Classification Term: 1667

Ileabethane, pseudopterane or nor-sandresane diterpenoids (ontology term: CHEMONTID:0003561)

Diterpenoids with a structure based on either the ileabethane, the pseudopterane, or the nor-sandresane skeleton. Ileabethane is a tricyclic carbon skeleton arising from the C8-C14 of serrulatane. In the nor-sandresane skeleton, a cyclohexane ring is fused to a seven-membered saturated aliphatic carbocycle, which could stem from the rearrangement of an amphilectane-based precursor involving loss of a carbon atom and a 1,2-alkyl shift with ring expansion." [ISBN:0849382165, ISBN:3540211241]

found 0 associated metabolites at category metabolite taxonomy ontology rank level.

Ancestor: Diterpenoids

Child Taxonomies: There is no child term of current ontology term.