Chemical Formula: C14H17NO6

Chemical Formula C14H17NO6

Found 34 metabolite its formula value is C14H17NO6



C14H17NO6 (295.1055822)

(R)-prunasin is a prunasin. Prunasin is a natural product found in Polypodium californicum, Chaenorhinum minus, and other organisms with data available. Prunasin is found in almond. Prunasin is isolated from kernels of Prunus species, immature fruits of Passiflora species and leaves of perilla (Perilla frutescens var. acuta) Prunasin belongs to the family of O-glycosyl Compounds. These are glycosides in which a sugar group is bonded through one carbon to another group via a O-glycosidic bond. Isolated from kernels of Prunus subspecies, immature fruits of Passiflora subspecies and leaves of perilla (Perilla frutescens variety acuta). Prunasin is found in many foods, some of which are almond, sour cherry, black elderberry, and herbs and spices. Prunasin is found in almond. Prunasin is isolated from kernels of Prunus species, immature fruits of Passiflora species and leaves of perilla (Perilla frutescens var. acuta D004791 - Enzyme Inhibitors




C14H17NO6 (295.1055822)

Indican is a colourless, water-soluble organic compound consisting of an indole ring conjugated to glucose. It is an indole glycoside. Its hydrolysis yields β-D-glucose and indoxyl. Indoles are compounds which consist of a pyrrole ring fused to benzene to form 2,3-benzopyrrole. The oxidation of indican by a mild oxidizing agent, e.g. atmospheric oxygen or CYP450 enzymes, yields indigo dye which is blue in colour. Indican is a substance occurring naturally in the urine of humans and mammals and also in blood plasma as a normal metabolite of tryptophan. Tryptophan is first converted to indole by gut bacteria. Following absorption from the gut, indole is converted to 3-hydroxyindole (indoxyl or indican) in the liver, where it is again then conjugated with sulfuric acid or glucoronic acid through normal xenobiotic metabolism pathways. It is then transported to the kidneys for excretion. In individuals affected by the blue diaper syndrome (a rare, autosomal recessive metabolic disorder characterized in infants by bluish urine-stained diapers), the patients exhibit a defect in tryptophan metabolism, leading to an increase in indican synthesis. Indican is then excreted into the urine and from there into the diaper where, upon exposure to air, it is converted to indigo blue dye due to oxidation by atmospheric oxygen. An increased urinary excretion of indican is seen in Hartnup disease from the bacterial degradation of unabsorbed tryptophan (PMID: 19967017). Hartnup disease is an autosomal recessive metabolic disorder affecting the absorption of nonpolar amino acids (particularly tryptophan), which leads to excessive bacterial fermentation of tryptophan (to indole) in the gut. Indican has also been identified as a uremic toxin according to the European Uremic Toxin Working Group (PMID: 22626821). Its excretion is decreased by the presence of Lactobacillus bacteria in the gut (PMID: 6785555 ). Indican is an indolyl carbohydrate, a beta-D-glucoside and an exopolysaccharide. Indican is a natural product found in Indigofera suffruticosa, Isatis tinctoria, and other organisms with data available. Indican is a toxic metabolite derived from dietary proteins and tryptophan. In the intestine, proteins and tryptophan are converted to indole by tryptophanase-expressing organisms. In the liver, indole is hydroxylated to form indoxyl and indoxyl is sufated to produce indican. Overproduction of indican is associated with glomerular sclerosis, interstitial fibrosis and renal failure. Indican is a uremic toxin. Uremic toxins can be subdivided into three major groups based upon their chemical and physical characteristics: 1) small, water-soluble, non-protein-bound compounds, such as urea; 2) small, lipid-soluble and/or protein-bound compounds, such as the phenols and 3) larger so-called middle-molecules, such as beta2-microglobulin. Chronic exposure of uremic toxins can lead to a number of conditions including renal damage, chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular disease. It is a colourless organic compound, soluble in water, naturally occurring in Indigofera plants. It is a precursor of indigo dye. Indican interferes with many commercial procedures for measuring total bilirubin[6] which can be a problem for renal failure patients where blood indican levels are raised. It can cause gastrointestinal symptoms in patients where protein absorption is reduced - like Hartnups disease, allowing for greater bacterial decomposition of the Tryptophan to indole and its conversion to indican.




C14H17NO6 (295.1055822)




C14H17NO6 (295.1055822)

Isolated from leaves of elderberry (Sambucus nigra) and from other plants. Sambunigrin is found in passion fruit, fruits, and black elderberry. Sambunigrin is found in black elderberry. Sambunigrin is isolated from leaves of elderberry (Sambucus nigra) and from other plant




C14H17NO6 (295.1055822)

Prulaurasin is found in fruits. Prulaurasin is isolated from cherry laurel leaves (Prunus laurocerasus) and other plant Isolated from cherry laurel leaves (Prunus laurocerasus) and other plants. Prulaurasin is found in fruits. D004791 - Enzyme Inhibitors


(S)-2-Hydroxy-2-phenylacetonitrile O-b-D-allopyranoside


C14H17NO6 (295.1055822)

(S)-2-Hydroxy-2-phenylacetonitrile O-b-D-allopyranoside is found in fruits. (S)-2-Hydroxy-2-phenylacetonitrile O-b-D-allopyranoside is a constituent of the leaves and stems of passion fruit (Passiflora edulis). Constituent of the leaves and stems of passion fruit (Passiflora edulis). (S)-2-Hydroxy-2-phenylacetonitrile O-b-D-allopyranoside is found in fruits.




C14H17NO6 (295.1055822)


Metalaxyl-M-TP CGA108906

Metalaxyl-M-TP CGA108906

C14H17NO6 (295.1055822)

CONFIDENCE standard compound; UCHEM_ID 4170


(4-beta-D-Glucopyranosyloxy-phenyl)-acetonitril|(4-beta-D-glucopyranosyloxy-phenyl)-acetonitrile|(4-hydroxyphenyl)acetonitrile 4-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside|hydranitriloside B2|[4-(beta-D-glucopyranosyloxy)phenyl]acetonitrile

(4-beta-D-Glucopyranosyloxy-phenyl)-acetonitril|(4-beta-D-glucopyranosyloxy-phenyl)-acetonitrile|(4-hydroxyphenyl)acetonitrile 4-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside|hydranitriloside B2|[4-(beta-D-glucopyranosyloxy)phenyl]acetonitrile

C14H17NO6 (295.1055822)




C14H17NO6 (295.1055822)


Tri-acetyl pyridoxine

Tri-acetyl pyridoxine

C14H17NO6 (295.1055822)




C14H17NO6 (295.1055822)




C14H17NO6 (295.1055822)

D004791 - Enzyme Inhibitors




C14H17NO6 (295.1055822)




C14H17NO6 (295.1055822)


4-Nitro-2-(2,5,5-trimethyl-[1,3]dioxan-2-yl)-benzoic acid

4-Nitro-2-(2,5,5-trimethyl-[1,3]dioxan-2-yl)-benzoic acid

C14H17NO6 (295.1055822)




C14H17NO6 (295.1055822)




C14H17NO6 (295.1055822)




C14H17NO6 (295.1055822)




C14H17NO6 (295.1055822)




C14H17NO6 (295.1055822)


(S)-2-Hydroxy-2-phenylacetonitrile O-b-D-allopyranoside

(S)-2-Hydroxy-2-phenylacetonitrile O-b-D-allopyranoside

C14H17NO6 (295.1055822)