NCBI Taxonomy: 3042590

16SrI (Aster yellows group) (ncbi_taxid: 3042590)

found 0 associated metabolites at species group taxonomy rank level.

Ancestor: Phytoplasma

Child Taxonomies: larch phytoplasma, Barley phytoplasma, Phytoplasma sp. PY3, Tobacco phytoplasma, Phytoplasma sp. DIV, Phytoplasma sp. CPh, Phytoplasma sp. AY1, Phytoplasma sp. AYBG, Aster yellows phytoplasma, Larix sp. phytoplasma, Arracacha phytoplasma, Rubus sp. phytoplasma, Phytoplasma sp. HN1.1, Poa stunt phytoplasma, Tomato big bud phytoplasma, Phytoplasma sp. Esteli, Blueberry stunt phytoplasma, Clover phyllody phytoplasma, Primula red phytoplasma, Banana wilt phytoplasma, 'Poa annua' phytoplasma, Cuban carrot phytoplasma, 'Pinus mugo' phytoplasma, Ribes nigrum phytoplasma, Rhus yellows phytoplasma, 'Croton sp.' phytoplasma, Banana stunt phytoplasma, Cuban tomato phytoplasma, Sweet cherry phytoplasma, Onion yellows phytoplasma, Alfalfa stunt phytoplasma, Cuban cabbage phytoplasma, Cuban cassava phytoplasma, Iranian onion phytoplasma, Cherry phytoplasma XVI.12, 'Melia dubia' phytoplasma, 'Ulmus minor' phytoplasma, 'Populus sp.' phytoplasma, Willow yellow phytoplasma, 'Celosia sp.' phytoplasma, 'Tagetes sp.' phytoplasma, Yucatan papaya phytoplasma, 'Prunus avium' phytoplasma, Russian potato phytoplasma, Carrot yellows phytoplasma, Lilium sp. phytoplasma Lix, Cuban beetroot phytoplasma, 'Ziziphus sp.' phytoplasma, Mulberry dwarf phytoplasma, Arabian papaya phytoplasma, Chinese potato phytoplasma, Tomato phytoplasma AY-GIZA, Garlic yellows phytoplasma, Yucca phyllody phytoplasma, Eggplant dwarf phytoplasma, Tomato yellows phytoplasma, Peanut yellows phytoplasma, 'Fraxinus sp.' phytoplasma, Iranian carrot phytoplasma, Iranian tomato phytoplasma, Peach red leaf phytoplasma, Strawberry phytoplasma FL4, Rose phytoplasma Pantnagar, Iranian potato phytoplasma, Rose phytoplasma Gorakhpur, Dogwood yellows phytoplasma, Morinda yellows phytoplasma, 'Picea pungens' phytoplasma, Populus decline phytoplasma, Iranian lettuce phytoplasma, 'Beta vulgaris' phytoplasma, Peruvian papaya phytoplasma, Peruvian tomato phytoplasma, Okra bunchy top phytoplasma, 'Carica papaya' phytoplasma, Lettuce yellows phytoplasma, Ragweed yellows phytoplasma, 'Poa pratensis' phytoplasma, Torenia yellows phytoplasma, Willow phyllody phytoplasma, Cirsium yellows phytoplasma, 'Crape jasmine' phytoplasma, Syrah grapevine phytoplasma, Rose cv. Frisco phytoplasma, 'Eumecurus sp.' phytoplasma, Cuban Phaseolus phytoplasma, 'Daucus carota' phytoplasma, Peruvian carrot phytoplasma, Festuca yellows phytoplasma, Lily fasciation phytoplasma, 'Populus nigra' phytoplasma, Lilium sp. phytoplasma NE28, 'Brassica napus' phytoplasma, 'Parthenium sp.' phytoplasma, 'Viola arvensis' phytoplasma, 'Prunus persica' phytoplasma, Carnation yellow phytoplasma, 'Empoasca fabae' phytoplasma, 'Acacia arabica' phytoplasma, Green leafhopper phytoplasma, Grass white leaf phytoplasma, Plum little leaf phytoplasma, 'Phalaris minor' phytoplasma, 'Prunus cerasus' phytoplasma, 'Santalum album' phytoplasma, 'Toona sinensis' phytoplasma, Lilium sp. phytoplasma NE311, Lilium sp. phytoplasma NE312, 'Plantago major' phytoplasma, Lilium sp. phytoplasma NECu2, Papaver phyllody phytoplasma, Lilium sp. phytoplasma NE7L2, Lilium sp. phytoplasma NECu1, 'Dalbulus maidis' phytoplasma, 'Medicago sativa' phytoplasma, Oat proliferation phytoplasma, Leontodon yellows phytoplasma, Cactus male plant phytoplasma, Eggplant dwarf phytoplasma ED, Iranian grapevine phytoplasma, Primula green phytoplasma PrG, Peach yellows phytoplasma PYR, Marigold phyllody phytoplasma, Jacobaea vulgaris phytoplasma, Lilac little leaf phytoplasma, Silene virescence phytoplasma, 'Punica granatum' phytoplasma, Grapevine phytoplasma (Italy), Bean amachamiento phytoplasma, Valeriana yellows phytoplasma, Iranian apple phytoplasma VH8, Iranian pear phytoplasma PD37, Iranian pear phytoplasma PD33, Iranian pear phytoplasma PD36, 'Macrosteles sp.' phytoplasma, 'Stellaria media' phytoplasma, 'Camelina sativa' phytoplasma, Dogfennel yellows phytoplasma, Papaya bunchy top phytoplasma, 'Primula acaulis' phytoplasma, 'Humulus lupulus' phytoplasma, Rapeseed phyllody phytoplasma, 'Thlaspi arvense' phytoplasma, 'Sesamum indicum' phytoplasma, Petunia flat stem phytoplasma, 'Eleusine indica' phytoplasma, 'Zinnia violacea' phytoplasma, Maize bushy stunt phytoplasma, Chayote whiteness phytoplasma, 'Tachycixius sp.' phytoplasma, 'Citrus japonica' phytoplasma, Gerbera jamesonii phytoplasma, Tomato little leaf phytoplasma, Epilobium phyllody phytoplasma, Onion yellow dwarf phytoplasma, Periwinkle (India) phytoplasma, Chilli little leaf phytoplasma, Italian Empoasca phytoplasma 2, Broccoli phytoplasma sp. br273, El Salvador potato phytoplasma, El Salvador tomato phytoplasma, Cherry bunchy leaf phytoplasma, 'Corylus avellana' phytoplasma, Gaillardia yellows phytoplasma, 'Psammotettix sp.' phytoplasma, Hydrangea phyllody phytoplasma, Grey dogwood stunt phytoplasma, Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris, Iranian apple phytoplasma PD39, Macrosteles laevis phytoplasma, Marguerite yellows phytoplasma, 'Trifolium repens' phytoplasma, Ash witches'-broom phytoplasma, Pepper little leaf phytoplasma, Cosmos little leaf phytoplasma, Goosegrass yellows phytoplasma, Barley deformation phytoplasma, Apple sessile leaf phytoplasma, 'Rubus fruticosus' phytoplasma, Candidatus Phytoplasma tritici, Hawaiian sugarcane phytoplasma, 'Euscelis incisus' phytoplasma, Bangladesh Mikania phytoplasma, Marigold flat stem phytoplasma, Azalea little leaf phytoplasma, Cherry little leaf phytoplasma, 'Mangifera indica' phytoplasma, 'Zyginidia sohrab' phytoplasma, Sunflower flat stem phytoplasma, Cocklebur flat stem phytoplasma, Adenium little leaf phytoplasma, Sesame phyllody phytoplasma Me4, 'Argyranthemum sp.' phytoplasma, Poland Brassica sp. phytoplasma, Ranunculus phyllody phytoplasma, Carrot phytoplasma sp. ca2006/1, Carrot phytoplasma sp. ca2006/5, Carrot phytoplasma sp. ca2006/9, Onion proliferation phytoplasma, Hyacinth virescence phytoplasma, Primrose virescence phytoplasma, Plantago virescence phytoplasma, Soybean little leaf phytoplasma, 'Edwardsiana rosae' phytoplasma, Sasa witches'-broom phytoplasma, Iranian apple phytoplasma PAP39, Iranian apple phytoplasma PAP33, Iranian apple phytoplasma PAP36, Iranian apple phytoplasma PAP37, Plum witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Oenothera biennis' phytoplasma, Cucumber virescence phytoplasma, 'Apera spica-venti' phytoplasma, Sesame phyllody phytoplasma M48, Coneflower phyllody phytoplasma, 'Ligustrum sinense' phytoplasma, Bangladesh eggplant phytoplasma, Amaranth virescence phytoplasma, 'Verbena x hybrida' phytoplasma, 'Dalbulus elimatus' phytoplasma, 'Prunus dulcis' phytoplasma AL7, 'Gerbera jamesonii' phytoplasma, Iranian cherry phytoplasma PCh8, Paulownia witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Cucurbita moschata' phytoplasma, 'Toxoptera aurantii' phytoplasma, Aster yellows phytoplasma AY2192, Carrot yellows phytoplasma CA-76, 'Tilia platyphyllos' phytoplasma, Canola aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Prunus dulcis' phytoplasma AlmE, 'Azadirachta indica' phytoplasma, Lily stem-flattening phytoplasma, Bamboo aster yellows phytoplasma, Candidatus Phytoplasma japonicum, 'Prunus dulcis' phytoplasma PAT1, 'Prunus dulcis' phytoplasma PAT5, 'Juncus articulatus' phytoplasma, 'Prunus dulcis' phytoplasma PAT6, Carrot aster yellows phytoplasma, Sumac witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Prunus avium' phytoplasma PCHE1, Cherry proliferation phytoplasma, 'Dactylis glomerata' phytoplasma, Persian violet stunt phytoplasma, 'Mallotus japonicus' phytoplasma, 'Digitaria ciliaris' phytoplasma, Poland Brassica rapa phytoplasma, 'Portulaca oleracea' phytoplasma, 'Macrosteles laevis' phytoplasma, 'Fraxinus excelsior' phytoplasma, Balsamine virescence phytoplasma, 'Idiodonus wickhami' phytoplasma, 'Pentastiridius sp.' phytoplasma, Lethal wilt oil palm phytoplasma, Polish chrysanthemum phytoplasma, 'Euscelis lineolatus' phytoplasma, Parthenium virescence phytoplasma, Oilseed rape phyllody phytoplasma, 'Rehmannia glutinosa' phytoplasma, Diplotaxis virescence phytoplasma, Primula green yellows phytoplasma, Pepper yellow disease phytoplasma, Leontodon yellows phytoplasma LEO, 'Crotalaria juncea' I phytoplasma, 'Blainvillea acmella' phytoplasma, 'Scaphoideus titanus' phytoplasma, Chrysanthemum yellows phytoplasma, 'Erythroneura ziczac' phytoplasma, 'Exitianus exitiosus' phytoplasma, 'Prunus dulcis' phytoplasma PAT11, 'Prunus dulcis' phytoplasma PASH1, 'Prunus dulcis' phytoplasma PAE28, 'Prunus dulcis' phytoplasma PAEs3, Iceland poppy yellows phytoplasma, 'Allium ampeloprasum' phytoplasma, 'Bidens sp.' phyllody phytoplasma, 'Fragaria x ananassa' phytoplasma, 'Polygonum aviculare' phytoplasma, 'Vitex negundo' stunt phytoplasma, 'Liriodendron' yellow phytoplasma, Bamboo witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Linum usitatissimum' phytoplasma, Indian Papaya dieback phytoplasma, Tomatillo little leaf phytoplasma, Black pepper phyllody phytoplasma, Hyalesthes obsoletus' phytoplasma, 'Prunus dulcis' phytoplasma AL831, Peruvian Avena sativa phytoplasma, Periwinkle virescence phytoplasma, Aster yellows phytoplasma AY24126, 'Lagenaria siceraria' phytoplasma, Western aster yellows phytoplasma, Apricot chlorotic leafroll phytoplasma, 'Psammotettix alienus' phytoplasma, Candidatus Phytoplasma lycopersici, 'Capsicum annuum' leaf phytoplasma, American aster yellows phytoplasma, Maryland aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Colladonus geminatus' phytoplasma, 'Ceratagallia humilis' phytoplasma, Lily flower virescence phytoplasma, 'Prunus dulcis' phytoplasma PAT1-2, 'Holarrhena pubescens' phytoplasma, 'Zea mays' bushy stunt phytoplasma, 'Prunus salicina' phytoplasma PLE4, 'Piper nigrum' yellows phytoplasma, 'Brassica napus' dwarf phytoplasma, Polish tomato phyllody phytoplasma, Aconitum proliferation phytoplasma, Indian Sesame phyllody phytoplasma, 'Vitis vinifera' phytoplasma VV112, 'Graminella nigrifrons' phytoplasma, 'Dimorphotheca sinuata' phytoplasma, Potato purple top phytoplasma PPT17, Hare's ear yellow dwarf phytoplasma, Oilseed rape virescence phytoplasma, 'Digitaria sanguinalis' phytoplasma, Grass-Cactus male plant phytoplasma, Snail-Cactus male plant phytoplasma, 'Saccharum officinarum' phytoplasma, Iranian prickly lettuce phytoplasma, 'Vaccinium vitis-idaea' phytoplasma, Japanese spurge yellows phytoplasma, 'Prunus dulcis' phytoplasma PAE28-2, 'Psammotettix striatus' phytoplasma, Marigold witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Prunus salicina' phytoplasma PLT11, 'Prunus salicina' phytoplasma PLKH3, 'Pittosporum undulatum' phytoplasma, 'Cicadulina bipunctata' phytoplasma, 'Brassica napobrassica' phytoplasma, 'Dichanthium annulatum' phytoplasma, 'Lupinus angustifolius' phytoplasma, Hebe yellow little leaf phytoplasma, 'Tachycixius viperinus' phytoplasma, 'Eumecurus nr. gyaurus' phytoplasma, 'Matricaria chamomilla' phytoplasma, 'Crotalaria juncea' phytoplasma L49, 'Sisymbrium officinale' phytoplasma, 'Catalpa bungei' yellows phytoplasma, 'Syringa oblata' yellows phytoplasma, Poland Brassica oleracea phytoplasma, Chile grape vine yellows phytoplasma, Gladiolus witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Zea mays' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Aquilegia sp.' phyllody phytoplasma, 'Hibiscus rosa-sinensis' phytoplasma, Bitter gourd little leaf phytoplasma, 'Amplicephalus inimicus' phytoplasma, Brussels sprouts yellows phytoplasma, Periwinkle proliferation phytoplasma, 'Camelina' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Musa sp.' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Macrosteles sexnotatus' phytoplasma, 'Macadamia integrifolia' phytoplasma, 'Zinnia elegans' yellows phytoplasma, 'Callistephus chinensis' phytoplasma, 'Crotolaria spectabilis' phytoplasma, New Jersey aster yellows phytoplasma, Indian Luffa little leaf phytoplasma, Indian Sesame fasciation phytoplasma, Czech Echinacea purpurea phytoplasma, 'Macrosteles striifrons' phytoplasma, Mexican potato purple top phytoplasma, 'Neoaliturus fenestratus' phytoplasma, 'Prunus avium' fasciation phytoplasma, 'Primula acaulis' yellows phytoplasma, Strawberry phylloid fruit phytoplasma, 'Tagetes patula' phyllody phytoplasma, 'Tagetes erecta' phyllody phytoplasma, 'Prunus salicina' yellows phytoplasma, Lupinus-Cactus male plant phytoplasma, 'Liquidambar styraciflua' phytoplasma, 'Fragaria X ananassa' phytoplasma CR2, 'Polypogon monspelienses' phytoplasma, Chastetree witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Paraphlepsius irroratus' phytoplasma, 'Vitis vinifera' phytoplasma (Canada), 'Aphanamixis polystachya' phytoplasma, 'Elaeis guineensis' stunt phytoplasma, 'Lycopersicon esculentum' phytoplasma, 'Silene vulgaris' yellows phytoplasma, 'Adenium obesum' phyllody phytoplasma, 'Broussonetia papyrifera' phytoplasma, Indian Jatropha yellowing phytoplasma, Indian Cotton little leaf phytoplasma, Indian Sesame little leaf phytoplasma, 'Rhododendron x hybridum' phytoplasma, Perkinsiella saccharicida phytoplasma, Russian potato purple top phytoplasma, Chinaberry witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Brassica napus' phyllody phytoplasma, Periwinkle leaf yellowing phytoplasma, 'Macroptilium lathyroides' phytoplasma, 'Sabina chinensis' yellows phytoplasma, Apricot aster yellows phytoplasma A-AY, Argemone-Cactus male plant phytoplasma, Saskatchewan Brassica rapa phytoplasma, Oilseed rape virescence phytoplasma RV, Strawberry green petal phytoplasma SGP, 'Chrysanthemum coronarium' phytoplasma, 'Morus alba' aster yellows phytoplasma, Coorg black pepper yellows phytoplasma, 'Ocimum canum' little leaf phytoplasma, 'Tagetes erecta' flat stem phytoplasma, 'Cassia fistula' flat stem phytoplasma, Vietnam chinaberry yellows phytoplasma, 'Gaillardia x grandiflora' phytoplasma, 'Kolla paulula' leafhopper phytoplasma, 'Croton sp.' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Rosa canina' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Allium cepa' aster yellows phytoplasma, Iranian niger seed phyllody phytoplasma, 'Carica papaya' little leaf phytoplasma, Henon bamboo witches'-broom phytoplasma, Brinjal little leaf phytoplasma (Bihar), 'Sesamum sp.' aster yellows phytoplasma, Primrose virescence phytoplasma 'PRIVC', Cuban sugarcane yellow leaf phytoplasma, 'Mimosa pudica' phytoplasma (Indonesia), 'Gerbera jamesonii' yellows phytoplasma, 'Spinacia oleracea' yellows phytoplasma, 'Melia dubia' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Oenothera biennis' yellows phytoplasma, 'Zinnia sp.' witches'-broom phytoplasma, Angustata ash witches'-broom phytoplasma, Chinch bug-Cactus male plant phytoplasma, 'Rosa hybrida' aster yellows phytoplasma, Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris group sp., 'Capsicum annuum cv. Ixtapa' phytoplasma, 'Macrosteles quadrilineatus' phytoplasma, Russian olive witches'-broom phytoplasma, Foxtail yellow decline phytoplasma UPM-2, 'Chrysanthemum x morifolium' Phytoplasma, Aster yellows witches'-broom phytoplasma, Chrysanthemum flattened stem phytoplasma, 'Empoasca sp.' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Brassica oleracea' phyllody phytoplasma, 'Tagetes patula' little leaf phytoplasma, Indian Sesame witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Tragopogon dubius' phyllody phytoplasma, Chrysanthemum witches'-broom phytoplasma, Alfalfa witches'-broom phytoplasma Urmia, Malaysian periwinkle yellows phytoplasma, 'Cocos nucifera' lethal wilt phytoplasma, Silene nicaeensis virescence phytoplasma, 'Vitex negundo' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Rumex bucephalophorus' dwarf phytoplasma, 'Cajanus cajan' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Juniperus sp.' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Pisum sativum' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Nicotiana tabacum' yellowing phytoplasma, 'Spinacia oleracea' flat stem phytoplasma, Water dropwort witches'-broom phytoplasma, Gladiolus witches'-broom phytoplasma GLAW, Peruvian (Andahuaylas) potato phytoplasma, 'Waltheria indica' virescence phytoplasma, Bajgah periwinkle little leaf phytoplasma, Porcelain vine witches'-broom phytoplasma, Japanese maple witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Ixeris chinensis' fasciation phytoplasma, 'Carica papaya' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Toona ciliata' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Prunus dulcis' aster yellows phytoplasma, Sugarcane yellow leaf disease phytoplasma, 'Arundo donax' witches'-broom phytoplasma, Florida periwinkle virescence phytoplasma, 'Citrus maxima' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Vitex nigundo' aster yellows phytoplasma, Chinese wingnut witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Tagetes erecta' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Syringa oblata' proliferation phytoplasma, 'Brassica oleracea' fasciation phytoplasma, 'Fedia cornucopiae' virescence phytoplasma, 'Lens culinaris' aster yellows phytoplasma, Foxtail yellow decline phytoplasma Bangi-1, 'Catharanthus roseus' phyllody phytoplasma, 'Crossandra infundibuliformis' phytoplasma, 'Pennisetum glaucum' green ear phytoplasma, 'Santalum album' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Toona ciliata' witches'-broom phytoplasma, Helianthus debilis little leaf phytoplasma, 'Alocasia macrorrhiza' yellows phytoplasma, Egyptian periwinkle virescence phytoplasma, 'Ocimum basilicum' little leaf phytoplasma, 'Impatiens balsamina' phyllody phytoplasma, 'Prunus persica' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Rosa xanthina' witches'-broom phytoplasma, Rocket larkspur witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Acmella calva' leaf yellowing phytoplasma, Ipomoea obscura witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Cassia fistula' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Fraxinus uhdei' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Psammotettix striatus' phytoplasma SUF5-4, 'Brassica napus' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Canavalia ensiformis' yellows phytoplasma, 'Lolium rigidum' aster yellows phytoplasma, Strawberry green petal phytoplasma IledOr3, 'Momordica charantia' phyllody phytoplasma, 'Achillea millefolium' yellows phytoplasma, 'Lactuca sativa' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Scorzonera hispanica' yellows phytoplasma, 'Sesamum indicum' aster yellows phytoplasma, Texas potato purple top phytoplasma PPT3-TX, Texas potato purple top phytoplasma PPT4-TX, 'Sophora alopecuroides' yellows phytoplasma, 'Vitis vinifera' yellows phytoplasma (Iran), Apricot chlorotic leafroll phytoplasma AY-A, 'Capsicum chinense' little leaf phytoplasma, 'Physalis angulata' little leaf phytoplasma, India Crotalaria witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Sesamum indicum' phyllody phytoplasma GKVK, 'Cicer arietinum' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Cucurbita pepo' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Cucumis sativus' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Datura stramonium' little leaf phytoplasma, Zarghan(Iran) rapeseed phyllody phytoplasma, 'Cannabis sativa' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Muscari comosum' aster yellows phytoplasma, Potato witches'-broom phytoplasma potWB-LT1, 'Brassica napus' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Hishimonus phycitis' flat stem phytoplasma, 'Trollius chinensis' virescence phytoplasma, 'Rhus chinensis' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Lolium rigidum' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Melia azedarach' aster yellows phytoplasma, Indian Cowpea bud proliferation phytoplasma, 'Empoasca motti' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Solanum phureja' aster yellows phytoplasma, Mulberry yellows witches'-broom phytoplasma, Strawberry green petal phytoplasma IledOrl1, Strawberry green petal phytoplasma IledOrl2, 'Capsicum annuum' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Citrus sinensis' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Sesamum indicum' phyllody phytoplasma Jammu, 'Eleusine indica' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Setaria viridis' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Rosa multiflora' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Micrutalis calva' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Baphia nitida' lethal yellowing phytoplasma, Severe western aster yellows phytoplasma SAY, 'Xanthium strumarium' fasciation phytoplasma, 'Prunus armeniaca' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Melia azedarach' chlorotic leaf phytoplasma, Oriental lily hybrid cv. Simplon phytoplasma, 'Bambusa vulgaris' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Mangifera indica' phyllody phytoplasma MG02, Sesame phyllody phytoplasma (Thailand 16SrI), 'Pterocarpus indicus' fasciation phytoplasma, 'Ziziphus jujuba' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Forsythia suspensa' little leaf phytoplasma, 'Amritodus atkinsoni' leafhopper phytoplasma, 'Kerria japonica' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Linaria multicaulis' fasciation phytoplasma, 'Pentastiridius suezensis group' phytoplasma, 'Roystonea regia' yellow decline phytoplasma, North American grapevine yellows phytoplasma, 'Celosia argentea' flattened stem phytoplasma, 'Waltheria indica' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Bupleurum falcatum' yellow dwarf phytoplasma, 'Pennisetum purpureum' white leaf phytoplasma, 'Citrullus lanatus' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Sesamum indicum' phyllody phytoplasma IARI-3, 'Sesamum indicum' phyllody phytoplasma IARI-2, Apricot atypic aster yellows phytoplasma AVUT, 'Dioscorea oppositifolia' yellows phytoplasma, 'Nedotepa curta' lethal yellowing phytoplasma, 'Solanum melongena' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Amrasca biguttula' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Melochia corchorifolia' phyllody phytoplasma, 'Dodonaea viscosa' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Echinochloa crus-galli' phyllody phytoplasma, 'Cannabis sativa' witches'- broom phytoplasma, 'Solanum tuberosum' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Vigna unguiculata' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Cyclamen persicum' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Crotalaria juncea' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Helianthus annuus' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Crotalaria junciea' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Ziziphus oenopolia' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Balclutha mexicana' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Amaranthus palmeri' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Echinochloa colona' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Panicum sumatrense' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Vaccinium corymbosum' phytoplasma BBS-Qb-SecA, 'Annona reticulata' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Vigna aconitifolia' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Corynandra viscosa' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Sesamum triphyllum' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Salvadora persica' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Quercus humboldtii' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Xanthoceras sorbifolia' leaf roll phytoplasma, 'Ligustrum quihoui' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Apium graveolens' clover phyllody phytoplasma, 'Trifolium hybridum' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Lotus corniculatus' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Conyza bonariensis' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Phyllanthus niruri' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Cucumis sativus' stunt virescence phytoplasma, 'Muscari armeniacum' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Muscari botryoides' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Abelmoschus esculentus' bunchy top phytoplasma, Saccharosydne sugarcane yellow leaf phytoplasma, 'Fragaria x ananassa' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Orosius albicinctus' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Clarkia unguiculata' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Dendrocalamus asper' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Phoenix dactylifera' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Guizotia abyssinica' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Conyza bonariensis' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Hishimonus phycitis' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Bidens subalternans' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Ageratum conyzoides' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Juniperus communis' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Jasminum officinale' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Sogatella kolophon' witches'-broom phytoplasma, Bagh Eram(Iran) periwinkle phyllody phytoplasma, 'Ageratina anisochroma' little leaf phytoplasma, 'Catharanthus roseus' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Linum usitatissimum' aster yellows phytoplasma, Cassava witches'-broom aster yellows phytoplasma, Nebraska potato purple top phytoplasma PPT14-NE2, 'Catharanthus roseus' leaf yellowing phytoplasma, 'Sesamum indicum' phyllody phytoplasma Meerut-UP, 'Praxelis clematidea' witches'-broom phytoplasma, North American grapevine yellows phytoplasma BG4, 'Cucurbita pepo' yellow leaf disease phytoplasma, 'Hibiscus rosa-sinensis' little leaf phytoplasma, 'Hevea brasiliensis' stem fasciation phytoplasma, 'Plumbago auriculata' leaf yellowing phytoplasma, Garland chrysanthemum witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Jasminum nudiflorum' witches'-broom phytoplasma, Cuban sugarcane C1051-73 yellow leaf phytoplasma, 'Codiaeum variegatum' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Ageratum conyzoides' leaf yellowing phytoplasma, 'Campsis grandiflora' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Ananas comosus' shoot proliferation phytoplasma, 'Brassica oleracea' cabbage stunting phytoplasma, 'Amaranthus hypochondriacus' cladode phytoplasma, North American grapevine yellows phytoplasma BG10, 'Macadamia ternifolia' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Malvastrum coromandelianum' phyllody phytoplasma, 'Chrysanthemum indicum' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Spinacia oleracea' flat stem disease phytoplasma, 'Lycopersicon esculentum' deformation phytoplasma, 'Phyllanthus urinaria' witches'-broom phytoplasma, Slovenian Echinacea purpurea phyllody phytoplasma, 'Juncus articulatus' phytoplasma (ex Livia junci), 'Vigna unguiculata' bud proliferation phytoplasma, Eucalyptus yellows and witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Oreocnide pedunculata' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Dalbergia saxatilis' lethal yellowing phytoplasma, North American grapevine yellows phytoplasma TW224, North American grapevine yellows phytoplasma TW308, Mexican potato purple top phytoplasma PPT-TOMATO85, Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris-related phytoplasma, 'Elaeocarpus sylvestris' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Dendrocalamus stocksii' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Erythrina poeppigiana' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Callistephus chinensis' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Elaeagnus angustifolia' witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Echinochloa frumentacea' aster yellows phytoplasma, Hawaiian sugarcane H87-4094 yellow leaf phytoplasma, 'Toona ciliata' little leaf and yellows phytoplasma, 'Cyamopsis tetragonoloba' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Cocos nucifera' lethal yellowing phytoplasma L9-16, Leafhopper (Cicadellidae) aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Parthenium hysterophorus' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Mussaenda erythrophylla' leaf yellowing phytoplasma, Mexican Huanglongbing disease-associated phytoplasma, Chinese Huanglongbing disease-associated phytoplasma, 'Cocos nucifera' lethal yellowing phytoplasma CoBaI1, 'Cocos nucifera' lethal yellowing phytoplasma CoYaI1, 'Prunus persica' little leaf and yellows phytoplasma, 'Ampelopsis grossedentata' aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Lagenaria siceraria' yellow little leaf phytoplasma, 'Cocos nucifera' lethal yellowing phytoplasma 40T-15, Leafhopper (Typhlocybinae) aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Genipa americana' yellowing little leaf phytoplasma, 'Zanthoxylum schinifolium' aster yellows phytoplasma, Mexican potato purple top phytoplasma PPT-POTATO/427-1, Mexican potato purple top phytoplasma PPT-PEPPER/429-6, 'Petunia sp.' flat stem and witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Parthenium hysterophorus' witches'- broom phytoplasma, 'Acacia mangium' little leaf and yellowing phytoplasma, Leafhopper (Deltocephalinae) aster yellows phytoplasma, 'Styphnolobium japonicum' shorten internode phytoplasma, 'Moringa oleifera' phyllody and little leaf phytoplasma, 'Cocos nucifera' lethal yellowing phytoplasma Yaokro-Co1, 'Phyllanthus niruri' little leaf and yellows phytoplasma, 'Tagetes erecta' leaf yellowing and stunting phytoplasma, 'Musa acuminata' bunchy top and stunt disease phytoplasma, 'Cocos nucifera' lethal yellowing phytoplasma Badadon-Co1, 'Ludwigia perennis' little leaf and yellowing phytoplasma, 'Cassia fistula' flat stem and witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Manihot esculenta' witches'-broom phytoplasma (Thailand), 'Crossandra infundibuliformis' leaf yellowing phytoplasma, 'Broussonetia papyrifera' leaf rolling disease phytoplasma, Mexican potato purple top phytoplasma PPT-PSYLLID/358-50-2, Mexican potato purple top phytoplasma PPT-PSYLLID/281-50-1, 'Phlox drummondii' virescence and leaf yellows phytoplasma, 'Prunus persica' leaf yellowing and little leaf phytoplasma, 'Catharanthus roseus' little leaf and yellowing phytoplasma, 'Melia azedarach' witches'-broom and little leaf phytoplasma, 'Phyllanthus niruri' little leaf and leaf rolling phytoplasma, 'Hibiscus sabdariffa' wrinkled leaves and phyllody phytoplasma, 'Cyrtostachys renda' lipstick yellow frond disease phytoplasma, 'Orosius albicinctus' flat stem and witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Hishimonus phycitis' flat stem and witches'-broom phytoplasma, 'Prunus persica' yellowing and reddening of leaves phytoplasma, 'Prunus persica' leaf yellowing, reddening and decline phytoplasma, 'Moringa oleifera' leaf yellowing and stunting disease phytoplasma