Exact Mass: 125.02386800000001

Exact Mass Matches: 125.02386800000001

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2-aminoethanesulfonic acid

C2H7NO3S (125.0146632)

Essential nutrient obtained from diet and by in vivo synthysis from methionine and cysteine. Present in meats, fish, legumes, human milk, molluscs and other foods. Dietary supplement, e.g. in Red Bull drink. Taurine is a sulfur amino acid like methionine, cystine, cysteine and homocysteine. It is a lesser-known amino acid because it is not incorporated into the structural building blocks of protein. Yet taurine is an essential amino acid in pre-term and newborn infants of humans and many other species. Adults can synthesize their own taurine, yet are probably dependent in part on dietary taurine. Taurine is abundant in the brain, heart, breast, gallbladder and kidney and has important roles in health and disease in these organs. Taurine has many diverse biological functions serving as a neurotransmitter in the brain, a stabilizer of cell membranes and a facilitator in the transport of ions such as sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium. Taurine is highly concentrated in animal and fish protein, which are good sources of dietary taurine. It can be synthesized by the body from cysteine when vitamin B6 is present. Deficiency of taurine occurs in premature infants and neonates fed formula milk, and in various disease states. Inborn errors of taurine metabolism have been described. OMIM 168605, an unusual neuropsychiatric disorder inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion through 3 generations of a family. Symptoms began late in the fifth decade in 6 affected persons and death occurred after 4 to 6 years. The earliest and most prominent symptom was mental depression not responsive to antidepressant drugs or electroconvulsive therapy. Sleep disturbances, exhaustion and marked weight loss were features. Parkinsonism developed later, and respiratory failure occurred terminally. OMIM 145350 describes congestive cardiomyopathy and markedly elevated urinary taurine levels (about 5 times normal). Other family members had late or holosystolic mitral valve prolapse and elevated urinary taurine values (about 2.5 times normal). In 2 with mitral valve prolapse, congestive cardiomyopathy eventually developed while the amounts of urinary taurine doubled. Taurine, after GABA, is the second most important inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain. Its inhibitory effect is one source of taurines anticonvulsant and antianxiety properties. It also lowers glutamic acid in the brain, and preliminary clinical trials suggest taurine may be useful in some forms of epilepsy. Taurine in the brain is usually associated with zinc or manganese. The amino acids alanine and glutamic acid, as well as pantothenic acid, inhibit taurine metabolism while vitamins A and B6, zinc and manganese help build taurine. Cysteine and B6 are the nutrients most directly involved in taurine synthesis. Taurine levels have been found to decrease significantly in many depressed patients. One reason that the findings are not entirely clear is because taurine is often elevated in the blood of epileptics who need it. It is often difficult to distinguish compensatory changes in human biochemistry from true metabolic or deficiency disease. Low levels of taurine are found in retinitis pigmentosa. Taurine deficiency in experimental animals produces degeneration of light-sensitive cells. Therapeutic applications of taurine to eye disease are likely to be forthcoming. Taurine has many important metabolic roles. Supplements can stimulate prolactin and insulin release. The parathyroid gland makes a peptide hormone called glutataurine (glutamic acid-taurine), which further demonstrates taurines role in endocrinology. Taurine increases bilirubin and cholesterol excretion in bile, critical to normal gallbladder function. It seems to inhibit the effect of morphine and potentiates the effects of opiate antagonists. Low plasma taurine levels have been found in a variety of conditions, i.e., depression, hypertension, hypothyroidism, gout, institutionalized patients, infertility, obesity, kidney fa... Taurine is a sulfur amino acid like methionine, cystine, cysteine, and homocysteine. It is a lesser-known amino acid because it is not incorporated into the structural building blocks of protein. Yet taurine is an essential amino acid in pre-term and newborn infants of humans and many other species. Adults can synthesize their own taurine, yet are probably dependent, in part, on dietary taurine. Taurine is abundant in the brain, heart, breast, gallbladder, and kidney and has important roles in health and disease in these organs. Taurine has many diverse biological functions including serving as a neurotransmitter in the brain, a stabilizer of cell membranes, and a facilitator in the transport of ions such as sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Taurine is highly concentrated in animal and fish protein, which are good sources of dietary taurine. It can be synthesized by the body from cysteine when vitamin B6 is present. Deficiency of taurine occurs in premature infants, neonates fed formula milk, and various disease states. Several inborn errors of taurine metabolism have been described. Perry syndrome is an unusual neuropsychiatric disorder inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion through three generations of a family. Symptoms began late in the fifth decade in 6 affected persons and death occurred after 4 to 6 years. The earliest and most prominent symptom was mental depression that was not responsive to antidepressant drugs or electroconvulsive therapy. Sleep disturbances, exhaustion, and marked weight loss were features. Parkinsonism developed later, and respiratory failure occurred terminally (OMIM: 168605). Hypertaurinuric cardiomyopathy describes congestive cardiomyopathy and markedly elevated urinary taurine levels (about 5 times normal). Other family members had late or holosystolic mitral valve prolapse and elevated urinary taurine values (about 2.5 times normal). In two with mitral valve prolapse, congestive cardiomyopathy eventually developed while the amounts of urinary taurine doubled (OMIM: 145350). Taurine, after GABA, is the second most important inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain. Its inhibitory effect is one source of taurines anticonvulsant and antianxiety properties. It also lowers glutamic acid in the brain, and preliminary clinical trials suggest taurine may be useful in some forms of epilepsy. Taurine in the brain is usually associated with zinc or manganese. The amino acids alanine and glutamic acid, as well as pantothenic acid, inhibit taurine metabolism while vitamins A and B6, zinc, and manganese help build taurine. Cysteine and B6 are the nutrients most directly involved in taurine synthesis. Taurine levels have been found to decrease significantly in many depressed patients. One reason that the findings are not entirely clear is that taurine is often elevated in the blood of epileptics who need it. It is often difficult to distinguish compensatory changes in human biochemistry from true metabolic or deficiency disease. Low levels of taurine are found in retinitis pigmentosa. Taurine deficiency in experimental animals produces degeneration of light-sensitive cells. Therapeutic applications of taurine to eye disease are likely to be forthcoming. Taurine has many important metabolic roles. Supplements can stimulate prolactin and insulin release. The parathyroid gland makes a peptide hormone called glutataurine (glutamic acid-taurine), which further demonstrates taurines role in endocrinology. Taurine increases bilirubin and cholesterol excretion in bile, critical to normal gallbladder function. It seems to inhibit the effect of morphine and potentiates the effects of opiate antagonists. Low plasma taurine levels have been found in a variety of conditions, i.e. depression, hypertension, hypothyroidism, gout, institutionalized patients, infertility, obesity, kidney failure, and others (http://www.dcnutrition.com/AminoAcids/). Moreover, taurine is found to be associated with maple syrup uri... Large white crystals or white powder. Taurine is an amino sulfonic acid that is the 2-amino derivative of ethanesulfonic acid. It is a naturally occurring amino acid derived from methionine and cysteine metabolism. An abundant component of fish- and meat-based foods, it has been used as an oral supplement in the treatment of disorders such as cystic fibrosis and hypertension. It has a role as a human metabolite, an antioxidant, a mouse metabolite, a Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolite, an Escherichia coli metabolite, a glycine receptor agonist, a nutrient and a radical scavenger. It is a conjugate acid of a 2-aminoethanesulfonate. It is a tautomer of a taurine zwitterion. Taurine, whose chemical name is 2-aminoethanesulfonic acid, is one of the most abundant amino acids in several organs. It plays important role in essential biological processes. This conditional amino acid can be either be manufactured by the body or obtained in the diet mainly by the consumption of fish and meat. The supplements containing taurine were FDA approved by 1984 and they are hypertonic injections composed by cristalline amino acids. Taurine is a metabolite found in or produced by Escherichia coli (strain K12, MG1655). A conditionally essential nutrient, important during mammalian development. It is present in milk but is isolated mostly from ox bile and strongly conjugates bile acids. See also: ... View More ... An amino sulfonic acid that is the 2-amino derivative of ethanesulfonic acid. It is a naturally occurring amino acid derived from methionine and cysteine metabolism. An abundant component of fish- and meat-based foods, it has been used as an oral supplement in the treatment of disorders such as cystic fibrosis and hypertension. [Spectral] Taurine (exact mass = 125.01466) and L-Threonine (exact mass = 119.05824) and 4-Hydroxy-L-proline (exact mass = 131.05824) were not completely separated on HPLC under the present analytical conditions as described in AC$XXX. Additionally some of the peaks in this data contains dimers and other unidentified ions. [Spectral] Taurine (exact mass = 125.01466) and L-Glutamate (exact mass = 147.05316) were not completely separated on HPLC under the present analytical conditions as described in AC$XXX. Additionally some of the peaks in this data contains dimers and other unidentified ions. Taurine. CAS Common Chemistry. CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society, n.d. https://commonchemistry.cas.org/detail?cas_rn=107-35-7 (retrieved 2024-06-29) (CAS RN: 107-35-7). Licensed under the Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0). Taurine, a sulphur-containing amino acid and an organic osmolyte involved in cell volume regulation, provides a substrate for the formation of bile salts, and plays a role in the modulation of intracellular free calcium concentration. Taurine has the ability to activate autophagy in adipocytes[1][2][3]. Taurine, a sulphur-containing amino acid and an organic osmolyte involved in cell volume regulation, provides a substrate for the formation of bile salts, and plays a role in the modulation of intracellular free calcium concentration. Taurine has the ability to activate autophagy in adipocytes[1][2][3].



beta-Aminoethylphosphonic acid

C2H8NO3P (125.0241788)

Ciliatine is an organophosphorus compound isolated from human and animal tissues. [HMDB] Acquisition and generation of the data is financially supported in part by CREST/JST. Ciliatine is an organophosphorus compound isolated from human and animal tissues. KEIO_ID A056 (2-Aminoethyl)phosphonic acid is an endogenous metabolite.



(S)-(+)-1-Aminoethylphosphonic acid

C2H8NO3P (125.0241788)





C6H7NS (125.0299182)

4-Methyl-5-vinylthiazole is found in alcoholic beverages. Meat flavouring ingredient. 4-Methyl-5-vinylthiazole is found in grape wine distillate, garlic, cooked pork, cocoa, roasted filbert and yellow passion frui Meat flavouring ingredient. Found in grape wine distillate, garlic, cooked pork, cocoa, roasted filbert and yellow passion fruit



2-Pyridinylmethyl mercaptan

C6H7NS (125.0299182)

2-Pyridinemethanethiol is a flavouring ingredient. Flavouring ingredient




C2H7NO3S (125.0146632)




C6H7NS (125.0299182)


[(1r)-1-Aminoethyl]phosphonic acid

1-(Aminoethyl)phosphonic acid, (+-)-isomer

C2H8NO3P (125.0241788)




C2H7NO3S (125.0146632)



2-Methyl-5-methylidene-4-oxo-4,5-dihydrofuran-3-olic acid

C6H5O3 (125.02386800000001)

4-hydroxy-5-methyl-2-methylene-3(2h)-furanone is also known as hmmf or (2e)-ethylidene-4-hydroxy-5-methyl-3(2h)-furanone. 4-hydroxy-5-methyl-2-methylene-3(2h)-furanone is soluble (in water) and a very weakly acidic compound (based on its pKa). 4-hydroxy-5-methyl-2-methylene-3(2h)-furanone can be found in a number of food items such as red rice, anise, red raspberry, and biscuit, which makes 4-hydroxy-5-methyl-2-methylene-3(2h)-furanone a potential biomarker for the consumption of these food products.



(2-Aminoethyl)phosphonic acid

C2H8NO3P (125.0241788)

(2-Aminoethyl)phosphonic acid is an endogenous metabolite.




C2H7NO3S (125.0146632)

Taurine, a sulphur-containing amino acid and an organic osmolyte involved in cell volume regulation, provides a substrate for the formation of bile salts, and plays a role in the modulation of intracellular free calcium concentration. Taurine has the ability to activate autophagy in adipocytes[1][2][3]. Taurine, a sulphur-containing amino acid and an organic osmolyte involved in cell volume regulation, provides a substrate for the formation of bile salts, and plays a role in the modulation of intracellular free calcium concentration. Taurine has the ability to activate autophagy in adipocytes[1][2][3].


2-Aminoethylphosphonic acid

(2-Aminoethyl)phosphonic acid

C2H8NO3P (125.0241788)

(2-Aminoethyl)phosphonic acid is an endogenous metabolite.


(2-Aminoethyl)phosphonic acid

(2-Aminoethyl)phosphonic acid

C2H8NO3P (125.0241788)

A phosphonic acid in which the hydrogen attached to the phosphorus of phosphonic acid is substituted by a 2-aminoethyl group. (2-Aminoethyl)phosphonic acid is an endogenous metabolite.


Taurine; LC-tDDA; CE10

Taurine; LC-tDDA; CE10

C2H7NO3S (125.0146632)


Taurine; LC-tDDA; CE20

Taurine; LC-tDDA; CE20

C2H7NO3S (125.0146632)


Taurine; LC-tDDA; CE30

Taurine; LC-tDDA; CE30

C2H7NO3S (125.0146632)


Taurine; LC-tDDA; CE40

Taurine; LC-tDDA; CE40

C2H7NO3S (125.0146632)


Taurine; AIF; CE0; CorrDec

Taurine; AIF; CE0; CorrDec

C2H7NO3S (125.0146632)


Taurine; AIF; CE10; CorrDec

Taurine; AIF; CE10; CorrDec

C2H7NO3S (125.0146632)


Taurine; AIF; CE30; CorrDec

Taurine; AIF; CE30; CorrDec

C2H7NO3S (125.0146632)


Taurine; AIF; CE0; MS2Dec

Taurine; AIF; CE0; MS2Dec

C2H7NO3S (125.0146632)


Taurine; AIF; CE10; MS2Dec

Taurine; AIF; CE10; MS2Dec

C2H7NO3S (125.0146632)


Taurine; AIF; CE30; MS2Dec

Taurine; AIF; CE30; MS2Dec

C2H7NO3S (125.0146632)


FEMA 3313


C6H7NS (125.0299182)



2-Pyridinylmethyl mercaptan

C6H7NS (125.0299182)




C6H4FNO (125.0276906)


2-Methylthio pyridine


C6H7NS (125.0299182)


L-Alanine hydrochloride

L-Alanine hydrochloride

C3H8ClNO2 (125.0243538)




C6H7NS (125.0299182)




C6H4FNO (125.0276906)




C6H7NS (125.0299182)


1,2,4-triazine-3-carboxylic acid

1,2,4-triazine-3-carboxylic acid

C4H3N3O2 (125.0225258)



Pyridine, 3-(methylthio)-

C6H7NS (125.0299182)




C6H4FNO (125.0276906)


2-azanylethanesulfonic acid

2-azanylethanesulfonic acid

C2H7NO3S (125.0146632)




C6H7NS (125.0299182)




C6H4FNO (125.0276906)




C6H7NS (125.0299182)




C6H7NS (125.0299182)




C6H7NS (125.0299182)


Acetoxy(methyl)ammonium chloride

Acetoxy(methyl)ammonium chloride

C3H8ClNO2 (125.0243538)




C3H8ClNO2 (125.0243538)




C6H7NS (125.0299182)




C6H7NS (125.0299182)


2-aminoethanesulfonic acid

2-aminoethanesulfonic acid

C2H7NO3S (125.0146632)




C4H3N3O2 (125.0225258)




C6H4FNO (125.0276906)


2-Isopropenylthiazole (stabilized with HQ)

2-Isopropenylthiazole (stabilized with HQ)

C6H7NS (125.0299182)


Sarcosine hydrochloride

Sarcosine hydrochloride

C3H8ClNO2 (125.0243538)




C6H4FNO (125.0276906)




C6H7NS (125.0299182)




C4H3N3O2 (125.0225258)




C2H7NO5 (125.0324212)




C6H7NS (125.0299182)




C6H7NS (125.0299182)




C6H4FNO (125.0276906)




C6H7NS (125.0299182)

An aryl thiol that is thiophenol substituted at position 2 by an amino group.




C6H4FNO (125.0276906)




C6H4FNO (125.0276906)




C6H7NS (125.0299182)


Methyl methylsulfamate

Methyl methylsulfamate

C2H7NO3S (125.0146632)




C2H7NO3S (125.0146632)




C2H8NO3P (125.0241788)




C6H5O3- (125.02386800000001)




C6H5O3- (125.02386800000001)


(R)-(1-Aminoethyl)phosphonic acid

[(1r)-1-Aminoethyl]phosphonic acid

C2H8NO3P (125.0241788)


(2-aminoethyl)phosphonic acid zwitterion

(2-aminoethyl)phosphonic acid zwitterion

C2H8NO3P (125.0241788)

Zwitterionic form of (2-aminoethyl)phosphonic acid.


(s)-1-Aminoethylphosphonic acid


C2H8NO3P (125.0241788)


1-Aminoethylphosphonic acid

DL-1-(Aminoethyl)phosphonic acid

C2H8NO3P (125.0241788)


taurine zwitterion

taurine zwitterion

C2H7NO3S (125.0146632)

The zwitterion formed from taurine by transfer of a proton from the sulfonyl to the amino group. It is the major species existing at physiological pH.