Reaction Process: PlantCyc:CRUBELLA_CYSTSYN-PWY
L-cysteine biosynthesis I related metabolites
find 4 related metabolites which is associated with chemical reaction(pathway) L-cysteine biosynthesis I
O-acetyl-L-serine + hydrogen sulfide ⟶ H+ + acetate + cys
Acetic acid
Acetic acid is a two-carbon, straight-chain fatty acid. It is the smallest short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) and one of the simplest carboxylic acids. is an acidic, colourless liquid and is the main component in vinegar. Acetic acid has a sour taste and pungent smell. It is an important chemical reagent and industrial chemical that is used in the production of plastic soft drink bottles, photographic film; and polyvinyl acetate for wood glue, as well as many synthetic fibres and fabrics. In households diluted acetic acid is often used as a cleaning agent. In the food industry acetic acid is used as an acidity regulator. Acetic acid is found in all organisms, from bacteria to plants to humans. The acetyl group, derived from acetic acid, is fundamental to the biochemistry of virtually all forms of life. When bound to coenzyme A (to form acetylCoA) it is central to the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. However, the concentration of free acetic acid in cells is kept at a low level to avoid disrupting the control of the pH of the cell contents. Acetic acid is produced and excreted in large amounts by certain acetic acid bacteria, notably the Acetobacter genus and Clostridium acetobutylicum. These bacteria are found universally in foodstuffs, water, and soil. Due to their widespread presence on fruit, acetic acid is produced naturally as fruits and many other sugar-rich foods spoil. Several species of anaerobic bacteria, including members of the genus Clostridium and Acetobacterium can convert sugars to acetic acid directly. However, Clostridium bacteria are less acid-tolerant than Acetobacter. Even the most acid-tolerant Clostridium strains can produce acetic acid in concentrations of only a few per cent, compared to Acetobacter strains that can produce acetic acid in concentrations up to 20\\%. Acetic acid is also a component of the vaginal lubrication of humans and other primates, where it appears to serve as a mild antibacterial agent. Acetic acid can be found in other biofluids such as urine at low concentrations. Urinary acetic acid is produced by bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumonia, Enterobacter, Acinetobacter, Proteus mirabilis, Citrobacter frundii, Enterococcus faecalis, Streptococcus group B, Staphylococcus saprophyticus (PMID: 22292465). Acetic acid concentrations greater than 30 uM/mM creatinine in the urine can indicate a urinary tract infection, which typically suggests the presence of E. coli or Klebshiella pneumonia in the urinary tract. (PMID: 24909875) Acetic acid is also produced by other bacteria such as Akkermansia, Bacteroidetes, Bifidobacterium, Prevotella and Ruminococcus (PMID: 20444704; PMID: 22292465). G - Genito urinary system and sex hormones > G01 - Gynecological antiinfectives and antiseptics > G01A - Antiinfectives and antiseptics, excl. combinations with corticosteroids > G01AD - Organic acids S - Sensory organs > S02 - Otologicals > S02A - Antiinfectives > S02AA - Antiinfectives D019995 - Laboratory Chemicals > D007202 - Indicators and Reagents D000890 - Anti-Infective Agents > D000900 - Anti-Bacterial Agents It is used for smoking meats and fish C254 - Anti-Infective Agent KEIO_ID A029
Hydrogen sulfide
Hydrogen sulfide, also known as h2s or acide sulfhydrique, is a member of the class of compounds known as other non-metal sulfides. Other non-metal sulfides are inorganic compounds containing a sulfur atom of an oxidation state of -2, in which the heaviest atom bonded to the oxygen belongs to the class of other non-metals. Hydrogen sulfide can be found in a number of food items such as small-leaf linden, agar, devilfish, and nutmeg, which makes hydrogen sulfide a potential biomarker for the consumption of these food products. Hydrogen sulfide can be found primarily in blood and feces, as well as throughout most human tissues. Hydrogen sulfide exists in all living species, ranging from bacteria to humans. In humans, hydrogen sulfide is involved in a couple of metabolic pathways, which include cysteine metabolism and cystinosis, ocular nonnephropathic. Hydrogen sulfide is also involved in beta-mercaptolactate-cysteine disulfiduria, which is a metabolic disorder. Moreover, hydrogen sulfide is found to be associated with hydrogen sulfide poisoning. Hydrogen sulfide is a non-carcinogenic (not listed by IARC) potentially toxic compound. Hydrogen sulfide often results from the microbial breakdown of organic matter in the absence of oxygen gas, such as in swamps and sewers; this process is commonly known as anaerobic digestion. H 2S also occurs in volcanic gases, natural gas, and in some sources of well water. The human body produces small amounts of H 2S and uses it as a signaling molecule . Treatment involves immediate inhalation of amyl nitrite, injections of sodium nitrite, inhalation of pure oxygen, administration of bronchodilators to overcome eventual bronchospasm, and in some cases hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO). HBO therapy has anecdotal support and remains controversial (L1139) (T3DB). Hydrogen sulfide is a highly toxic and flammable gas. Because it is heavier than air it tends to accumulate at the bottom of poorly ventilated spaces. Although very pungent at first, it quickly deadens the sense of smell, so potential victims may be unaware of its presence until it is too late. H2S arises from virtually anywhere where elemental sulfur comes into contact with organic material, especially at high temperatures. Hydrogen sulfide is a covalent hydride chemically related to water (H2O) since oxygen and sulfur occur in the same periodic table group. It often results when bacteria break down organic matter in the absence of oxygen, such as in swamps, and sewers (alongside the process of anaerobic digestion). It also occurs in volcanic gases, natural gas and some well waters. It is also important to note that Hydrogen sulfide is a central participant in the sulfur cycle, the biogeochemical cycle of sulfur on Earth. As mentioned above, sulfur-reducing and sulfate-reducing bacteria derive energy from oxidizing hydrogen or organic molecules in the absence of oxygen by reducing sulfur or sulfate to hydrogen sulfide. Other bacteria liberate hydrogen sulfide from sulfur-containing amino acids. Several groups of bacteria can use hydrogen sulfide as fuel, oxidizing it to elemental sulfur or to sulfate by using oxygen or nitrate as oxidant. The purple sulfur bacteria and the green sulfur bacteria use hydrogen sulfide as electron donor in photosynthesis, thereby producing elemental sulfur. (In fact, this mode of photosynthesis is older than the mode of cyanobacteria, algae and plants which uses water as electron donor and liberates oxygen). Hydrogen sulfide can be found in Alcaligenes, Chromobacteriumn, Klebsiella, Proteus and Pseudomonas (PMID: 13061742). D018377 - Neurotransmitter Agents > D064426 - Gasotransmitters D004785 - Environmental Pollutants > D000393 - Air Pollutants
Hydrogen Ion
Hydrogen ion, also known as proton or h+, is a member of the class of compounds known as other non-metal hydrides. Other non-metal hydrides are inorganic compounds in which the heaviest atom bonded to a hydrogen atom is belongs to the class of other non-metals. Hydrogen ion can be found in a number of food items such as lowbush blueberry, groundcherry, parsley, and tarragon, which makes hydrogen ion a potential biomarker for the consumption of these food products. Hydrogen ion exists in all living organisms, ranging from bacteria to humans. In humans, hydrogen ion is involved in several metabolic pathways, some of which include cardiolipin biosynthesis cl(i-13:0/a-25:0/a-21:0/i-15:0), cardiolipin biosynthesis cl(a-13:0/a-17:0/i-13:0/a-25:0), cardiolipin biosynthesis cl(i-12:0/i-13:0/a-17:0/a-15:0), and cardiolipin biosynthesis CL(16:1(9Z)/22:5(4Z,7Z,10Z,13Z,16Z)/18:1(11Z)/22:5(7Z,10Z,13Z,16Z,19Z)). Hydrogen ion is also involved in several metabolic disorders, some of which include de novo triacylglycerol biosynthesis TG(20:3(8Z,11Z,14Z)/22:6(4Z,7Z,10Z,13Z,16Z,19Z)/22:5(7Z,10Z,13Z,16Z,19Z)), de novo triacylglycerol biosynthesis TG(18:2(9Z,12Z)/20:0/20:4(5Z,8Z,11Z,14Z)), de novo triacylglycerol biosynthesis TG(18:4(6Z,9Z,12Z,15Z)/18:3(9Z,12Z,15Z)/18:4(6Z,9Z,12Z,15Z)), and de novo triacylglycerol biosynthesis TG(24:0/20:5(5Z,8Z,11Z,14Z,17Z)/24:0). A hydrogen ion is created when a hydrogen atom loses or gains an electron. A positively charged hydrogen ion (or proton) can readily combine with other particles and therefore is only seen isolated when it is in a gaseous state or a nearly particle-free space. Due to its extremely high charge density of approximately 2×1010 times that of a sodium ion, the bare hydrogen ion cannot exist freely in solution as it readily hydrates, i.e., bonds quickly. The hydrogen ion is recommended by IUPAC as a general term for all ions of hydrogen and its isotopes. Depending on the charge of the ion, two different classes can be distinguished: positively charged ions and negatively charged ions . Hydrogen ion is recommended by IUPAC as a general term for all ions of hydrogen and its isotopes. Depending on the charge of the ion, two different classes can be distinguished: positively charged ions and negatively charged ions. Under aqueous conditions found in biochemistry, hydrogen ions exist as the hydrated form hydronium, H3O+, but these are often still referred to as hydrogen ions or even protons by biochemists. [Wikipedia])