Chemical Formula: C3H9NO3S2

Chemical Formula C3H9NO3S2

Found 2 metabolite its formula value is C3H9NO3S2

L-Homocysteine sulfonic acid

(S)-3-amino-3-Carboxy-1-propanesulfonate L-homocysteine (ester)

C3H9NO3S2 (171.0023844)

L-Homocysteine sulfonic acid is an oxydative metabolite of the amino acid homocystine that was found in the urine and blood of 2 mentally retarded children. (PMID: 5119311) [HMDB] L-Homocysteine sulfonic acid is an oxydative metabolite of the amino acid homocystine that was found in the urine and blood of 2 mentally retarded children. (PMID: 5119311).


L-Homocysteine sulfonic acid

L-Homocysteine sulfonic acid

C3H9NO3S2 (171.0023844)