Chemical Formula: C2H5NO

Chemical Formula C2H5NO

Found 12 metabolite its formula value is C2H5NO


Acetamide, monosodium salt

C2H5NO (59.037112)

Acetamide (or acetic acid amide or ethanamide), CH3CONH2, the amide of acetic acid, is a white crystalline solid in pure form. It is produced by dehydrating ammonium acetate:. Acetamide is found in red beetroot. Acetamide is found in red beetroot. Acetamide (or acetic acid amide or ethanamide), CH3CONH2, the amide of acetic acid, is a white crystalline solid in pure form. It is produced by dehydrating ammonium acetate




C2H5NO (59.037112)




C2H5NO (59.037112)

N-Methylformamide (NMF) is one of the two major urinary biomarkers of exposure to N,N-Dimethylformamide (DMF), a compound widely used in industries because of its extensive miscibility with water and solvents. Metabolism of NMF results in the formation of N-methylcarbamoyl adducts at the N-terminal valine and lysine in blood protein globin. (PMID: 17254560, 17254560, 16289959) [HMDB] N-Methylformamide (NMF) is one of the two major urinary biomarkers of exposure to N,N-Dimethylformamide (DMF), a compound widely used in industries because of its extensive miscibility with water and solvents. Metabolism of NMF results in the formation of N-methylcarbamoyl adducts at the N-terminal valine and lysine in blood protein globin. (PMID: 17254560, 17254560, 16289959). C274 - Antineoplastic Agent > C2122 - Cell Differentiating Agent > C1934 - Differentiation Inducer C274 - Antineoplastic Agent > C798 - Radiosensitizing Agent D011838 - Radiation-Sensitizing Agents D000970 - Antineoplastic Agents


Acetaldehyde oxime


C2H5NO (59.037112)

Acetaldehyde oxime is an oxime is one in a class of chemical compounds with the general formula R1R2CNOH, where R1 is an organic side chain and R2 is either hydrogen, forming an aldoxime, or another organic group, forming a ketoxime. An oxime is one in a class of chemical compounds with the general formula R1R2CNOH, where R1 is an organic side chain and R2 is either hydrogen, forming an aldoxime, or another organic group, forming a ketoxime. [HMDB]


Acetaldehyde ammonia

Acetaldehyde ammonia

C2H5NO (59.037112)


acetamide (15n)

acetamide (15n)

C2H5NO (59.037112)




C2H5NO (59.037112)



(Z)-acetaldehyde oxime

C2H5NO (59.037112)

The (Z)-stereoisomer of acetaldehyde oxime. An aldoxime derived from acetaldehyde.




C2H5NO (59.037112)




C2H5NO (59.037112)

An amino aldehyde that is acetaldehyde in which one of the hydrogens of the methyl group has been replaced by an amino group.




C2H5NO (59.037112)

C274 - Antineoplastic Agent > C2122 - Cell Differentiating Agent > C1934 - Differentiation Inducer C274 - Antineoplastic Agent > C798 - Radiosensitizing Agent D011838 - Radiation-Sensitizing Agents D000970 - Antineoplastic Agents


(E)-acetaldehyde oxime

(E)-acetaldehyde oxime

C2H5NO (59.037112)

The (E)-stereoisomer of acetaldehyde oxime.