NCBI Taxonomy: 137528

Sticta (ncbi_taxid: 137528)

found 3 associated metabolites at genus taxonomy rank level.

Ancestor: Lobariaceae

Child Taxonomies: Sticta torii, Sticta filix, Sticta hirta, Sticta munda, Sticta laevis, Sticta deyana, Sticta aymara, Sticta andina, Sticta lacera, Sticta ainoae, Sticta porella, Sticta smithii, Sticta brevior, Sticta viviana, Sticta ciliata, Sticta limbata, Sticta flynnii, Sticta riparia, Sticta cometia, Sticta crocata, Sticta plumbea, Sticta tatamana, Sticta minutula, Sticta scabrosa, Sticta martinii, Sticta squamata, Sticta gracilis, Sticta waikamoi, Sticta weigelii, Sticta harrisii, Sticta tainorum, Sticta andensis, Sticta dilatata, Sticta caperata, Sticta crispata, Sticta laciniata, Sticta menziesii, Sticta hypochroa, Sticta atlantica, Sticta sylvatica, Sticta latifrons, Sticta antoniana, Sticta corymbosa, Sticta arbuscula, Sticta papillata, Sticta rhizinata, Sticta tomentosa, Sticta tunjensis, Sticta dichotoma, Sticta cellulosa, Sticta stipitata, Sticta dendroides, Sticta cometiella, Sticta gyalocarpa, Sticta impressula, Sticta sublimbata, Sticta caliginosa, Sticta humboldtii, Sticta catharinae, Sticta beauvoisii, Sticta caulescens, Sticta damicornis, Sticta marginalis, Sticta narinioana, Sticta fuliginosa, Sticta aspratilis, Sticta variabilis, Sticta cerradensis, Sticta cf. sinuosa, Sticta canariensis, Sticta babingtonii, Sticta amboroensis, Sticta bicellulata, Sticta lobarioides, Sticta gallowayana, Sticta jaguirreana, Sticta fragilinata, Sticta lumbschiana, Sticta subcaperata, Sticta acyphellata, Sticta hawaiiensis, Sticta marginifera, Sticta plumbicolor, Sticta parvilobata, Sticta afromontana, Sticta macrophylla, Sticta duplolimbata, Sticta nylanderiana, Sticta atroandensis, Sticta fuliginoides, Sticta carolinensis, Sticta gaudichaudii, unclassified Sticta, Sticta aff. ciliata, Sticta emmanueliana, Sticta borinquensis, Sticta guilartensis, Sticta ambavillaria, Sticta cyphellulata, Sticta cordillerana, Sticta peltigerella, Sticta aff. limbata, Sticta aff. sinuosa, Sticta aff. weigelii, Sticta macrothallina, Sticta pseudolobaria, Sticta cinereoglauca, Sticta carrascoensis, Sticta aff. tainorum, Sticta aff. dilatata, Sticta aff. weigelli, Sticta cf. laciniata, Sticta aff. harrisii, Sticta isidiokunthii, Sticta cyanocaperata, Sticta aff. andreana, Sticta aff. martinii, Sticta aff. tomentosa, Sticta parahumboldtii, Sticta pulmonarioides, Sticta fuscotomentosa, Sticta plumbeociliata, Sticta subfilicinella, Sticta leucoblepharis, Sticta aff. latifrons, Sticta cf. lherminieri, Sticta macrocyphellata, Sticta macrofuliginosa, Sticta aff. cometiella, Sticta aff. hypoglabra, Sticta subscrobiculata, Sticta aff. fuliginosa, Sticta cf. ambavillaria, Sticta pseudoimpressula, Sticta phyllidiokunthii, Sticta pseudohumboldtii, Sticta aff. filicinella, Sticta densiphyllidiata, Sticta aff. parvilobata, Sticta maculofuliginosa, Sticta aff. granatensis, Sticta neopulmonarioides, Sticta globulifuliginosa, Sticta hirsutofuliginosa, Sticta umbilicariiformis, Sticta aff. borinquensis, Sticta aff. guilartensis, Sticta arachnofuliginosa, Sticta aff. cordillerana, Sticta aff. peltigerella, Sticta aff. subtomentella, Sticta aff. zahlbruckneri, Sticta arbusculotomentosa, Sticta aff. pseudolobaria, Sticta phyllidiofuliginosa, Sticta aff. subscrobiculata, Sticta cf. weigelii AB_E414, Sticta cf. weigelii AB_E416, Sticta aff. laminobeauvosii, Sticta aff. maculofuliginosa, Sticta aff. ciliata 2 JMD-2023, Sticta aff. ciliata 5 JMD-2023, Sticta aff. sinuosa 2 JMD-2023, Sticta aff. sinuosa 3 JMD-2023, Sticta aff. sinuosa 4 JMD-2023, Sticta aff. andreana 2 JMD-2023, Sticta aff. harrisii 1 JMD-2023, Sticta aff. harrisii 2 JMD-2023, Sticta aff. harrisii 3 JMD-2023, Sticta aff. weigelii 2 JMD-2023, Sticta aff. weigelii 3 JMD-2023, Sticta aff. weigelii 4 JMD-2023, Sticta cf. laciniata 3 JMD-2023, Sticta cf. laciniosa 1 JMD-2023, Sticta cf. laciniosa JAMD-2022a, Sticta aff. ciliata 2 JAMD-2022, Sticta aff. ciliata 5 JAMD-2022, Sticta aff. sinuosa 3 JAMD-2022, Sticta aff. sinuosa 4 JAMD-2022, Sticta aff. dichotoma 1 NM-2012, Sticta aff. dichotoma 2 NM-2012, Sticta aff. dichotoma 3 NM-2012, Sticta aff. laciniosa 2 JMD-2023, Sticta aff. laciniosa 3 JMD-2023, Sticta cf. pseudolobaria AB_E427, Sticta aff. tomentosa 2 JMD-2023, Sticta aff. tomentosa 3 JMD-2023, Sticta aff. andreana 2 JAMD-2022, Sticta aff. harrisii 1 JAMD-2022, Sticta aff. harrisii 2 JAMD-2022, Sticta aff. harrisii 3 JAMD-2022, Sticta aff. weigelii 2 JAMD-2022, Sticta aff. weigelii 3 JAMD-2022, Sticta aff. weigelii 4 JAMD-2022, Sticta cf. laciniata 3 JAMD-2022, Sticta cf. pulmonarioides AB_E401, Sticta cf. pulmonarioides AB_E409, Sticta aff. laciniosa 3 JAMD-2022, Sticta aff. tomentosa 2 JAMD-2022, Sticta aff. tomentosa 3 JAMD-2022, Sticta aff. subtomentella Soto 17c, Sticta cf. laciniata Simijaca 1725, Sticta aff. subtomentella Coca 1350, Sticta aff. subtomentella Coca 1363, Sticta aff. borinquensis 2 JMD-2023, Sticta aff. guilartensis 1 JMD-2023, Sticta aff. guilartensis 2 JMD-2023, Sticta aff. guilartensis 3 JMD-2023, Sticta aff. phyllidiata Barragan 12, Sticta aff. phyllidiata Pinzon 1505, Sticta aff. subtomentella Coca 1188a, Sticta aff. subtomentella Coca 1188b, Sticta aff. borinquensis 2 JAMD-2022, Sticta aff. guilartensis 1 JAMD-2022, Sticta aff. guilartensis 3 JAMD-2022, Sticta aff. phyllidiata Sipman 10637, Sticta aff. pulmonarioides Escandon L6, Sticta aff. subscrobiculata Coca 1135a, Sticta aff. subscrobiculata Coca 1135b, Sticta aff. cordillerana Simijaca 1731, Sticta aff. parahumboldtii Escandon L2, Sticta aff. parahumboldtii Escandon L4, Sticta aff. parahumboldtii Escandon L5, Sticta aff. parahumboldtii Escandon L7, Sticta aff. pulmonarioides Escandon L1, Sticta aff. ambavillaria Luecking 30122



C40H52O4 (596.3865392)

Astaxanthin (pronounced as-tuh-zan-thin) is a carotenoid. It belongs to a larger class of phytochemicals known as terpenes. It is classified as a xanthophyll, which means "yellow leaves". Like many carotenoids, it is a colorful, lipid-soluble pigment. Astaxanthin is produced by microalgae, yeast, salmon, trout, krill, shrimp, crayfish, crustaceans, and the feathers of some birds. Professor Basil Weedon was the first to map the structure of astaxanthin.; Astaxanthin is the main carotenoid pigment found in aquatic animals. It is also found in some birds, such as flamingoes, quails, and other species. This carotenoid is included in many well-known seafoods such as salmon, trout, red seabream, shrimp, lobster, and fish eggs. Astaxanthin, similar to other carotenoids, cannot be synthesized by animals and must be provided in the diet. Mammals, including humans, lack the ability to synthesize astaxanthin or to convert dietary astaxanthin into vitamin A. Astaxanthin belongs to the xanthophyll class of carotenoids. It is closely related to beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, sharing with them many of the general metabolic and physiological functions attributed to carotenoids. In addition, astaxanthin has unique chemical properties based on its molecular structure. The presence of the hydroxyl (OH) and keto (CdO) moieties on each ionone ring explains some of its unique features, namely, the ability to be esterified and a higher antioxidant activity and a more polar nature than other carotenoids. In its free form, astaxanthin is considerably unstable and particularly susceptible to oxidation. Hence it is found in nature either conjugated with proteins (e.g., salmon muscle or lobster exoskeleton) or esterified with one or two fatty acids (monoester and diester forms), which stabilize the molecule. Various astaxanthin isomers have been characterized on the basis of the configuration of the two hydroxyl groups on the molecule. the geometrical and optical isomers of astaxanthin are distributed selectively in different tissues and that levels of free astaxanthin in the liver are greater than the corresponding concentration in the plasma, suggesting concentrative uptake by the liver. Astaxanthin, similar to other carotenoids, is a very lipophilic compound and has a low oral bioavailability. This criterion has limited the ability to test this compound in well-defined rodent models of human disease. (PMID: 16562856); Astaxanthin is a carotenoid widely used in salmonid and crustacean aquaculture to provide the pink color characteristic of that species. This application has been well documented for over two decades and is currently the major market driver for the pigment. Additionally, astaxanthin also plays a key role as an intermediary in reproductive processes. Synthetic astaxanthin dominates the world market but recent interest in natural sources of the pigment has increased substantially. Common sources of natural astaxanthin are the green algae Haematococcus pluvialis, the red yeast, Phaffia rhodozyma, as well as crustacean byproducts. Astaxanthin possesses an unusual antioxidant activity which has caused a surge in the nutraceutical market for the encapsulated productand is) also, health benefits such as cardiovascular disease prevention, immune system boosting, bioactivity against Helycobacter pylori, and cataract prevention, have been associated with astaxanthin consumption. Research on the health benefits of astaxanthin is very recent and has mostly been performed in vitro or at the pre-clinical level with humans. (PMID: 16431409); Astaxanthin, unlike some carotenoids, does not convert to Vitamin A (retinol) in the human body. Too much Vitamin A is toxic for a human, but astaxanthin is not. However, it is a powerful antioxidant; it is claimed to be 10 times more capable than other carotenoids. However, other sources suggest astaxanthin has slightly lower antioxidant activity than other carotenoids.; While astaxanthin is a natural nutr... Astaxanthin is the main carotenoid pigment found in aquatic animals. It is also found in some birds, such as flamingoes, quails, and other species. This carotenoid is included in many well-known seafoods such as salmon, trout, red seabream, shrimp, lobster, and fish eggs. Astaxanthin, similar to other carotenoids, cannot be synthesized by animals and must be provided in the diet. Mammals, including humans, lack the ability to synthesize astaxanthin or to convert dietary astaxanthin into vitamin A. Astaxanthin belongs to the xanthophyll class of carotenoids. It is closely related to beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, sharing with them many of the general metabolic and physiological functions attributed to carotenoids. In addition, astaxanthin has unique chemical properties based on its molecular structure. The presence of the hydroxyl (OH) and keto (CdO) moieties on each ionone ring explains some of its unique features, namely, the ability to be esterified and a higher antioxidant activity and a more polar nature than other carotenoids. In its free form, astaxanthin is considerably unstable and particularly susceptible to oxidation. Hence it is found in nature either conjugated with proteins (e.g. salmon muscle or lobster exoskeleton) or esterified with one or two fatty acids (monoester and diester forms) which stabilize the molecule. Various astaxanthin isomers have been characterized on the basis of the configuration of the two hydroxyl groups on the molecule. The geometrical and optical isomers of astaxanthin are distributed selectively in different tissues and levels of free astaxanthin in the liver are greater than the corresponding concentration in the plasma, suggesting concentrative uptake by the liver. Astaxanthin, similar to other carotenoids, is a very lipophilic compound and has a low oral bioavailability. This criterion has limited the ability to test this compound in well-defined rodent models of human disease (PMID: 16562856). Astaxanthin is a carotenoid widely used in salmonid and crustacean aquaculture to provide the pink colour characteristic of that species. This application has been well documented for over two decades and is currently the major market driver for the pigment. Additionally, astaxanthin also plays a key role as an intermediary in reproductive processes. Synthetic astaxanthin dominates the world market but recent interest in natural sources of the pigment has increased substantially. Common sources of natural astaxanthin are the green algae Haematococcus pluvialis (the red yeast), Phaffia rhodozyma, as well as crustacean byproducts. Astaxanthin possesses an unusual antioxidant activity which has caused a surge in the nutraceutical market for the encapsulated product. Also, health benefits such as cardiovascular disease prevention, immune system boosting, bioactivity against Helicobacter pylori, and cataract prevention, have been associated with astaxanthin consumption. Research on the health benefits of astaxanthin is very recent and has mostly been performed in vitro or at the pre-clinical level with humans (PMID: 16431409). Astaxanthin is used in fish farming to induce trout flesh colouring. Astaxanthin is a carotenone that consists of beta,beta-carotene-4,4-dione bearing two hydroxy substituents at positions 3 and 3 (the 3S,3S diastereomer). A carotenoid pigment found mainly in animals (crustaceans, echinoderms) but also occurring in plants. It can occur free (as a red pigment), as an ester, or as a blue, brown or green chromoprotein. It has a role as an anticoagulant, an antioxidant, a food colouring, a plant metabolite and an animal metabolite. It is a carotenone and a carotenol. It derives from a hydride of a beta-carotene. Astaxanthin is a keto-carotenoid in the terpenes class of chemical compounds. It is classified as a xanthophyll but it is a carotenoid with no vitamin A activity. It is found in the majority of aquatic organisms with red pigment. Astaxanthin has shown to mediate anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory actions. It may be found in fish feed or some animal food as a color additive. Astaxanthin is a natural product found in Ascidia zara, Linckia laevigata, and other organisms with data available. Astaxanthin is a natural and synthetic xanthophyll and nonprovitamin A carotenoid, with potential antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antineoplastic activities. Upon administration, astaxanthin may act as an antioxidant and reduce oxidative stress, thereby preventing protein and lipid oxidation and DNA damage. By decreasing the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and free radicals, it may also prevent ROS-induced activation of nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kB) transcription factor and the production of inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-1beta (IL-1b), IL-6 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-a). In addition, astaxanthin may inhibit cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) and nitric oxide (NO) activities, thereby reducing inflammation. Oxidative stress and inflammation play key roles in the pathogenesis of many diseases, including cardiovascular, neurological, autoimmune and neoplastic diseases. A carotenone that consists of beta,beta-carotene-4,4-dione bearing two hydroxy substituents at positions 3 and 3 (the 3S,3S diastereomer). A carotenoid pigment found mainly in animals (crustaceans, echinoderms) but also occurring in plants. It can occur free (as a red pigment), as an ester, or as a blue, brown or green chromoprotein. D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids C308 - Immunotherapeutic Agent > C210 - Immunoadjuvant C2140 - Adjuvant



beta,beta-Carotene-4,4-dione, 3,3-dihydroxy-, (3S,3S)-

C40H52O4 (596.3865392)

Window width for selecting the precursor ion was 3 Da.; This record was created by the financial support of MEXT/JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 16HP2005 to the Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan. D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids C308 - Immunotherapeutic Agent > C210 - Immunoadjuvant C2140 - Adjuvant




C30H52O3 (460.3916242)