NCBI Taxonomy: 2598618

Solanum bicolor (ncbi_taxid: 2598618)

found 6 associated metabolites at species taxonomy rank level.

Ancestor: Solanum

Child Taxonomies: none taxonomy data.



C27H45NO2 (415.345011)

Tomatidine is the aglycone derivative of tomatine. Tomatidine belongs to the chemical family known as Spirosolanes and Derivatives. These are steroidal alkaloids whose structure contains a spirosolane skeleton. Tomatine (the glycosylated form of tomatidine) is a mildly toxic glycoalkaloid or glycospirosolane found in the stems and leaves of tomato plants as well as in the fruit of unripened (green) tomatoes (up to 500 mg/kg). Red, ripe tomatoes have somewhat reduced amounts of tomatine and tomatidine. Both tomatine and tomatidine possess antimicrobial, antifungal and antiviral properties. Tomatidine has been shown to exhibit anti-virulence activity against normal strains of Staphylococcus aureus as well as the ability to potentiate the effect of aminoglycoside antibiotics (PMID: 24877760). Recent studies have shown that tomatidine stimulates mTORC1 signaling and anabolism, leading to accumulation of protein and mitochondria, and ultimately, cell growth. Furthermore, in mice, tomatidine has been shown to increase skeletal muscle mTORC1 signaling, reduce skeletal muscle atrophy, enhance recovery from skeletal muscle atrophy, stimulate skeletal muscle hypertrophy, and increase strength and exercise capacity (PMID: 24719321). Tomatidine has also been shown to significantly inhibit cholesterol ester accumulation induced by acetylated LDL in human monocyte-derived macrophages in a dose-dependent manner. Tomatidine also inhibits cholesterol ester formation in Chinese hamster ovary cells overexpressing acyl-CoA:cholesterol acyl-transferase (ACAT)-1 or ACAT-2, suggesting that tomatidine suppresses both ACAT-1 and ACAT-2 activities. The oral administration of tomatidine to apoE-deficient mice significantly reduces levels of serum cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, and the size of atherosclerotic lesions (PMID: 22224814). Alkaloid from Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Tomatidine is found in garden tomato, garden tomato (variety), and potato. Tomatidine acts as an anti-inflammatory agent by blocking NF-κB and JNK signaling[1]. Tomatidine activates autophagy either in mammal cells or C elegans[2]. Tomatidine acts as an anti-inflammatory agent by blocking NF-κB and JNK signaling[1]. Tomatidine activates autophagy either in mammal cells or C elegans[2].




C27H43NO2 (413.3293618)

Solasodine is a poisonous glycoalkaloid chemical compound that occurs in plants of the Solanaceae family. Solasodine is found in many foods, some of which are peppermint, chinese cinnamon, alaska blueberry, and sweet rowanberry. Solasodine is found in eggplant. Solasodine is a poisonous glycoalkaloid chemical compound that occurs in plants of the Solanaceae family Solasodine (Purapuridine) is a steroidal alkaloid that occurs in plants of the Solanaceae family. Solasodine has neuroprotective, antifungal, hypotensive, anticancer, antiatherosclerotic, antiandrogenic and anti-inflammatory activities[1][2]. Solasodine (Purapuridine) is a steroidal alkaloid that occurs in plants of the Solanaceae family. Solasodine has neuroprotective, antifungal, hypotensive, anticancer, antiatherosclerotic, antiandrogenic and anti-inflammatory activities[1][2]. Solasodine (Purapuridine) is a steroidal alkaloid that occurs in plants of the Solanaceae family. Solasodine has neuroprotective, antifungal, hypotensive, anticancer, antiatherosclerotic, antiandrogenic and anti-inflammatory activities[1][2].




C27H43NO2 (413.3293618)

Solasodine is an oxaspiro compound and steroid alkaloid sapogenin with formula C27H43NO2 found in the Solanum (nightshade) family. It is used as a precursor in the synthesis of complex steroidal compounds such as contraceptive pills. It has a role as a plant metabolite, a teratogenic agent, a diuretic, an antifungal agent, a cardiotonic drug, an immunomodulator, an antipyretic, an apoptosis inducer, an antioxidant, an antiinfective agent, an anticonvulsant, a central nervous system depressant and an antispermatogenic agent. It is an azaspiro compound, an oxaspiro compound, an alkaloid antibiotic, a hemiaminal ether, a sapogenin and a steroid alkaloid. It is a conjugate base of a solasodine(1+). Purapuridine is a natural product found in Solanum hazenii, Solanum americanum, and other organisms with data available. An oxaspiro compound and steroid alkaloid sapogenin with formula C27H43NO2 found in the Solanum (nightshade) family. It is used as a precursor in the synthesis of complex steroidal compounds such as contraceptive pills. Alkaloid from Solanum melanocerasum (garden huckleberry). alpha-Solanigrine is found in fruits. Origin: Plant; SubCategory_DNP: Steroidal alkaloids, Solanaceous alkaloids relative retention time with respect to 9-anthracene Carboxylic Acid is 1.206 relative retention time with respect to 9-anthracene Carboxylic Acid is 1.202 Solasodine (Purapuridine) is a steroidal alkaloid that occurs in plants of the Solanaceae family. Solasodine has neuroprotective, antifungal, hypotensive, anticancer, antiatherosclerotic, antiandrogenic and anti-inflammatory activities[1][2]. Solasodine (Purapuridine) is a steroidal alkaloid that occurs in plants of the Solanaceae family. Solasodine has neuroprotective, antifungal, hypotensive, anticancer, antiatherosclerotic, antiandrogenic and anti-inflammatory activities[1][2]. Solasodine (Purapuridine) is a steroidal alkaloid that occurs in plants of the Solanaceae family. Solasodine has neuroprotective, antifungal, hypotensive, anticancer, antiatherosclerotic, antiandrogenic and anti-inflammatory activities[1][2].