Exact Mass: 400.07473339999996

Exact Mass Matches: 400.07473339999996

Found 1 metabolites which its exact mass value is equals to given mass value 400.07473339999996, within given mass tolerance error 1.6E-6 dalton. Try search metabolite list with more accurate mass tolerance error 3.2E-7 dalton.



C20H9F5N4 (400.07473339999996)

MRK-898 is an orally active GABA(A) receptor modulator. MRK-898 binds to α1, α2, α3 or α5 subunit of GABA(A) receptor with Ki values of 1.2 nM, 1.0 nM, 0.73 nM, and 0.50 nM, respectively. However, α1-containing GABA(A) receptors are identified as the "sedative" and α2- and/or α3-containing receptors as the "anxiolytic" subtype(s)[1].