NCBI Taxonomy: 124267

Veronica lavaudiana (ncbi_taxid: 124267)

found 18 associated metabolites at species taxonomy rank level.

Ancestor: Veronica sect. Hebe

Child Taxonomies: none taxonomy data.



C15H22O9 (346.1263762)

Aucubin is found in common verbena. Aucubin is a monoterpenoid based compound. Aucubin, like all iridoids, has a cyclopentan-[C]-pyran skeleton. Iridoids can consist of ten, nine, or rarely eight carbons in which C11 is more frequently missing than C10. Aucubin has 10 carbons with the C11 carbon missing. The stereochemical configurations at C5 and C9 lead to cis fused rings, which are common to all iridoids containing carbocylclic- or seco-skeleton in non-rearranged form. Oxidative cleavage at C7-C8 bond affords secoiridoids. The last steps in the biosynthesis of iridoids usually consist of O-glycosylation and O-alkylation. Aucubin, a glycoside iridoid, has an O-linked glucose moiety. Aucubin is an iridoid glycoside. Iridoids are commonly found in plants and function as defensive compounds. Irioids decrease the growth rates of many generalist herbivores. Aucubin is found in the leaves of Aucuba japonica (Cornaceae), Eucommia ulmoides (Eucommiaceae), and Plantago asiatic (Plantaginaceae), etc, plants used in traditional Chinese and folk medicine. Aucubin was found to protect against liver damage induced by carbon tetrachloride or alpha-amanitin in mice and rats when 80 mg/kg was dosed intraperitoneally. Geranyl pyrophosphate is the precursor for iridoids. Geranyl phosphate is generated through the mevalonate pathway or the methylerythritol phosphate pathway. The initial steps of the pathway involve the fusion of three molecules of acetyl-CoA to produce the C6 compound 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA (HMG-CoA). HMG-CoA is then reduced in two steps by the enzyme HMG-CoA reductase. The resulting mevalonate is then sequentially phosphorylated by two separate kinases, mevalonate kinase and phosphomevalonate kinase, to form 5-pyrophosphomevalonate. Phosphosphomevalonate decarboxylase through a concerted decarboxylation reaction affords isopentenyl pyrophosphate (IPP). IPP is the basic C5 building block that is added to prenyl phosphate cosubstrates to form longer chains. IPP is isomerized to the allylic ester dimethylallyl pyrophosphate (DMAPP) by IPP isomerase. Through a multistep process, including the dephosphorylation DMAPP, IPP and DMAPP are combinded to from the C10 compound geranyl pyrophosphate (GPP). Geranyl pyrophosphate is a major branch point for terpenoid synthesis. The cyclizaton reaction to form the iridoid pyrane ring may result from one of two routes: route 1 - a hydride nucleophillic attack on C1 will lead to 1-O-carbonyl atom attack on C3, yielding the lactone ring; route 2 - loss of proton from carbon 4 leads to the formation of a double bond C3-C4; consequently the 3-0-carbonyl atom will attach to C1 Aucubin is a monoterpenoid based compound. Aucubin, like all iridoids, has a cyclopentan-[C]-pyran skeleton. Iridoids can consist of ten, nine, or rarely eight carbons in which C11 is more frequently missing than C10. Aucubin has 10 carbons with the C11 carbon missing. The stereochemical configurations at C5 and C9 lead to cis fused rings, which are common to all iridoids containing carbocylclic- or seco-skeleton in non-rearranged form. Oxidative cleavage at C7-C8 bond affords secoiridoids. The last steps in the biosynthesis of iridoids usually consist of O-glycosylation and O-alkylation. Aucubin, a glycoside iridoid, has an O-linked glucose moiety.; Aucubin is an iridoid glycoside. Iridoids are commonly found in plants and function as defensive compounds. Irioids decrease the growth rates of many generalist herbivores. Aucubin is found in the leaves of Aucuba japonica (Cornaceae), Eucommia ulmoides (Eucommiaceae), and Plantago asiatic (Plantaginaceae), etc, plants used in traditional Chinese and folk medicine. Aucubin was found to protect against liver damage induced by carbon tetrachloride or alpha-amanitin in mice and rats when 80 mg/kg was dosed intraperitoneally.; Geranyl pyrophosphate is the precursor for iridoids. Geranyl phosphate is generated through the mevalonate pathway or the methylerythritol phosphate pathway. The initial steps of the pathway involve the fusion of three molecules of acetyl-CoA to produce the C6 compound 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA (HMG-CoA). HMG-CoA is then reduced in two steps by the enzyme HMG-CoA reductase. The resulting mevalonate is then sequentially phosphorylated by two separate kinases, mevalonate kinase and phosphomevalonate kinase, to form 5-pyrophosphomevalonate. Phosphosphomevalonate decarboxylase through a concerted decarboxylation reaction affords isopentenyl pyrophosphate (IPP). IPP is the basic C5 building block that is added to prenyl phosphate cosubstrates to form longer chains. IPP is isomerized to the allylic ester dimethylallyl pyrophosphate (DMAPP) by IPP isomerase. Through a multistep process, including the dephosphorylation DMAPP, IPP and DMAPP are combinded to from the C10 compound geranyl pyrophosphate (GPP). Geranyl pyrophosphate is a major branch point for terpenoid synthesis.; The cyclizaton reaction to form the iridoid pyrane ring may result from one of two routes: route 1 - a hydride nucleophillic attack on C1 will lead to 1-O-carbonyl atom attack on C3, yielding the lactone ring; route 2 - loss of proton from carbon 4 leads to the formation of a double bond C3-C4; consequently the 3-0-carbonyl atom will attach to C1. Aucubin is an organic molecular entity. It has a role as a metabolite. Aucubin is a natural product found in Verbascum lychnitis, Plantago media, and other organisms with data available. See also: Chaste tree fruit (part of); Rehmannia glutinosa Root (part of); Plantago ovata seed (part of). Aucubin, an iridoid glucoside, is isolated from Plantago asiatica, Eucommia ulmoides, the leaves of Aucuba japonica and more recently from butterfly larva. Aucubin has many biological activities, such as antioxidant, anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anti-fibrotic, anti-cancer, hepatoprotective, neuroprotective and osteoprotective effects[1][2][3]. Aucubin, an iridoid glucoside, is isolated from Plantago asiatica, Eucommia ulmoides, the leaves of Aucuba japonica and more recently from butterfly larva. Aucubin has many biological activities, such as antioxidant, anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anti-fibrotic, anti-cancer, hepatoprotective, neuroprotective and osteoprotective effects[1][2][3].




C6H14O6 (182.0790344)

D-mannitol appears as odorless white crystalline powder or free-flowing granules. Sweet taste. (NTP, 1992) D-mannitol is the D-enantiomer of mannitol. It has a role as an osmotic diuretic, a sweetening agent, an antiglaucoma drug, a metabolite, an allergen, a hapten, a food bulking agent, a food anticaking agent, a food humectant, a food stabiliser, a food thickening agent, an Escherichia coli metabolite and a member of compatible osmolytes. Mannitol is an osmotic diuretic that is metabolically inert in humans and occurs naturally, as a sugar or sugar alcohol, in fruits and vegetables. Mannitol elevates blood plasma osmolality, resulting in enhanced flow of water from tissues, including the brain and cerebrospinal fluid, into interstitial fluid and plasma. As a result, cerebral edema, elevated intracranial pressure, and cerebrospinal fluid volume and pressure may be reduced. Mannitol may also be used for the promotion of diuresis before irreversible renal failure becomes established; the promotion of urinary excretion of toxic substances; as an Antiglaucoma agent; and as a renal function diagnostic aid. On October 30, 2020, mannitol was approved by the FDA as add-on maintenance therapy for the control of pulmonary symptoms associated with cystic fibrosis in adult patients and is currently marketed for this indication under the name BRONCHITOL® by Chiesi USA Inc. Mannitol is a metabolite found in or produced by Escherichia coli (strain K12, MG1655). Mannitol is an Osmotic Diuretic. The mechanism of action of mannitol is as an Osmotic Activity. The physiologic effect of mannitol is by means of Increased Diuresis. Mannitol is a natural product found in Pavetta indica, Scoparia dulcis, and other organisms with data available. Mannitol is a naturally occurring alcohol found in fruits and vegetables and used as an osmotic diuretic. Mannitol is freely filtered by the glomerulus and poorly reabsorbed from the renal tubule, thereby causing an increase in osmolarity of the glomerular filtrate. An increase in osmolarity limits tubular reabsorption of water and inhibits the renal tubular reabsorption of sodium, chloride, and other solutes, thereby promoting diuresis. In addition, mannitol elevates blood plasma osmolarity, resulting in enhanced flow of water from tissues into interstitial fluid and plasma. D-mannitol is a metabolite found in or produced by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A diuretic and renal diagnostic aid related to sorbitol. It has little significant energy value as it is largely eliminated from the body before any metabolism can take place. It can be used to treat oliguria associated with kidney failure or other manifestations of inadequate renal function and has been used for determination of glomerular filtration rate. Mannitol is also commonly used as a research tool in cell biological studies, usually to control osmolarity. See also: Mannitol; sorbitol (component of); Mannitol; menthol (component of). Mannitol, or hexan-1,2,3,4,5,6-hexol (C6H8(OH)6), is an alcohol and a sugar (sugar alcohol), or a polyol, it is a stereoisomer of sorbitol and is similar to the C5 xylitol. The structure of mannitol is made of a straight chain of six carbon atoms, each of which is substituted with a hydroxyl group. Mannitol is one of the most abundant energy and carbon storage molecules in nature, it is produced by a wide range of organisms such as bacteria, fungi and plants (PMID: 19578847). In medicine, mannitol is used as a diuretic and renal diagnostic aid. Mannitol has little significant energy value as it is largely eliminated from the body before any metabolism can take place. It can be used to treat oliguria associated with kidney failure or other manifestations of inadequate renal function and has been used for determination of glomerular filtration rate. Mannitol is also commonly used as a research tool in cell biological studies, usually to control osmolarity. Mannitol has a tendency to lose a hydrogen ion in aqueous solutions, which causes the solution to become acidic. For this, it is not uncommon to add a weak base, such as sodium bicarbonate, to the solution to adjust its pH. Mannitol is a non-permeating molecule i.e., it cannot cross biological membranes. Mannitol is an osmotic diuretic agent and a weak renal vasodilator. Mannitol is found to be associated with cytochrome c oxidase deficiency and ribose-5-phosphate isomerase deficiency, which are inborn errors of metabolism. Mannitol is also a microbial metabolite found in Aspergillus, Candida, Clostridium, Gluconobacter, Lactobacillus, Lactococcus, Leuconostoc, Pseudomonas, Rhodobacteraceae, Saccharomyces, Streptococcus, Torulaspora and Zymomonas (PMID: 15240312; PMID: 29480337). Mannitol. CAS Common Chemistry. CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society, n.d. (retrieved 2024-07-01) (CAS RN: 69-65-8). Licensed under the Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0). DL-Mannitol is obtained by combining D-mannitol with a sample of Lmannitol obtained by reduction of L-mannono-1, Clactone[1]. DL-Mannitol is obtained by combining D-mannitol with a sample of Lmannitol obtained by reduction of L-mannono-1, Clactone[1]. D-Mannitol (Mannitol) is an oral, resistant sugar widely used in the food and pharmaceutical industries to promote the absorption and retention of calcium and magnesium through cecal fermentation, while acting as a osmotic diuretic to reduce tissue edema. D-Mannitol can enhance brown fat formation, improve insulin effect, reduce blood sugar levels, And through the start the β3-adrenergic receptor (β3-AR), PGC1α and PKA induced by means of white fat cells into brown fat cells[1][2][3][4][5][6][7]. D-Mannitol is an osmotic diuretic with weak renal vasodilatory activity. D-Mannitol (Mannitol) is an oral, resistant sugar widely used in the food and pharmaceutical industries to promote the absorption and retention of calcium and magnesium through cecal fermentation, while acting as a osmotic diuretic to reduce tissue edema. D-Mannitol can enhance brown fat formation, improve insulin effect, reduce blood sugar levels, And through the start the β3-adrenergic receptor (β3-AR), PGC1α and PKA induced by means of white fat cells into brown fat cells[1][2][3][4][5][6][7]. D-Mannitol is an osmotic diuretic with weak renal vasodilatory activity.




C15H22O10 (362.1212912)

Catalpol is an organic molecular entity. It has a role as a metabolite. Catalpol is a natural product found in Verbascum lychnitis, Plantago atrata, and other organisms with data available. See also: Rehmannia glutinosa Root (part of). Catalpol (Catalpinoside), an iridoid glycoside found in Rehmannia glutinosa. Catalpol has neuroprotective, hypoglycemic, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-spasmodic, anti-oxidant effects and anti-HBV effects[1][2][3]. Catalpol (Catalpinoside), an iridoid glycoside found in Rehmannia glutinosa. Catalpol has neuroprotective, hypoglycemic, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-spasmodic, anti-oxidant effects and anti-HBV effects[1][2][3].




C6H14O6 (182.0790344)

Mannitol is an osmotic diuretic that is metabolically inert in humans and occurs naturally, as a sugar or sugar alcohol, in fruits and vegetables. Mannitol elevates blood plasma osmolality, resulting in enhanced flow of water from tissues, including the brain and cerebrospinal fluid, into interstitial fluid and plasma. As a result, cerebral edema, elevated intracranial pressure, and cerebrospinal fluid volume and pressure may be reduced. Mannitol may also be used for the promotion of diuresis before irreversible renal failure becomes established; the promotion of urinary excretion of toxic substances; as an Antiglaucoma agent; and as a renal function diagnostic aid. On October 30, 2020, mannitol was approved by the FDA as add-on maintenance therapy for the control of pulmonary symptoms associated with cystic fibrosis in adult patients and is currently marketed for this indication under the name BRONCHITOL® by Chiesi USA Inc. Mannitol, a type of sugar alcohol, serves several important biological functions: Osmotic Diuretic: Mannitol is used medically as an osmotic diuretic to reduce intracranial and intraocular pressure. By increasing urine production, it helps to draw excess fluid from the brain and eyes, which is beneficial in conditions like cerebral edema and glaucoma. Sweetener and Sugar Substitute: In the food industry, mannitol is used as a sweetener and sugar substitute. It provides sweetness without contributing to tooth decay and is often used in products for diabetics because it has a minimal impact on blood sugar levels. Preservative: Mannitol’s hygroscopic properties make it useful as a preservative in various products, including pharmaceuticals and foods, to prevent moisture absorption and maintain product stability. Laxative: In high concentrations, mannitol can act as a laxative due to its osmotic effect in the intestine, drawing water into the bowel and stimulating bowel movements. Tissue Protectant: In cryopreservation, mannitol is used to protect tissues from damage caused by freezing and thawing processes. Cell Culture Medium Component: Mannitol is often included in cell culture media to maintain osmotic balance and provide a stable environment for cell growth. Pharmaceutical Excipient: It is used as an excipient in the pharmaceutical industry, helping to enhance the stability and bioavailability of drugs. Mannitol. CAS Common Chemistry. CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society, n.d. (retrieved 2024-07-01) (CAS RN: 69-65-8). Licensed under the Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0). DL-Mannitol is obtained by combining D-mannitol with a sample of Lmannitol obtained by reduction of L-mannono-1, Clactone[1]. DL-Mannitol is obtained by combining D-mannitol with a sample of Lmannitol obtained by reduction of L-mannono-1, Clactone[1]. D-Mannitol (Mannitol) is an oral, resistant sugar widely used in the food and pharmaceutical industries to promote the absorption and retention of calcium and magnesium through cecal fermentation, while acting as a osmotic diuretic to reduce tissue edema. D-Mannitol can enhance brown fat formation, improve insulin effect, reduce blood sugar levels, And through the start the β3-adrenergic receptor (β3-AR), PGC1α and PKA induced by means of white fat cells into brown fat cells[1][2][3][4][5][6][7]. D-Mannitol is an osmotic diuretic with weak renal vasodilatory activity. D-Mannitol (Mannitol) is an oral, resistant sugar widely used in the food and pharmaceutical industries to promote the absorption and retention of calcium and magnesium through cecal fermentation, while acting as a osmotic diuretic to reduce tissue edema. D-Mannitol can enhance brown fat formation, improve insulin effect, reduce blood sugar levels, And through the start the β3-adrenergic receptor (β3-AR), PGC1α and PKA induced by means of white fat cells into brown fat cells[1][2][3][4][5][6][7]. D-Mannitol is an osmotic diuretic with weak renal vasodilatory activity.




C25H30O13 (538.168633)

A natural product found in Veronica lavaudiana.




C15H22O9 (346.1263762)

Aucubin is an organic molecular entity. It has a role as a metabolite. Aucubin is a natural product found in Verbascum lychnitis, Plantago media, and other organisms with data available. See also: Chaste tree fruit (part of); Rehmannia glutinosa Root (part of); Plantago ovata seed (part of). Origin: Plant; SubCategory_DNP: Monoterpenoids, Iridoid monoterpenoids SubCategory_DNP: Monoterpenoids, Iridoid monoterpenoids; Origin: Plant Aucubin, an iridoid glucoside, is isolated from Plantago asiatica, Eucommia ulmoides, the leaves of Aucuba japonica and more recently from butterfly larva. Aucubin has many biological activities, such as antioxidant, anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anti-fibrotic, anti-cancer, hepatoprotective, neuroprotective and osteoprotective effects[1][2][3]. Aucubin, an iridoid glucoside, is isolated from Plantago asiatica, Eucommia ulmoides, the leaves of Aucuba japonica and more recently from butterfly larva. Aucubin has many biological activities, such as antioxidant, anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anti-fibrotic, anti-cancer, hepatoprotective, neuroprotective and osteoprotective effects[1][2][3].




C22H26O13 (498.13733460000003)

A natural product found in Veronica lavaudiana.