NCBI Taxonomy: 3098986

unclassified Candidatus Phytoplasma (ncbi_taxid: 3098986)

found 0 associated metabolites at no rank taxonomy rank level.

Ancestor: Phytoplasma

Child Taxonomies: Phytoplasma sp., Phytoplasma sp. CWB, Oenothera phytoplasma, Peach phytoplasma, Mango phytoplasma, Ribes phytoplasma, Conyza phytoplasma, Citrus phytoplasma, Loquat phytoplasma, Radish phytoplasma, Phytoplasma sp. STRAWB1, Phytoplasma sp. STRAWB2, Phytoplasma sp. Gph, Sorghum phytoplasma, Phytoplasma villa 1, Phytoplasma villa 2, Phytoplasma villa 3, Phytoplasma sp. PY1, Ipomoea phytoplasma, Rose MI1 phytoplasma, Rose MI2 phytoplasma, rapeseed phytoplasma, Geranium phytoplasma, Insect BA phytoplasma, Broadbeam phytoplasma, Phytoplasma sp. JWB-F, Papaya phytoplasma TW, Cordyline phytoplasma, Phytoplasma sp. IS3305, Phytoplasma sp. RYL-GD, Sugar beet phytoplasma, Phytoplasma sp. PYCcwb, Phytoplasma sp. STOL11, Grapefruit phytoplasma, Phytoplasma sp. JWB-Ky, Goldenrain phytoplasma, Phytoplasma sp. JWB-G1, Phytoplasma sp. JWB-G2, Phytoplasma sp. JWB-Ko, Blackberry phytoplasma, Periwinkle phytoplasma, Phytoplasma sp. SPLL-V4, 'Vitis sp.' phytoplasma, Liquidambar phytoplasma, 'Vinca sp.' phytoplasma, Phytoplasma sp. chitgar, Stone fruit phytoplasma, Grasshopper phytoplasma, 'Agave sp.' phytoplasma, 'Salix alba' phytoplasma, Sandal spike phytoplasma, Oilseed rape phytoplasma, Chile pepper phytoplasma, 'Prunus sp.' phytoplasma, Empoasca sp. phytoplasma, Phytoplasma sp. BN-Vr277, Phytoplasma sp. BN-Vr279, Phytoplasma sp. BN-Vr283, Phytoplasma sp. BN-Vr285, Ribes rubrum phytoplasma, Apple stolbur phytoplasma, Saccharosydne phytoplasma, Flax phyllody phytoplasma, 'Euterpe sp.' phytoplasma, Exitianus sp. phytoplasma, 'Allium cepa' phytoplasma, Spiraea stunt phytoplasma, 'Vinca minor' phytoplasma, 'Rosa canina' phytoplasma, 'Piper betle' phytoplasma, 'Rosa indica' phytoplasma, Petunia dwarf phytoplasma, 'Glycine max' phytoplasma, 'Gerbera sp.' phytoplasma, 'Cuscuta sp.' phytoplasma, 'Prunus armeniaca' phytoplasma, 'Rosa hybrida' phytoplasma, Ectothiorhodospira sp. LBD, 'Ocimum canum' phytoplasma, Oenothera phytoplasma 86-7, Broccoli stunt phytoplasma, 'Leofa dispar' phytoplasma, Molvastrum sp. phytoplasma, Pennisetum sp. phytoplasma, 'Achillea sp.' phytoplasma, 'Medicago sp.' phytoplasma, 'Quercus ilex' phytoplasma, 'Capsicum sp.' phytoplasma, 'Berberis sp.' phytoplasma, 'Alnus incana' phytoplasma, 'Piper longum' phytoplasma, 'Phalaris sp.' phytoplasma, 'Maiestas sp.' phytoplasma, Green valley X phytoplasma, 'Eruca sativa' phytoplasma, Pepper stolbur phytoplasma, 'Coccinia sp.' phytoplasma, Tomato phyllody phytoplasma, Apricot stolbur phytoplasma, 'Oncopsis alni' phytoplasma, Bolivia alfalfa phytoplasma, Sr Isidro peach phytoplasma, Alfalfa yellows phytoplasma, 'Bambusa tulda' phytoplasma, 'Portulaca sp.' phytoplasma, 'Prunus dulcis' phytoplasma, Coconut leaflet phytoplasma, 'Digitaria sp.' phytoplasma, Clove leaf roll phytoplasma, Peach Western X phytoplasma, 'Galinsoga sp.' phytoplasma, Calendula stunt phytoplasma, 'Rosa damascena' phytoplasma, 'Salix capitata' phytoplasma, Sugarcane phytoplasma type G, Sugarcane phytoplasma type C, Mesosutterella sp. AGMB00486, Leafhopper-borne phytoplasma, 'Pyrus pyraster' phytoplasma, 'Bambusa bambos' phytoplasma, 'Atanus nitidus' phytoplasma, Aster virescence phytoplasma, Recinus communis phytoplasma, Ocimum basilicum phytoplasma, Anoda acerifolia phytoplasma, 'Empoasca motti' phytoplasma, 'Jasmine sambac' phytoplasma, 'Rosa chinensis' phytoplasma, Pecan bunchy top phytoplasma, Sugarcane phytoplasma type F, 'Tagetes erecta' phytoplasma, Eggplant big bud phytoplasma, Withania yellows phytoplasma, 'Bambusa nutans' phytoplasma, Ethiopian papaya phytoplasma, Sugarcane phytoplasma type H, Sugarcane phytoplasma type E, Sugarcane phytoplasma type B, Sugarcane phytoplasma type J, 'Cleome viscosa' phytoplasma, Sugarcane phytoplasma type I, Rice orange leaf phytoplasma, Sugarcane phytoplasma type D, 'Gazania rigens' phytoplasma, 'Pyrus communis' phytoplasma, 'Albizia lebbek' phytoplasma, Sesamum phyllody phytoplasma, Sugarcane phytoplasma type A, 'Citrus aurantifolia' phytoplasma, Squash virescence phytoplasma, 'Ziziphus jujuba' phytoplasma, 'Dracena reflexa' phytoplasma, 'Alnus glutinosa' phytoplasma, Cherry virescence phytoplasma, Potato purple top phytoplasma, 'Melia azedarach' phytoplasma, 'Cannabis sativa' phytoplasma, 'Jasminum sambac' phytoplasma, 'Digera muricata' phytoplasma, 'Zinnia magellan' phytoplasma, Vigna little leaf phytoplasma, Peach yellow leaf phytoplasma, Eggplant phyllody phytoplasma, Grapevine stolbur phytoplasma, 'Cuminum cyminum' phytoplasma, 'Cucumis sativus' phytoplasma, 'Agave tequilana' phytoplasma, 'Bambusa pallida' phytoplasma, 'Euphorbia hirta' phytoplasma, 'Mayawa capitata' phytoplasma, Coconut root wilt phytoplasma, Spondias purpurea phytoplasma, 'Petunia hybrida' phytoplasma, 'Citrus sinensis' phytoplasma, 'Salix matsudana' phytoplasma, Chickpea phyllody phytoplasma, Cucumber phyllody phytoplasma, Cucurbit phyllody phytoplasma, 'Rosa x damascena' phytoplasma, 'Eugenia uniflora' phytoplasma, 'Salix babylonica' phytoplasma, 'Clematis vitalba' phytoplasma, Cynodon white leaf phytoplasma, 'Prunus domestica' phytoplasma, 'Alstroemeria sp.' phytoplasma, 'Richardia scabra' phytoplasma, 'Malus sylvestris' phytoplasma, 'Agallia albidula' phytoplasma, Long bean phyllody phytoplasma, 'Atriplex halimus' phytoplasma, Vietnamese cassava phytoplasma, 'Cynodon dactylon' phytoplasma, Plum leptonecrosis phytoplasma, 'Ulmus parvifolia' phytoplasma, Orange little leaf phytoplasma, Elm witches'-broom phytoplasma, Sabal palm decline phytoplasma, Sunn-hemp phyllody phytoplasma, 'Borreria hispida' phytoplasma, 'Conium maculatum' phytoplasma, Apple leaf yellows phytoplasma, Chlorante-Aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Juniperus excelsa' phytoplasma, Egyptian periwinkle phytoplasma, Pomegranate decline phytoplasma, Bell pepper big bud phytoplasma, Himachal periwinkle phytoplasma, Candidatus [Phytoplasma] tomato, Periwinkle phyllody phytoplasma, 'Lilium x hybridum' phytoplasma, Grapevine phytoplasma 'Krishna', Candidatus Phytoplasma dypsidis, 'Melothria pendula' phytoplasma, 'Mukaria splendida' phytoplasma, 'Exitianus indicus' phytoplasma, Green gram phyllody phytoplasma, 'Solanum tuberosum' phytoplasma, Sowthistle cladodes phytoplasma, Kerala wilt disease phytoplasma, 'Solanum melongena' phytoplasma, 'Citrullus lanatus' phytoplasma, 'Crotalaria juncea' phytoplasma, 'Datura stramonium' phytoplasma, Candidatus Phytoplasma sp. Psy4, 'Rhynchosia minima' phytoplasma, 'Triticum aestivum' phytoplasma, 'Triticum turgidum' phytoplasma, 'Leonurus cardiaca' phytoplasma, 'Hyptis suaveolens' phytoplasma, 'Manihot esculenta' phytoplasma, Sugarcane whiteleaf phytoplasma, 'Prunus dulcis' phytoplasma PA1, 'Prunus dulcis' phytoplasma PA2, Cockscomb flat stem phytoplasma, 'Acacia melanoxylon' phytoplasma, 'Gossypium hirsutum' phytoplasma, Toona witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Quercus humboldtii' phytoplasma, 'Tephrosia purpurea' phytoplasma, Serjania little leaf phytoplasma, Sorghum grassy shoot phytoplasma, 'Taxillus chinensis' phytoplasma, 'Euonymus japonicus' phytoplasma, 'Withania somnifera' phytoplasma, 'Dianthus chinensis' phytoplasma, 'Euterpe precatoria' phytoplasma, 'Cyrtostachys renda' phytoplasma, 'Hevea brasiliensis' phytoplasma, Galinsoga parviflora phytoplasma, Ulmus witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Crotalaria pallida' phytoplasma, 'Artemisia vulgaris' phytoplasma, 'Syringa reticulata' phytoplasma, 'Dioscorea communis' phytoplasma, 'Cofana unimaculata' phytoplasma, 'Phyllanthus niruri' phytoplasma, Chinese winter wheat phytoplasma, 'Sogatella kolophon' phytoplasma, Sorghum bunchy shoot phytoplasma, Phoenix palm decline phytoplasma, 'Rosa alba' phyllody phytoplasma, Poinsettia stem flat phytoplasma, Carrot proliferation phytoplasma, Cactus aster yellows phytoplasma, Grapevine phytoplasma 'Fantassy', 'Amaranth chlorisis' phytoplasma, 'Morinda citrifolia' phytoplasma, 'Pyrilla perpusilla' phytoplasma, 'Ageratum conyzoide' phytoplasma, 'Ziziphus oenopolia' phytoplasma, 'Prunus persica' phytoplasma PP1, Azalea witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Codiaeum variegatum' phytoplasma, Mulberry yellow dwarf phytoplasma, 'Praxelis clematidea' phytoplasma, Chandigarh periwinkle phytoplasma, 'Convolvulus cneorum' phytoplasma, 'Justicia gendarussa' phytoplasma, 'Ageratum conyzoides' phytoplasma, Potato Brotes big bud phytoplasma, 'Neoaliturus pulcher' phytoplasma, 'Prunus persica' leaf phytoplasma, Tomato witches'-broom phytoplasma, Apricot aster yellows phytoplasma, Goosegrass white leaf phytoplasma, Fennel witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Dendrocalamus asper' phytoplasma, 'Solanum sp.' big bud phytoplasma, Chilli witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Acharis ussuriensis' phytoplasma, 'Stylosanthes scabra' phytoplasma, 'Hishimonus phycitis' phytoplasma, Nivun-Haamir die-back phytoplasma, 'Hibiscus cannabinus' phytoplasma, 'Axonopus compressus' phytoplasma, 'Paspalum conjugatum' phytoplasma, Madagascan periwinkle phytoplasma, Vietnamese periwinkle phytoplasma, 'Jasminum nudiflorum' phytoplasma, Cactus witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Ailanthus altissima' phytoplasma, Cenchrus bunchy shoot phytoplasma, Matricaria chamomilla phytoplasma, 'Catharanthus roseus' phytoplasma, Mexican Amaranto seed phytoplasma, Carrot witches'-broom phytoplasma, Citrus witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Sogatella furcifera' phytoplasma, 'Croton sparsiflorus' phytoplasma, Weligama coconut wilt phytoplasma, 'Momordica charantia' phytoplasma, Strawberry multiplier phytoplasma, 'Corchorus olitorius' phytoplasma, 'Pouzolzia zeylanica' phytoplasma, 'Vicia faba' phyllody phytoplasma, 'Salix alba' phyllody phytoplasma, 'Bidens subalternans' phytoplasma, 'Magnolia grandiflora' phytoplasma, 'Enicostema littorale' phytoplasma, 'Simsia amplexicaulis' phytoplasma, Petunia witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Vaccinium corymbosum' phytoplasma, Tomato hoja de perejil phytoplasma, Pomegranate fasciation phytoplasma, Sugar beet little leaf Phytoplasma, 'Reinhardtia gracilis' phytoplasma, 'Mayawa sp. 1 VT-2021' phytoplasma, Juyom(Iran) white leaf phytoplasma, Pigeon pea little leaf phytoplasma, 'Corchorus capsularis' phytoplasma, 'Musa sp.' banana wilt phytoplasma, Euphorbia heterophylla phytoplasma, Periwinkle little leaf phytoplasma, 'Synedrella nodiflora' phytoplasma, 'Phlogotettix cyclops' phytoplasma, Hovenia witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Amblyomma variegatum' phytoplasma, Iranian Tomato big bud phytoplasma, String bean virescence phytoplasma, Lettuce witches'-broom phytoplasma, Parsely witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Rosa hybrid cultivar' phytoplasma, Jasmine witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Opuntia ficus-indica' phytoplasma, 'Fragaria multicipita' phytoplasma, Atypical aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Parkinsonia aculeata' phytoplasma, Chrysanthemum phyllody phytoplasma, 'Citrus aurantiifolia' phytoplasma, 'Oplismenus burmannii' phytoplasma, 'Rauvolfia serpentina' phytoplasma, 'Ayapana triplinervis' phytoplasma, 'Vigna mungo' phyllody phytoplasma, Lucerne witches'-broom phytoplasma, Candidatus Phytoplasma sp. AldY-WA1, Alstroemeria virescence phytoplasma, Maracuya witches'-broom phytoplasma, Praxelis witches'-broom phytoplasma, Cranberry false blossom phytoplasma, 'Eruca sativa' phyllody phytoplasma, Elm phytoplasma 'Arlington Heights', 'Eugenia neomyrtifolia' phytoplasma, 'Nasturtium officinale' phytoplasma, Mulberry witches'-broom phytoplasma, Chabahar witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Brassica sp.' phyllody phytoplasma, Ashwagandha little leaf phytoplasma, 'Burretiokentia hapala' phytoplasma, Candidatus Phytoplasma sp. AZ04-1-4, Iranian cabbage yellows phytoplasma, Candidatus Phytoplasma sp. AZ04-1-5, Parthenium histrophorus phytoplasma, 'Macrotyloma uniflorum' phytoplasma, 'Vitis sp.' yellow leaf phytoplasma, 'Reseda lutea' phyllody phytoplasma, 'Asymmetrasca decedens' phytoplasma, Withania witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Gynandropsis gynandra' phytoplasma, Scaevola witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Calendula officinalis' phytoplasma, Kidney bean little leaf phytoplasma, Bermudagrass white leaf phytoplasma, Umbrella tree whitening phytoplasma, 'Prunus persica' decline phytoplasma, 'Lactuca sativa' yellows phytoplasma, Sugarcane yellows phytoplasma type I, 'Cupressus sempervirens' phytoplasma, Sweet pepper purple vein phytoplasma, Goat weed witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Dendrocalamus stocksii' phytoplasma, 'Helichrysum bracteatum' phytoplasma, 'Agalliana sticticollis' phytoplasma, Florida Pandanus decline phytoplasma, 'Conocarpus lanceolatus' phytoplasma, 'Celosia sp.' fasciation phytoplasma, Stylosanthes little leaf phytoplasma, 'Dendrocalamus strictus' phytoplasma, 'Erianthus arundinaceus' phytoplasma, Erythrina witches'-broom phytoplasma, Macroptilium lathyrvides phytoplasma, 'Elaeocarpus sylvestris' phytoplasma, 'Cajanus cajan' phyllody phytoplasma, 'Aeschynomene americana' phytoplasma, Catharanthus roseus phytoplasma CaPD, 'Balclutha rubrostriata' phytoplasma, Coconut palm root (wilt) phytoplasma, 'Sabal mexicana' decline phytoplasma, 'Euscelidius variegatus' phytoplasma, Tanzanian lethal decline phytoplasma, 'Daucus carota' phyllody phytoplasma, 'Pisum sativum' phyllody phytoplasma, 'Duranta repens' yellows Phytoplasma, Periwinkle witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Parthenium sp.' phyllody phytoplasma, 'Empoasca sp.' leafhopper phytoplasma, 'Capsicum annuum' big bud phytoplasma, Tomato flower abnormality phytoplasma, 'Carpoxylon macrospermum' phytoplasma, Black gram witches'-broom phytoplasma, Strawberry lethal yellows phytoplasma, Sugar beet witches'-broom phytoplasma, Areca yellow leaf disease phytoplasma, 'Medicago sativa' phytoplasma ww18865, 'Medicago sativa' phytoplasma ww18859, 'Medicago sativa' phytoplasma ww18815, 'Medicago sativa' phytoplasma ww18822, Black-eyed susan phyllody phytoplasma, 'Pedalium murex' phyllody phytoplasma, 'Apocynun cannabinum' phytoplasma HD1, 'Capsicum annuum' yellows phytoplasma, 'Lactuca sativa' leaf rot phytoplasma, 'Prunus avium' virescence phytoplasma, 'Pravistylus exquadratus' phytoplasma, 'Thrinax radiata' decline phytoplasma, Echinopsis witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Dimorphotheca pluvialis' phytoplasma, Candidatus Phytoplasma sp. ArAWB-2020, 'Maiestas sp.' associated phytoplasma, Golden bellflower yellows phytoplasma, 'Prunus domestica' decline phytoplasma, Cosmos bippinatus phyllody phytoplasma, 'Leucojum sp.' little leaf phytoplasma, 'Vernonia indica' phyllody phytoplasma, 'Hishimonus phycitis' phytoplasma IARI, 'Elaeis guineensis' lethal phytoplasma, Cocky apple witches'-broom phytoplasma, Garden beet witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Capsicum sp.' yellow leaf phytoplasma, 'Verschaffeltia splendida' phytoplasma, 'Planicephalus flavicosta' phytoplasma, 'Trigonella foenumgraecum' phytoplasma, Honeylocust witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Spartium junceum' phytoplasma SI04-S4, 'Allium cepa' leaf yellows phytoplasma, Australian lucerne yellows phytoplasma, 'Dendrocalamus hamiltonii' phytoplasma, Tamarix sp. witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Cicer arietinum' phyllody phytoplasma, Protea spp. witches'-broom phytoplasma, German stone fruit yellows phytoplasma, 'Prunus armeniaca' rosette phytoplasma, 'Corylus avellana' decline phytoplasma, 'Heterosperma ovatifolium' phytoplasma, Opuntia sp. mosaic-inducing phytoplasma, Echinopsis sp. yellow patch phytoplasma, 'Empoasca motti' leafhopper phytoplasma, 'Waltheria sp.' little leaf phytoplasma, 'Richardia scabra' phyllody phytoplasma, 'Morus alba' witches'-broom phytoplasma, Grey dogwood witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Prunus sp.' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Macrosteles sordidipennis' phytoplasma, 'Phyllanthus niruri' (weed) phytoplasma, 'Trigonella foenum-graecum' phytoplasma, 'Apium graveolens' phyllody phytoplasma, Papaya apical curl necrosis phytoplasma, 'Vigna radiata' little leaf phytoplasma, Bougainvillea proliferation phytoplasma, Passion fruit proliferation phytoplasma, 'Sesamum indicum' flat stem phytoplasma, 'Narcissus tazetta' yellows phytoplasma, 'Cucumis sativus' flat stem phytoplasma, Chinese periwinkle phyllody phytoplasma, Stylosanthes witches'-broom phytoplasma, Brachiaria grass white leaf phytoplasma, 'Mangifera indica' phyllody phytoplasma, 'Thrinax radiata' yellowing phytoplasma, Poinsettia branching factor phytoplasma, 'Oplismenus undulatifolius' phytoplasma, Coconut palm lethal yellows phytoplasma, 'Mollugo disticha' phyllody phytoplasma, 'Digitaria sp.' yellow leaf phytoplasma, Phytoplasma sp. pathovar mosaic-inducing, Sugarcane green grassy shoot phytoplasma, Omani alfalfa witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Sonchus oleraceus' phyllody phytoplasma, 'Salix matsudana f. pendula' phytoplasma, 'Eucalyptus sp.' little leaf phytoplasma, 'Amaranthus hypochondriacus' phytoplasma, 'Phoenix dactylifera' yellow phytoplasma, 'Cleome viscosa' little leaf phytoplasma, 'Solanum melongena' phyllody phytoplasma, 'Bidens alba' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Kalanchoe pinnata' phyllody phytoplasma, 'Archontophoenix alexandrae' phytoplasma, Shaggy button witches'-broom phytoplasma, Alaska potato witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Tamarix sp.' witches'-broom phytoplasma, Arecanut yellow leaf disease phytoplasma, 'Podocarpus nagi' fasciation phytoplasma, Korean potato witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Crotalaria juncea' phyllody phytoplasma, 'Celosia argentea' flat stem phytoplasma, Sunshine tree witches'-broom phytoplasma, Water spinach witches'-broom phytoplasma, Sugarcane Ramu stunt disease phytoplasma, 'Spinacia oleracea' phyllody phytoplasma, 'Tagetes erecta' little leaf Phytoplasma, 'Carica papaya' fruit decline phytoplasma, 'Capsicum annuum' little leaf phytoplasma, 'Nerium oleander' little leaf phytoplasma, Chinese scholartree fasciated phytoplasma, 'Sida rhombifolia' virescence phytoplasma, 'Jasminum sambac' little leaf phytoplasma, Solanum nigrum witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Acacia salicina' little leaf phytoplasma, 'Papaver somniferum' phyllody phytoplasma, 'Sagittaria trifolia' yellows phytoplasma, 'Allium sativum' leaf yellows phytoplasma, 'Chenopodium album' yellowing phytoplasma, 'Cleome gynandra' little leaf phytoplasma, 'Cynodon dactylon' white leaf phytoplasma, 'Euphorbia hirta' yellow leaf phytoplasma, 'Alostomeria sp.' little leaf Phytoplasma, 'Pistacia vera' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Crotalaria juncea' virescence phytoplasma, 'Exitianus indicus' leafhopper phytoplasma, 'Brassica oleracea' chlorantie phytoplasma, 'Convolvulus arvensis' cluster phytoplasma, 'Cleome rutidosperma' phyllody phytoplasma, Black raspberry witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Olea europaea' witches'-broom phytoplasma, Sorghum grassy shoot phytoplasma variant I, 'Elaeagnus sp.' witches'-broom phytoplasma, Egyptian tomato witches'-broom phytoplasma, Foxtail yellow decline phytoplasma Bangi-2, Florida Rhynchosia little leaf phytoplasma, Cactus phytoplasma 'Martinez-Soriano 1999', 'Helianthus annuus' fasciation phytoplasma, 'Euonymus japonicus' flat stem phytoplasma, Cactus phytoplasma 'Martinez-Soriano 2001', 'Cinnamomum verum' yellow leaf phytoplasma, 'Beta vulgaris' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Brassica napus' plant yellows phytoplasma, 'Breynia disticha' little leaf phytoplasma, 'Phlox drummondii' little leaf phytoplasma, 'Gynura crepidioides' phyllody phytoplasma, 'Hishimonus phycitis' phyllody phytoplasma, 'Syringa reticulata' leaf roll phytoplasma, 'Plectranthus scutellarioides' phytoplasma, 'Crotalaria saltiana' phyllody phytoplasma, Chinese hot pepper little leaf phytoplasma, Egyptian sugarcane yellow leaf phytoplasma, 'Citrus aurantium' little leaf phytoplasma, 'Pisum sativum' witches'-broom phytoplasma, Mexican coconut lethal decline phytoplasma, 'Hibiscus cannabinus' flat stem phytoplasma, 'Ageratum conyzoides' yellowing phytoplasma, Passion fruit bud proliferation phytoplasma, 'Cofana unimaculata' leafhopper phytoplasma, 'Prunus persica' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Toona sinensis' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Lantana camara' witches'-broom phytoplasma, Tanzania coconut lethal disease phytoplasma, 'Acacia confusa' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Solanum melongena' little leaf phytoplasma, 'Amaranthus caudatus' chlorosis phytoplasma, Sorghum grassy shoot phytoplasma variant II, Honduran Gliricidia little leaf phytoplasma, 'Xanthium sibiricum' fasciation phytoplasma, Iranian Lactuca sativa phyllody phytoplasma, 'Phoenix canariensis' yellowing phytoplasma, Euphorbia linifolia' fasciation phytoplasma, 'Rubus cochinchinensis' yellows phytoplasma, 'Malus domestica' plant yellows phytoplasma, 'Fagopyrum esculentum' phyllody phytoplasma, 'Catharanthus roseus' chlorosis phytoplasma, 'Parthenium sp.' witches'-broom phytoplasma, Sweet potato little leaf phytoplasma, Tonga, Black currant reversion disease phytoplasma, 'Rhynchosia minima' yellow leaf phytoplasma, 'Urochloa distachya' white leaf phytoplasma, 'Cannabis sativa' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Hishimonus phycitis' leafhopper phytoplasma, 'Trema levigatum' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Murraya exotica' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Typha angustifolia' yellow leaf phytoplasma, 'Cymbopogon citratus' white leaf phytoplasma, Vietnamese sugarcane yellow leaf phytoplasma, 'Trema laevigata' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Brassiophoenix drymophloeoides' phytoplasma, 'Portulaca oleracea' little leaf phytoplasma, Ethiopian Gliricidia little leaf phytoplasma, 'Celtis kunmingensis' plexus bud phytoplasma, 'Medicago sativa' witches'-broom phytoplasma, Euphorbia dendroides' fasciation phytoplasma, 'Azadirachta indica' little leaf phytoplasma, 'Conocarpus erectus' little leaf phytoplasma, Common Parthenium witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Coreopsis grandiflora' phyllody phytoplasma, 'Tamarix aphylla' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Albizia lebbeck' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Berberis vulgaris' flatten stem phytoplasma, 'Sesamum indicum' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Neonotonia wightii' little leaf phytoplasma, 'Alhagi maurorum' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Melia azedarach' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Prunus scoparia' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Capsicum annuum' yellow crinkle phytoplasma, 'Cerasus serrula' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Euphorbia characias' fasciation phytoplasma, 'Prunus domestica' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Salix tetradenia' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Styphnolobium stolbur japonicum' phytoplasma, 'Carica papaya' leaf malformation phytoplasma, 'Catharanthus roseus' little leaf phytoplasma, 'Leucanthemum vulgare' virescence phytoplasma, 'Oplismenus burmannii' white leaf phytoplasma, Florida periwinkle witches'-broom phytoplasma, Florida pigeon pea witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Colpoptera sp.' lethal yellowing phytoplasma, Florida Crotolaria witches'-broom phytoplasma, Chinese pigeon pea witches'-broom phytoplasma, Solanum surattense witches'-broom phytoplasma, Khafr(Iran) Almond witches'-broom phytoplasma, Iranian Lactuca serriola phyllody phytoplasma, 'Sida rhombifolia' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Brassica oleracea var. acephala' phytoplasma, 'Phoenix paludosa' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Sabal palmetto' lethal yellowing phytoplasma, 'Raphanus sativus' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Scaevola taccada' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Euphorbia myrsinites' fasciation phytoplasma, 'Cymbopogon citratus' little leaf phytoplasma, Beet leafhopper transmitted virescence phytoplasma, 'Cinnamomum cassia' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Boehmeria pannosa' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Saccharum officinarum' white leaf phytoplasma, 'Eclipta prostrata' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Periploca aphylla' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Pinus yunnanensis' witches'-broom phytoplasma, Bischofia polycarpa witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Tamarix chinensis' witches'-broom phytoplasma, Neyriz(Iran) almond witches'-broom phytoplasma, Iran(Jiroft) citron witches' broom phytoplasma, 'Dimocarpus longan' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Vigna unguiculata' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Echinacea purpurea' plant yellows phytoplasma, 'Trifolium pratense' plant yellows phytoplasma, 'Haplaxius crudus' lethal bronzing phytoplasma, 'Sesamum indicum' capsule breaking phytoplasma, 'Cichorium intybus' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Helminthotheca echioides' yellows phytoplasma, Bidzard witches'-broom association phytoplasma, 'Opuntia caracasana' proliferation phytoplasma, 'Eryngium foetidum' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Vitis vinifera' flavescence doree phytoplasma, 'Suaeda aegyptiaca' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Callistemon citrinus' little leaf phytoplasma, 'Citrullus lanatus' witches'-broom phytoplasma, Costa Rican Gliricidia little leaf phytoplasma, 'Perilla frutescens' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Cnidoscolus souzae' witches'-broom phytoplasma, Iranian peach little leaf yellowing phytoplasma, Tabebuia pentaphylla witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Parthenium hysterophorus' phyllody phytoplasma, 'Crotalaria pallida' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Pinus tabuliformis' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Syringa reticulata' witches'-broom phytoplasma, Firoozabad Bermuda grass white leaf phytoplasma, 'Citrus macrophylla' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Brassica rapa' shoot proliferation phytoplasma, 'Euonymus bungeanus' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Chrysanthemum morifolium' phyllody phytoplasma, Estahban witches'-broom association phytoplasma, 'Taxillus chinensis' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Pseudophoenix sargentii' yellowing phytoplasma, 'Ranunculus sceleratus' little leaf phytoplasma, 'Ziziphus nummularia' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Cinnamomum camphora' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Araucaria heterophylla' little leaf phytoplasma, 'Sclerocarpus africanus' little leaf phytoplasma, 'Clematis vitalba' flavescence doree phytoplasma, 'Phyllanthus urinaria' proliferation phytoplasma, 'Phyllanthus emblica' witches'-broom phytoplasma, Poinsettia exuberant flower-inducing phytoplasma, 'Eucalyptus camaldulensis' leaf roll phytoplasma, Bushehr(Iran) alfalfa witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Atractylodes lancea' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Gendarussa vulgaris' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Elaeis guineensis' spear rot disease phytoplasma, 'Pericampylus glaucus' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Eucalyptus urophylla' witches'-broom phytoplasma, Arecanut yellow leaf disease phytoplasma Sullia 1, 'Covolvulus arevensis' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Convolvulus virgatus' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Momordica charantia' stem-flattening phytoplasma, 'Trichosanthes anguina' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Cryptotaenia japonica' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Ziziphus rotundifolia' witches'-broom phytoplasma, Bolivia Morrenia variegata little leaf phytoplasma, 'Dypsis lutescens' yellow leaf disease phytoplasma, 'Musa acuminata' elephantiasis disease phytoplasma, Iran(Jiroft) grapefruit witches' broom phytoplasma, 'Desmodium ovalifolium' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Rubus cochinchinensis' leaf yellowing phytoplasma, Coconut leaflet flaccidity (root wilt) phytoplasma, 'Phoenix dactylifera' lethal yellowing phytoplasma, 'Parthenium hysterophorus' yellow leaf phytoplasma, 'Carpentaria acuminata' lethal bronzing phytoplasma, 'Cnidoscolus chayamansa' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Prunus avium' leaf rolling and rosette phytoplasma, 'Hippophae rhamnoides' leaves shrivkage phytoplasma, 'Hippophae rhamnoides' leaves shrinkage phytoplasma, 'Dendrocalamus strictus' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Melia azedarach' little leaf yellowing phytoplasma, 'Musa balbisiana' elephantiasis disease phytoplasma, 'Crotalaria sp. Thailand' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Vigna unguiculata subsp. sesquipedalis' phytoplasma, 'Tylophora indica' little leaf yellowing phytoplasma, 'Brachycome sp.' yellows and little leaf phytoplasma, 'Viola tricolor' yellows and little leaf phytoplasma, 'Breynia disticha f. nivosa' little leaf phytoplasma, 'Gynostemma pentaphyllum' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Manilkara zapota' flat stem little leaf phytoplasma, 'Areca catechu' palm yellow leaf disease phytoplasma, 'Ampelopsis grossedentata' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Parthenium hysterophorus' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Alternanthera ficoidea' yellow leaf roll phytoplasma, 'Prunus persica' chlorotic and little leaf phytoplasma, 'Malpighia emarginata' shoot proliferation phytoplasma, 'Borassus aethiopum' palm lethal yellowing phytoplasma, 'Artemisia vulgaris' little leaf yellowing phytoplasma, 'Solidago Microglossa' shoot proliferation phytoplasma, 'Prunus armeniaca' leaf rolling and decline phytoplasma, 'Prunus persica' leaf rolling and reddening phytoplasma, 'Prunus avium' leaf rolling and flat branch phytoplasma, 'Amorphophallus paeoniifolius' leaf yellows phytoplasma, 'Saponaria sp.' stunting and witches' broom phytoplasma, 'Sesamum indicum' litttle leaf and phyllody phytoplasma, 'Saccharum officinarum' grassy shoot disease phytoplasma, 'Prunus avium' flat branch and witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Prunus avium' shoot proliferation and rosette phytoplasma, 'Croton bonplandianum' yellows and little leaf phytoplasma, 'Stachytarpheta jamaicensis' chlorotic leafroll phytoplasma, 'Catharanthus roseus' little leaf and chlorosis phytoplasma, 'Allamanda cathartica' little leaf and yellowing phytoplasma, 'Carpobrotus edulis' little leaf and leaf yellows phytoplasma, 'Catharanthus roseus' puckering and leaf chlorosis phytoplasma, 'Hibiscus rosa-sinensis' little leaf and yellowing phytoplasma, 'Chrysanthemum morifolium' phyllody and little leaf phytoplasma, 'Chrysanthemum morifolium' little leaf and yellowing phytoplasma, 'Prunus avium' shoot elogation, flat branch and witches'-broom phytoplasma