Classification Term: 1134

Thiocyanates (ontology term: CHEMONTID:0001201)

Salts or esters of thiocyanic acid, with the general formula RSC#N (R=alkyl, aryl)." []

found 6 associated metabolites at class metabolite taxonomy ontology rank level.

Ancestor: Organosulfur compounds

Child Taxonomies: Metal thiocyanates


thiocyanic acid

CHNS (58.9829706)




C6H11NS2 (161.0332886)

1-Thiocyanato-4-(methylthio)butane is found in brassicas. 1-Thiocyanato-4-(methylthio)butane is isolated from Eruca sativa (rocket). Isolated from Eruca sativa (rocket). 1-Thiocyanato-4-(methylthio)butane is found in brassicas.


Cyanosulfurous acid anion


CH2NO2S (91.9806252)

The OSCN- ion inhibits bacterial glyceraldehyde 3-P dehydrogenases (11, 24) and. thereby stops the bacterial production of acids from sugars. The inhibition of bacterial acid production by OSCN- has been implicated as playing an important role in the prevention of dental caries. Lactoperoxidase in the presence of thiocyanate detoxifies hydrogen peroxide by converting it into OSCN-, and OSCN- prevents bacteria from excreting hydrogen peroxide by inhibiting glyceraldehyde 3-P dehydrogenase. Because of this inhibition, no NADH is generated in the bacteria, and the hydrogen peroxide-producing NADH oxidases become short of their substrate, NADH. This inhibition of glycolysis usually has a bacteriostatic effect. In recent studies, significant levels of OSCN- have been found in saliva collected directly from the ducts of the salivary glands. This indicates that hydrogen peroxide is actually produced within the salivary glands; thus, lactoperoxidase and thiocyanate may also play an important role in protecting the salivary glands and ducts against hydrogen peroxide toxicity. The products of the lactoperoxidase-thiocyanate-hydrogen peroxide reaction have also been reported to be bactericidal. This effect has been ascribed to OSCN-, but it has also been suggested that higher oxyacids of the thiocyanate ion, cyanosulfurous and cyanosulfuric acids, may be formed in the lactoperoxidase reaction, and these acids may be the effective molecular species in the. killing. The OSCN- ion inhibits bacterial glyceraldehyde 3-P dehydrogenases (11, 24) and



4-({[({[(2R,3S,4R,5R)-5-(6-amino-9H-purin-9-yl)-4-hydroxy-3-(phosphonooxy)oxolan-2-yl]methoxy}(hydroxy)phosphoryl)oxy](hydroxy)phosphoryl}oxy)-N-(2-{[2-(heptanoylsulphanyl)ethyl]-C-hydroxycarbonimidoyl}ethyl)-2-hydroxy-3,3-dimethylbutanimidic acid

C28H48N7O17P3S (879.2040148)

Heptanoyl-CoA is an acyl-CoA with the C-7 fatty acid Acyl chain moiety. Acyl-CoA (or formyl-CoA) is a coenzyme involved in the metabolism of fatty acids. It is a temporary compound formed when coenzyme A (CoA) attaches to the end of a long-chain fatty acid, inside living cells. The CoA is then removed from the chain, carrying two carbons from the chain with it, forming acetyl-CoA. This is then used in the citric acid cycle to start a chain of reactions, eventually forming many adenosine triphosphates. To be oxidatively degraded, a fatty acid must first be activated in a two-step reaction catalyzed by acyl-CoA synthetase. First, the fatty acid displaces the diphosphate group of ATP, then coenzyme A (HSCoA) displaces the AMP group to form an Acyl-CoA. The acyladenylate product of the first step has a large free energy of hydrolysis and conserves the free energy of the cleaved phosphoanhydride bond in ATP. The second step, transfer of the acyl group to CoA (the same molecule that carries acetyl groups as acetyl-CoA), conserves free energy in the formation of a thioester bond. Consequently, the overall reaction Fatty acid + CoA + ATP <=> Acyl-CoA + AMP + PPi has a free energy change near zero. Subsequent hydrolysis of the product PPi (by the enzyme inorganic pyrophosphatase) is highly exergonic, and this reaction makes the formation of acyl-CoA spontaneous and irreversible. Fatty acids are activated in the cytosol, but oxidation occurs in the mitochondria. Because there is no transport protein for CoA adducts, acyl groups must enter the mitochondria via a shuttle system involving the small molecule carnitine. Heptanoyl-CoA is a acyl-CoA with the C-7 fatty acid Acyl chain moiety.




CHNOS (74.9778856)

As it is an organic compound, hypothiocyanite occurs naturally in the antimicrobial immune system of the human respiratory tract in a redox reaction catalyzed by the enzyme lactoperoxidase. It has been researched extensively for its capabilities as an alternative antibiotic as it is harmless to human body cells while being cytotoxic to bacteria. Of late, the exact processes for making hypothiocyanite have been patented as such an effective antimicrobial has many commercial applications. Whether or not this antimicrobial compound comprises the entirety of the immune system of the respiratory tract remains to be seen.; Hypothiocyanite is the anion [OSCN]- and the conjugate base of hypothiocyanous acid. It is an organic compound part of the thiocyanates as it contains the functional group SCN. It is formed when an oxygen is singly bonded to the thiocyanate group. Hypothiocyanous acid (HOSCN) is a fairly weak acid as its acid dissociation constant is 5.3 [HMDB] As it is an organic compound, hypothiocyanite occurs naturally in the antimicrobial immune system of the human respiratory tract in a redox reaction catalyzed by the enzyme lactoperoxidase. It has been researched extensively for its capabilities as an alternative antibiotic as it is harmless to human body cells while being cytotoxic to bacteria. Of late, the exact processes for making hypothiocyanite have been patented as such an effective antimicrobial has many commercial applications. Whether or not this antimicrobial compound comprises the entirety of the immune system of the respiratory tract remains to be seen. Hypothiocyanite is the anion [OSCN]- and the conjugate base of hypothiocyanous acid. It is an organic compound part of the thiocyanates as it contains the functional group SCN. It is formed when an oxygen is singly bonded to the thiocyanate group. Hypothiocyanous acid (HOSCN) is a fairly weak acid as its acid dissociation constant is 5.3. D000890 - Anti-Infective Agents


Iodine thiocyanate


CINS (184.87962299999998)