Chemical Formula: C14H10O
Chemical Formula C14H10O
Found 44 metabolite its formula value is C14H10O
This compound belongs to the family of Phenanthrenes and Derivatives. These are polycyclic compounds containing a phenanthrene moiety, which is a tricyclic aromatic compound with three non-linearly fused benzene. D004791 - Enzyme Inhibitors > D047428 - Protein Kinase Inhibitors
This compound belongs to the family of Phenanthrenes and Derivatives. These are polycyclic compounds containing a phenanthrene moiety, which is a tricyclic aromatic compound with three non-linearly fused benzene.
This compound belongs to the family of Phenanthrenes and Derivatives. These are polycyclic compounds containing a phenanthrene moiety, which is a tricyclic aromatic compound with three non-linearly fused benzene.
This compound belongs to the family of Phenanthrenes and Derivatives. These are polycyclic compounds containing a phenanthrene moiety, which is a tricyclic aromatic compound with three non-linearly fused benzene.
This compound belongs to the family of Phenanthrenes and Derivatives. These are polycyclic compounds containing a phenanthrene moiety, which is a tricyclic aromatic compound with three non-linearly fused benzene.