NCBI Taxonomy: 1193841

Pinus brutia var. eldarica (ncbi_taxid: 1193841)

found 127 associated metabolites at varietas taxonomy rank level.

Ancestor: Pinus brutia subsp. brutia

Child Taxonomies: none taxonomy data.



C20H30O2 (302.224568)

Yellowish resinous powder. (NTP, 1992) Abietic acid is an abietane diterpenoid that is abieta-7,13-diene substituted by a carboxy group at position 18. It has a role as a plant metabolite. It is an abietane diterpenoid and a monocarboxylic acid. It is a conjugate acid of an abietate. Abietic acid is a natural product found in Ceroplastes pseudoceriferus, Pinus brutia var. eldarica, and other organisms with data available. An abietane diterpenoid that is abieta-7,13-diene substituted by a carboxy group at position 18. D006401 - Hematologic Agents > D005343 - Fibrinolytic Agents D000975 - Antioxidants > D016166 - Free Radical Scavengers D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants D050299 - Fibrin Modulating Agents D002317 - Cardiovascular Agents CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 8337 Abietic acid, a diterpene isolated from Colophony, possesses antiproliferative, antibacterial, and anti-obesity properties. Abietic acid inhibits lipoxygenase activity for allergy treatment[1][2]. Abietic acid, a diterpene isolated from Colophony, possesses antiproliferative, antibacterial, and anti-obesity properties. Abietic acid inhibits lipoxygenase activity for allergy treatment[1][2].



3,4,5,7-Tetrahydroxyflavone, 3,5,7-Trihydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one

C15H10O6 (286.047736)

Kaempferol is a tetrahydroxyflavone in which the four hydroxy groups are located at positions 3, 5, 7 and 4. Acting as an antioxidant by reducing oxidative stress, it is currently under consideration as a possible cancer treatment. It has a role as an antibacterial agent, a plant metabolite, a human xenobiotic metabolite, a human urinary metabolite, a human blood serum metabolite and a geroprotector. It is a member of flavonols, a 7-hydroxyflavonol and a tetrahydroxyflavone. It is a conjugate acid of a kaempferol oxoanion. Kaempferol is a natural product found in Lotus ucrainicus, Visnea mocanera, and other organisms with data available. Kaempferol is a natural flavonoid which has been isolated from Delphinium, Witch-hazel, grapefruit, and other plant sources. Kaempferol is a yellow crystalline solid with a melting point of 276-278 degree centigrade. It is slightly soluble in water, and well soluble in hot ethanol and diethyl ether. Kaempferol is a metabolite found in or produced by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. See also: Cannabis sativa subsp. indica top (part of); Tussilago farfara flower (part of). Kaempferol, also known as rhamnolutein or c.i. 75640, belongs to the class of organic compounds known as flavonols. Flavonols are compounds that contain a flavone (2-phenyl-1-benzopyran-4-one) backbone carrying a hydroxyl group at the 3-position. Thus, kaempferol is considered to be a flavonoid molecule. A tetrahydroxyflavone in which the four hydroxy groups are located at positions 3, 5, 7 and 4. Kaempferol is a very hydrophobic molecule, practically insoluble in water, and relatively neutral. Kaempferol exists in all eukaryotes, ranging from yeast to humans. Kaempferol is a bitter tasting compound. Kaempferol is found, on average, in the highest concentration within a few different foods, such as saffrons, capers, and cumins and in a lower concentration in lovages, endives, and cloves. Kaempferol has also been detected, but not quantified, in several different foods, such as shallots, pine nuts, feijoa, kombus, and chicory leaves. This could make kaempferol a potential biomarker for the consumption of these foods. Kaempferol is a potentially toxic compound. Very widespread in the plant world, e.g. in Brassicaceae, Apocynaceae, Dilleniaceae, Ranunculaceae, Leguminosae, etc. Found especies in broccoli, capers, chives, kale, garden cress, fennel, lovage, dill weed and tarragon [CCD] A tetrahydroxyflavone in which the four hydroxy groups are located at positions 3, 5, 7 and 4. Acting as an antioxidant by reducing oxidative stress, it is currently under consideration as a possible cancer treatment. CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 898; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX500; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 3906; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 3905 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 898; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX500; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 3916; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 3915 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 898; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX500; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 3928; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 3927 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 898; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX508; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 4291; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 4290 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 898; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX500; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 3918; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 3917 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 898; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX500; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 3915; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 3914 Acquisition and generation of the data is financially supported in part by CREST/JST. INTERNAL_ID 2358; CONFIDENCE Reference Standard (Level 1) CONFIDENCE Reference Standard (Level 1); INTERNAL_ID 2358 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 47 CONFIDENCE standard compound; ML_ID 45 Kaempferol (Kempferol), a flavonoid found in many edible plants, inhibits estrogen receptor α expression in breast cancer cells and induces apoptosis in glioblastoma cells and lung cancer cells by activation of MEK-MAPK. Kaempferol can be uesd for the research of breast cancer[1][2][3][4]. Kaempferol (Kempferol), a flavonoid found in many edible plants, inhibits estrogen receptor α expression in breast cancer cells and induces apoptosis in glioblastoma cells and lung cancer cells by activation of MEK-MAPK. Kaempferol can be uesd for the research of breast cancer[1][2][3][4].



4H-1-Benzopyran-4-one,2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-3,5,7-trihydroxy-, zirconium(2+) salt (1:1)

C15H10O7 (302.042651)

Quercetin appears as yellow needles or yellow powder. Converts to anhydrous form at 203-207 °F. Alcoholic solutions taste very bitter. (NTP, 1992) Quercetin is a pentahydroxyflavone having the five hydroxy groups placed at the 3-, 3-, 4-, 5- and 7-positions. It is one of the most abundant flavonoids in edible vegetables, fruit and wine. It has a role as an antibacterial agent, an antioxidant, a protein kinase inhibitor, an antineoplastic agent, an EC [ribosyldihydronicotinamide dehydrogenase (quinone)] inhibitor, a plant metabolite, a phytoestrogen, a radical scavenger, a chelator, an Aurora kinase inhibitor and a geroprotector. It is a pentahydroxyflavone and a 7-hydroxyflavonol. It is a conjugate acid of a quercetin-7-olate. Quercetin is a flavonol widely distributed in plants. It is an antioxidant, like many other phenolic heterocyclic compounds. Glycosylated forms include RUTIN and quercetrin. Quercetin is a metabolite found in or produced by Escherichia coli (strain K12, MG1655). Quercetin is a flavonoid found in many foods and herbs and is a regular component of a normal diet. Extracts of quercetin have been used to treat or prevent diverse conditions including cardiovascular disease, hypercholesterolemia, rheumatic diseases, infections and cancer but have not been shown to be effective in clinical trials for any medical condition. Quercetin as a nutritional supplement is well tolerated and has not been linked to serum enzyme elevations or to episodes of clinically apparent liver injury. Quercetin is a natural product found in Lotus ucrainicus, Visnea mocanera, and other organisms with data available. Quercetin is a polyphenolic flavonoid with potential chemopreventive activity. Quercetin, ubiquitous in plant food sources and a major bioflavonoid in the human diet, may produce antiproliferative effects resulting from the modulation of either EGFR or estrogen-receptor mediated signal transduction pathways. Although the mechanism of action of action is not fully known, the following effects have been described with this agent in vitro: decreased expression of mutant p53 protein and p21-ras oncogene, induction of cell cycle arrest at the G1 phase and inhibition of heat shock protein synthesis. This compound also demonstrates synergy and reversal of the multidrug resistance phenotype, when combined with chemotherapeutic drugs, in vitro. Quercetin also produces anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy effects mediated through the inhibition of the lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase pathways, thereby preventing the production of pro-inflammatory mediators. Quercetin is a flavonoid widely distributed in many plants and fruits including red grapes, citrus fruit, tomato, broccoli and other leafy green vegetables, and a number of berries, including raspberries and cranberries. Quercetin itself (aglycone quercetin), as opposed to quercetin glycosides, is not a normal dietary component. Quercitin glycosides are converted to phenolic acids as they pass through the gastrointestinal tract. Quercetin has neither been confirmed scientifically as a specific therapeutic for any condition nor been approved by any regulatory agency. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not approved any health claims for quercetin. Nevertheless, the interest in dietary flavonoids has grown after the publication of several epidemiological studies showing an inverse correlation between dietary consumption of flavonols and flavones and reduced incidence and mortality from cardiovascular disease and cancer. In recent years, a large amount of experimental and some clinical data have accumulated regarding the effects of flavonoids on the endothelium under physiological and pathological conditions. The meta-analysis of seven prospective cohort studies concluded that the individuals in the top third of dietary flavonol intake are associated with a reduced risk of mortality from coronary heart disease as compared with those in the bottom third, after adju... Quercetin is a flavonoid widely distributed in many plants and fruits including red grapes, citrus fruit, tomato, broccoli and other leafy green vegetables, and a number of berries, including raspberries and cranberries. Quercetin itself (aglycone quercetin), as opposed to quercetin glycosides, is not a normal dietary component. Quercetin glycosides are converted to phenolic acids as they pass through the gastrointestinal tract. Quercetin has neither been confirmed scientifically as a specific therapeutic for any condition nor been approved by any regulatory agency. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not approved any health claims for quercetin. Nevertheless, the interest in dietary flavonoids has grown after the publication of several epidemiological studies showing an inverse correlation between dietary consumption of flavonols and flavones and reduced incidence and mortality from cardiovascular disease and cancer. In recent years, a large amount of experimental and some clinical data have accumulated regarding the effects of flavonoids on the endothelium under physiological and pathological conditions. The meta-analysis of seven prospective cohort studies concluded that the individuals in the top third of dietary flavonol intake are associated with a reduced risk of mortality from coronary heart disease as compared with those in the bottom third, after adjustment for known risk factors and other dietary components. A limited number of intervention studies with flavonoids and flavonoid containing foods and extracts has been performed in several pathological conditions (PMID:17015250). Quercetin is isolated from many plants, especially fruits, such as Helichrysum, Euphorbia and Karwinskia spp. Present in the Solanaceae, Rhamnaceae, Passifloraceae and many other families. For example detected in almost all studied Umbelliferae. Nutriceutical with antiinflammatory props. and a positive influence on the blood lipid profile. Found in a wide variety of foods especially apples, bee pollen, blackcurrants, capers, cocoa, cranberries, dock leaves, elderberries, fennel, lovage, red onions, ancho peppers, dill weed and tarragon. A pentahydroxyflavone having the five hydroxy groups placed at the 3-, 3-, 4-, 5- and 7-positions. It is one of the most abundant flavonoids in edible vegetables, fruit and wine. COVID info from clinicaltrial, clinicaltrials, clinical trial, clinical trials D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants Corona-virus Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 SARS-CoV COVID19 SARS2 SARS CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 298; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX505; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 4014; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 4012 INTERNAL_ID 298; CONFIDENCE standard compound; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX505; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 4011; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 4010 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 298; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX505; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 4019; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 4018 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 298; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX505; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 4017; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 4016 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 298; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX505; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 4011; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 4010 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 298; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX505; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 4096; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 4094 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 298; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX505; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 4024; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 4023 Acquisition and generation of the data is financially supported in part by CREST/JST. [Raw Data] CB109_Quercetin_pos_30eV_CB000041.txt IPB_RECORD: 1761; CONFIDENCE confident structure [Raw Data] CB109_Quercetin_pos_10eV_CB000041.txt [Raw Data] CB109_Quercetin_pos_20eV_CB000041.txt [Raw Data] CB109_Quercetin_pos_40eV_CB000041.txt [Raw Data] CB109_Quercetin_pos_50eV_CB000041.txt IPB_RECORD: 161; CONFIDENCE confident structure [Raw Data] CB109_Quercetin_neg_40eV_000027.txt [Raw Data] CB109_Quercetin_neg_50eV_000027.txt [Raw Data] CB109_Quercetin_neg_20eV_000027.txt [Raw Data] CB109_Quercetin_neg_30eV_000027.txt [Raw Data] CB109_Quercetin_neg_10eV_000027.txt CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 124 CONFIDENCE standard compound; ML_ID 54 Quercetin, a natural flavonoid, is a stimulator of recombinant SIRT1 and also a PI3K inhibitor with IC50 of 2.4 μM, 3.0 μM and 5.4 μM for PI3K γ, PI3K δ and PI3K β, respectively[1]. Quercetin, a natural flavonoid, is a stimulator of recombinant SIRT1 and also a PI3K inhibitor with IC50 of 2.4 μM, 3.0 μM and 5.4 μM for PI3K γ, PI3K δ and PI3K β, respectively[1].



1-Methyl-4-(1-methylethenyl)-or 1-methyl-4-isopropenyl-cyclohex-1-ene

C10H16 (136.1251936)

Dipentene appears as a colorless liquid with an odor of lemon. Flash point 113 °F. Density about 7.2 lb /gal and insoluble in water. Hence floats on water. Vapors heavier than air. Used as a solvent for rosin, waxes, rubber; as a dispersing agent for oils, resins, paints, lacquers, varnishes, and in floor waxes and furniture polishes. Limonene is a monoterpene that is cyclohex-1-ene substituted by a methyl group at position 1 and a prop-1-en-2-yl group at position 4 respectively. It has a role as a human metabolite. It is a cycloalkene and a p-menthadiene. Limonene is a natural product found in Teucrium montanum, Xylopia aromatica, and other organisms with data available. Limonene, (+/-)- is a racemic mixture of limonene, a natural cyclic monoterpene and major component of the oil extracted from citrus rind with chemo-preventive and antitumor activities. The metabolites of DL-limonene, perillic acid, dihydroperillic acid, uroterpenol and limonene 1,2-diol are suggested to inhibit tumor growth through inhibition of p21-dependent signaling, induce apoptosis via the induction of the transforming growth factor beta-signaling pathway, inhibit post-translational modification of signal transduction proteins, result in G1 cell cycle arrest as well as cause differential expression of cell cycle- and apoptosis-related genes. Limonene is a metabolite found in or produced by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A naturally-occurring class of MONOTERPENES which occur as a clear colorless liquid at room temperature. Limonene is the major component in the oil of oranges which has many uses, including as flavor and fragrance. It is recognized as safe in food by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). See also: Cannabis sativa subsp. indica top (part of); Larrea tridentata whole (part of). Constituent of many essential oils. (±)-Limonene is found in many foods, some of which are common oregano, nutmeg, herbs and spices, and summer savory. Dipentene is found in carrot. Dipentene is a constituent of many essential oils



Bicyclo(3.1.1)heptane, 6,6-dimethyl-2-methylene-, (1S,5S)-

C10H16 (136.1251936)

(-)-beta-pinene is the (1S,5S)-enantiomer of beta-pinene. It is an enantiomer of a (+)-beta-pinene. (-)-beta-Pinene is a natural product found in Curcuma amada, Molopospermum peloponnesiacum, and other organisms with data available. Flavouring ingredient. (-)-beta-Pinene is found in many foods, some of which are almond, hyssop, sweet bay, and common sage. (-)-beta-Pinene is found in almond. (-)-beta-Pinene is a flavouring ingredient. The (1S,5S)-enantiomer of beta-pinene. β-Pinene ((-)-β-Pinene), a major component of turpentine, inhibit infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) with an IC50 of 1.32 mM. β-Pinene presents antimicrobial activity[1][2]. β-Pinene ((-)-β-Pinene), a major component of turpentine, inhibit infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) with an IC50 of 1.32 mM. β-Pinene presents antimicrobial activity[1][2].




C10H16 (136.1251936)

7-Methyl-3-methylene-1,6-octadiene, also known as beta-Myrcene or myrcene is an acyclic monoterpene. Monoterpenoids are terpenes that contain 10 carbon atoms and are comprised of two isoprene units. The biosynthesis of monoterpenes is known to occur mainly through the methyl-erythritol-phosphate (MEP) pathway in the plastids. beta-Myrcene is a significant component of the essential oil of several plants, including allspice, bay, cannabis, hops, houttuynia, lemon grass, mango, myrcia, verbena, west indian bay tree, and cardamom. It is also the main component of wild thyme, the leaves of which contain up to 40\\\\% by weight of myrcene. Industrially, it is produced mainly semi-synthetically from myrcia, from which it gets its name. Myrcene has been detected as a volatile component in cannabis plant samples (PMID:26657499 ) and its essential oils (PMID:6991645 ). beta-Myrcene is the most abundant monoterpene in Cannabis and it has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, and antimutagenic activities. beta-Myrcene is a flavouring agent and it is used in the perfumery industry. It has a pleasant odor but is rarely used directly. It is a key intermediate in the production of several fragrances such as menthol, citral, citronellol, citronellal, geraniol, nerol, and linalool. Myrcene, [liquid] appears as a yellow oily liquid with a pleasant odor. Flash point below 200 °F. Insoluble in water and less dense than water. Beta-myrcene is a monoterpene that is octa-1,6-diene bearing methylene and methyl substituents at positions 3 and 7 respectively. It has a role as a plant metabolite, an anti-inflammatory agent, an anabolic agent, a fragrance, a flavouring agent and a volatile oil component. Myrcene is a natural product found in Teucrium montanum, Xylopia aromatica, and other organisms with data available. 7-Methyl-3-methylene-1,6-octadiene is found in allspice. 7-Methyl-3-methylene-1,6-octadiene is found in many essential oils, e.g. hop oil. 7-Methyl-3-methylene-1,6-octadiene is a flavouring agent. Myrcene is a metabolite found in or produced by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. See also: Caraway Oil (part of); Mandarin oil (part of); Juniper Berry Oil (part of) ... View More ... A monoterpene that is octa-1,6-diene bearing methylene and methyl substituents at positions 3 and 7 respectively. Found in many essential oils, e.g. hop oil. Flavouring agent Myrcene (β-Myrcene), an aromatic volatile compound, suppresses TNFα-induced NF-κB activity. Myrcene has anti-invasive effect[1][2]. Myrcene (β-Myrcene), an aromatic volatile compound, suppresses TNFα-induced NF-κB activity. Myrcene has anti-invasive effect[1][2].


Isopimaric acid

1-Phenanthrenecarboxylic acid, 7-ethenyl-1,2,3,4,4a,4b,5,6,7,8,10,10a-dodecahydro-1,4a,7-trimethyl-, (1theta-(1alpha,4abeta,4balpha,7alpha,10aalpha))-

C20H30O2 (302.224568)

Isopimaric acid is a diterpenoid, a carbotricyclic compound and a monocarboxylic acid. It is a conjugate acid of an isopimarate. It derives from a hydride of an isopimara-7,15-diene. Isopimaric acid is a natural product found in Pinus brutia var. eldarica, Halocarpus bidwillii, and other organisms with data available. Isopimaric acid is isolated from Pinus palustris (pitch pine). D049990 - Membrane Transport Modulators D007476 - Ionophores Isopimaric acid is a potent opener of large conductance calcium activated K+ (BK) channels. Isopimaric acid is a potent opener of large conductance calcium activated K+ (BK) channels.




C15H24 (204.18779039999998)

alpha-Humulene, also known as alpha-caryophyllene, belongs to the class of organic compounds known as sesquiterpenoids. These are terpenes with three consecutive isoprene units. Thus, alpha-humulene is considered to be an isoprenoid lipid molecule. alpha-Humulene is found in allspice. alpha-Humulene is a constituent of many essential oils including hops (Humulus lupulus) and cloves (Syzygium aromaticum). (1E,4E,8E)-alpha-humulene is the (1E,4E,8E)-isomer of alpha-humulene. Humulene is a natural product found in Nepeta nepetella, Teucrium montanum, and other organisms with data available. See also: Caryophyllene (related). α-Humulene is a main constituent of Tanacetum vulgare L. (Asteraceae) essential oil with anti-inflammation (IC50=15±2 μg/mL). α-Humulene inhibits COX-2 and iNOS expression[1]. α-Humulene is a main constituent of Tanacetum vulgare L. (Asteraceae) essential oil with anti-inflammation (IC50=15±2 μg/mL). α-Humulene inhibits COX-2 and iNOS expression[1].




C10H16 (136.1251936)

beta-Phellandrene is found in allspice. beta-Phellandrene is widely distributed in essential oils (Angelica, Eucalyptus, Lavandula, Mentha, Pinus species). beta-Phellandrene is a flavour ingredient.Phellandrene is the name for a pair of organic compounds that have a similar molecular structure and similar chemical properties. alpha-Phellandrene and beta-phellandrene are cyclic monoterpenes and are double-bond isomers. The phellandrenes are used in fragrances because of their pleasing aromas. (Wikipedia Beta-phellandrene is one of a pair of phellandrene cyclic monoterpene double-bond isomers in which one double bond is exocyclic (cf. alpha-phellandrene, where both of them are endoocyclic). It has a role as a plant metabolite. beta-Phellandrene is a natural product found in Xylopia aromatica, Dacrydium nausoriense, and other organisms with data available. See also: Cannabis sativa subsp. indica top (part of). One of a pair of phellandrene cyclic monoterpene double-bond isomers in which one double bond is exocyclic (cf. alpha-phellandrene, where both of them are endoocyclic). Widely distributed in essential oils (Angelica, Eucalyptus, Lavandula, Mentha, Pinus subspecies). Flavour ingredient β-Phellandrene is obtained from Carum petroselinum. β-Phellandrene can be used to essential oil additives[1]. β-Phellandrene is obtained from Carum petroselinum. β-Phellandrene can be used to essential oil additives[1].



1-Isopropyl-4-methyl-1,4-cyclohexadiene, p-Mentha-1,4-diene

C10H16 (136.1251936)

Gamma-terpinene is one of three isomeric monoterpenes differing in the positions of their two double bonds (alpha- and beta-terpinene being the others). In gamma-terpinene the double bonds are at the 1- and 4-positions of the p-menthane skeleton. It has a role as an antioxidant, a plant metabolite, a volatile oil component and a human xenobiotic metabolite. It is a monoterpene and a cyclohexadiene. gamma-Terpinene is a natural product found in Teucrium montanum, Xylopia aromatica, and other organisms with data available. The terpinenes are three isomeric hydrocarbons that are classified as terpenes. Gamma-terpinene is one these three isomeric hydrocarbons. It is natural and has been isolated from a variety of plant sources (Wikipedia). It is a major component of essential oils made from Citrus Fruits and has strong antioxidant activity. It has a lemon odor and widely used in food, flavours, soaps, cosmetics, pharmaceutical, tabacco, confectionery and perfume industries ( See also: Lemon oil, cold pressed (part of); Coriander Oil (part of); Mandarin oil (part of). Gamma-terpinene is one of four isomeric monoterpenes (the other three being alpha terpinene, beta terpinene and delta terpinene). It is a naturally occurring terpinene and has been isolated from a variety of plant sources. It has the highest boiling point of the four known terpinene isomers. It is a major component of essential oils made from citrus fruits and has a strong antioxidant activity. It has a lemon-like or lime-like odor and is widely used in food, flavours, soaps, cosmetics, pharmaceutical, tabacco, confectionery and perfume industries ( The other isomers of gamma-terpinene, such as alpha-terpinene and delta-terpinene, have been isolated from cardamom and marjoram oils while beta terpinene appears to have no natural source. One of three isomeric monoterpenes differing in the positions of their two double bonds (alpha- and beta-terpinene being the others). In gamma-terpinene the double bonds are at the 1- and 4-positions of the p-menthane skeleton. Constituent of many essential oils e.g. Citrus, Eucalyptus, Mentha, Pinus subspecies Ajowan seed oil (Carum copticum) is a major source γ-Terpinene, a monoterpene, is an orally active antioxidant compound which can scavenge radicals directly. γ-Terpinene has potent antinociception activity[1]. γ-Terpinene, a monoterpene, is an orally active antioxidant compound which can scavenge radicals directly. γ-Terpinene has potent antinociception activity[1].



(R)-(+)--Pinene;(+)--Pinene; (1R)-(+)--Pinene; (1R)--Pinene; (1R,5R)-(+)--Pinene

C10H16 (136.1251936)

alpha-Pinene (CAS: 80-56-8) is an organic compound of the terpene class and is one of two isomers of pinene. It is found in the oils of many species of many coniferous trees, notably the pine. It is also found in the essential oil of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis). Both enantiomers are known in nature. 1S,5S- or (-)-alpha-pinene is more common in European pines, whereas the 1R,5R- or (+)-alpha-isomer is more common in North America. The racemic mixture is present in some oils such as eucalyptus oil (Wikipedia). alpha-Pinene is an organic compound of the terpene class, one of two isomers of pinene. It is found in the oils of many species of many coniferous trees, notably the pine. It is also found in the essential oil of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis). Both enantiomers are known in nature; 1S,5S- or (-)-alpha-pinene is more common in European pines, whereas the 1R,5R- or (+)-alpha-isomer is more common in North America. The racemic mixture is present in some oils such as eucalyptus oil. (+)-alpha-pinene is the (+)-enantiomer of alpha-pinene. It has a role as a plant metabolite and a human metabolite. It is an enantiomer of a (-)-alpha-pinene. (+)-alpha-Pinene is a natural product found in Juniperus drupacea, Eucalyptus deglupta, and other organisms with data available. The (+)-enantiomer of alpha-pinene. (1R)-α-Pinene is a volatile monoterpene with antimicrobial activities. (1R)-α-Pinene reduces Bacillus cereus population growth, and exhibits repellent effects[1][2]. (1R)-α-Pinene is a volatile monoterpene with antimicrobial activities. (1R)-α-Pinene reduces Bacillus cereus population growth, and exhibits repellent effects[1][2].



4H-1-Benzopyran-4-one, 3,5,7-trihydroxy-2-(3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl)-

C15H10O8 (318.037566)

Myricetin, also known as cannabiscetin or myricetol, belongs to the class of organic compounds known as flavonols. Flavonols are compounds that contain a flavone (2-phenyl-1-benzopyran-4-one) backbone carrying a hydroxyl group at the 3-position. Thus, myricetin is considered to be a flavonoid lipid molecule. A hexahydroxyflavone that is flavone substituted by hydroxy groups at positions 3, 3, 4, 5, 5 and 7. Myricetin is a very hydrophobic molecule, practically insoluble in water, and relatively neutral. Myricetin is found, on average, in the highest concentration within a few different foods, such as common walnuts, carobs, and fennels and in a lower concentration in welsh onions, yellow bell peppers, and jutes. Myricetin has also been detected, but not quantified in several different foods, such as napa cabbages, sesames, mixed nuts, lichee, and garden cress. Myricetin is a hexahydroxyflavone that is flavone substituted by hydroxy groups at positions 3, 3, 4, 5, 5 and 7. It has been isolated from the leaves of Myrica rubra and other plants. It has a role as a cyclooxygenase 1 inhibitor, an antineoplastic agent, an antioxidant, a plant metabolite, a food component, a hypoglycemic agent and a geroprotector. It is a hexahydroxyflavone and a 7-hydroxyflavonol. It is a conjugate acid of a myricetin(1-). Myricetin is a natural product found in Ficus auriculata, Visnea mocanera, and other organisms with data available. Myricetin is a metabolite found in or produced by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. See also: Quercetin (related). Flavanol found in a wide variety of foodstuffs especially in red table wine, bee pollen, bilberries, blueberries, bog whortleberries, broad beans, Chinese bajberry, corn poppy leaves, cranberries, crowberries, blackcurrants, dock leaves, fennel, grapes, parsley, perilla, rutabaga, dill weed and tea (green and black). Glycosides are also widely distributed. Potential nutriceutical showing anti-HIV activity A hexahydroxyflavone that is flavone substituted by hydroxy groups at positions 3, 3, 4, 5, 5 and 7. It has been isolated from the leaves of Myrica rubra and other plants. COVID info from PDB, Protein Data Bank Corona-virus Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 SARS-CoV COVID19 SARS2 SARS [Raw Data] CB066_Myricetin_pos_30eV_CB000028.txt [Raw Data] CB066_Myricetin_pos_20eV_CB000028.txt [Raw Data] CB066_Myricetin_pos_40eV_CB000028.txt [Raw Data] CB066_Myricetin_pos_50eV_CB000028.txt [Raw Data] CB066_Myricetin_pos_10eV_CB000028.txt [Raw Data] CB066_Myricetin_neg_10eV_000019.txt [Raw Data] CB066_Myricetin_neg_40eV_000019.txt [Raw Data] CB066_Myricetin_neg_50eV_000019.txt [Raw Data] CB066_Myricetin_neg_20eV_000019.txt [Raw Data] CB066_Myricetin_neg_30eV_000019.txt Myricetin is a common plant-derived flavonoid with a wide range of activities including strong anti-oxidant, anticancer, antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory activities. Myricetin is a common plant-derived flavonoid with a wide range of activities including strong anti-oxidant, anticancer, antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory activities.



4H-1-Benzopyran-4-one, 3,5,7-trihydroxy-2-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-

C16H12O7 (316.05830019999996)

Isorhamnetin is the methylated metabolite of quercetin. Quercetin is an important dietary flavonoid with in vitro antioxidant activity. However, it is found in human plasma as conjugates with glucuronic acid, sulfate or methyl groups, with no significant amounts of free quercetin present. Isorhamnetin prevents endothelial cell injuries from oxidized LDL via inhibition of lectin-like ox-LDL receptor-1 upregulation, interference of ox-LDL-mediated intracellular signaling pathway (p38MAPK activation, NF-kappaB nuclear translocation, eNOS expression) and the antioxidant activity of isorhamnetin. Isorhamnetin prevents endothelial dysfunction, superoxide production, and overexpression of p47phox induced by angiotensin II. Isorhamnetin appears to be a potent drug against esophageal cancer due to its in vitro potential to not only inhibit proliferation but also induce apoptosis of Eca-109 cells. (PMID: 15493462, 17368593, 17374653, 16963021). Isorhamnetin is a monomethoxyflavone that is quercetin in which the hydroxy group at position 3 is replaced by a methoxy group. It has a role as an EC (tyrosinase) inhibitor, an anticoagulant and a metabolite. It is a 7-hydroxyflavonol, a tetrahydroxyflavone and a monomethoxyflavone. It is functionally related to a quercetin. It is a conjugate acid of an isorhamnetin(1-). Isorhamnetin is a natural product found in Lotus ucrainicus, Strychnos pseudoquina, and other organisms with data available. Isorhamnetin is a metabolite found in or produced by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. See also: Peumus boldus leaf (part of). Widespread flavonol found especially in bee pollen, chives, corn poppy leaves, garden cress, fennel, hartwort, red onions, pears, dillweed, parsley and tarragon. Isorhamnetin is found in many foods, some of which are italian sweet red pepper, carrot, yellow wax bean, and lemon balm. A monomethoxyflavone that is quercetin in which the hydroxy group at position 3 is replaced by a methoxy group. Acquisition and generation of the data is financially supported in part by CREST/JST. Isorhamnetin is a flavonoid compound extracted from the Chinese herb Hippophae rhamnoides L.. Isorhamnetin suppresses skin cancer through direct inhibition of MEK1 and PI3K. Isorhamnetin is a flavonoid compound extracted from the Chinese herb Hippophae rhamnoides L.. Isorhamnetin suppresses skin cancer through direct inhibition of MEK1 and PI3K.



Chlorure de 3,5,7-trihydroxy-2-(3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl)benzopyrylium

[C15H11O7]+ (303.0504756)

Delphinidin, also known as delphinidin chloride (CAS: 528-53-0), belongs to the class of organic compounds known as 7-hydroxyflavonoids. These are flavonoids that bear one hydroxyl group at the C-7 position of the flavonoid skeleton. Thus, delphinidin is considered to be a flavonoid lipid molecule. Delphinidin is found, on average, in the highest concentration within a few different foods, such as bilberries, cowpea, and blackcurrants, and in a lower concentration in common beans, common pea, and wheats. Delphinidin has also been detected, but not quantified in, several different foods, such as Brussel sprouts, fruits, horseradish tree, pepper (C. pubescens), and macadamia nuts. This could make delphinidin a potential biomarker for the consumption of these foods. Delphinidin is an anthocyanin and a primary plant pigment. Delphinidin gives blue hues to flowers like violas and delphiniums. It also gives the blue-red colour of the grape that produces Cabernet Sauvignon, and can be found in cranberries (Wikipedia). BioTransformer predicts that delphinidin is a product of 5,7-dihydroxy-3-{oxy}-2-(3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl)-1λ⁴-chromen-1-ylium metabolism via a glycoside-hydrolysis reaction occurring in human gut microbiota and catalyzed by an EC.3.2.1.X enzyme (PMID: 30612223). Widespread anthocyanidin found especies in blueberries, raspberries and red table wine. Glycosides also widespread. Delphinidin is found in many foods, some of which are macadamia nut (m. tetraphylla), oval-leaf huckleberry, napa cabbage, and sunburst squash (pattypan squash). Acquisition and generation of the data is financially supported in part by CREST/JST.



1-benzopyrylium, 2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-3,5,7-trihydroxy-, chloride (1:1)

[C15H11O6]+ (287.05556060000004)

Cyanidin, also known as cyanidin chloride (CAS: 528-58-5), belongs to the class of organic compounds known as 7-hydroxyflavonoids. These are flavonoids that bear one hydroxyl group at the C-7 position of the flavonoid skeleton. Thus, cyanidin is considered to be a flavonoid lipid molecule. Cyanidin is a very hydrophobic molecule, practically insoluble (in water), and relatively neutral. Cyanidin (and its glycosides) is the most commonly occurring of the anthocyanins, a widespread group of pigments responsible for the red-blue colour of many fruits and vegetables (PMID: 14711454). BioTransformer predicts that cyanidin is a product of cyanidin 3-​glucoside metabolism via a glycoside-hydrolysis reaction occurring in human gut microbiota and catalyzed by the EC.3.2.1.X enzyme (PMID: 30612223). Widely distributed anthocyanidin, found especies in Vaccinium subspecies (blueberries, bilberries, whortleberries), cherries, raspberries, red onions, red wine and black tea. Cyanidin is found in many foods, some of which are papaya, hyacinth bean, sweet basil, and abalone.




C10H16 (136.1251936)

Camphene, also known as 2,2-dimethyl-3-methylenebicyclo[2.2.1]heptane or 2,2-dimethyl-3-methylenenorbornane, is a member of the class of compounds known as bicyclic monoterpenoids. Bicyclic monoterpenoids are monoterpenoids containing exactly 2 rings, which are fused to each other. Monoterpenoids are terpenes that contain 10 carbon atoms and are comprised of two isoprene units. The biosynthesis of monoterpenes is known to occur mainly through the methyl-erythritol-phosphate (MEP) pathway in plastids (PMID:7640522 ). Geranyl diphosphate (GPP) is a key intermediate in the biosynthesis of cyclic monoterpenes. GPP undergoes several cyclization reactions to yield a diverse number of cyclic arrangements. Camphene is nearly insoluble in water but very soluble in common organic solvents. It volatilizes readily at room temperature and has a pungent smell. It exists as a flammable, white solid that has a minty, citrus, eucalyptus odor. It is produced industrially by catalytic isomerization of the more common alpha-pinene. Camphene is used in the preparation of fragrances and in food additives for flavouring. In the mid-19th century it was used as a fuel for lamps, but this was limited by its explosiveness. Camphene exists in all eukaryotes, ranging from yeast to plants to humans. Camphene can be found in a number of food items such as dill, carrots, caraway, hyssop, lemon, orange, nutmeg seed, parsley, sage, thyme, turmeric and fennel, which makes camphene a potential biomarker for the consumption of these food products. It is a minor constituent of many essential oils such as turpentine, cypress oil, camphor oil, citronella oil, neroli, ginger oil, and valerian. Camphene is one of several monoterpenes that are found in cannabis plants (PMID:6991645 ). Camphene, also known as 2,2-dimethyl-3-methylenebicyclo[2.2.1]heptane or 2,2-dimethyl-3-methylenenorbornane, is a member of the class of compounds known as bicyclic monoterpenoids. Bicyclic monoterpenoids are monoterpenoids containing exactly 2 rings, which are fused to each other. Camphene is a camphor, fir needle, and herbal tasting compound and can be found in a number of food items such as cardamom, yellow bell pepper, common thyme, and coriander, which makes camphene a potential biomarker for the consumption of these food products. Camphene can be found primarily in feces and saliva. Camphene exists in all eukaryotes, ranging from yeast to humans. Camphene is a bicyclic monoterpene. It is nearly insoluble in water, but very soluble in common organic solvents. It volatilizes readily at room temperature and has a pungent smell. It is a minor constituent of many essential oils such as turpentine, cypress oil, camphor oil, citronella oil, neroli, ginger oil, and valerian. It is produced industrially by catalytic isomerization of the more common alpha-pinene. Camphene is used in the preparation of fragrances and as a food additive for flavoring. Its mid-19th century use as a fuel for lamps was limited by its explosiveness .




C15H24 (204.18779039999998)

Longifolene is a member of the class of compounds known as sesquiterpenoids. Sesquiterpenoids are terpenes with three consecutive isoprene units. Longifolene is a sweet, fir needle, and medical tasting compound found in corn, mandarin orange (clementine, tangerine), rosemary, and star anise, which makes longifolene a potential biomarker for the consumption of these food products. Longifolene is the common (or trivial) chemical name of a naturally occurring, oily Liquid hydrocarbon found primarily in the high-boiling fraction of certain pine resins. The name is derived from that of a pine species from which the compound was isolated, Pinus longifolia (obsolete name for Pinus roxburghii Sarg.) Chemically, longifolene is a tricyclic sesquiterpene. This molecule is chiral, and the enantiomer commonly found in pines and other higher plants exhibits a positive optical rotation of +42.73¬∞. The other enantiomer (optical rotation ‚àí42.73¬∞) is found in small amounts in certain fungi and liverworts . Longifolene is a member of the class of compounds known as sesquiterpenoids. Sesquiterpenoids are terpenes with three consecutive isoprene units. Longifolene is a sweet, fir needle, and medical tasting compound found in corn, mandarin orange (clementine, tangerine), rosemary, and star anise, which makes longifolene a potential biomarker for the consumption of these food products. Longifolene is the common (or trivial) chemical name of a naturally occurring, oily liquid hydrocarbon found primarily in the high-boiling fraction of certain pine resins. The name is derived from that of a pine species from which the compound was isolated, Pinus longifolia (obsolete name for Pinus roxburghii Sarg.) Chemically, longifolene is a tricyclic sesquiterpene. This molecule is chiral, and the enantiomer commonly found in pines and other higher plants exhibits a positive optical rotation of +42.73°. The other enantiomer (optical rotation −42.73°) is found in small amounts in certain fungi and liverworts . (+)-Longifolene is a sesquiterpenoid and a metabolite in rabbits. (+)-Longifolen is converted to primary, secondary or tertiary alcohols in rabbits, among which the primary alcohol is predominant[1]. (+)-Longifolene is a sesquiterpenoid and a metabolite in rabbits. (+)-Longifolen is converted to primary, secondary or tertiary alcohols in rabbits, among which the primary alcohol is predominant[1]. (+)-Longifolene is a sesquiterpenoid and a metabolite in rabbits. (+)-Longifolen is converted to primary, secondary or tertiary alcohols in rabbits, among which the primary alcohol is predominant[1].


DIBOA trihexose


C17H14O8 (346.0688644)

Syringetin,?a flavonoid derivative, is associated with increased BMP-2 production. Syringetin stimulates osteoblast differentiation at various stages, from maturation to terminally differentiated osteoblasts[1]. Syringetin,?a flavonoid derivative, is associated with increased BMP-2 production. Syringetin stimulates osteoblast differentiation at various stages, from maturation to terminally differentiated osteoblasts[1].




C15H24 (204.18779039999998)

beta-Caryophyllene, also known as caryophyllene or (−)-β-caryophyllene, is a natural bicyclic sesquiterpene that is a constituent of many essential oils including that of Syzygium aromaticum (cloves), Cannabis sativa, rosemary, and hops. It is usually found as a mixture with isocaryophyllene (the cis double bond isomer) and α-humulene (obsolete name: α-caryophyllene), a ring-opened isomer. beta-Caryophyllene is notable for having both a cyclobutane ring and a trans-double bond in a nine-membered ring, both rarities in nature (Wikipedia). beta-Caryophyllene is a sweet and dry tasting compound that can be found in a number of food items such as allspice, fig, pot marjoram, and roman camomile, which makes beta-caryophyllene a potential biomarker for the consumption of these food products. beta-Caryophyllene can be found in feces and saliva. (-)-Caryophyllene. CAS Common Chemistry. CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society, n.d. (retrieved 2024-08-07) (CAS RN: 87-44-5). Licensed under the Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0). β-Caryophyllene is a CB2 receptor agonist. β-Caryophyllene is a CB2 receptor agonist.




C10H16 (136.1251936)

(+)-alpha-Carene is found in herbs and spices. (+)-alpha-Carene is widespread plant product, found especially in turpentine oils (from Pinus species) and oil of galbanu Isolated from root oil of Kaempferia galanga. (-)-alpha-Carene is found in many foods, some of which are pummelo, cumin, herbs and spices, and sweet orange.


Neoabietic acid

Podocarp-8(14)-en-15-oic acid, 13-isopropylidene-

C20H30O2 (302.224568)


Pimara-7,15-diene #


C20H32 (272.2503872)




C20H32O (288.24530219999997)




C20H30O (286.229653)




C20H30 (270.234738)

A diterpene that is abietane having three double bonds located at positions 8, 11 and 13.




C10H16 (136.1251936)

Pinene (is a bicyclic monoterpene chemical compound. There are two structural isomers of pinene found in nature: alpha-pinene and beta-pinene. As the name suggests, both forms are important constituents of pine resin; they are also found in the resins of many other conifers, as well as in non-coniferous plants. Both isomers are used by many insects in their chemical communication system.




C10H16 (136.1251936)

An isomer of pinene with an exocyclic double bond. It is a component of essential oils from many plants. Widely distributed in plants, usually associated with a-Pinene JPV84-W but in smaller amounts. Found in lime peel oil, ginger, nutmeg, mace, bitter fennel, rosemary and sage. Flavour ingredient β-Pinene ((-)-β-Pinene), a major component of turpentine, inhibit infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) with an IC50 of 1.32 mM. β-Pinene presents antimicrobial activity[1][2]. β-Pinene ((-)-β-Pinene), a major component of turpentine, inhibit infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) with an IC50 of 1.32 mM. β-Pinene presents antimicrobial activity[1][2].




C8H8O5 (184.0371718)

Methyl 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoate is a gallate ester obtained by the formal condensation of gallic acid with methanol. It exhibits anti-oxidant, anti-tumor, anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. It has a role as a plant metabolite, an anti-inflammatory agent and an antioxidant. Methyl gallate is a natural product found in Euphorbia teheranica, Euphorbia hyssopifolia, and other organisms with data available. See also: Paeonia lactiflora root (part of). A gallate ester obtained by the formal condensation of gallic acid with methanol. It exhibits anti-oxidant, anti-tumor, anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. Methyl gallate is a plant phenolic with antioxidant, anticancer, and anti-inflammatory activities. Methyl gallate also shows bacterial inhibition activity. Methyl gallate also has anti-HIV-1 and HIV-1 enzyme inhibitory activities. Methyl gallate is a plant phenolic with antioxidant, anticancer, and anti-inflammatory activities. Methyl gallate also shows bacterial inhibition activity. Methyl gallate also has anti-HIV-1 and HIV-1 enzyme inhibitory activities.



Bicyclo(4.1.0)hept-3-ene, 3,7,7(or 4,7,7)-trimethyl-

C10H16 (136.1251936)

Carene is a colorless liquid with a sweet, turpentine-like odor. Floats on water. (USCG, 1999) Car-3-ene is a monoterpene. It derives from a hydride of a carane. 3-Carene is a natural product found in Nepeta nepetella, Xylopia aromatica, and other organisms with data available. See also: Cannabis sativa subsp. indica top (part of). alpha-Carene is found in allspice. alpha-Carene is a flavouring ingredient.Carene, or delta-3-carene, is a bicyclic monoterpene which occurs naturally as a constituent of turpentine, with a content as high as 42\\% depending on the source. Carene has a sweet and pungent odor. It is not soluble in water, but miscible with fats and oils Flavouring ingredient



4H-1-Benzopyran-4-one, 3,5,7-trihydroxy-2-(4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxyphenyl)-

C17H14O8 (346.0688644)

Syringetin is a dimethoxyflavone that is myricetin in which the hydroxy groups at positions 3 and 5 have been replaced by methoxy groups. It has a role as a platelet aggregation inhibitor and a metabolite. It is a tetrahydroxyflavone, a dimethoxyflavone, a 7-hydroxyflavonol, a member of 3-methoxyflavones and a 3,5-dimethoxyflavone. It is functionally related to a myricetin. It is a conjugate acid of a syringetin(1-). Syringetin is a natural product found in Lysimachia congestiflora, Chondropetalum, and other organisms with data available. A dimethoxyflavone that is myricetin in which the hydroxy groups at positions 3 and 5 have been replaced by methoxy groups. Syringetin,?a flavonoid derivative, is associated with increased BMP-2 production. Syringetin stimulates osteoblast differentiation at various stages, from maturation to terminally differentiated osteoblasts[1]. Syringetin,?a flavonoid derivative, is associated with increased BMP-2 production. Syringetin stimulates osteoblast differentiation at various stages, from maturation to terminally differentiated osteoblasts[1].




C16H16O2 (240.1150236)

(E)-3,5-Dimethoxystilbene is isolated from wood of Pinus palustris (pitch pine


Malvidin 3-galactoside


C23H25O12+ (493.134595)

Malvidin 3-galactoside is found in american cranberry. Malvidin 3-galactoside is isolated from many plant species including Vaccinium myrtillus (bilberry) and Vaccinium corymbosum (blueberry) Malvidin (Mv) is an anthocyanidin. As a primary plant pigment, its glycosides are highly abundant in nature. It is primarily responsible for the color of red wine, Vitis vinifera being one of its sources. It is also one of the anthocyanidins responsible for the blue pigment found in the Primula polyanthus plant. Malvidin is an anthocyanin. Anthocyanins are pigments that give color red to red grape (Vitis vinifera) varieties, and blood oranges (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck). (PMID: 15563216, 17425943); Anthocyanins have potentially chemopreventive activity, apart from its antioxidant activity. (PMID: 16080535); Numerous classes of grape anthocyanins are transferred to the wine and confer taste and color to the beverage. (PMID: 15954164); Anthocyanins are water soluble pigments belonging to the flavonoids compound family involved in nature in a wide range of functions such as flowers, fruits, and seeds pigmentation to attract pollinators, to disperse seeds, to protect against UV light damage, and in plant defense to protect against pathogen attack. Because anthocyanins impart much of the color and flavor of fruits and vegetables, they are usually components of the human diet and are not only considered exclusively as food products but also as therapeutic agents; in fact, anthocyanins have been suggested to protect against oxidative stress, coronary heart diseases, certain cancers, and other age-related diseases. At least part of these presumed health-promoting features can be attributed to the antioxidant properties of these compounds whose chemical structure appears ideal for free radical scavenging. (PMID: 16277406). Isolated from many plant subspecies inc. Vaccinium myrtillus (bilberry) and Vaccinium corymbosum (blueberry)


Methyl gallate

345-Trihydroxy-benzoic acid methyl ester

C8H8O5 (184.0371718)

Methyl gallate, also known as methyl 3 or methyl galloic acid, is a member of the class of compounds known as galloyl esters. Galloyl esters are organic compounds that contain an ester derivative of 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoic acid. Methyl gallate is slightly soluble (in water) and a very weakly acidic compound (based on its pKa). Methyl gallate can be found in peach and pomegranate, which makes methyl gallate a potential biomarker for the consumption of these food products. Methyl gallate is a phenolic compound. It is the methyl ester of gallic acid . Methyl gallate is a plant phenolic with antioxidant, anticancer, and anti-inflammatory activities. Methyl gallate also shows bacterial inhibition activity. Methyl gallate also has anti-HIV-1 and HIV-1 enzyme inhibitory activities. Methyl gallate is a plant phenolic with antioxidant, anticancer, and anti-inflammatory activities. Methyl gallate also shows bacterial inhibition activity. Methyl gallate also has anti-HIV-1 and HIV-1 enzyme inhibitory activities.


Methyl gallate

methyl 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoate

C8H8O5 (184.0371718)

Methyl gallate is a plant phenolic with antioxidant, anticancer, and anti-inflammatory activities. Methyl gallate also shows bacterial inhibition activity. Methyl gallate also has anti-HIV-1 and HIV-1 enzyme inhibitory activities. Methyl gallate is a plant phenolic with antioxidant, anticancer, and anti-inflammatory activities. Methyl gallate also shows bacterial inhibition activity. Methyl gallate also has anti-HIV-1 and HIV-1 enzyme inhibitory activities.



(1R,10aR)-1,2,3,4,4a,9,10,10a-octahydro-7-isopropyl-1,4a -dimethylphenanthrene-1-carbaldehyde

C20H28O (284.2140038)

Dehydroabietadienal is a carbotricyclic compound and an abietane diterpenoid. Dehydroabietal is a natural product found in Pinus brutia var. eldarica, Cedrus atlantica, and other organisms with data available.



4H-1-Benzopyran-4-one, 3,5,7-trihydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-5,7,4-Trihydroxyflavonol

C15H10O6 (286.047736)

Kaempferol (Kempferol), a flavonoid found in many edible plants, inhibits estrogen receptor α expression in breast cancer cells and induces apoptosis in glioblastoma cells and lung cancer cells by activation of MEK-MAPK. Kaempferol can be uesd for the research of breast cancer[1][2][3][4]. Kaempferol (Kempferol), a flavonoid found in many edible plants, inhibits estrogen receptor α expression in breast cancer cells and induces apoptosis in glioblastoma cells and lung cancer cells by activation of MEK-MAPK. Kaempferol can be uesd for the research of breast cancer[1][2][3][4].




C15H11O6+ (287.05556060000004)



2- (3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl) -3,5,7-trihydroxy-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one

C15H10O7 (302.042651)

Annotation level-1 COVID info from clinicaltrial, clinicaltrials, clinical trial, clinical trials relative retention time with respect to 9-anthracene Carboxylic Acid is 0.898 D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants Corona-virus Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 SARS-CoV COVID19 SARS2 SARS relative retention time with respect to 9-anthracene Carboxylic Acid is 0.902 Acquisition and generation of the data is financially supported by the Max-Planck-Society IPB_RECORD: 1981; CONFIDENCE confident structure IPB_RECORD: 3301; CONFIDENCE confident structure IPB_RECORD: 3283; CONFIDENCE confident structure Quercetin, a natural flavonoid, is a stimulator of recombinant SIRT1 and also a PI3K inhibitor with IC50 of 2.4 μM, 3.0 μM and 5.4 μM for PI3K γ, PI3K δ and PI3K β, respectively[1]. Quercetin, a natural flavonoid, is a stimulator of recombinant SIRT1 and also a PI3K inhibitor with IC50 of 2.4 μM, 3.0 μM and 5.4 μM for PI3K γ, PI3K δ and PI3K β, respectively[1].



4H-1-Benzopyran-4-one, 3,5,7-trihydroxy-2-(4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxyphenyl)-

C17H14O8 (346.0688644)

Syringetin,?a flavonoid derivative, is associated with increased BMP-2 production. Syringetin stimulates osteoblast differentiation at various stages, from maturation to terminally differentiated osteoblasts[1]. Syringetin,?a flavonoid derivative, is associated with increased BMP-2 production. Syringetin stimulates osteoblast differentiation at various stages, from maturation to terminally differentiated osteoblasts[1].



4H-1-Benzopyran-4-one, 3,5,7-trihydroxy-2-(3-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)- (9CI)

C16H12O7 (316.05830019999996)

Glucoside present in the leaves of Peumus boldus (boldo). Isorhamnetin 3-dirhamnoside is found in fruits. Annotation level-1 Isorhamnetin is a flavonoid compound extracted from the Chinese herb Hippophae rhamnoides L.. Isorhamnetin suppresses skin cancer through direct inhibition of MEK1 and PI3K. Isorhamnetin is a flavonoid compound extracted from the Chinese herb Hippophae rhamnoides L.. Isorhamnetin suppresses skin cancer through direct inhibition of MEK1 and PI3K.




C15H10O6 (286.047736)

Annotation level-3 Annotation level-1 relative retention time with respect to 9-anthracene Carboxylic Acid is 1.010 relative retention time with respect to 9-anthracene Carboxylic Acid is 1.011 Acquisition and generation of the data is financially supported by the Max-Planck-Society IPB_RECORD: 2141; CONFIDENCE confident structure IPB_RECORD: 3341; CONFIDENCE confident structure IPB_RECORD: 3321; CONFIDENCE confident structure CONFIDENCE confident structure; IPB_RECORD: 3321 IPB_RECORD: 141; CONFIDENCE confident structure Kaempferol (Kempferol), a flavonoid found in many edible plants, inhibits estrogen receptor α expression in breast cancer cells and induces apoptosis in glioblastoma cells and lung cancer cells by activation of MEK-MAPK. Kaempferol can be uesd for the research of breast cancer[1][2][3][4]. Kaempferol (Kempferol), a flavonoid found in many edible plants, inhibits estrogen receptor α expression in breast cancer cells and induces apoptosis in glioblastoma cells and lung cancer cells by activation of MEK-MAPK. Kaempferol can be uesd for the research of breast cancer[1][2][3][4].




C15H24 (204.18779039999998)

(+)-Longifolene is a sesquiterpenoid and a metabolite in rabbits. (+)-Longifolen is converted to primary, secondary or tertiary alcohols in rabbits, among which the primary alcohol is predominant[1]. (+)-Longifolene is a sesquiterpenoid and a metabolite in rabbits. (+)-Longifolen is converted to primary, secondary or tertiary alcohols in rabbits, among which the primary alcohol is predominant[1]. (+)-Longifolene is a sesquiterpenoid and a metabolite in rabbits. (+)-Longifolen is converted to primary, secondary or tertiary alcohols in rabbits, among which the primary alcohol is predominant[1].



(+)-3-delta-Carene, primary pharmaceutical reference standard

C10H16 (136.1251936)

(+)-car-3-ene is a car-3-ene (3,7,7-trimethylbicyclo[4.1.0]hept-3-ene) that has S configuration at position 1 and R configuration at position 6. It is an enantiomer of a (-)-car-3-ene. (+)-3-Carene is a natural product found in Molopospermum peloponnesiacum, Kippistia suaedifolia, and other organisms with data available.



4H-1-Benzopyran-4-one, 3,5,7-trihydroxy-2-(3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl)- (9CI)

C15H10O8 (318.037566)

COVID info from PDB, Protein Data Bank Corona-virus Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 SARS-CoV COVID19 SARS2 SARS relative retention time with respect to 9-anthracene Carboxylic Acid is 0.783 relative retention time with respect to 9-anthracene Carboxylic Acid is 0.784 Myricetin is a common plant-derived flavonoid with a wide range of activities including strong anti-oxidant, anticancer, antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory activities. Myricetin is a common plant-derived flavonoid with a wide range of activities including strong anti-oxidant, anticancer, antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory activities.



Abietic acid

C20H30O2 (302.224568)

relative retention time with respect to 9-anthracene Carboxylic Acid is 1.566 D006401 - Hematologic Agents > D005343 - Fibrinolytic Agents D000975 - Antioxidants > D016166 - Free Radical Scavengers D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants D050299 - Fibrin Modulating Agents D002317 - Cardiovascular Agents relative retention time with respect to 9-anthracene Carboxylic Acid is 1.569 relative retention time with respect to 9-anthracene Carboxylic Acid is 1.570 relative retention time with respect to 9-anthracene Carboxylic Acid is 1.573 Abietic acid, a diterpene isolated from Colophony, possesses antiproliferative, antibacterial, and anti-obesity properties. Abietic acid inhibits lipoxygenase activity for allergy treatment[1][2]. Abietic acid, a diterpene isolated from Colophony, possesses antiproliferative, antibacterial, and anti-obesity properties. Abietic acid inhibits lipoxygenase activity for allergy treatment[1][2].




C15H24 (204.18779039999998)

A beta-caryophyllene in which the stereocentre adjacent to the exocyclic double bond has S configuration while the remaining stereocentre has R configuration. It is the most commonly occurring form of beta-caryophyllene, occurring in many essential oils, particularly oil of cloves. D018373 - Peripheral Nervous System Agents > D018689 - Sensory System Agents D002491 - Central Nervous System Agents > D000700 - Analgesics D000893 - Anti-Inflammatory Agents D018501 - Antirheumatic Agents β-Caryophyllene is a CB2 receptor agonist. β-Caryophyllene is a CB2 receptor agonist.




C10H16 (136.1251936)

β-Phellandrene is obtained from Carum petroselinum. β-Phellandrene can be used to essential oil additives[1]. β-Phellandrene is obtained from Carum petroselinum. β-Phellandrene can be used to essential oil additives[1].




C23H25O12+ (493.134595)




C20H32 (272.2503872)




C15H24 (204.18779039999998)

α-Humulene is a main constituent of Tanacetum vulgare L. (Asteraceae) essential oil with anti-inflammation (IC50=15±2 μg/mL). α-Humulene inhibits COX-2 and iNOS expression[1]. α-Humulene is a main constituent of Tanacetum vulgare L. (Asteraceae) essential oil with anti-inflammation (IC50=15±2 μg/mL). α-Humulene inhibits COX-2 and iNOS expression[1].



4H-1-Benzopyran-4-one, 2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-3,5,7-trihydroxy-

C15H10O7 (302.042651)

COVID info from clinicaltrial, clinicaltrials, clinical trial, clinical trials D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants Corona-virus Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 SARS-CoV COVID19 SARS2 SARS Quercetin, a natural flavonoid, is a stimulator of recombinant SIRT1 and also a PI3K inhibitor with IC50 of 2.4 μM, 3.0 μM and 5.4 μM for PI3K γ, PI3K δ and PI3K β, respectively[1]. Quercetin, a natural flavonoid, is a stimulator of recombinant SIRT1 and also a PI3K inhibitor with IC50 of 2.4 μM, 3.0 μM and 5.4 μM for PI3K γ, PI3K δ and PI3K β, respectively[1].




C10H16 (136.1251936)

A pinene that is bicyclo[3.1.1]hept-2-ene substituted by methyl groups at positions 2, 6 and 6 respectively. (-)-α-Pinene is a monoterpene and shows sleep enhancing property through a direct binding to GABAA-benzodiazepine (BZD) receptors by acting as a partial modulator at the BZD binding site[1]. (-)-α-Pinene is a monoterpene and shows sleep enhancing property through a direct binding to GABAA-benzodiazepine (BZD) receptors by acting as a partial modulator at the BZD binding site[1]. (-)-α-Pinene is a monoterpene and shows sleep enhancing property through a direct binding to GABAA-benzodiazepine (BZD) receptors by acting as a partial modulator at the BZD binding site[1]. (-)-α-Pinene is a monoterpene and shows sleep enhancing property through a direct binding to GABAA-benzodiazepine (BZD) receptors by acting as a partial modulator at the BZD binding site[1]. (-)-α-Pinene is a monoterpene and shows sleep enhancing property through a direct binding to GABAA-benzodiazepine (BZD) receptors by acting as a partial modulator at the BZD binding site[1]. (-)-α-Pinene is a monoterpene and shows sleep enhancing property through a direct binding to GABAA-benzodiazepine (BZD) receptors by acting as a partial modulator at the BZD binding site[1].




C10H16 (136.1251936)

Myrcene (β-Myrcene), an aromatic volatile compound, suppresses TNFα-induced NF-κB activity. Myrcene has anti-invasive effect[1][2]. Myrcene (β-Myrcene), an aromatic volatile compound, suppresses TNFα-induced NF-κB activity. Myrcene has anti-invasive effect[1][2].




C10H16 (136.1251936)

γ-Terpinene, a monoterpene, is an orally active antioxidant compound which can scavenge radicals directly. γ-Terpinene has potent antinociception activity[1]. γ-Terpinene, a monoterpene, is an orally active antioxidant compound which can scavenge radicals directly. γ-Terpinene has potent antinociception activity[1].




C8H8O5 (184.0371718)

Methyl gallate is a plant phenolic with antioxidant, anticancer, and anti-inflammatory activities. Methyl gallate also shows bacterial inhibition activity. Methyl gallate also has anti-HIV-1 and HIV-1 enzyme inhibitory activities. Methyl gallate is a plant phenolic with antioxidant, anticancer, and anti-inflammatory activities. Methyl gallate also shows bacterial inhibition activity. Methyl gallate also has anti-HIV-1 and HIV-1 enzyme inhibitory activities.



(1R,4aR,4bS,7S,10aR)-7-ethenyl-1,4a,7-trimethyl-3,4,4b,5,6,8,10,10a-octahydro-2H-phenanthrene-1-carboxylic acid

C20H30O2 (302.224568)

D049990 - Membrane Transport Modulators D007476 - Ionophores Isopimaric acid is a potent opener of large conductance calcium activated K+ (BK) channels. Isopimaric acid is a potent opener of large conductance calcium activated K+ (BK) channels.




C10H16 (136.1251936)

A monoterpene with a bicyclic skeleton that is bicyclo[2.2.1]heptane substituted by geminal methyl groups at position 2 and a methylidene group at position 3. It is a widespread natural product found in many essential oils.




C15H11O7+ (303.0504756)




C20H30O (286.229653)