Sodium Cation (BioDeep_00001868951)
Main id: BioDeep_00000004670
化学式: Na+ (22.9898)
中文名称: 钠离子
最多检出来源 () 0%
InChI: InChI=1S/Na/q+1
A monoatomic monocation obtained from sodium.
12 个数据库交叉引用编号
- ChEBI: CHEBI:29101
- KEGG: C01330
- PubChem: 923
- DrugBank: DB14516
- CAS: 124224-04-0
- CAS: 17341-25-2
- MetaboLights: MTBLC29101
- ChEBI: CHEBI:26708
- PubChem: 4541
- NIKKAJI: J1.292K
- KNApSAcK: 26708
- Metabolism
- Metabolism of vitamins and cofactors
- Visual phototransduction
- Sensory Perception
- Metabolism of proteins
- Disease
- Amino acid and derivative metabolism
- Drug ADME
- Metabolism of lipids
- Metabolism of steroids
- Diseases of metabolism
- Transport of small molecules
- SLC-mediated transmembrane transport
- Transport of bile salts and organic acids, metal ions and amine compounds
- Immune System
- Innate Immune System
- Antimicrobial peptides
- Organic cation/anion/zwitterion transport
- Ion channel transport
- Stimuli-sensing channels
- Disorders of transmembrane transporters
- SLC transporter disorders
- Transport of inorganic cations/anions and amino acids/oligopeptides
- Fatty acid metabolism
- Metabolism of water-soluble vitamins and cofactors
- Azathioprine ADME
- Bile acid and bile salt metabolism
- Sodium/Calcium exchangers
- Sodium-coupled sulphate, di- and tri-carboxylate transporters
- Carnitine metabolism
- Phospholipid metabolism
- Glycerophospholipid biosynthesis
- Neuronal System
- Transmission across Chemical Synapses
- Neurotransmitter release cycle
- Neurotransmitter clearance
- Clearance of dopamine
- Surfactant metabolism
- Clearance of seratonin
- Olfactory Signaling Pathway
- Ion transport by P-type ATPases
- Hemostasis
- Biotin transport and metabolism
- Metal sequestration by antimicrobial proteins
- Nicotinate metabolism
- Metabolism of amine-derived hormones
- Thyroxine biosynthesis
- Digestion and absorption
- Platelet homeostasis
- Muscle contraction
- Inositol transporters
- Nicotinamide salvaging
- chitin biosynthesis
- trehalose degradation II (cytosolic)
- acetate and ATP formation from acetyl-CoA I
- anaerobic energy metabolism (invertebrates, mitochondrial)
- superpathway of anaerobic energy metabolism (invertebrates)
- superpathway of L-methionine biosynthesis (transsulfuration)
- superpathway of L-homoserine and L-methionine biosynthesis
- superpathway of L-lysine, L-threonine and L-methionine biosynthesis I
- chorismate biosynthesis I
- chorismate biosynthesis from 3-dehydroquinate
- superpathway of chorismate metabolism
- aspartate superpathway
- superpathway of S-adenosyl-L-methionine biosynthesis
- methanogenesis from acetate
- superpathway of tryptophan utilization
- superpathway of glycol metabolism and degradation
- glycolate and glyoxylate degradation I
- L-lysine biosynthesis I
- superpathway of C1 compounds oxidation to CO2
- formaldehyde assimilation I (serine pathway)
- formaldehyde oxidation VI (H4MPT pathway)
- superpathay of heme b biosynthesis from glutamate
- tetrapyrrole biosynthesis I (from glutamate)
- superpathway of proto- and siroheme biosynthesis
- superpathway of L-lysine degradation
- L-lysine fermentation to acetate and butanoate
- tetrahydrofolate biosynthesis
- superpathway of tetrahydrofolate biosynthesis
- superpathway of tetrahydrofolate biosynthesis and salvage
- N10-formyl-tetrahydrofolate biosynthesis
- L-phenylalanine degradation IV (mammalian, via side chain)
- lactose and galactose degradation I
- superpathway of Clostridium acetobutylicum acidogenic and solventogenic fermentation
- ketogenesis
- NAD/NADP-NADH/NADPH cytosolic interconversion (yeast)
- superpathway NAD/NADP - NADH/NADPH interconversion (yeast)
- ppGpp biosynthesis
- superpathway NAD/NADP - NADH/NADPH interconversion
- NAD/NADP-NADH/NADPH cytosolic interconversion
- L-asparagine degradation I
- methanogenesis from H2 and CO2
- L-lysine degradation IV
- pyruvate fermentation to acetate I
- pyrimidine deoxyribonucleotides de novo biosynthesis I
- superpathway of Clostridium acetobutylicum acidogenic fermentation
- Entner-Doudoroff pathway III (semi-phosphorylative)
- superpathway of pyrimidine deoxyribonucleotides de novo biosynthesis
- trehalose biosynthesis I
- superpathway of cholesterol biosynthesis
- L-homoserine biosynthesis
- superpathway of L-threonine biosynthesis
- superpathway of L-isoleucine biosynthesis I
0 个相关的代谢反应过程信息。
Plant Reactome(0)
COVID-19 Disease Map(0)
11 个相关的物种来源信息
- 3055 - Chlamydomonas reinhardtii: 10.1111/TPJ.12747
- 454097 - Heliotropium floridum: 10.1016/S0031-9422(97)00354-3
- 9606 - Homo sapiens: 10.1007/S11306-016-1051-4
- 98504 - Matricaria chamomilla: 10.1556/AALIM.29.2000.1.5
- 166987 - Montanoa frutescens: 10.1016/0010-7824(83)90003-3
- 166988 - Montanoa grandiflora: 10.1016/0010-7824(83)90003-3
- 166995 - Montanoa leucantha: 10.1016/0010-7824(83)90003-3
- 167007 - Montanoa tomentosa: 10.1016/0010-7824(83)90003-3
- 72228 - Ophiocordyceps sinensis: 10.1021/NP100902F
- 115506 - Phytelephas aequatorialis: 10.1007/BF02907355
- 3641 - Theobroma cacao: 10.1515/ZNC-1998-9-1002
- PubMed: 来源于PubMed文献库中的文献信息,我们通过自然语言数据挖掘得到的在同一篇文献中被同时提及的相关代谢物列表,这个列表按照代谢物同时出现的文献数量降序排序,取前10个代谢物作为相关研究中关联性很高的代谢物集合展示在桑基图中。
- NCBI Taxonomy: 通过文献数据挖掘,得到的代谢物物种来源信息关联。这个关联信息同样按照出现的次数降序排序,取前10个代谢物作为高关联度的代谢物集合展示在桑吉图上。
- Chemical Taxonomy: 在物质分类上处于同一个分类集合中的其他代谢物
- Chemical Reaction: 在化学反应过程中,存在为当前代谢物相关联的生化反应过程中的反应底物或者反应产物的关联代谢物信息。
- Helene van Berge-Landry, Gary D James. Serum electrolyte, serum protein, serum fat and renal responses to a dietary sodium challenge: allostasis and allostatic load.
Annals of human biology.
2004 Jul; 31(4):477-87. doi:
. [PMID: 15513697]