Reaction Process: Plant Reactome:R-BOL-1119444

Canavanine biosynthesis related metabolites

find 2 related metabolites which is associated with chemical reaction(pathway) Canavanine biosynthesis

CAP + L-canaline ⟶ O-ureidohomoserine + Pi

Carbamoyl phosphate

Carbamic acid monoanhydride with phosphoric acid

CH4NO5P (140.9827)

Carbamoyl phosphate is a precursor of both arginine and pyrimidine biosynthesis. It is a labile and potentially toxic intermediate. Carbamoyl phosphate is a molecule that is involved in ridding the body of excess nitrogen in the urea cycle, and also in the synthesis of pyrimidines. It is produced from carbon dioxide, ammonia, and phosphate (from ATP) by the enzyme carbamoyl phosphate synthase. -- Wikipedia. Carbamoyl phosphate is a molecule that is involved in ridding the body of excess nitrogen in the urea cycle, and also in the synthesis of pyrimidines. It is produced from carbon dioxide, ammonia, and phosphate (from ATP) by the enzyme carbamoyl phosphate synthase. -- Wikipedia [HMDB]. Carbamoylphosphate is found in many foods, some of which are pepper (spice), rapini, endive, and rye.


Phosphate Ion

Phosphate Ion

O4P-3 (94.9534)