6-Hydroxyhexanoic acid (BioDeep_00000001606)
Secondary id: BioDeep_00000405734
human metabolite Endogenous natural product
化学式: C6H12O3 (132.0786)
中文名称: 6-羟基己酸
最多检出来源 Homo sapiens(plant) 5.96%
InChI: InChI=1S/C6H12O3/c7-5-3-1-2-4-6(8)9/h7H,1-5H2,(H,8,9)
6-Hydroxyhexanoate was identified as the immediate product of hexanoate w-hydroxylation by whole cells and was further oxidized into adipic acid and an unexpected metabolite identified as 2-tetrahydrofuranacetic acid. This same metabolite, together with adipic acid, was also detected when similarly induced cells were incubated with hexanoate or 1,6-hexanediol, but not with 6-oxohexanoate (adipic semialdehyde).Cells grown on hexanoate and incubated with 6-hydroxyhexanoate were also found to accumulate 2-tetrahydrofuranacetic acid, which was not further degraded. Utilization of 6-hydroxyhexanoate for growth was restricted to those organisms also able to utilize adipate. Similar observations were made with 1,6-hexanediol serving as the carbon source and cells obtained from one organism,Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO, grown either on 1,6-hexanediol or 6-hydroxyhexanoate,were found to be well induced for both 6-oxohexanoate and adipate oxidation. The results indicate that 6-hydroxyhexanoate and 1,6-hexanediol are susceptible to both 1B- and w-oxidative attack; however, the former pathway appears to be of no physiological significance since it generates 2-tetrahydrofuranacetic acid as a nonmetabolizable intermediate, making w-oxidation via adipate the exclusive pathway for degradation. [HMDB]
6-Hydroxyhexanoate was identified as the immediate product of hexanoate w-hydroxylation by whole cells and was further oxidized into adipic acid and an unexpected metabolite identified as 2-tetrahydrofuranacetic acid. This same metabolite, together with adipic acid, was also detected when similarly induced cells were incubated with hexanoate or 1,6-hexanediol, but not with 6-oxohexanoate (adipic semialdehyde).Cells grown on hexanoate and incubated with 6-hydroxyhexanoate were also found to accumulate 2-tetrahydrofuranacetic acid, which was not further degraded. Utilization of 6-hydroxyhexanoate for growth was restricted to those organisms also able to utilize adipate. Similar observations were made with 1,6-hexanediol serving as the carbon source and cells obtained from one organism,Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO, grown either on 1,6-hexanediol or 6-hydroxyhexanoate,were found to be well induced for both 6-oxohexanoate and adipate oxidation. The results indicate that 6-hydroxyhexanoate and 1,6-hexanediol are susceptible to both 1B- and w-oxidative attack; however, the former pathway appears to be of no physiological significance since it generates 2-tetrahydrofuranacetic acid as a nonmetabolizable intermediate, making w-oxidation via adipate the exclusive pathway for degradation.
16 个代谢物同义名
5-Hydroxypentanecarboxylic acid; epsilon-Hydroxyhexanoic acid; epsilon-Hydroxycaproic acid; 5-Hydroxypentanecarboxylate; epsilon-Hydroxyhexanoate; epsilon-Hydroxycaproate; 6-hydroxy-hexanoic acid; 6-hydroxy caproic acid; 6-Hydroxyhexanoic acid; 6-HYDROXYCAPROIC ACID; 6-Hydroxy caproate; 6-Hydroxyhexanoate; 6-Hydroxycaproate; 5-Carboxypentanol; 6-Hydroxyhexanoic acid; 6-Hydroxyhexanoic acid
21 个数据库交叉引用编号
- ChEBI: CHEBI:17869
- KEGG: C06103
- PubChem: 14490
- HMDB: HMDB0012843
- Metlin: METLIN35397
- ChEMBL: CHEMBL2006530
- foodb: FDB029184
- chemspider: 13835
- CAS: 1191-25-9
- MoNA: KO001081
- MoNA: KO001082
- MoNA: KO001085
- MoNA: KO001084
- MoNA: KO001083
- PMhub: MS000000844
- PubChem: 8367
- LipidMAPS: LMFA01050015
- 3DMET: B00902
- NIKKAJI: J262.001D
- KNApSAcK: 17869
- LOTUS: LTS0239811
0 个相关的代谢反应过程信息。
Plant Reactome(0)
COVID-19 Disease Map(0)
9 个相关的物种来源信息
- 7711 - Chordata: LTS0239811
- 2759 - Eukaryota: LTS0239811
- 9604 - Hominidae: LTS0239811
- 9605 - Homo: LTS0239811
- 9606 - Homo sapiens: -
- 9606 - Homo sapiens: 10.1007/S11306-012-0464-Y
- 9606 - Homo sapiens: LTS0239811
- 40674 - Mammalia: LTS0239811
- 33208 - Metazoa: LTS0239811
- PubMed: 来源于PubMed文献库中的文献信息,我们通过自然语言数据挖掘得到的在同一篇文献中被同时提及的相关代谢物列表,这个列表按照代谢物同时出现的文献数量降序排序,取前10个代谢物作为相关研究中关联性很高的代谢物集合展示在桑基图中。
- NCBI Taxonomy: 通过文献数据挖掘,得到的代谢物物种来源信息关联。这个关联信息同样按照出现的次数降序排序,取前10个代谢物作为高关联度的代谢物集合展示在桑吉图上。
- Chemical Taxonomy: 在物质分类上处于同一个分类集合中的其他代谢物
- Chemical Reaction: 在化学反应过程中,存在为当前代谢物相关联的生化反应过程中的反应底物或者反应产物的关联代谢物信息。
- E V Kulakovskaia, T V Kulakovskaia, V I Golubev, A S Shashkov, A A Grachev, N E Nifant'ev. [Fungicidal activity of cellobiose lipids from cultural fluid of yeast Cryptococcus humicola and Pseudozyma fusiformata].
Bioorganicheskaia khimiia.
2007 Jan; 33(1):167-71. doi:
. [PMID: 17375672]