Exact Mass: 71.9491

Exact Mass Matches: 71.9491

Found 3 metabolites which its exact mass value is equals to given mass value 71.9491, within given mass tolerance error 0.001 dalton. Try search metabolite list with more accurate mass tolerance error 0.0002 dalton.



GaH3 (71.9491)

Discovered in 1875, gallium is a trivalent metal that shares certain chemical characteristics with Fe 3+, Al3+ and In3+. An important property of gallium is its high affinity binding to transferrin, the iron transport protein in the circulation. Approximately one third of transferrin in blood is occupied by iron, leaving the remainder free to bind and transport gallium to cells that display transferrin receptors. In support of this mechanism is the finding that during radiogallium tumor imaging (Ga-67 scanning) in patients, Ga-67 in the circulation is bound almost exclusively to transferrin. A recent study examining the distribution of nonradioactive gallium in the circulation after its gastrointestinal uptake from gallium maltolate (an oral formulation of gallium) has confirmed that it binds to transferrin




GaH3 (71.9491)

Gallium, also known as 31ga or galio, is a member of the class of compounds known as homogeneous post-transition metal compounds. Homogeneous post-transition metal compounds are inorganic compounds containing only metal atoms,with the largest atom being a post-transition metal atom. Gallium can be found in a number of food items such as romaine lettuce, yellow zucchini, cucumber, and red beetroot, which makes gallium a potential biomarker for the consumption of these food products. Gallium is a chemical element with symbol Ga and atomic number 31. It is in group 13 of the periodic table, and thus has similarities to the other metals of the group, aluminium, indium, and thallium. Gallium does not occur as a free element in nature, but as gallium(III) compounds in trace amounts in zinc ores and in bauxite. Elemental gallium is a soft, silvery blue metal at standard temperature and pressure, a brittle solid at low temperatures, and a liquid at temperatures greater than 29.76 °C (85.57 °F) (above room temperature, but below the normal human body temperature) .




GaH3 (71.9491)