NCBI Taxonomy: 54833

Seseli elatum (ncbi_taxid: 54833)

found 38 associated metabolites at species taxonomy rank level.

Ancestor: Seseli

Child Taxonomies: none taxonomy data.



C16H14O4 (270.0892044)

Isoimperatorin is a member of the class of compounds known as psoralens. Psoralens are organic compounds containing a psoralen moiety, which consists of a furan fused to a chromenone to for 7H-furo[3,2-g]chromen-7-one. Isoimperatorin is practically insoluble (in water) and an extremely weak basic (essentially neutral) compound (based on its pKa). Isoimperatorin can be found in a number of food items such as parsley, lime, wild celery, and parsnip, which makes isoimperatorin a potential biomarker for the consumption of these food products. Isoimperatorin is a non-carcinogenic (not listed by IARC) potentially toxic compound. If the compound has been ingested, rapid gastric lavage should be performed using 5\\\\% sodium bicarbonate. For skin contact, the skin should be washed with soap and water. If the compound has entered the eyes, they should be washed with large quantities of isotonic saline or water. In serious cases, atropine and/or pralidoxime should be administered. Anti-cholinergic drugs work to counteract the effects of excess acetylcholine and reactivate AChE. Atropine can be used as an antidote in conjunction with pralidoxime or other pyridinium oximes (such as trimedoxime or obidoxime), though the use of -oximes has been found to be of no benefit, or possibly harmful, in at least two meta-analyses. Atropine is a muscarinic antagonist, and thus blocks the action of acetylcholine peripherally (T3DB). D011838 - Radiation-Sensitizing Agents > D017319 - Photosensitizing Agents > D011564 - Furocoumarins Isoimperatorin is a methanolic extract of the roots of Angelica dahurica shows significant inhibitory effects on acetylcholinesterase (AChE) with the IC50 of 74.6 μM. Isoimperatorin is a methanolic extract of the roots of Angelica dahurica shows significant inhibitory effects on acetylcholinesterase (AChE) with the IC50 of 74.6 μM.




C13H10O5 (246.052821)

Isopimpinellin is a member of psoralens. Isopimpinellin is a natural product found in Zanthoxylum mayu, Zanthoxylum ovalifolium, and other organisms with data available. Isopimpinellin is found in angelica. Isopimpinellin is present in the seeds of Pastinaca sativa (parsnip) Isopimpinellin belongs to the family of Furanocoumarins. These are polycyclic aromatic compounds containing a furan ring fused to a coumarin moeity. See also: Angelica keiskei top (part of). Present in the seeds of Pastinaca sativa (parsnip). Isopimpinellin is found in many foods, some of which are carrot, anise, celery stalks, and fennel. Isopimpinellin is found in angelica. Isopimpinellin is present in the seeds of Pastinaca sativa (parsnip D011838 - Radiation-Sensitizing Agents > D017319 - Photosensitizing Agents > D011564 - Furocoumarins Isopimpinellin, an orally active compound isolated from Glomerella cingulata. Isopimpinellin blocks DNA adduct formation and skin tumor initiation by 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene. Isopimpinellin possesses anti-leishmania effect[1]. Isopimpinellin, an orally active compound isolated from Glomerella cingulata. Isopimpinellin blocks DNA adduct formation and skin tumor initiation by 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene. Isopimpinellin possesses anti-leishmania effect[1].



2-Propenoic acid, 3-(6,7-dihydroxy-5-benzofuranyl)-, .delta.-lactone

C11H6O4 (202.0266076)

Isolated from Aegle marmelos (bael fruit), Angelica archangelica (angelica) and the seeds of Pastinaca sativa (parsnip). Xanthotoxol is found in many foods, some of which are fats and oils, green vegetables, herbs and spices, and fig. Xanthotoxol is found in fats and oils. Xanthotoxol is isolated from Aegle marmelos (bael fruit), Angelica archangelica (angelica) and the seeds of Pastinaca sativa (parsnip Xanthotoxol is an 8-hydroxyfurocoumarin. Xanthotoxol is a natural product found in Citrus canaliculata, Prangos tschimganica, and other organisms with data available. D011838 - Radiation-Sensitizing Agents > D017319 - Photosensitizing Agents > D011564 - Furocoumarins Xanthotoxol (8-Hydroxypsoralen) is a biologically active linear furocoumarin, shows strong pharmacological activities as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, 5-HT antagonistic, and neuroprotective effects. Xanthotoxol (8-Hydroxypsoralen) It is a kind of fragrant bean substance, and it is a CYP450 inhibitor. Xanthotoxol has anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory, and 5-HT antagonistic and protective effects. Xanthotoxol inhibited CYP3A4 sum CYP1A2 IC50s separation 7.43 μM sum 27.82 μM. Xanthotoxol can pass through MAPK and NF-κB, inhibiting inflammation[1][2][3][4]. Xanthotoxol (8-Hydroxypsoralen) is a biologically active linear furocoumarin, shows strong pharmacological activities as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, 5-HT antagonistic, and neuroprotective effects.



Methoxsalen, United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Reference Standard

C12H8O4 (216.0422568)

8-methoxypsoralen is an odorless white to cream-colored crystalline solid. Bitter taste followed by tingling sensation. (NTP, 1992) Methoxsalen is a member of the class of psoralens that is 7H-furo[3,2-g]chromen-7-one in which the 9 position is substituted by a methoxy group. It is a constituent of the fruits of Ammi majus. Like other psoralens, trioxsalen causes photosensitization of the skin. It is administered topically or orally in conjunction with UV-A for phototherapy treatment of vitiligo and severe psoriasis. It has a role as a dermatologic drug, an antineoplastic agent, a photosensitizing agent, a cross-linking reagent and a plant metabolite. It is a member of psoralens and an aromatic ether. It is functionally related to a psoralen. A naturally occurring furocoumarin compound found in several species of plants, including Psoralea corylifolia. It is a photoactive substance that forms DNA adducts in the presence of ultraviolet A irradiation. Methoxsalen is a Photoactivated Radical Generator and Psoralen. The mechanism of action of methoxsalen is as a Photoabsorption. The physiologic effect of methoxsalen is by means of Photosensitizing Activity. Methoxsalen is a natural product found in Ammi visnaga, Zanthoxylum mayu, and other organisms with data available. Methoxsalen is a naturally occurring substance isolated from the seeds of the plant Ammi majus with photoactivating properties. As a member of the family of compounds known as psoralens or furocoumarins, methoxsalens exact mechanism of action is unknown; upon photoactivation, methoxsalen has been observed to bind covalently to and crosslink DNA. (NCI04) Methoxsalen is only found in individuals that have used or taken this drug. It is a naturally occurring furocoumarin compound found in several species of plants, including Psoralea corylifolia. It is a photoactive substance that forms DNA adducts in the presence of ultraviolet A irradiation. After activation Methoxsalen binds preferentially to the guanine and cytosine moieties of DNA, leading to cross-linking of DNA, thus inhibiting DNA synthesis and function. A naturally occurring furocoumarin compound found in several species of plants, including Psoralea corylifolia. It is a photoactive substance that forms DNA ADDUCTS in the presence of ultraviolet A irradiation. See also: Angelica archangelica root (part of); Ammi majus seed (part of); Angelica keiskei top (part of) ... View More ... Methoxsalen, also known as oxsoralen or 8-methoxypsoralen, belongs to the class of organic compounds known as 8-methoxypsoralens. These are psoralens containing a methoxy group attached at the C8 position of the psoralen group. Methoxsalen is a drug which is used for the treatment of psoriasis and vitiligo. Methoxsalen is a bitter tasting compound. Methoxsalen is found, on average, in the highest concentration within a few different foods, such as parsnips, parsley, and celery stalks and in a lower concentration in wild carrots, carrots, and fennels. Methoxsalen has also been detected, but not quantified, in several different foods, such as figs, green vegetables, corianders, dills, and fruits. Methoxsalen is a potentially toxic compound. A member of the class of psoralens that is 7H-furo[3,2-g]chromen-7-one in which the 9 position is substituted by a methoxy group. It is a constituent of the fruits of Ammi majus. Like other psoralens, trioxsalen causes photosensitization of the skin. It is administered topically or orally in conjunction with UV-A for phototherapy treatment of vitiligo and severe psoriasis. Present in celery, especies the outer leaves, and other common grocery vegetables. Implicated in photodermatitis among grocery workers. Isolated from Aegle marmelos (bael) D - Dermatologicals > D05 - Antipsoriatics > D05B - Antipsoriatics for systemic use > D05BA - Psoralens for systemic use D - Dermatologicals > D05 - Antipsoriatics > D05A - Antipsoriatics for topical use > D05AD - Psoralens for topical use D019995 - Laboratory Chemicals > D007202 - Indicators and Reagents > D003432 - Cross-Linking Reagents D011838 - Radiation-Sensitizing Agents > D017319 - Photosensitizing Agents > D011564 - Furocoumarins C274 - Antineoplastic Agent > C186664 - Cytotoxic Chemotherapeutic Agent > C2842 - DNA Binding Agent C1420 - Photosensitizing Agent D003879 - Dermatologic Agents [Raw Data] CBA87_Xanthotoxin_pos_20eV.txt [Raw Data] CBA87_Xanthotoxin_pos_30eV.txt [Raw Data] CBA87_Xanthotoxin_pos_40eV.txt [Raw Data] CBA87_Xanthotoxin_pos_10eV.txt [Raw Data] CBA87_Xanthotoxin_pos_50eV.txt Methoxsalen (8-Methoxypsoralen) is a furanocoumarin compound used in psoralen, used in studies of psoriasis, eczema, vitiligo and some sun-exposed cutaneous lymphomas, and is a P450 inhibitor. Methoxsalen (8-Methoxypsoralen) is a furanocoumarin compound used in psoralen, used in studies of psoriasis, eczema, vitiligo and some sun-exposed cutaneous lymphomas, and is a P450 inhibitor.




C17H16O5 (300.0997686)

Phellopterin is a member of the class of compounds known as 5-methoxypsoralens. 5-methoxypsoralens are psoralens containing a methoxy group attached at the C5 position of the psoralen group. Phellopterin is practically insoluble (in water) and an extremely weak basic (essentially neutral) compound (based on its pKa). Phellopterin can be found in lemon, lime, and wild celery, which makes phellopterin a potential biomarker for the consumption of these food products. Phellopterin is a non-carcinogenic (not listed by IARC) potentially toxic compound. The furocoumarin 8-methoxypsoralen is carcinogenic to humans, and possibly 5-methoxypsoralen as well (L135). There is some evidence from mouse studies that other furocoumarins are carcinogenic when combined with exposure to UVA radiation (A15105). The SKLM regards the additional risk of skin cancer arising from the consumption of typical quantities of furocoumarin-containing foods, which remain significantly below the range of phototoxic doses, as insignificant. However, the consumption of phototoxic quantities cannot be ruled out for certain foods, particularly celery and parsnips, that may lead to significant increases in furocoumarin concentrations, depending on the storage, processing and production conditions (L2157) Furocoumarin photochemotherapy is known to induce a number of side-effects including erythema, edema, hyperpigmentation, and premature aging of skin. All photobiological effects of furocoumarins result from their photochemical reactions. Because many dietary or water soluble furocoumarins are strong inhibitors of cytochrome P450s, they will also cause adverse drug reactions when taken with other drugs. It activates adrenaline-induced lipolysis and activate ACTH-induced lipolysis (L579) (T3DB). Phellopterin is a natural product isolated from Angelica dahurica. Phellopterin reduces TNF-alpha-induced VCAM-1 expression through regulation of the Akt and PKC pathway, which contributes to inhibit the adhesion of monocytes to endothelium[1]. Phellopterin is a natural product isolated from Angelica dahurica. Phellopterin reduces TNF-alpha-induced VCAM-1 expression through regulation of the Akt and PKC pathway, which contributes to inhibit the adhesion of monocytes to endothelium[1]. Phellopterin is a natural product isolated from Angelica dahurica. Phellopterin reduces TNF-alpha-induced VCAM-1 expression through regulation of the Akt and PKC pathway, which contributes to inhibit the adhesion of monocytes to endothelium[1].



2H-Furo(2,3-h)-1-benzopyran-2-one, 6-methoxy-

C12H8O4 (216.0422568)

Sphondin is a member of the class of compounds known as angular furanocoumarins. Angular furanocoumarins are furanocoumarins, with a structure characterized by a furan ring angularly fused to a coumarin. Sphondin is practically insoluble (in water) and an extremely weak basic (essentially neutral) compound (based on its pKa). Sphondin can be found in parsnip, which makes sphondin a potential biomarker for the consumption of this food product. Sphondin is a non-carcinogenic (not listed by IARC) potentially toxic compound. The furocoumarin 8-methoxypsoralen is carcinogenic to humans, and possibly 5-methoxypsoralen as well (L135). There is some evidence from mouse studies that other furocoumarins are carcinogenic when combined with exposure to UVA radiation (A15105). The SKLM regards the additional risk of skin cancer arising from the consumption of typical quantities of furocoumarin-containing foods, which remain significantly below the range of phototoxic doses, as insignificant. However, the consumption of phototoxic quantities cannot be ruled out for certain foods, particularly celery and parsnips, that may lead to significant increases in furocoumarin concentrations, depending on the storage, processing and production conditions (L2157) Furocoumarin photochemotherapy is known to induce a number of side-effects including erythema, edema, hyperpigmentation, and premature aging of skin. All photobiological effects of furocoumarins result from their photochemical reactions. Because many dietary or water soluble furocoumarins are strong inhibitors of cytochrome P450s, they will also cause adverse drug reactions when taken with other drugs. Cause of phototoxicity in patient with vitiligo (L579) (T3DB). Sphondin is a furanocoumarin. Sphondin is a natural product found in Heracleum lehmannianum, Heracleum asperum, and other organisms with data available. A furanocoumarin derivative isolated from Heracleum laciniatum (L579). Furocoumarins, are phototoxic and photocarcinogenic. They intercalate DNA and photochemically induce mutations. Furocoumarins are botanical phytoalexins found to varying extents in a variety of vegetables and fruits, notably citrus fruits. The levels of furocoumarins present in our diets, while normally well below that causing evident acute phototoxicity, do cause pharmacologically relevant drug interactions. Some are particularly active against cytochrome P450s. For example, in humans, bergamottin and dihydroxybergamottin are responsible for the grapefruit juice effect, in which these furanocoumarins affect the metabolism of certain drugs. Sphondin possesses an inhibitory effect on IL-1β-induced increase in the level of COX-2 protein and PGE2 release in A549 cells[1]. Sphondin possesses an inhibitory effect on IL-1β-induced increase in the level of COX-2 protein and PGE2 release in A549 cells[1].



4-[(3-Methyl-2-buten-1-yl)oxy]-7H-Furo[3,2-g][1]benzopyran-7-one; 7H-Furo[3,2-g][1]benzopyran-7-one, 4-[(3-methyl-2-butenyl)oxy]- (8CI,9CI); Isoimperatorin (6CI); 4-[(3-Methyl-2-buten-1-yl)oxy]-7H-furo[3,2-g][1]benzopyran-7-one

C16H14O4 (270.0892044)

Isoimperatorin is a member of the class of psoralens that is psoralen substituted by a prenyloxy group at position 5. Isolated from Angelica dahurica and Angelica koreana, it acts as a acetylcholinesterase inhibitor. It has a role as a metabolite and an EC (acetylcholinesterase) inhibitor. Isoimperatorin is a natural product found in Ferulago sylvatica, Prangos trifida, and other organisms with data available. Isoimperatorin is a tumor necrosis factor antagonist isolated from Glehniae root or from Poncirus trifoliate Raf (L579). Furocoumarins, are phototoxic and photocarcinogenic. They intercalate DNA and photochemically induce mutations. Furocoumarins are botanical phytoalexins found to varying extents in a variety of vegetables and fruits, notably citrus fruits. The levels of furocoumarins present in our diets, while normally well below that causing evident acute phototoxicity, do cause pharmacologically relevant drug interactions. Some are particularly active against cytochrome P450s. For example, in humans, bergamottin and dihydroxybergamottin are responsible for the grapefruit juice effect, in which these furanocoumarins affect the metabolism of certain drugs. See also: Angelica archangelica root (part of). A member of the class of psoralens that is psoralen substituted by a prenyloxy group at position 5. Isolated from Angelica dahurica and Angelica koreana, it acts as a acetylcholinesterase inhibitor. D011838 - Radiation-Sensitizing Agents > D017319 - Photosensitizing Agents > D011564 - Furocoumarins Isoimperatorin is a methanolic extract of the roots of Angelica dahurica shows significant inhibitory effects on acetylcholinesterase (AChE) with the IC50 of 74.6 μM. Isoimperatorin is a methanolic extract of the roots of Angelica dahurica shows significant inhibitory effects on acetylcholinesterase (AChE) with the IC50 of 74.6 μM.



7H-Furo[3,2-g][1]benzopyran-7-one, 4-methoxy-9-[(3-methyl-2-buten-1-yl)oxy]-

C17H16O5 (300.0997686)

Phellopterin is a member of psoralens. Phellopterin is a natural product found in Amyris pinnata, Heracleum candolleanum, and other organisms with data available. A naturally occurring furanocoumarin found in roots of Angelica dahurica and in Seseli elatum (L579). Furocoumarins, are phototoxic and photocarcinogenic. They intercalate DNA and photochemically induce mutations. Furocoumarins are botanical phytoalexins found to varying extents in a variety of vegetables and fruits, notably citrus fruits. The levels of furocoumarins present in our diets, while normally well below that causing evident acute phototoxicity, do cause pharmacologically relevant drug interactions. Some are particularly active against cytochrome P450s. For example, in humans, bergamottin and dihydroxybergamottin are responsible for the grapefruit juice effect, in which these furanocoumarins affect the metabolism of certain drugs. Phellopterin is a natural product isolated from Angelica dahurica. Phellopterin reduces TNF-alpha-induced VCAM-1 expression through regulation of the Akt and PKC pathway, which contributes to inhibit the adhesion of monocytes to endothelium[1]. Phellopterin is a natural product isolated from Angelica dahurica. Phellopterin reduces TNF-alpha-induced VCAM-1 expression through regulation of the Akt and PKC pathway, which contributes to inhibit the adhesion of monocytes to endothelium[1]. Phellopterin is a natural product isolated from Angelica dahurica. Phellopterin reduces TNF-alpha-induced VCAM-1 expression through regulation of the Akt and PKC pathway, which contributes to inhibit the adhesion of monocytes to endothelium[1].



2H-1-Benzopyran-6-acrylic acid, 5-hydroxy-2,2-dimethyl-, .delta.-lactone

C14H12O3 (228.0786402)

Seselin is a member of coumarins. It has a role as a metabolite. Seselin is a natural product found in Haplophyllum cappadocicum, Haplophyllum dshungaricum, and other organisms with data available. Constituent of Carum roxburghianum (Bishops weed). Seselin is found in many foods, some of which are sweet orange, herbs and spices, anise, and wild celery. Seselin is found in anise. Seselin is a constituent of Carum roxburghianum (Bishops weed) A natural product found in Citropsis articulata.



7H-Furo(3,2-g)(1)benzopyran-7-one, 4-methoxy-9-((3-methyl-2-butenyl)oxy)-

C17H16O5 (300.0997686)

Phellopterin is a natural product isolated from Angelica dahurica. Phellopterin reduces TNF-alpha-induced VCAM-1 expression through regulation of the Akt and PKC pathway, which contributes to inhibit the adhesion of monocytes to endothelium[1]. Phellopterin is a natural product isolated from Angelica dahurica. Phellopterin reduces TNF-alpha-induced VCAM-1 expression through regulation of the Akt and PKC pathway, which contributes to inhibit the adhesion of monocytes to endothelium[1]. Phellopterin is a natural product isolated from Angelica dahurica. Phellopterin reduces TNF-alpha-induced VCAM-1 expression through regulation of the Akt and PKC pathway, which contributes to inhibit the adhesion of monocytes to endothelium[1].




C12H8O4 (216.0422568)

D - Dermatologicals > D05 - Antipsoriatics > D05B - Antipsoriatics for systemic use > D05BA - Psoralens for systemic use D - Dermatologicals > D05 - Antipsoriatics > D05A - Antipsoriatics for topical use > D05AD - Psoralens for topical use D019995 - Laboratory Chemicals > D007202 - Indicators and Reagents > D003432 - Cross-Linking Reagents D011838 - Radiation-Sensitizing Agents > D017319 - Photosensitizing Agents > D011564 - Furocoumarins C274 - Antineoplastic Agent > C186664 - Cytotoxic Chemotherapeutic Agent > C2842 - DNA Binding Agent relative retention time with respect to 9-anthracene Carboxylic Acid is 0.910 C1420 - Photosensitizing Agent D003879 - Dermatologic Agents relative retention time with respect to 9-anthracene Carboxylic Acid is 0.909 Methoxsalen (8-Methoxypsoralen) is a furanocoumarin compound used in psoralen, used in studies of psoriasis, eczema, vitiligo and some sun-exposed cutaneous lymphomas, and is a P450 inhibitor. Methoxsalen (8-Methoxypsoralen) is a furanocoumarin compound used in psoralen, used in studies of psoriasis, eczema, vitiligo and some sun-exposed cutaneous lymphomas, and is a P450 inhibitor.




C16H14O4 (270.0892044)

D011838 - Radiation-Sensitizing Agents > D017319 - Photosensitizing Agents > D011564 - Furocoumarins Origin: Plant, Coumarins Isoimperatorin is a methanolic extract of the roots of Angelica dahurica shows significant inhibitory effects on acetylcholinesterase (AChE) with the IC50 of 74.6 μM. Isoimperatorin is a methanolic extract of the roots of Angelica dahurica shows significant inhibitory effects on acetylcholinesterase (AChE) with the IC50 of 74.6 μM.



2H-Furo(2,3-h)-1-benzopyran-2-one, 6-methoxy-

C12H8O4 (216.0422568)

D011838 - Radiation-Sensitizing Agents > D017319 - Photosensitizing Agents > D011564 - Furocoumarins Sphondin possesses an inhibitory effect on IL-1β-induced increase in the level of COX-2 protein and PGE2 release in A549 cells[1]. Sphondin possesses an inhibitory effect on IL-1β-induced increase in the level of COX-2 protein and PGE2 release in A549 cells[1].



7H-Furo(3,2-g)(1)benzopyran-7-one, 4-((3-methyl-2-butenyl)oxy)-

C16H14O4 (270.0892044)

D011838 - Radiation-Sensitizing Agents > D017319 - Photosensitizing Agents > D011564 - Furocoumarins Isoimperatorin is a methanolic extract of the roots of Angelica dahurica shows significant inhibitory effects on acetylcholinesterase (AChE) with the IC50 of 74.6 μM. Isoimperatorin is a methanolic extract of the roots of Angelica dahurica shows significant inhibitory effects on acetylcholinesterase (AChE) with the IC50 of 74.6 μM.



5-Benzofuranacrylic acid, 6-hydroxy-7-methoxy-, .delta.-lactone

C12H8O4 (216.0422568)

D - Dermatologicals > D05 - Antipsoriatics > D05B - Antipsoriatics for systemic use > D05BA - Psoralens for systemic use D - Dermatologicals > D05 - Antipsoriatics > D05A - Antipsoriatics for topical use > D05AD - Psoralens for topical use D019995 - Laboratory Chemicals > D007202 - Indicators and Reagents > D003432 - Cross-Linking Reagents D011838 - Radiation-Sensitizing Agents > D017319 - Photosensitizing Agents > D011564 - Furocoumarins C274 - Antineoplastic Agent > C186664 - Cytotoxic Chemotherapeutic Agent > C2842 - DNA Binding Agent C1420 - Photosensitizing Agent D003879 - Dermatologic Agents Methoxsalen (8-Methoxypsoralen) is a furanocoumarin compound used in psoralen, used in studies of psoriasis, eczema, vitiligo and some sun-exposed cutaneous lymphomas, and is a P450 inhibitor. Methoxsalen (8-Methoxypsoralen) is a furanocoumarin compound used in psoralen, used in studies of psoriasis, eczema, vitiligo and some sun-exposed cutaneous lymphomas, and is a P450 inhibitor.



2-Propenoic acid, 3-(6,7-dihydroxy-5-benzofuranyl)-, .delta.-lactone

C11H6O4 (202.0266076)

D011838 - Radiation-Sensitizing Agents > D017319 - Photosensitizing Agents > D011564 - Furocoumarins Xanthotoxol (8-Hydroxypsoralen) is a biologically active linear furocoumarin, shows strong pharmacological activities as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, 5-HT antagonistic, and neuroprotective effects. Xanthotoxol (8-Hydroxypsoralen) It is a kind of fragrant bean substance, and it is a CYP450 inhibitor. Xanthotoxol has anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory, and 5-HT antagonistic and protective effects. Xanthotoxol inhibited CYP3A4 sum CYP1A2 IC50s separation 7.43 μM sum 27.82 μM. Xanthotoxol can pass through MAPK and NF-κB, inhibiting inflammation[1][2][3][4]. Xanthotoxol (8-Hydroxypsoralen) is a biologically active linear furocoumarin, shows strong pharmacological activities as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, 5-HT antagonistic, and neuroprotective effects.



7H-Furo(3,2-g)(1)benzopyran-7-one, 4,9-dimethoxy- (8CI)(9CI)

C13H10O5 (246.052821)

Isopimpinellin is found in angelica. Isopimpinellin is present in the seeds of Pastinaca sativa (parsnip) Isopimpinellin belongs to the family of Furanocoumarins. These are polycyclic aromatic compounds containing a furan ring fused to a coumarin moeity. Isopimpinellin, an orally active compound isolated from Glomerella cingulata. Isopimpinellin blocks DNA adduct formation and skin tumor initiation by 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene. Isopimpinellin possesses anti-leishmania effect[1]. Isopimpinellin, an orally active compound isolated from Glomerella cingulata. Isopimpinellin blocks DNA adduct formation and skin tumor initiation by 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene. Isopimpinellin possesses anti-leishmania effect[1].



2H-Furo(2,3-h)-1-benzopyran-2-one, 6-methoxy-

C12H8O4 (216.0422568)

Sphondin is a furanocoumarin. Sphondin is a natural product found in Heracleum lehmannianum, Heracleum asperum, and other organisms with data available. A furanocoumarin derivative isolated from Heracleum laciniatum (L579). Furocoumarins, are phototoxic and photocarcinogenic. They intercalate DNA and photochemically induce mutations. Furocoumarins are botanical phytoalexins found to varying extents in a variety of vegetables and fruits, notably citrus fruits. The levels of furocoumarins present in our diets, while normally well below that causing evident acute phototoxicity, do cause pharmacologically relevant drug interactions. Some are particularly active against cytochrome P450s. For example, in humans, bergamottin and dihydroxybergamottin are responsible for the grapefruit juice effect, in which these furanocoumarins affect the metabolism of certain drugs. D011838 - Radiation-Sensitizing Agents > D017319 - Photosensitizing Agents > D011564 - Furocoumarins Sphondin possesses an inhibitory effect on IL-1β-induced increase in the level of COX-2 protein and PGE2 release in A549 cells[1]. Sphondin possesses an inhibitory effect on IL-1β-induced increase in the level of COX-2 protein and PGE2 release in A549 cells[1].