Chemical Formula: C24H41N3O16

Chemical Formula C24H41N3O16

Found 21 metabolite its formula value is C24H41N3O16



C24H41N3O16 (627.2486706000001)

Chitin is one of the main components in the cell walls of fungi, the exoskeletons of insects and other arthropods (such as crustaceans) as well as fish and frogs. It is a polysaccharide that is constructed from units of acetylglucosamine (more completely, N-acetyl-D-glucose-2-amine). These are linked together in beta-1,4 fashion (in a similar manner to the glucose units which form cellulose). In effect, chitin may be described as cellulose with one hydroxyl group on each monomer replaced by an acetylamine group. This allows for increased hydrogen bonding between adjacent polymers, giving the polymer increased strength. Chitin is the second most abundant polysaccharide in the world (after cellulose). Chitinases break down chitin and are a part of the defence mechanism of mammals against chitin-containing parasites in lower life forms. Under certain circumstances, chitin can act as an allergen. Research using murine models has shown that chitin is a size-dependent microbial-associated molecular pattern (MAMP) that can induce an immunological response via pattern recognition receptors. Medium-sized chitin micro-particles (CMPs) have been shown to induce inflammation, while small-sized CMPs reduce inflammation. Additionally, mammalian chitinases may play a key role in mediating the T-helper 2 cell-driven inflammatory response that is commonly associated with asthma. The high prevalence of asthma among people working with chitinous substances, such as crabs and fungi, suggests that chitin might be an allergen playing a significant role in the development of asthma. Chitin is an unusual substance as it is a naturally occurring polymer. Its breakdown is conducted by bacteria which have receptors to simple sugars from the decomposition of chitin. If chitin is detected they then produce enzymes to digest the chitin by reducing it to simple sugars and ammonia.




C24H41N3O16 (627.2486706000001)

Tri-N-acetylchitotriose is an oligosaccharide that may prevent the action of certain prolamins (antinutritional peptides) from some cereals (e. g. wheat, barley, and rye) that adversely affect in vivo the intestinal mucosa of coeliac patients. (PMID: 10399351) [HMDB] Tri-N-acetylchitotriose is an oligosaccharide that may prevent the action of certain prolamins (antinutritional peptides) from some cereals (e. g. wheat, barley, and rye) that adversely affect in vivo the intestinal mucosa of coeliac patients. (PMID: 10399351). N,N',N''-Triacetylchitotriose is a competitive inhibitor of lysozyme[1].




C24H41N3O16 (627.2486706000001)

N,N',N''-Triacetylchitotriose is a competitive inhibitor of lysozyme[1].




C24H41N3O16 (627.2486706000001)

COVID info from COVID-19 Disease Map Corona-virus Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 SARS-CoV COVID19 SARS2 SARS




C24H41N3O16 (627.2486706000001)




C24H41N3O16 (627.2486706000001)




C24H41N3O16 (627.2486706000001)




C24H41N3O16 (627.2486706000001)




C24H41N3O16 (627.2486706000001)




C24H41N3O16 (627.2486706000001)

N,N',N''-Triacetylchitotriose is a competitive inhibitor of lysozyme[1].