Classification Term: 169399

Cyclohexanones (ontology term: 1a858bbe350ab5846b9b37e051e6037c)

found 8 associated metabolites at sub_class metabolite taxonomy ontology rank level.

Ancestor: Carbonyl compounds

Child Taxonomies: There is no child term of current ontology term.


2-[(1E)-N-Ethoxybutanimidoyl]-3-hydroxy-5-(tetrahydro-2H-thiopyra n-3-yl)-2-cyclohexen-1-one

C17H27NO3S (325.17115520000004)

CONFIDENCE standard compound; EAWAG_UCHEM_ID 3045



Cyclohexanone homopolymer

C6H10O (98.07316100000001)

Cyclohexanone is a food flavourant. Present in various plant spp. e.g. Cistus ladaniferus (labdanum). Cyclohexanone is a colorless oily liquid with an odor resembling acetone and peppermint. Cyclohexanone is occasionally found as a volatile component of human urine. Biological fluids such as blood and urine have been shown to contain a large number of components, some of them volatiles (low boiling point) apparently present in all individuals, while others such are much more variable. In some cases differences up to an order of magnitude are observed. Although some of these changes may have dietary origins, others seem to be characteristic of the individual. Cyclohexanone is obtained through oxidation of cyclohexane or dehydrogenation of phenol. Approx. 95\\% of its manuf. is used for the production of nylon. Information on toxicity to human beings is fragmentary. Acute exposure is characterized by irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat. In two persons, drowsiness and renal impairment were found; Like cyclohexanol, cyclohexanone is not carcinogenic and is only moderately toxic, with a TLV of 25 ppm for the vapor. It is an irritant.; The great majority of cyclohexanone is consumed in the production of precursors to Nylon 66 and Nylon 6. About half of the worlds supply is converted to adipic acid, one of two precursors for nylon 66. For this application, the KA oil (see above) is oxidized with nitric acid. The other half of the cyclohexanone supply is converted to the oxime. In the presence of sulfuric acid catalyst, the oxime rearranges to caprolactam, a precursor to nylon 6:; however, there were embryotoxic effects and influence on reproduction Cyclohexanone is well absorbed through the skin, respiratory tract, and alimentary tract. The main metabolic pathway leads to cyclohexanol, which is excreted in urine coupled with glucuronic acid. A high correlation was found between the concentration of cyclohexanone in the working environment and its concentration in urine. Cyclohexanone is formed from the hydrocarbons cyclohexane and 1-, 2-, and 3-hexanol. A patients case report documents the development of anosmia (an olfactory disorder) and rhinitis caused by occupational exposure to organic solvents, including cyclohexanone (PMID: 10476412, 16925936, 16477465); however, these workers were also exposed to other compounds. Hepatic disorders were found in a group of workers exposed for over five years. In animals, cyclohexanone is characterized by relatively low acute toxicity (DL50 by intragastric administration is approx. 2 g/kg body wt.). Effects on the central nervous system (CNS) were found (narcosis), as well as irritation of the eyes and skin. Following multiple administration, effects were found in the CNS, liver, and kidneys as well as irritation of the conjunctiva. Mutagenic and genotoxic effects were found, but no teratogenic effects were detected Cyclohexanone is a colorless oily liquid with an odor resembling acetone and peppermint. Cyclohexanone is occasionally found as a volatile component of human urine. Biological fluids such as blood and urine have been shown to contain a large number of components, some of them volatiles (low boiling point) apparently present in all individuals, while others such are much more variable. In some cases differences up to an order of magnitude are observed. Although some of these changes may have dietary origins, others seem to be characteristic of the individual. Cyclohexanone is obtained through oxidation of cyclohexane or dehydrogenation of phenol. Approx. 95\\% of its manufacturing is used for the production of nylon. Information on toxicity to human beings is fragmentary. Acute exposure is characterized by irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat. In two persons, drowsiness and renal impairment were found; however, these workers were also exposed to other compounds. Hepatic disorders were found in a group of workers exposed for over five years. In animals, cyclohexanone is characterized by relatively low acute toxicity (DL50 by intragastric administration is approximately 2 g/kg body wt.). Effects on the central nervous system (CNS) were found (narcosis), as well as irritation of the eyes and skin. Following multiple administration, effects were found in the CNS, liver, and kidneys as well as irritation of the conjunctiva. Mutagenic and genotoxic effects were found, but no teratogenic effects were detected; however, there were embryotoxic effects and influence on reproduction Cyclohexanone is well absorbed through the skin, respiratory tract, and alimentary tract. The main metabolic pathway leads to cyclohexanol, which is excreted in urine coupled with glucuronic acid. A high correlation was found between the concentration of cyclohexanone in the working environment and its concentration in urine. Cyclohexanone is formed from the hydrocarbons cyclohexane and 1-, 2-, and 3-hexanol. A patients case report documents the development of anosmia (an olfactory disorder) and rhinitis caused by occupational exposure to organic solvents, including cyclohexanone (PMID:10476412, 16925936, 16477465).




C16H24O5 (296.1623654)

Ovalicin is found in lettuce seeds. Found in lettuce seeds


Ethyl 4-oxocyclohexanecarboxylate

Ethyl 4-oxocyclohexanecarboxylate

C9H14O3 (170.0942894)




C9H14O (138.1044594)

A cyclic ketone, the structure of which is that of cyclohex-2-en-1-one substituted by methyl groups at positions 3, 5 and 5.