NCBI Taxonomy: 1888375

Neorautanenia amboensis (ncbi_taxid: 1888375)

found 40 associated metabolites at species taxonomy rank level.

Ancestor: Neorautanenia

Child Taxonomies: none taxonomy data.



C21H20O10 (432.105642)

Genistein 7-O-beta-D-glucoside is a 7-hydroxyisoflavones 7-O-beta-D-glucoside. It is functionally related to a genistein. It is a conjugate acid of a genistein 7-O-beta-D-glucoside(1-). Genistin is a natural product found in Ficus septica, Dalbergia sissoo, and other organisms with data available. Genistin is found in fruits. Genistin is present in soy foods. Potential nutriceutical. It is isolated from Prunus avium (wild cherry) Genistin is one of several known isoflavones. Genistin is found in a number of plants and herbs like soy Present in soy foods. Potential nutriceutical. Isolated from Prunus avium (wild cherry) Genistin (Genistine), an isoflavone belonging to the phytoestrogen family, is a potent anti-adipogenic and anti-lipogenic agent. Genistin attenuates cellular growth and promotes apoptotic cell death breast cancer cells through modulation of ERalpha signaling pathway[1][2][3]. Genistin (Genistine), an isoflavone belonging to the phytoestrogen family, is a potent anti-adipogenic and anti-lipogenic agent. Genistin attenuates cellular growth and promotes apoptotic cell death breast cancer cells through modulation of ERalpha signaling pathway[1][2][3].



Genistein, Pharmaceutical Secondary Standard; Certified Reference Material

C15H10O5 (270.052821)

Genistein is a 7-hydroxyisoflavone with additional hydroxy groups at positions 5 and 4. It is a phytoestrogenic isoflavone with antioxidant properties. It has a role as an antineoplastic agent, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, an EC [DNA topoisomerase (ATP-hydrolysing)] inhibitor, a phytoestrogen, a plant metabolite, a geroprotector and a human urinary metabolite. It is a conjugate acid of a genistein(1-). An isoflavonoid derived from soy products. It inhibits protein-tyrosine kinase and topoisomerase-II (DNA topoisomerases, type II) activity and is used as an antineoplastic and antitumor agent. Experimentally, it has been shown to induce G2 phase arrest in human and murine cell lines. Additionally, genistein has antihelmintic activity. It has been determined to be the active ingredient in Felmingia vestita, which is a plant traditionally used against worms. It has shown to be effective in the treatment of common liver fluke, pork trematode and poultry cestode. Further, genistein is a phytoestrogen which has selective estrogen receptor modulator properties. It has been investigated in clinical trials as an alternative to classical hormone therapy to help prevent cardiovascular disease in postmenopausal women. Natural sources of genistein include tofu, fava beans, soybeans, kudzu, and lupin. Genistein is a natural product found in Pterocarpus indicus, Ficus septica, and other organisms with data available. Genistein is a soy-derived isoflavone and phytoestrogen with antineoplastic activity. Genistein binds to and inhibits protein-tyrosine kinase, thereby disrupting signal transduction and inducing cell differentiation. This agent also inhibits topoisomerase-II, leading to DNA fragmentation and apoptosis, and induces G2/M cell cycle arrest. Genistein exhibits antioxidant, antiangiogenic, and immunosuppressive activities. (NCI04) Genistein is one of several known isoflavones. Isoflavones compounds, such as genistein and daidzein, are found in a number of plants, but soybeans and soy products like tofu and textured vegetable protein are the primary food source. Genistein is a natural bioactive compound derived from legumes and has drawn because of its potentially beneficial effects on some human degenerative diseases. It has a weak estrogenic effect and is a well-known non-specific tyrosine kinase inhibitor at pharmacological doses. Epidemiological studies show that genistein intake is inversely associated with the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Data suggests a protective role of genistein in cardiovascular events. However, the mechanisms of the genistein action on vascular protective effects are unclear. Past extensive studies exploring its hypolipidemic effect resulted in contradictory data. Genistein also is a relatively poor antioxidant. However, genistein protects against pro-inflammatory factor-induced vascular endothelial barrier dysfunction and inhibits leukocyte-endothelium interaction, thereby modulating vascular inflammation, a major event in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. Genistein exerts a non-genomic action by targeting on important signaling molecules in vascular endothelial cells (ECs). Genistein rapidly activates endothelial nitric oxide synthase and production of nitric oxide in ECs. This genistein effect is novel since it is independent of its known effects, but mediated by the cyclic adenosine monophosphate/protein kinase A (cAMP/PKA) cascade. Genistein directly stimulates the plasma membrane-associated adenylate cyclases, leading to activation of the cAMP signaling pathway. In addition, genistein activates peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors, ligand-activated nuclear receptors important to normal vascular function. Furthermore, genistein reduces reactive oxygen species (ROS) by attenuating the expression of ROS-producing enzymes. These findings reveal the roles for genistein in the regulation of vascular function and provide a basis for further investigating its therapeutic potential f... Genistein is one of several known isoflavones. Isoflavones compounds, such as genistein and daidzein, are found in a number of plants, but soybeans and soy products like tofu and textured vegetable protein are the primary food source. Genistein is a natural bioactive compound derived from legumes and has drawn because of its potentially beneficial effects on some human degenerative diseases. It has a weak estrogenic effect and is a well-known non-specific tyrosine kinase inhibitor at pharmacological doses. Epidemiological studies show that genistein intake is inversely associated with the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Data suggests a protective role of genistein in cardiovascular events. However, the mechanisms of the genistein action on vascular protective effects are unclear. Past extensive studies exploring its hypolipidemic effect resulted in contradictory data. Genistein also is a relatively poor antioxidant. However, genistein protects against pro-inflammatory factor-induced vascular endothelial barrier dysfunction and inhibits leukocyte-endothelium interaction, thereby modulating vascular inflammation, a major event in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. Genistein exerts a non-genomic action by targeting on important signaling molecules in vascular endothelial cells (ECs). Genistein rapidly activates endothelial nitric oxide synthase and production of nitric oxide in ECs. This genistein effect is novel since it is independent of its known effects, but mediated by the cyclic adenosine monophosphate/protein kinase A (cAMP/PKA) cascade. Genistein directly stimulates the plasma membrane-associated adenylate cyclases, leading to activation of the cAMP signaling pathway. In addition, genistein activates peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors, ligand-activated nuclear receptors important to normal vascular function. Furthermore, genistein reduces reactive oxygen species (ROS) by attenuating the expression of ROS-producing enzymes. These findings reveal the roles for genistein in the regulation of vascular function and provide a basis for further investigating its therapeutic potential for inflammatory-related vascular disease. (PMID:17979711). Genistein is a biomarker for the consumption of soy beans and other soy products. Genistein is a phenolic compound belonging to the isoflavonoid group. Isoflavonoids are found mainly in soybean. Genistein and daidzein (an other isoflavonoid) represent the major phytochemicals found in this plant. Health benefits (e.g. reduced risk for certain cancers and diseases of old age) associated to soya products consumption have been observed in East Asian populations and several epidemiological studies. This association has been linked to the action of isoflavonoids. With a chemical structure similar to the hormone 17-b-estradiol, soy isoflavones are able to interact with the estrogen receptor. They also possess numerous biological activities. (PMID: 15540649). Genistein is a biomarker for the consumption of soy beans and other soy products. A 7-hydroxyisoflavone with additional hydroxy groups at positions 5 and 4. It is a phytoestrogenic isoflavone with antioxidant properties. C274 - Antineoplastic Agent > C163758 - Targeted Therapy Agent > C1821 - Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator D006730 - Hormones, Hormone Substitutes, and Hormone Antagonists > D006728 - Hormones > D004967 - Estrogens C274 - Antineoplastic Agent > C129818 - Antineoplastic Hormonal/Endocrine Agent > C481 - Antiestrogen C471 - Enzyme Inhibitor > C1404 - Protein Kinase Inhibitor > C1967 - Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor C147908 - Hormone Therapy Agent > C548 - Therapeutic Hormone > C483 - Therapeutic Estrogen D004791 - Enzyme Inhibitors > D047428 - Protein Kinase Inhibitors D020011 - Protective Agents > D016588 - Anticarcinogenic Agents C274 - Antineoplastic Agent > C1742 - Angiogenesis Inhibitor C147908 - Hormone Therapy Agent > C547 - Hormone Antagonist D000970 - Antineoplastic Agents C1892 - Chemopreventive Agent CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 765; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX507; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 5085; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 5082 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 765; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX507; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 8554; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 8550 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 765; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX507; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 5097; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 5094 ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 5097; CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 765; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX507; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 5094 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 765; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX507; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 5104; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 5099 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 765; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX507; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 8558; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 8556 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 765; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX507; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 5082; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 5079 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 765; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX507; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 8540; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 8539 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 765; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX507; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 8556; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 8554 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 765; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX507; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 8561; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 8559 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 765; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX507; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 5096; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 5093 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 765; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX507; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 8572; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 8570 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 765; DATASET 20200303_ENTACT_RP_MIX507; DATA_PROCESSING MERGING RMBmix ver. 0.2.7; DATA_PROCESSING PRESCREENING Shinyscreen ver. 0.8.0; ORIGINAL_ACQUISITION_NO 5090; ORIGINAL_PRECURSOR_SCAN_NO 5089 CONFIDENCE Reference Standard (Level 1); NaToxAq - Natural Toxins and Drinking Water Quality - From Source to Tap ( CONFIDENCE standard compound; EAWAG_UCHEM_ID 3265 IPB_RECORD: 441; CONFIDENCE confident structure CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 4238 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 8827 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 2419 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 4162 CONFIDENCE standard compound; INTERNAL_ID 176 Genistein, a soy isoflavone, is a multiple tyrosine kinases (e.g., EGFR) inhibitor which acts as a chemotherapeutic agent against different types of cancer, mainly by altering apoptosis, the cell cycle, and angiogenesis and inhibiting metastasis. Genistein, a soy isoflavone, is a multiple tyrosine kinases (e.g., EGFR) inhibitor which acts as a chemotherapeutic agent against different types of cancer, mainly by altering apoptosis, the cell cycle, and angiogenesis and inhibiting metastasis.



9-Methoxy-6a,11a-dimethyl-6a,11a-dihydro-6H-\ 1-benzofuro[3,2-c]chromen-3-ol from Dalbergia Oliveri

C16H14O4 (270.0892044)

A member of the class of pterocarpans that is 3-hydroxyptercarpan with a methoxy substituent at position 9. (+)-medicarpin is the (+)-enantiomer of medicarpin. It is an enantiomer of a (-)-medicarpin. (+)-Medicarpin is a natural product found in Dalbergia sissoo, Machaerium acutifolium, and other organisms with data available. The (+)-enantiomer of medicarpin. (-)-medicarpin is the (-)-enantiomer of medicarpin. It has a role as a plant metabolite. It is an enantiomer of a (+)-medicarpin. Medicarpin is a natural product found in Cicer chorassanicum, Melilotus dentatus, and other organisms with data available. See also: Glycyrrhiza uralensis Root (part of); Medicago sativa whole (part of). The (-)-enantiomer of medicarpin. Medicarpin is a flavonoid isolated from Medicago sativa. Medicarpin induces apoptosis and overcome multidrug resistance in leukemia P388 cells by modulating P-gp-mediated efflux of agents[1]. Medicarpin is a flavonoid isolated from Medicago sativa. Medicarpin induces apoptosis and overcome multidrug resistance in leukemia P388 cells by modulating P-gp-mediated efflux of agents[1].




C23H22O7 (410.1365462)

(-)-cis-Rotenolone is found in jicama. (-)-cis-Rotenolone is isolated from Pachyrrhizus erosus (yam bean). Isolated from Pachyrrhizus erosus (yam bean). (-)-cis-Rotenolone is found in jicama and pulses.




C15H14O6 (290.0790344)



6-(6-Methoxy-1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl)-7H-furo[3,2-g][1]benzopyran-7-one, 9ci

C19H12O6 (336.06338519999997)

Pachyrrhizin is found in jicama. Pachyrrhizin is a constituent of Pachyrrhizus erosus (yam bean). Constituent of Pachyrrhizus erosus (yam bean). Pachyrrhizin is found in jicama and pulses.




C19H12O7 (352.05830019999996)

13alpha-Hydroxydolineone is found in jicama. 13alpha-Hydroxydolineone is a constituent of Pachyrrhizus erosus (yam bean) Constituent of Pachyrrhizus erosus (yam bean). 13alpha-Hydroxydolineone is found in jicama and pulses.




C17H12O4 (280.0735552)

Neodunol is found in jicama. Neodunol is isolated from Pachyrrhizus erosus (yam bean). Isolated from Pachyrrhizus erosus (yam bean). Neodunol is found in jicama and pulses.




C20H16O7 (368.0895986)

12alpha-Hydroxyerosone is found in jicama. 12alpha-Hydroxyerosone is a constituent of Pachyrrhizus erosus (yam bean). Constituent of Pachyrrhizus erosus (yam bean). 12alpha-Hydroxyerosone is found in jicama and pulses.




C20H20O4 (324.13615200000004)



(6aR) -6aalpha,13aalpha-Dihydro-13aalpha-hydroxy-1,3-dioxolo [ 6,7 ] [ 1 ] benzopyrano [ 3,4-b ] furo [ 3,2-g ] [ 1 ] benzopyran-13 (6H) -one

C19H12O7 (352.05830019999996)



6- (6-Methoxy-1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl) -7H-furo [ 3,2-g ] [ 1 ] benzopyran-7-one

C19H12O6 (336.06338519999997)




C21H20O10 (432.105642)

Genistein 7-O-beta-D-glucoside is a 7-hydroxyisoflavones 7-O-beta-D-glucoside. It is functionally related to a genistein. It is a conjugate acid of a genistein 7-O-beta-D-glucoside(1-). Genistin is a natural product found in Ficus septica, Dalbergia sissoo, and other organisms with data available. Genistin (Genistine), an isoflavone belonging to the phytoestrogen family, is a potent anti-adipogenic and anti-lipogenic agent. Genistin attenuates cellular growth and promotes apoptotic cell death breast cancer cells through modulation of ERalpha signaling pathway[1][2][3]. Genistin (Genistine), an isoflavone belonging to the phytoestrogen family, is a potent anti-adipogenic and anti-lipogenic agent. Genistin attenuates cellular growth and promotes apoptotic cell death breast cancer cells through modulation of ERalpha signaling pathway[1][2][3].




C15H10O5 (270.052821)

C274 - Antineoplastic Agent > C163758 - Targeted Therapy Agent > C1821 - Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator D006730 - Hormones, Hormone Substitutes, and Hormone Antagonists > D006728 - Hormones > D004967 - Estrogens C274 - Antineoplastic Agent > C129818 - Antineoplastic Hormonal/Endocrine Agent > C481 - Antiestrogen C471 - Enzyme Inhibitor > C1404 - Protein Kinase Inhibitor > C1967 - Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor C147908 - Hormone Therapy Agent > C548 - Therapeutic Hormone > C483 - Therapeutic Estrogen D004791 - Enzyme Inhibitors > D047428 - Protein Kinase Inhibitors D020011 - Protective Agents > D016588 - Anticarcinogenic Agents C274 - Antineoplastic Agent > C1742 - Angiogenesis Inhibitor C147908 - Hormone Therapy Agent > C547 - Hormone Antagonist D000970 - Antineoplastic Agents C1892 - Chemopreventive Agent Disclaimer: While authors make an effort to ensure that the content of this record is accurate, the authors make no representations or warranties in relation to the accuracy or completeness of the record. This record do not reflect any viewpoints of the affiliation and organization to which the authors belong. Acquisition and generation of the data is financially supported by the Max-Planck-Society IPB_RECORD: 2181; CONFIDENCE confident structure Genistein, a soy isoflavone, is a multiple tyrosine kinases (e.g., EGFR) inhibitor which acts as a chemotherapeutic agent against different types of cancer, mainly by altering apoptosis, the cell cycle, and angiogenesis and inhibiting metastasis. Genistein, a soy isoflavone, is a multiple tyrosine kinases (e.g., EGFR) inhibitor which acts as a chemotherapeutic agent against different types of cancer, mainly by altering apoptosis, the cell cycle, and angiogenesis and inhibiting metastasis.


NPI 031L

4H-1-Benzopyran-4-one, 5,7-dihydroxy-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-

C15H10O5 (270.052821)

C274 - Antineoplastic Agent > C163758 - Targeted Therapy Agent > C1821 - Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator D006730 - Hormones, Hormone Substitutes, and Hormone Antagonists > D006728 - Hormones > D004967 - Estrogens C274 - Antineoplastic Agent > C129818 - Antineoplastic Hormonal/Endocrine Agent > C481 - Antiestrogen C471 - Enzyme Inhibitor > C1404 - Protein Kinase Inhibitor > C1967 - Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor C147908 - Hormone Therapy Agent > C548 - Therapeutic Hormone > C483 - Therapeutic Estrogen D004791 - Enzyme Inhibitors > D047428 - Protein Kinase Inhibitors D020011 - Protective Agents > D016588 - Anticarcinogenic Agents C274 - Antineoplastic Agent > C1742 - Angiogenesis Inhibitor C147908 - Hormone Therapy Agent > C547 - Hormone Antagonist D000970 - Antineoplastic Agents C1892 - Chemopreventive Agent Genistein, a soy isoflavone, is a multiple tyrosine kinases (e.g., EGFR) inhibitor which acts as a chemotherapeutic agent against different types of cancer, mainly by altering apoptosis, the cell cycle, and angiogenesis and inhibiting metastasis. Genistein, a soy isoflavone, is a multiple tyrosine kinases (e.g., EGFR) inhibitor which acts as a chemotherapeutic agent against different types of cancer, mainly by altering apoptosis, the cell cycle, and angiogenesis and inhibiting metastasis.




C20H16O7 (368.0895986)