NCBI Taxonomy: 63350

Epimedium (ncbi_taxid: 63350)

found 2 associated metabolites at genus taxonomy rank level.

Ancestor: Epimedieae

Child Taxonomies: Epimedium koreanum, Epimedium ogisui, Epimedium elatum, Epimedium fangii, Epimedium flavum, Epimedium coactum, Epimedium alpinum, Epimedium davidii, Epimedium dewuense, Epimedium fargesii, Epimedium pinnatum, Epimedium enshiense, Epimedium pubescens, Epimedium hunanense, Epimedium pubigerum, Epimedium diphyllum, Epimedium truncatum, Epimedium epsteinii, Epimedium elongatum, Epimedium jianhense, Epimedium mikinorii, Epimedium pudingense, Epimedium franchetii, Epimedium wushanense, Epimedium acuminatum, Epimedium sagittatum, Epimedium brevicornu, Epimedium myrianthum, Epimedium baojingense, Epimedium xichangense, Epimedium multiflorum, Epimedium parvifolium, Epimedium muhuangense, Epimedium ilicifolium, Epimedium reticulatum, Epimedium zhushanense, Epimedium chlorandrum, Epimedium pauciflorum, Epimedium ecalcaratum, Epimedium latisepalum, Epimedium stellulatum, Epimedium grandiflorum, Epimedium macrosepalum, Epimedium sutchuenense, unclassified Epimedium, Epimedium lishihchenii, Epimedium rhizomatosum, Epimedium leptorrhizum, Epimedium sempervirens, Epimedium campanulatum, Epimedium membranaceum, Epimedium platypetalum, Epimedium brachyrrhizum, Epimedium shuichengense, Epimedium dolichostemon, Epimedium simplicifolium, Epimedium perralderianum, Epimedium jinchengshanense, Epimedium tianmenshanensis, Epimedium pseudowushanense, Epimedium qingchengshanense, Epimedium glandulosopilosum, Epimedium borealiguizhouense, Epimedium trifoliolatobinatum, Epimedium stellulatum x Epimedium franchetii, Epimedium franchetii x Epimedium sutchuenense



C33H40O15 (676.236709)

Icariin is a member of the class of flavonols that is kaempferol which is substituted at position 8 by a 3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl group and in which the hydroxy groups at positions 3, 4, and 7 have been converted to the corresponding 6-deoxy-alpha-L-mannopyranoside, methyl ether, and beta-D-glucopyranoside, respectively. A phoshphodiesterase-5 inhibitor, it is obtained from several species of plants in the genus Epimedium and is thought to be the main active ingredient of the Chinese herbal medicine Herba Epimedii (yinyanghuo). It has a role as a bone density conservation agent, a phytoestrogen, an EC (3,5-cyclic-GMP phosphodiesterase) inhibitor and an antioxidant. It is a glycosyloxyflavone and a member of flavonols. Icariin has been investigated for the basic science of the Pharmacokinetic Profile of Icariin in Humans. Icariin is a natural product found in Epimedium pubescens, Epimedium grandiflorum, and other organisms with data available. Origin: Plant, Pyrans Annotation level-1 relative retention time with respect to 9-anthracene Carboxylic Acid is 1.077 relative retention time with respect to 9-anthracene Carboxylic Acid is 1.073 Icariin is a flavonol glycoside. Icariin inhibits PDE5 and PDE4 activities with IC50s of 432 nM and 73.50 μM, respectively. Icariin also is a PPARα activator. Icariin is a flavonol glycoside. Icariin inhibits PDE5 and PDE4 activities with IC50s of 432 nM and 73.50 μM, respectively. Icariin also is a PPARα activator. Icariin is a flavonol glycoside. Icariin inhibits PDE5 and PDE4 activities with IC50s of 432 nM and 73.50 μM, respectively. Icariin also is a PPARα activator.