Classification Term: 1634

Grayanoids (ontology term: CHEMONTID:0002871)

Diterpenoids containing a skeleton based on or derived from the ent-kaurane moiety. Grayanoids usually possess either one of the grayanane, the 2,4-seco-grayanane, the 9,10-seco-grayanane, the 1,5-seco-grayanane, the kalmane, or the leucothane skeleton. Some derivatives also include the 1,5-seco-kalmane skeleton." [DOI:10.1007/s11101-013-9299-z]

found 0 associated metabolites at category metabolite taxonomy ontology rank level.

Ancestor: Diterpenoids

Child Taxonomies: Leucothol and grayanotoxane diterpenoids, Kalmanes and 1,5-seco-kalmanes