NCBI Taxonomy: 42361

Daldinia concentrica (ncbi_taxid: 42361)

found 20 associated metabolites at species taxonomy rank level.

Ancestor: Daldinia

Child Taxonomies: none taxonomy data.



C30H50O (426.386145)

Friedelin is a pentacyclic triterpenoid that is perhydropicene which is substituted by an oxo group at position 3 and by methyl groups at the 4, 4a, 6b, 8a, 11, 11, 12b, and 14a-positions (the 4R,4aS,6aS,6bR,8aR,12aR,12bS,14aS,14bS-enantiomer). It is the major triterpenoid constituent of cork. It has a role as an anti-inflammatory drug, a non-narcotic analgesic, an antipyretic and a plant metabolite. It is a pentacyclic triterpenoid and a cyclic terpene ketone. Friedelin is a natural product found in Diospyros eriantha, Salacia chinensis, and other organisms with data available. A pentacyclic triterpenoid that is perhydropicene which is substituted by an oxo group at position 3 and by methyl groups at the 4, 4a, 6b, 8a, 11, 11, 12b, and 14a-positions (the 4R,4aS,6aS,6bR,8aR,12aR,12bS,14aS,14bS-enantiomer). It is the major triterpenoid constituent of cork. Friedelin is a member of the class of compounds known as triterpenoids. Triterpenoids are terpene molecules containing six isoprene units. Friedelin is practically insoluble (in water) and an extremely weak basic (essentially neutral) compound (based on its pKa). Friedelin can be found in a number of food items such as pomegranate, sugar apple, apple, and mammee apple, which makes friedelin a potential biomarker for the consumption of these food products. Friedelin is a triterpenoid chemical compound found in Azima tetracantha, Orostachys japonica, and Quercus stenophylla. Friedelin is also found in the roots of the Cannabis plant .


Pyroglutamic acid

(S)-(-)-gamma-Butyrolactam-gamma-carboxylic acid

C5H7NO3 (129.0425912)

Pyroglutamic acid (5-oxoproline) is a cyclized derivative of L-glutamic acid. It is an uncommon amino acid derivative in which the free amino group of glutamic acid cyclizes to form a lactam. It is formed nonenzymatically from glutamate, glutamine, and gamma-glutamylated peptides, but it can also be produced by the action of gamma-glutamylcyclotransferase on an L-amino acid. Elevated blood levels may be associated with problems of glutamine or glutathione metabolism. This compound is found in substantial amounts in brain tissue and other tissues in bound form, especially skin. It is also present in plant tissues. It is sold, over the counter, as a "smart drug" for improving blood circulation in the brain. Pyroglutamate in the urine is a biomarker for the consumption of cheese. When present in sufficiently high levels, pyroglutamic acid can act as an acidogen and a metabotoxin. An acidogen is an acidic compound that induces acidosis, which has multiple adverse effects on many organ systems. A metabotoxin is an endogenously produced metabolite that causes adverse health effects at chronically high levels. Chronically high levels of pyroglutamic acid are associated with at least five inborn errors of metabolism including 5-oxoprolinuria, 5-oxoprolinase deficiency, glutathione synthetase deficiency, hawkinsinuria, and propionic acidemia. Pyroglutamic acid is an organic acid. Abnormally high levels of organic acids in the blood (organic acidemia), urine (organic aciduria), the brain, and other tissues lead to general metabolic acidosis. Acidosis typically occurs when arterial pH falls below 7.35. In infants with acidosis, the initial symptoms include poor feeding, vomiting, loss of appetite, weak muscle tone (hypotonia), and lack of energy (lethargy). These can progress to heart, liver, and kidney abnormalities, seizures, coma, and possibly death. These are also the characteristic symptoms of the untreated IEMs mentioned above. Many affected children with organic acidemias experience intellectual disability or delayed development. In adults, acidosis or acidemia is characterized by headaches, confusion, feeling tired, tremors, sleepiness, and seizures. It has been shown that pyroglutamic acid releases GABA from the cerebral cortex and displays anti-anxiety effects in a simple approach-avoidance conflict situation in the rat. In clinical pharmacology experiments, pyroglutamic acid significantly shortens the plasma half-life of ethanol during acute intoxication. Found in vegetables, fruits and molasses. A cyclized derivative of L-glutamic acid. It is an uncommon amino acid derivative in which the free amino group of glutamic acid cyclizes to form a lactam. Pyroglutamate in the urine is a biomarker for the consumption of cheese C78276 - Agent Affecting Digestive System or Metabolism > C29703 - Antilipidemic Agent




C12H12O5 (236.06847019999998)



L-Pyroglutamic acid

C5H7NO3 (129.0425912)

C78276 - Agent Affecting Digestive System or Metabolism > C29703 - Antilipidemic Agent




C18H18O6 (330.11033280000004)




C17H16O6 (316.0946836)




C30H52O3 (460.3916242)




C31H54O3 (474.4072734)




C29H50O3 (446.37597500000004)




C20H14O4 (318.0892044)



L-Pyroglutamic acid

C5H7NO3 (129.0425912)

C78276 - Agent Affecting Digestive System or Metabolism > C29703 - Antilipidemic Agent




C34H69NO4 (555.5226314)

A phytoceramide compound having a hexadecanoyl group attached to the nitrogen atom.