Reaction Process: PlantCyc:POTATO_PWY3O-1743
D-mannose degradation II related metabolites
find 5 related metabolites which is associated with chemical reaction(pathway) D-mannose degradation II
D-mannopyranose 6-phosphate ⟶ F6P
D-Mannose (also called Mannose or D-mannopyranose) is a hexose or a six-carbon sugar. It is also classified as an aldohexose. It is fermentable monosaccharide and an isomer of glucose. Mannose commonly exists as two different-sized rings, the pyranose (six-membered) form and the furanose (five-membered) form. Formally, D-Mannose is the 2-epimer of glucose and exists primarily as sweet-tasting alpha- (67\\\\%) or as a bitter-tasting beta- (33\\\\%) anomer of the pyranose form (PMID: 24931670). Mannose is not an essential nutrient, meaning that it can be produced in the human body from glucose or converted into glucose. Mannose is ~5x as active as glucose in non-enzyamtic glycation, which may explain why evolution did not favor it as a biological energy source (PMID: 24931670). Mannose occurs in microbes, plants and animals. Free mannose is found in small amounts in many fruits such as oranges, apples and peaches and in mammalian plasma at 50–100 uM (PMID: 24931670). More often, mannose occurs in homo-or hetero-polymers such as yeast mannans (alpha-mannose) where it can account for nearly 16\\\\% of dry weight or in galactomannans. Coffee beans, fenugreek and guar gums are rich sources of galactomannans. However, these plant polysaccharides are not degraded in the mammalian GI tract and, therefore, provide very little bio-available mannose for glycan synthesis. The digestion of many polysaccharides and glycoproteins also yields mannose. Once mannose is released, it is phosphorylated by hexokinase to generate mannose-6-phosphate. Mannose-6-phosphate is then converted to fructose-6-phosphate, by the enzyme phosphomannose isomerase, whereupon it enters the glycolytic pathway or is converted to glucose-6-phosphate by the gluconeogenic pathway. Mannose is a dominant monosaccharide in N-linked glycosylation, which is a post-translational modification of proteins. N-linked glycosylation is initiated by the transfer of Glc3Man9GlcNAc2 to nascent glycoproteins in the endoplasmic reticulum in a co-translational manner as the protein enters the transport system. Typically, mature human glycoproteins only contain three mannose residues buried under sequential modification by GlcNAc, galactose, and sialic acid. High-mannose-type oligosaccharides have been shown to play important roles in protein quality control. Several intracellular proteins such as lectins, chaperones, and glycan-processing enzymes, are involved in this process. These include calnexin/calreticulin, UDP-glucose:glycoprotein glucosyltransferase (UGGT), cargo receptors (such as VIP36 and ERGIC-53), mannosidase-like proteins (e.g. EDEM and Htm1p) and ubiquitin ligase (Fbs). They are thought to recognize high-mannose-type glycans with subtly different structures. Mannose-binding lectin (MBL) is an important constituent of the innate immune system. This protein binds through multiple lectin domains to the repeating sugar arrays that decorate many microbial surfaces and is then able to activate the complement system through a specific protease called MBL-associated protease-2. Mannose (D-mannose) is used as a nutritional supplement, packaged as "D-mannose", to prevent recurrent urinary tract infections (PMID: 21105658). D-mannose prevents FimH-mediated bacterial adhesion in the urinary tract through a competitive inhibition mechanism. This mechanism is based on the structural similarity between D-mannose and urothelial mannosylated receptors exposed by the epithelium of the urinary tract (PMID: 21105658). When D-mannose is administered in sufficient amounts, it is rapidly absorbed and then excreted by the urinary tract where it saturates bacterial FimH, thereby preventing bacterial binding to urothelial cells. Occurs in trace amounts in apples and peaches. obtained from the hydrolysates of D-mannans of the corms of Amorphophallus konjac (devils tongue). D-Mannose is found in many foods, some of which are carob, arabica coffee, fenugreek, and mung bean. D009676 - Noxae > D011042 - Poisons > D014688 - Venoms COVID info from PDB, Protein Data Bank Corona-virus Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 SARS-CoV COVID19 SARS2 SARS D-Mannose is a carbohydrate, which plays an important role in human metabolism, especially in the glycosylation of specific proteins. D-Mannose is a carbohydrate, which plays an important role in human metabolism, especially in the glycosylation of specific proteins.
Hydrogen Ion
Hydrogen ion, also known as proton or h+, is a member of the class of compounds known as other non-metal hydrides. Other non-metal hydrides are inorganic compounds in which the heaviest atom bonded to a hydrogen atom is belongs to the class of other non-metals. Hydrogen ion can be found in a number of food items such as lowbush blueberry, groundcherry, parsley, and tarragon, which makes hydrogen ion a potential biomarker for the consumption of these food products. Hydrogen ion exists in all living organisms, ranging from bacteria to humans. In humans, hydrogen ion is involved in several metabolic pathways, some of which include cardiolipin biosynthesis cl(i-13:0/a-25:0/a-21:0/i-15:0), cardiolipin biosynthesis cl(a-13:0/a-17:0/i-13:0/a-25:0), cardiolipin biosynthesis cl(i-12:0/i-13:0/a-17:0/a-15:0), and cardiolipin biosynthesis CL(16:1(9Z)/22:5(4Z,7Z,10Z,13Z,16Z)/18:1(11Z)/22:5(7Z,10Z,13Z,16Z,19Z)). Hydrogen ion is also involved in several metabolic disorders, some of which include de novo triacylglycerol biosynthesis TG(20:3(8Z,11Z,14Z)/22:6(4Z,7Z,10Z,13Z,16Z,19Z)/22:5(7Z,10Z,13Z,16Z,19Z)), de novo triacylglycerol biosynthesis TG(18:2(9Z,12Z)/20:0/20:4(5Z,8Z,11Z,14Z)), de novo triacylglycerol biosynthesis TG(18:4(6Z,9Z,12Z,15Z)/18:3(9Z,12Z,15Z)/18:4(6Z,9Z,12Z,15Z)), and de novo triacylglycerol biosynthesis TG(24:0/20:5(5Z,8Z,11Z,14Z,17Z)/24:0). A hydrogen ion is created when a hydrogen atom loses or gains an electron. A positively charged hydrogen ion (or proton) can readily combine with other particles and therefore is only seen isolated when it is in a gaseous state or a nearly particle-free space. Due to its extremely high charge density of approximately 2×1010 times that of a sodium ion, the bare hydrogen ion cannot exist freely in solution as it readily hydrates, i.e., bonds quickly. The hydrogen ion is recommended by IUPAC as a general term for all ions of hydrogen and its isotopes. Depending on the charge of the ion, two different classes can be distinguished: positively charged ions and negatively charged ions . Hydrogen ion is recommended by IUPAC as a general term for all ions of hydrogen and its isotopes. Depending on the charge of the ion, two different classes can be distinguished: positively charged ions and negatively charged ions. Under aqueous conditions found in biochemistry, hydrogen ions exist as the hydrated form hydronium, H3O+, but these are often still referred to as hydrogen ions or even protons by biochemists. [Wikipedia])
[[[(2R,3S,4R,5R)-5-(6-aminopurin-9-yl)-3,4-dihydroxyoxolan-2-yl]methoxy-oxidophosphoryl]oxy-oxidophosphoryl] phosphate
COVID info from COVID-19 Disease Map, WikiPathways Corona-virus Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 SARS-CoV COVID19 SARS2 SARS
COVID info from COVID-19 Disease Map, WikiPathways Corona-virus Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 SARS-CoV COVID19 SARS2 SARS