seas, rivers, lakes, and canals. Large quantities of water, ice, and steam are used for cooling and heating, in industry and homes. Water is an excellent solvent for a wide variety of chemical substances; as such it is widely used in industrial processes, and in cooking and washing. Water is also central to many sports and other forms of entertainment, such as swimming, pleasure boating, boat racing, surfing, sport fishing, and diving .


Carbon dioxide

Carbonic acid anhydride

CO2 (43.98983)

Carbon dioxide is a colorless, odorless gas that can be formed by the body and is necessary for the respiration cycle of plants and animals. Carbon dioxide is produced during respiration by all animals, fungi and microorganisms that depend on living and decaying plants for food, either directly or indirectly. It is, therefore, a major component of the carbon cycle. Additionally, carbon dioxide is used by plants during photosynthesis to make sugars which may either be consumed again in respiration or used as the raw material to produce polysaccharides such as starch and cellulose, proteins and the wide variety of other organic compounds required for plant growth and development. When inhaled at concentrations much higher than usual atmospheric levels, it can produce a sour taste in the mouth and a stinging sensation in the nose and throat. These effects result from the gas dissolving in the mucous membranes and saliva, forming a weak solution of carbonic acid. Carbon dioxide is used by the food industry, the oil industry, and the chemical industry. Carbon dioxide is used to produce carbonated soft drinks and soda water. Traditionally, the carbonation in beer and sparkling wine comes about through natural fermentation, but some manufacturers carbonate these drinks artificially. Leavening agent, propellant, aerating agent, preservative. Solvent for supercritical extraction e.g. of caffeine in manufacture of caffeine-free instant coffee. It is used in carbonation of beverages, in the frozen food industry and as a component of controlled atmosphere packaging (CAD) to inhibit bacterial growth. Especies effective against Gram-negative spoilage bacteria, e.g. Pseudomonas V - Various > V03 - All other therapeutic products > V03A - All other therapeutic products > V03AN - Medical gases



4-[(2-{3-[(2R)-3-[({[({[(2R,3S,4R,5R)-5-(6-amino-9H-purin-9-yl)-4-hydroxy-3-(phosphonooxy)oxolan-2-yl]methoxy}(hydroxy)phosphoryl)oxy](hydroxy)phosphoryl}oxy)methyl]-2-hydroxy-3-methylbutanamido]propanamido}ethyl)sulfanyl]-4-oxobutanoic acid

C25H40N7O19P3S (867.131248)

Succinyl-CoA is an important intermediate in the citric acid cycle, where it is synthesized from α-Ketoglutarate by α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase (EC through decarboxylation, and is converted into succinate through the hydrolytic release of coenzyme A by succinyl-CoA synthetase (EC Succinyl-CoA may be an end product of peroxisomal beta-oxidation of dicarboxylic fatty acids; the identification of an apparently specific succinyl-CoA thioesterase (ACOT4, EC, hydrolyzes succinyl-CoA) in peroxisomes strongly suggests that succinyl-CoA is formed in peroxisomes. Acyl-CoA thioesterases (ACOTs) are a family of enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of the CoA esters of various lipids to the free acids and coenzyme A, thereby regulating levels of these compounds. (PMID: 16141203) [HMDB]. Succinyl-CoA is found in many foods, some of which are fruits, sea-buckthornberry, pomegranate, and sweet orange. Succinyl-CoA is an important intermediate in the citric acid cycle, where it is synthesized from α-Ketoglutarate by α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase (EC through decarboxylation, and is converted into succinate through the hydrolytic release of coenzyme A by succinyl-CoA synthetase (EC Succinyl-CoA may be an end product of peroxisomal beta-oxidation of dicarboxylic fatty acids; the identification of an apparently specific succinyl-CoA thioesterase (ACOT4, EC, hydrolyzes succinyl-CoA) in peroxisomes strongly suggests that succinyl-CoA is formed in peroxisomes. Acyl-CoA thioesterases (ACOTs) are a family of enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of the CoA esters of various lipids to the free acids and coenzyme A, thereby regulating levels of these compounds. (PMID: 16141203).


Bicarbonate ion

Bicarbonate ion

CHO3- (60.9925696)

D019995 - Laboratory Chemicals > D002021 - Buffers > D001639 - Bicarbonates


Oxalosuccinic acid

(2S)-1-oxopropane-1,2,3-tricarboxylic acid

C6H6O7 (190.0113526)

Oxalosuccinic acid, also known as oxalosuccinate or 1-oxopropane-1,2,3-tricarboxylate, belongs to tricarboxylic acids and derivatives class of compounds. Those are carboxylic acids containing exactly three carboxyl groups. Oxalosuccinic acid is slightly soluble (in water) and a moderately acidic compound (based on its pKa). Oxalosuccinic acid can be found in a number of food items such as japanese chestnut, poppy, wax apple, and hyssop, which makes oxalosuccinic acid a potential biomarker for the consumption of these food products. Oxalosuccinic acid exists in all living species, ranging from bacteria to humans. Oxalosuccinic acid/oxalosuccinate is an unstable 6-carbon intermediate in the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Its an alpha-keto compound, formed during the oxidative decarboxylation of isocitrate to alpha-ketoglutarate, which is catalyzed by the enzyme isocitrate dehydrogenase. Oxalosuccinate never leaves the active site of the enzyme, however; its unstable and immediately undergoes decarboxylation to produce the 5-carbon compound, alpha-ketoglutarate . Oxalosuccinate is a substrate for cytoplasmic Isocitrate dehydrogenase and mitochondiral Isocitrate dehydrogenase (mitochondrial).




C16H12FN3O3 (313.0862654)

A benzodiazepine with pharmacologic actions similar to those of diazepam that can cause anterograde amnesia. Some reports indicate that it is used as a date rape drug and suggest that it may precipitate violent behavior. The United States Government has banned the importation of this drug. [PubChem] N - Nervous system > N05 - Psycholeptics > N05C - Hypnotics and sedatives > N05CD - Benzodiazepine derivatives D002492 - Central Nervous System Depressants > D014149 - Tranquilizing Agents > D014151 - Anti-Anxiety Agents D002491 - Central Nervous System Agents > D011619 - Psychotropic Drugs > D014149 - Tranquilizing Agents C78272 - Agent Affecting Nervous System > C29756 - Sedative and Hypnotic > C1012 - Benzodiazepine D002491 - Central Nervous System Agents > D002492 - Central Nervous System Depressants D018377 - Neurotransmitter Agents > D018682 - GABA Agents > D018757 - GABA Modulators C78272 - Agent Affecting Nervous System > C28197 - Antianxiety Agent



Dihydrolipoyllysine-residue acetyltransferase]S-acetyldihydrolipoyllysine

C10H19NO2S2 (249.0857154)

The acetyl thioester of the reduced lipoyllysine residue in dihydrolipoyllysine-residue acetyltransferase (EC2.3.1.12). S-Acetyldihydrolipoamide-E is a reactant or product of enzyme EC S-Acetyldihydrolipoamide-E is a reactant or product of enzyme EC (PubChem sid=47205563) [HMDB] The acetyl thioester of the reduced lipoyllysine residue in dihydrolipoyllysine-residue acetyltransferase (EC2.3.1.12). S-Acetyldihydrolipoamide-E is a reactant or product of enzyme EC S-Acetyldihydrolipoamide-E is a reactant or product of enzyme EC (PubChem sid=47205563).


Phosphate Ion

Phosphate Ion

O4P-3 (94.953423)



Dihydrocodehydrogenase II

C21H30N7O17P3 (745.0911)

COVID info from COVID-19 Disease Map Corona-virus Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 SARS-CoV COVID19 SARS2 SARS