Exact Mass: 806.4581195999999

Exact Mass Matches: 806.4581195999999

Found 14 metabolites which its exact mass value is equals to given mass value 806.4581195999999, within given mass tolerance error 0.01 dalton. Try search metabolite list with more accurate mass tolerance error 0.001 dalton.

Cellulose hydroxyethylate


C36H70O19 (806.4511070000001)

D001697 - Biomedical and Dental Materials


Hydroxypropyl Cellulose

Hydroxypropyl Cellulose

C36H70O19 (806.4511070000001)

Hydroxypropyl cellulose (cellulose, 2-hydroxypropyl ether) is a derivative of cellulose with both water solubility and organic solubility. Hydroxypropyl cellulose acts to stabilize and thicken the precorneal tear film and prolong the tear film breakup time which is usually accelerated in patients with dry eye states. Hydroxypropyl cellulose also acts to lubricate and protect the eye. Hydroxypropyl cellulose usually reduces the signs and symptoms resulting from moderate to severe dry eye syndromes, such as conjunctival hyperemia, corneal and conjunctival staining with rose bengal, exudation, itching, burning, foreign body sensation, smarting, photophobia, dryness and blurred or cloudy vision. Progressive visual deterioration which occurs in some patients may be retarded, halted, or sometimes reversed.