Chemical Formula: C4H11O3PS

Chemical Formula C4H11O3PS

Found 4 metabolite its formula value is C4H11O3PS


O,O-Diethyl phosphorothionate, potassium salt

C4H11O3PS (170.0166506)

Diethylthiophosphate, also known as DETP, belongs to the class of organic compounds known as thiophosphate diesters. These are organic compounds containing the thiophosphoric acid functional group or a derivative thereof, with the general structure ROP(OR)(OR)=S, where exactly two R-groups are organyl groups. The glutathione transferase reactions produce products that are, in most cases, of low toxicity. Diethylthiophosphate is a potentially toxic compound. Acute OP intoxication results from blockage of the decomposition of synaptic acetylcholine because the pesticide covalently binds to chlolinesterase Chronic exposure to POs has neurological sequelae as well and data suggests that OP exposure alters sperm chromatin condensation (A3181, A3182, A3183, A3181). Chronic exposure to POs has neurological sequelae as well (PMID 8179040) and data suggests that OP exposure alters sperm chromatin condensation (PMID 15050412). PON1 hydrolyzes the active metabolites in several organophosphates insecticides as well as, nerve agents such as soman, sarin, and VX. Metabolism of organophosphates occurs principally by oxidation, by hydrolysis via esterases and by reaction with glutathione. Acute OP intoxication results from blockage of the decomposition of synaptic acetylcholine because the pesticide covalently binds to chlolinesterase (PMID 11991535). Diethylthiophosphate is the most frequent metabolite of organophosphorus (OP) found in urine (PMID 15050412). Organophosphorus compounds are widely used as pesticides because of easy degradation in the environment. Acute OP intoxication results from blockage of the decomposition of synaptic acetylcholine because the pesticide covalently binds to chlolinesterase (PMID 11991535). Chronic exposure to POs has neurological sequelae as well (PMID 8179040) and data suggests that OP exposure alters sperm chromatin condensation (PMID 15050412) [HMDB] KEIO_ID D113




C4H11O3PS (170.0166506)




C4H11O3PS (170.0166506)


O,O-Diethyl hydrogen thiophosphate

O,O-Diethyl hydrogen thiophosphate

C4H11O3PS (170.0166506)

An organic thiophosphate that is the diethyl ester of phosphorothioic O,O,O-acid.