

C29H48O (412.37049579999996)

Stigmasterol is a phytosterol, meaning it is steroid derived from plants. As a food additive, phytosterols have cholesterol-lowering properties (reducing cholesterol absorption in intestines), and may act in cancer prevention. Phytosterols naturally occur in small amount in vegetable oils, especially soybean oil. One such phytosterol complex, isolated from vegetable oil, is cholestatin, composed of campesterol, stigmasterol, and brassicasterol, and is marketed as a dietary supplement. Sterols can reduce cholesterol in human subjects by up to 15\\%. The mechanism behind phytosterols and the lowering of cholesterol occurs as follows : the incorporation of cholesterol into micelles in the gastrointestinal tract is inhibited, decreasing the overall amount of cholesterol absorbed. This may in turn help to control body total cholesterol levels, as well as modify HDL, LDL and TAG levels. Many margarines, butters, breakfast cereals and spreads are now enriched with phytosterols and marketed towards people with high cholesterol and a wish to lower it. Stigmasterol is found to be associated with phytosterolemia, which is an inborn error of metabolism. Stigmasterol is a 3beta-sterol that consists of 3beta-hydroxystigmastane having double bonds at the 5,6- and 22,23-positions. It has a role as a plant metabolite. It is a 3beta-sterol, a stigmastane sterol, a 3beta-hydroxy-Delta(5)-steroid and a member of phytosterols. It derives from a hydride of a stigmastane. Stigmasterol is a natural product found in Ficus auriculata, Xylopia aromatica, and other organisms with data available. Stigmasterol is a steroid derivative characterized by the hydroxyl group in position C-3 of the steroid skeleton, and unsaturated bonds in position 5-6 of the B ring, and position 22-23 in the alkyl substituent. Stigmasterol is found in the fats and oils of soybean, calabar bean and rape seed, as well as several other vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, and unpasteurized milk. See also: Comfrey Root (part of); Saw Palmetto (part of); Plantago ovata seed (part of). Stigmasterol is an unsaturated plant sterol occurring in the plant fats or oils of soybean, calabar bean, and rape seed, and in a number of medicinal herbs, including the Chinese herbs Ophiopogon japonicus (Mai men dong) and American Ginseng. Stigmasterol is also found in various vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, and unpasteurized milk. A 3beta-sterol that consists of 3beta-hydroxystigmastane having double bonds at the 5,6- and 22,23-positions. C1907 - Drug, Natural Product > C28178 - Phytosterol > C68437 - Unsaturated Phytosterol




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)

Zeaxanthin is a carotenoid xanthophyll and is one of the most common carotenoid found in nature. It is the pigment that gives corn, saffron, and many other plants their characteristic color. Zeaxanthin breaks down to form picrocrocin and safranal, which are responsible for the taste and aroma of saffron Carotenoids are among the most common pigments in nature and are natural lipid soluble antioxidants. Zeaxanthin is one of the two carotenoids (the other is lutein) that accumulate in the eye lens and macular region of the retina with concentrations in the macula greater than those found in plasma and other tissues. Lutein and zeaxanthin have identical chemical formulas and are isomers, but they are not stereoisomers. The main difference between them is in the location of a double bond in one of the end rings. This difference gives lutein three chiral centers whereas zeaxanthin has two. A relationship between macular pigment optical density, a marker of lutein and zeaxanthin concentration in the macula, and lens optical density, an antecedent of cataractous changes, has been suggested. The xanthophylls may act to protect the eye from ultraviolet phototoxicity via quenching reactive oxygen species and/or other mechanisms. Some observational studies have shown that generous intakes of lutein and zeaxanthin, particularly from certain xanthophyll-rich foods like spinach, broccoli and eggs, are associated with a significant reduction in the risk for cataract (up to 20\\%) and for age-related macular degeneration (up to 40\\%). While the pathophysiology of cataract and age-related macular degeneration is complex and contains both environmental and genetic components, research studies suggest dietary factors including antioxidant vitamins and xanthophylls may contribute to a reduction in the risk of these degenerative eye diseases. Further research is necessary to confirm these observations. (PMID: 11023002). Zeaxanthin has been found to be a microbial metabolite, it can be produced by Algibacter, Aquibacter, Escherichia, Flavobacterium, Formosa, Gramella, Hyunsoonleella, Kordia, Mesoflavibacter, Muricauda, Nubsella, Paracoccus, Siansivirga, Sphingomonas, Zeaxanthinibacter and yeast ( It is a marker for the activity of Bacillus subtilis and/or Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the intestine. Higher levels are associated with higher levels of Bacillus or Pseudomonas. (PMID: 17555270; PMID: 12147474) Zeaxanthin is a carotenol. It has a role as a bacterial metabolite, a cofactor and an antioxidant. It derives from a hydride of a beta-carotene. Zeaxanthin is a most common carotenoid alcohols found in nature that is involved in the xanthophyll cycle. As a coexistent isomer of lutein, zeaxanthin is synthesized in plants and some micro-organisms. It gives the distinct yellow color to many vegetables and other plants including paprika, corn, saffron and wolfberries. Zeaxanthin is one of the two primary xanthophyll carotenoids contained within the retina of the eye and plays a predominant component in the central macula. It is available as a dietary supplement for eye health benefits and potential prevention of age-related macular degeneration. Zeaxanthin is also added as a food dye. Zeaxanthin is a natural product found in Bangia fuscopurpurea, Erythrobacter longus, and other organisms with data available. Carotenoids found in fruits and vegetables. Zeaxanthin accumulates in the MACULA LUTEA. See also: Saffron (part of); Corn (part of); Lycium barbarum fruit (part of). D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids




C27H46O (386.3548466)

Cholesterol is a sterol (a combination steroid and alcohol) and a lipid found in the cell membranes of all body tissues and transported in the blood plasma of all animals. The name originates from the Greek chole- (bile) and stereos (solid), and the chemical suffix -ol for an alcohol. This is because researchers first identified cholesterol in solid form in gallstones in 1784. In the body, cholesterol can exist in either the free form or as an ester with a single fatty acid (of 10-20 carbons in length) covalently attached to the hydroxyl group at position 3 of the cholesterol ring. Due to the mechanism of synthesis, plasma cholesterol esters tend to contain relatively high proportions of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Most of the cholesterol consumed as a dietary lipid exists as cholesterol esters. Cholesterol esters have a lower solubility in water than cholesterol and are more hydrophobic. They are hydrolyzed by the pancreatic enzyme cholesterol esterase to produce cholesterol and free fatty acids. Cholesterol has vital structural roles in membranes and in lipid metabolism in general. It is a biosynthetic precursor of bile acids, vitamin D, and steroid hormones (glucocorticoids, estrogens, progesterones, androgens and aldosterone). In addition, it contributes to the development and functioning of the central nervous system, and it has major functions in signal transduction and sperm development. Cholesterol is a ubiquitous component of all animal tissues where much of it is located in the membranes, although it is not evenly distributed. The highest proportion of unesterified cholesterol is in the plasma membrane (roughly 30-50\\\\% of the lipid in the membrane or 60-80\\\\% of the cholesterol in the cell), while mitochondria and the endoplasmic reticulum have very low cholesterol contents. Cholesterol is also enriched in early and recycling endosomes, but not in late endosomes. The brain contains more cholesterol than any other organ where it comprises roughly a quarter of the total free cholesterol in the human body. Of all the organic constituents of blood, only glucose is present in a higher molar concentration than cholesterol. Cholesterol esters appear to be the preferred form for transport in plasma and as a biologically inert storage (de-toxified) form. They do not contribute to membranes but are packed into intracellular lipid particles. Cholesterol molecules (i.e. cholesterol esters) are transported throughout the body via lipoprotein particles. The largest lipoproteins, which primarily transport fats from the intestinal mucosa to the liver, are called chylomicrons. They carry mostly triglyceride fats and cholesterol that are from food, especially internal cholesterol secreted by the liver into the bile. In the liver, chylomicron particles give up triglycerides and some cholesterol. They are then converted into low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particles, which carry triglycerides and cholesterol on to other body cells. In healthy individuals, the LDL particles are large and relatively few in number. In contrast, large numbers of small LDL particles are strongly associated with promoting atheromatous disease within the arteries. (Lack of information on LDL particle number and size is one of the major problems of conventional lipid tests.). In conditions with elevated concentrations of oxidized LDL particles, especially small LDL particles, cholesterol promotes atheroma plaque deposits in the walls of arteries, a condition known as atherosclerosis, which is a major contributor to coronary heart disease and other forms of cardiovascular disease. There is a worldwide trend to believe that lower total cholesterol levels tend to correlate with lower atherosclerosis event rates (though some studies refute this idea). As a result, cholesterol has become a very large focus for the scientific community trying to determine the proper amount of cholesterol needed in a healthy diet. However, the primary association of atherosclerosis with c... Constituent either free or as esters, of fish liver oils, lard, dairy fats, egg yolk and bran Cholesterol is the major sterol in mammals. It is making up 20-25\\% of structural component of the plasma membrane. Plasma membranes are highly permeable to water but relatively impermeable to ions and protons. Cholesterol plays an important role in determining the fluidity and permeability characteristics of the membrane as well as the function of both the transporters and signaling proteins[1][2]. Cholesterol is also an endogenous estrogen-related receptor α (ERRα) agonist[3]. Cholesterol is the major sterol in mammals. It is making up 20-25\% of structural component of the plasma membrane. Plasma membranes are highly permeable to water but relatively impermeable to ions and protons. Cholesterol plays an important role in determining the fluidity and permeability characteristics of the membrane as well as the function of both the transporters and signaling proteins[1][2]. Cholesterol is also an endogenous estrogen-related receptor α (ERRα) agonist[3].




C40H52O2 (564.3967092)

Canthaxanthin, also known as Cantaxanthin, Cantaxanthine, or Canthaxanthine is a keto-carotenoid, a pigment widely distributed in nature. Carotenoids belong to a larger class of phytochemicals known as terpenoids. Canthaxanin is also classified as a xanthophyll. Xanthophylls are yellow pigments and form one of two major divisions of the carotenoid group; the other division is formed by the carotenes. Both are carotenoids. Xanthophylls and carotenes are similar in structure, but xanthophylls contain oxygen atoms while carotenes are purely hydrocarbons, which do not contain oxygen. Their content of oxygen causes xanthophylls to be more polar (in molecular structure) than carotenes and causes their separation from carotenes in many types of chromatography. (Carotenes are usually more orange in color than xanthophylls. Canthaxanthin is naturally found in bacteria, algae and some fungi. Canthaxanthin is associated with E number E161g and is approved for use as a food coloring agent in different countries, including the United States and the EU. Canthaxanthin is used as poultry feed additive to yield red color in skin and yolks. The European Union permits the use of canthaxanthin in feedstuff at a maximum content of 25 mg/kg of final feedstuff while the United States allows the use of this pigment in broiler chicken and salmonid fish feeds. Canthoxanthin was first isolated in edible chanterelle mushroom (Cantharellus cinnabarinus), from which it derived its name. It has also been found in green algae, bacteria, archea (a halophilic archaeon called Haloferax alexandrines), fungi and bioaccumulates in tissues and egg yolk from wild birds and at low levels in crustaceans and fish such as carp, golden grey mullet, and seabream. Canthaxanthin is not found in wild Atlantic Salmon, but is a minor carotenoid in Pacific Salmon. Canthaxanthin is used in farm-raised trout to give a red/orange color to their flesh similar to wild trout. Canthaxanthin has been used as a food additive for egg yolk, in cosmetics and as a pigmenting agent for human skin applications. It has also been used as a feed additive in fish and crustacean farms. Canthaxanthin is a potent lipid-soluble antioxidant (PMID: 2505240). Canthaxanthin increases resistance to lipid peroxidation primarily by enhancing membrane alpha-tocopherol levels and secondarily by providing weak direct antioxidant activity. Canthaxanthin biosynthesis in bacteria and algae proceeds from beta-carotene via the action of an enzyme known as a beta-carotene ketolase, that is able to add a carbonyl group to carbon 4 and 4 of the beta carotene molecule. Food colouring. Constituent of the edible mushroom (Cantharellus cinnabarinus), sea trout, salmon and brine shrimp. It is used in broiler chicken feed to enhance the yellow colour of chicken skin D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids



Echinenone/ (Myxoxanthin)

C40H54O (550.4174434)

A carotenone that is beta-carotene in which the 4 position has undergone formal oxidation to afford the corresponding ketone. Isolated as orange-red crystals, it is widely distributed in marine invertebrates. D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids Window width for selecting the precursor ion was 3 Da.; This record was created by the financial support of MEXT/JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 16HP2005 to the Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan.




C28H46O (398.3548466)

Brassicasterol belongs to the class of organic compounds known as ergosterols and derivatives. These are steroids containing ergosta-5,7,22-trien-3beta-ol or a derivative thereof, which is based on the 3beta-hydroxylated ergostane skeleton. Thus, brassicasterol is considered to be a sterol lipid molecule. Brassicasterol is a very hydrophobic molecule, practically insoluble (in water), and relatively neutral. Brassicasterol is a potential CSF biomarker for Alzheimer’s disease (PMID: 21585343). C1907 - Drug, Natural Product > C28178 - Phytosterol > C68437 - Unsaturated Phytosterol Constituent of Brassica rapa oil Brassicasterol, a metabolite of Ergosterol, plays a role in the inhibitory effect on bladder carcinogenesis promotion via androgen signaling[1]. Brassicasterol shows dual anti-infective properties against HSV-1 (IC50=1.2 μM) and Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and cardiovascular protective effect[2]. Brassicasterol exerts an anti-cancer effect by dual-targeting AKT and androgen receptor signaling in prostate cancer[3]. Brassicasterol is a metabolite of Ergosterol and has cardiovascular protective effects. Brassicasterol exerts anticancer effects in prostate cancer through dual targeting of AKT and androgen receptor signaling pathways. Brassicasterol inhibits HSV-1 (IC50=1.2 μM) and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Brassicasterol also inhibits sterol δ 24-reductase, slowing the progression of atherosclerosis. Brassicasterol is also a cerebrospinal fluid biomarker for Alzheimer's disease[1][2][3][4][5][6]. Brassicasterol, a metabolite of Ergosterol, plays a role in the inhibitory effect on bladder carcinogenesis promotion via androgen signaling[1]. Brassicasterol shows dual anti-infective properties against HSV-1 (IC50=1.2 μM) and Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and cardiovascular protective effect[2]. Brassicasterol exerts an anti-cancer effect by dual-targeting AKT and androgen receptor signaling in prostate cancer[3].




C27H46O (386.3548466)

A cholestanoid consisting of cholestane having a double bond at the 5,6-position as well as a 3beta-hydroxy group. Disclaimer: While authors make an effort to ensure that the content of this record is accurate, the authors make no representations or warranties in relation to the accuracy or completeness of the record. This record do not reflect any viewpoints of the affiliation and organization to which the authors belong. Cholesterol is the major sterol in mammals. It is making up 20-25\\% of structural component of the plasma membrane. Plasma membranes are highly permeable to water but relatively impermeable to ions and protons. Cholesterol plays an important role in determining the fluidity and permeability characteristics of the membrane as well as the function of both the transporters and signaling proteins[1][2]. Cholesterol is also an endogenous estrogen-related receptor α (ERRα) agonist[3]. Cholesterol is the major sterol in mammals. It is making up 20-25\% of structural component of the plasma membrane. Plasma membranes are highly permeable to water but relatively impermeable to ions and protons. Cholesterol plays an important role in determining the fluidity and permeability characteristics of the membrane as well as the function of both the transporters and signaling proteins[1][2]. Cholesterol is also an endogenous estrogen-related receptor α (ERRα) agonist[3].




C28H46O (398.3548466)

An 3beta-sterol that is (22E)-ergosta-5,22-diene substituted by a hydroxy group at position 3beta. It is a phytosterol found in marine algae, fish, and rapeseed oil. C1907 - Drug, Natural Product > C28178 - Phytosterol > C68437 - Unsaturated Phytosterol Disclaimer: While authors make an effort to ensure that the content of this record is accurate, the authors make no representations or warranties in relation to the accuracy or completeness of the record. This record do not reflect any viewpoints of the affiliation and organization to which the authors belong. Brassicasterol, a metabolite of Ergosterol, plays a role in the inhibitory effect on bladder carcinogenesis promotion via androgen signaling[1]. Brassicasterol shows dual anti-infective properties against HSV-1 (IC50=1.2 μM) and Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and cardiovascular protective effect[2]. Brassicasterol exerts an anti-cancer effect by dual-targeting AKT and androgen receptor signaling in prostate cancer[3]. Brassicasterol is a metabolite of Ergosterol and has cardiovascular protective effects. Brassicasterol exerts anticancer effects in prostate cancer through dual targeting of AKT and androgen receptor signaling pathways. Brassicasterol inhibits HSV-1 (IC50=1.2 μM) and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Brassicasterol also inhibits sterol δ 24-reductase, slowing the progression of atherosclerosis. Brassicasterol is also a cerebrospinal fluid biomarker for Alzheimer's disease[1][2][3][4][5][6]. Brassicasterol, a metabolite of Ergosterol, plays a role in the inhibitory effect on bladder carcinogenesis promotion via androgen signaling[1]. Brassicasterol shows dual anti-infective properties against HSV-1 (IC50=1.2 μM) and Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and cardiovascular protective effect[2]. Brassicasterol exerts an anti-cancer effect by dual-targeting AKT and androgen receptor signaling in prostate cancer[3].




C40H56O2 (568.4280076)

Meso-zeaxanthin (3R,3´S-zeaxanthin) is a xanthophyll carotenoid, as it contains oxygen and hydrocarbons, and is one of the three stereoisomers of zeaxanthin. Of the three stereoisomers, meso-zeaxanthin is the second most abundant in nature after 3R,3´R-zeaxanthin, which is produced by plants and algae. To date, meso-zeaxanthin has been identified in specific tissues of marine organisms and in the macula lutea, also known as the "yellow spot", of the human retina . Meso-zeaxanthin is a member of the class of compounds known as xanthophylls. Xanthophylls are carotenoids containing an oxygenated carotene backbone. Carotenes are characterized by the presence of two end-groups (mostly cyclohexene rings, but also cyclopentene rings or acyclic groups) linked by a long branched alkyl chain. Carotenes belonging form a subgroup of the carotenoids family. Xanthophylls arise by oxygenation of the carotene backbone. Meso-zeaxanthin is practically insoluble (in water) and an extremely weak acidic compound (based on its pKa). Meso-zeaxanthin can be found in channel catfish, crustaceans, and fishes, which makes meso-zeaxanthin a potential biomarker for the consumption of these food products. D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids Window width for selecting the precursor ion was 3 Da.; This record was created by the financial support of MEXT/JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 16HP2005 to the Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan.




C32H64O8 (576.4600944)




C34H66O9 (618.4706586)




C34H68O9 (620.4863078)




C40H52O2 (564.3967092)

A carotenone that consists of beta,beta-carotene bearing two oxo substituents at positions 4 and 4. D020011 - Protective Agents > D000975 - Antioxidants > D002338 - Carotenoids




C29H48O (412.37049579999996)

C1907 - Drug, Natural Product > C28178 - Phytosterol > C68437 - Unsaturated Phytosterol




C27H46O (386.3548466)

Cholesterol is the major sterol in mammals. It is making up 20-25\\% of structural component of the plasma membrane. Plasma membranes are highly permeable to water but relatively impermeable to ions and protons. Cholesterol plays an important role in determining the fluidity and permeability characteristics of the membrane as well as the function of both the transporters and signaling proteins[1][2]. Cholesterol is also an endogenous estrogen-related receptor α (ERRα) agonist[3]. Cholesterol is the major sterol in mammals. It is making up 20-25\% of structural component of the plasma membrane. Plasma membranes are highly permeable to water but relatively impermeable to ions and protons. Cholesterol plays an important role in determining the fluidity and permeability characteristics of the membrane as well as the function of both the transporters and signaling proteins[1][2]. Cholesterol is also an endogenous estrogen-related receptor α (ERRα) agonist[3].




C28H46O (398.3548466)

C1907 - Drug, Natural Product > C28178 - Phytosterol > C68437 - Unsaturated Phytosterol Brassicasterol, a metabolite of Ergosterol, plays a role in the inhibitory effect on bladder carcinogenesis promotion via androgen signaling[1]. Brassicasterol shows dual anti-infective properties against HSV-1 (IC50=1.2 μM) and Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and cardiovascular protective effect[2]. Brassicasterol exerts an anti-cancer effect by dual-targeting AKT and androgen receptor signaling in prostate cancer[3]. Brassicasterol is a metabolite of Ergosterol and has cardiovascular protective effects. Brassicasterol exerts anticancer effects in prostate cancer through dual targeting of AKT and androgen receptor signaling pathways. Brassicasterol inhibits HSV-1 (IC50=1.2 μM) and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Brassicasterol also inhibits sterol δ 24-reductase, slowing the progression of atherosclerosis. Brassicasterol is also a cerebrospinal fluid biomarker for Alzheimer's disease[1][2][3][4][5][6]. Brassicasterol, a metabolite of Ergosterol, plays a role in the inhibitory effect on bladder carcinogenesis promotion via androgen signaling[1]. Brassicasterol shows dual anti-infective properties against HSV-1 (IC50=1.2 μM) and Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and cardiovascular protective effect[2]. Brassicasterol exerts an anti-cancer effect by dual-targeting AKT and androgen receptor signaling in prostate cancer[3].