Reaction Process: PlantCyc:CHLAMY_PWY-2161

folate polyglutamylation related metabolites

find 5 related metabolites which is associated with chemical reaction(pathway) folate polyglutamylation

ATP + a tetrahydrofolate + formate ⟶ ADP + a 10-formyltetrahydrofolate + phosphate

Formic acid

Formic acid, cromium (+3), sodium (4:1:1) salt

CH2O2 (46.0054792)

Formic acid is the simplest carboxylic acid. Formate is an intermediate in normal metabolism. It takes part in the metabolism of one-carbon compounds and its carbon may appear in methyl groups undergoing transmethylation. It is eventually oxidized to carbon dioxide. Formate is typically produced as a byproduct in the production of acetate. It is responsible for both metabolic acidosis and disrupting mitochondrial electron transport and energy production by inhibiting cytochrome oxidase activity, the terminal electron acceptor of the electron transport chain. Cell death from cytochrome oxidase inhibition by formate is believed to result partly from depletion of ATP, reducing energy concentrations so that essential cell functions cannot be maintained. Furthermore, inhibition of cytochrome oxidase by formate may also cause cell death by increased production of cytotoxic reactive oxygen species (ROS) secondary to the blockade of the electron transport chain. In nature, formic acid is found in the stings and bites of many insects of the order Hymenoptera, including bees and ants. The principal use of formic acid is as a preservative and antibacterial agent in livestock feed. When sprayed on fresh hay or other silage, it arrests certain decay processes and causes the feed to retain its nutritive value longer. Urinary formate is produced by Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumonia, Enterobacter, Acinetobacter, Proteus mirabilis, Citrobacter frundii, Enterococcus faecalis, Streptococcus group B, Staphylococcus saprophyticus (PMID: 22292465). It is used as a flavouring adjunct, an animal feed additive, a brewing antiseptic and as a food preservative


[[[(2R,3S,4R,5R)-5-(6-aminopurin-9-yl)-3,4-dihydroxyoxolan-2-yl]methoxy-oxidophosphoryl]oxy-oxidophosphoryl] phosphate

[[[(2R,3S,4R,5R)-5-(6-aminopurin-9-yl)-3,4-dihydroxyoxolan-2-yl]methoxy-oxidophosphoryl]oxy-oxidophosphoryl] phosphate

C10H12N5O13P3-4 (502.9644492)

COVID info from COVID-19 Disease Map, WikiPathways Corona-virus Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 SARS-CoV COVID19 SARS2 SARS




C10H12N5O10P2-3 (424.0059412)

COVID info from COVID-19 Disease Map, WikiPathways Corona-virus Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 SARS-CoV COVID19 SARS2 SARS


(6S)-Tetrahydrofolic acid

5,6,7,8-Tetrahydrofolic acid

C19H23N7O6 (445.1709738)