Exact Mass: 209.127654

Exact Mass Matches: 209.127654

Found 3 metabolites which its exact mass value is equals to given mass value 209.127654, within given mass tolerance error 0.0002 dalton. Try search metabolite list with more accurate mass tolerance error 4.0E-5 dalton.



C9H15N5O (209.127654)

C - Cardiovascular system > C02 - Antihypertensives > C02D - Arteriolar smooth muscle, agents acting on > C02DC - Pyrimidine derivatives C78274 - Agent Affecting Cardiovascular System > C270 - Antihypertensive Agent C78274 - Agent Affecting Cardiovascular System > C29707 - Vasodilating Agent D002317 - Cardiovascular Agents > D000959 - Antihypertensive Agents D002317 - Cardiovascular Agents > D014665 - Vasodilator Agents D - Dermatologicals KEIO_ID M035; [MS2] KO009058 KEIO_ID M035




C9H15N5O (209.127654)

Minoxidil is only found in individuals that have used or taken this drug. It is a potent direct-acting peripheral vasodilator (vasodilator agents) that reduces peripheral resistance and produces a fall in blood pressure. (From Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th ed, p371)Minoxidil is thought to promote the survival of human dermal papillary cells (DPCs) or hair cells by activating both extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) and Akt and by preventing cell death by increasing the ratio of BCl-2/Bax. Minoxidil may stimulate the growth of human hairs by prolonging anagen through these proliferative and anti-apoptotic effects on DPCs. Minoxidil, when used as a vasodilator, acts by opening adenosine triphosphate-sensitive potassium channels in vascular smooth muscle cells. This vasodilation may also improve the viability of hair cells or hair follicles. C - Cardiovascular system > C02 - Antihypertensives > C02D - Arteriolar smooth muscle, agents acting on > C02DC - Pyrimidine derivatives C78274 - Agent Affecting Cardiovascular System > C270 - Antihypertensive Agent C78274 - Agent Affecting Cardiovascular System > C29707 - Vasodilating Agent D002317 - Cardiovascular Agents > D000959 - Antihypertensive Agents D002317 - Cardiovascular Agents > D014665 - Vasodilator Agents D - Dermatologicals