Exact Mass: 161.90421360000002

Exact Mass Matches: 161.90421360000002

Found 45 metabolites which its exact mass value is equals to given mass value 161.90421360000002, within given mass tolerance error 0.05 dalton. Try search metabolite list with more accurate mass tolerance error 0.01 dalton.

Trichloroacetic acid

Sanofi brand OF trichloroacetic acid

C2HCl3O2 (161.90421360000002)

Trichloroacetic acid (TCA; also known as trichloroethanoic acid) is an analogue of acetic acid in which the three hydrogen atoms of the methyl group have all been replaced by chlorine atoms. D009676 - Noxae > D002424 - Caustics Same as: D08633


Phosphoroselenoic acid


H3O3PSe (161.89850280000002)

Phosphoroselenoic acid, H3SePO3, is the activated selenium donor compound required for the biosynthesis of selenocysteyl-tRNA, the precursor of specific selenocysteine residues in bacterial and mammalian selenoproteins. Phosphoroselenoic acid is also the selenium donor used to synthesize selenocysteine (Sec), the 21st amino acid, which is co-translationally incorporated into selenoproteins at in-frame UGA codons. A number of enzymes have selenocysteine residues and, in some cases, the residues are located at their active sites. Proteins containing selenocysteine have been described in all three domains of life (PMID: 18156471). Selenophosphate synthetase (EC, human SPS1, the product of the selD gene) produces monoselenophosphate from selenide and ATP. The SPS1-encoded enzyme depends on a selenium salvage system that recycles L-selenocysteine. Selenophosphate synthetase genes play a role in a cancer cells response to ionizing radiation and its reaction product, selenophosphate, might be involved in cancer prevention in a p53-dependent manner and could be applied to the development of a novel cancer therapy (PMID: 8986768, 10609888, 16786570). Phosphoroselenoic acid, H3SePO3, is the activated selenium donor compound required for the biosynthesis of selenocysteyl-tRNA, the precursor of specific selenocysteine residues in bacterial and mammalian selenoproteins. Selenocysteine is the 21st amino acid, because Sec has a specific tRNA and codon UGA, and shares a major stop codon UGA. A number of enzymes have selenocysteine, residues and in some cases at their active sites. Proteins containing the 21st amino acid, selenocysteine (Sec), have been described in all three domains of life. (PMID: 18156471) [HMDB] COVID info from COVID-19 Disease Map Corona-virus Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 SARS-CoV COVID19 SARS2 SARS



Bromodichloromethane, 14C-labeled

CHBrCl2 (161.8638666)

Bromodichloromethane, also known as dichlorobromomethane or monobromodichloromethane, is classified as a member of the trihalomethanes. Trihalomethanes are organic compounds in which exactly three of the four hydrogen atoms of methane (CH4) are replaced by halogen atoms. Bromodichloromethane is a colorless, nonflammable liquid. Small amounts are formed naturally by algae in the oceans. Some of it will dissolve in water, but it readily evaporates into air. Only small quantities of bromodichloromethane are produced in the United States. The small quantities that are produced are used in laboratories or to make other chemicals. However, most bromodichloromethane is formed as a by-product when chlorine is added to drinking water to kill bacteria. Bromodichloromethane has been formerly used as a flame retardant, and a solvent for fats and waxes and because of its high density for mineral separation. Now it is only used as a reagent or intermediate in organic chemistry. Bromodichloromethane can also occur in municipally-treated drinking water as a by-product of the chlorine disinfection process. D009676 - Noxae > D002273 - Carcinogens



Tellurium oxide (teo2)

O2Te (161.896059)

Tellurite is a rare oxide mineral composed of tellurium dioxide (TeO2). It occurs as prismatic to acicular transparent yellow to white orthorhombic crystals. It occurs in the oxidation zone of mineral deposits containing tellurium minerals(Wikipedia). The tellurite ion is TeO32−. A tellurite (compound) is a compound that contains this ion.In slightly acid conditions, we have hydrogen tellurite ion, HTeO3−; with more acidic conditions we have tellurous acid, H2TeO3. Most tellurite compounds can be formed by heating the relevant oxide with tellurium dioxide, e.g., Na2O + TeO2 -> Na2TeO3. Potassium tellurite (K2TeO3) is used together with agar as part of a selective medium for growth of some bacteria (Clauberg medium). Tellurite is a rare oxide mineral composed of tellurium dioxide (TeO2). It occurs as prismatic to acicular transparent yellow to white orthorhombic crystals. It occurs in the oxidation zone of mineral deposits containing tellurium minerals(From Wiki)



Iodine monochloride, 125I-labeled

ClI (161.87333)


Chloro 2,2-dichloroacetate

2,2-dichloroethanecarboperoxoyl chloride

C2HCl3O2 (161.90421360000002)


Disodium cyanodithioimidocarbamate

disodium [(cyanoimino)(sulfanidyl)methyl]sulfanide

C2N2Na2S2 (161.929832)

Antimicrobial agent used to control microorganisms in sugar cane and sugar beet mills




C2HCl3O2 (161.90421360000002)

D009676 - Noxae > D002424 - Caustics


barium carbide

barium carbide

C2Ba (161.905236)




C2H2BrF3 (161.9291948)




C4H3BrO2 (161.9316398)




C2H5Cl3Si (161.92261000000002)




C3Na2O5 (161.954115)




C2H3BrN4 (161.95410579999998)




C4H3BrO2 (161.9316398)


2-Chloroethanesulfonyl chloride

2-Chloroethanesulfonyl chloride

C2H4Cl2O2S (161.9309064)


Sodium methanearsonate

Sodium methanearsonate

CH4AsNaO3 (161.9274094)


aluminum silicate

aluminum silicate

Al2O5Si (161.914585)


sodium chromate

sodium chromate

CrNa2O4 (161.89971)




C4H3BrO2 (161.9316398)


2-Propynoic acid,3-bromo-, methyl ester

2-Propynoic acid,3-bromo-, methyl ester

C4H3BrO2 (161.9316398)




C3H3BrN2O (161.94287279999998)




MgO3Zr (161.874503)


Ethyl dichlorophosphate

Ethyl dichlorophosphate

C2H5Cl2O2P (161.940422)


Sodium Chromate Cr-51

Sodium Chromate Cr-51

CrNa2O4 (161.89971)

C1446 - Radiopharmaceutical Compound


Disodium cyanodithioimidocarbamate

disodium [(cyanoimino)(sulfanidyl)methyl]sulfanide

C2N2Na2S2 (161.929832)

Antimicrobial agent used to control microorganisms in sugar cane and sugar beet mills


Tetracyanonickelate ion

Tetracyanonickelate ion

C4N4Ni-2 (161.947643)


Tetracyano nickel

Tetracyano nickel

C4N4Ni-4 (161.947643)


Sulfinooxy hydrogen sulfite

Sulfinooxy hydrogen sulfite

H2O6S2 (161.92928320000001)




C2HCl3O2 (161.90421360000002)

A monocarboxylic acid that is acetic acid in which all three methyl hydrogens are substituted by chlorine. D009676 - Noxae > D002424 - Caustics Same as: D08633




MoO4 (161.885065)

A divalent inorganic anion obtained by removal of both protons from molybdic acid




CHBrCl2 (161.8638666)

D009676 - Noxae > D002273 - Carcinogens