Exact Mass: 207.976641

Exact Mass Matches: 207.976641

Found 48 metabolites which its exact mass value is equals to given mass value 207.976641, within given mass tolerance error 0.01 dalton. Try search metabolite list with more accurate mass tolerance error 0.001 dalton.



Pb (207.976641)

COVID info from COVID-19 Disease Map Corona-virus Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 SARS-CoV COVID19 SARS2 SARS Lead is a chemical element in the carbon group with symbol Pb and atomic number 82. Like the element mercury, another heavy metal, lead is a neurotoxin that accumulates both in soft tissues and the bones. Lead can be ingested through fruits and vegetables contaminated by high levels of lead in the soils they were grown in. Soil is contaminated through particulate accumulation from lead in pipes, lead paint and residual emissions from leaded gasoline that was used before the Environment Protection Agency issue the regulation around 1980. [Wikipedia]. Lead is found in many foods, some of which are blackcurrant, asparagus, endive, and flaxseed.



Methyl 2-bromo-6-(((2-(5,6-dihydro-1,4,2-dioxazin-3-yl)-2-((4-(4-nitrophenyl)-1,3-thiazol-2-yl)amino)ethyl)sulfanyl)-methyl)-5-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzoate

Pb (207.976641)

Lead is one of the oldest known and most widely studied occupational and environmental toxins. Despite intensive study, there is still vigorous debate about the toxic effects of lead, both from low level exposure in the general population owing to environmental pollution and historic use of lead in paint and plumbing and from exposure in the occupational setting. The majority of industries historically associated with high lead exposure have made dramatic advances in their control of occupational exposure. However, cases of unacceptably high exposure and even of frank lead poisoning are still seen, predominantly in the demolition and tank cleaning industries. Nevertheless, in most industries blood lead levels have declined below levels at which signs or symptoms are seen and the current focus of attention is on the subclinical effects of exposure. The significance of some of these effects for the overt health of the workers is often the subject of debate. Inevitably there is pressure to reduce lead exposure in the general population and in working environments, but any legislation must be based on a genuine scientific evaluation of the available evidence. Physiologically, it exists as an ion in the body. Inorganic lead is undoubtedly one of the oldest occupational toxins and evidence of lead poisoning can be found dating back to Roman times. As industrial lead production started at least 5000 years ago, it is likely that outbreaks of lead poisoning occurred from this time. These episodes of poisoning were not limited to lead workers. The general population could be significantly exposed owing to poorly glazed ceramic ware, the use of lead solder in the food canning industry, high levels of lead in drinking water, the use of lead compounds in paint and cosmetics and by deposition on crops and dust from industrial and motor vehicle sources. It was an important cause of morbidity and mortality during the Industrial Revolution and effective formal control of lead workers did not occur until the pioneering occupational health work of Ronald Lane in 1949. At very high blood lead levels, lead is a powerful abortifacient. At lower levels, it has been associated with miscarriages and low birth weights of infants. Predominantly to protect the developing fetus, legislation for lead workers often includes lower exposure criteria for women of reproductive capacity. Studies have shown a slowing of sensory motor reaction time in male lead workers and some disturbance of cognitive function in workers with blood lead levels >40 ig/100 ml. Peripheral motor neuropathy is seen as a result of chronic high-level lead exposure, but there is conflicting, although on the whole convincing, evidence of a reduction in peripheral nerve conduction velocity at lower blood lead levels. The threshold has been suggested to be as low as 30 ug/100 ml, although other studies have not seen effects below a blood lead level of 70 ug/100 ml. Several large epidemiological studies of lead workers have found inconclusive evidence of an association between lead exposure and the incidence of cancer. However, based on closer analysis the increase did not appear to be related to lead exposure. There was also a small but significant increase in the incidence of lung cancer, but this could have been the result of confounding from cigarette smoking or concurrent arsenic exposure. There is some evidence in humans that there is an association between low level lead exposure and blood pressure, but the results are inconsistent. Lead appears to reduce the resistance and increase the mortality of experimental animals. It apparently impairs antibody production and decreases immunoglobulin plaque forming cells. There is some evidence for suggesting that workers with blood lead levels between 20 and 85 ug/100 ml may have an increased susceptibility to colds, but a study of lead workers with blood lead levels less than 50 ug/100 ml showed no significant immunological changes. Although ...


2,3-Dimethylphenylmagnesium bromide

2,3-Dimethylphenylmagnesium bromide

C8H9BrMg (207.9738074)


(4-fluoro-phenyl)-methanesulfonyl chloride

(4-fluoro-phenyl)-methanesulfonyl chloride

C7H6ClFO2S (207.97610580000003)




C6H9I (207.9748984)




C4H10KO3PS (207.972534)

Diethylthiophosphate is the most frequent metabolite of organophosphorus (OP) found in urine (PMID 15050412). Organophosphorus compounds are widely used as pesticides because of easy degradation in the environment. Acute OP intoxication results from blockage of the decomposition of synaptic acetylcholine because the pesticide covalently binds to chlolinesterase (PMID 11991535). Chronic exposure to POs has neurological sequelae as well (PMID 8179040) and data suggests that OP exposure alters sperm chromatin condensation (PMID 15050412) [HMDB]


(E)-4-ethoxy-4-oxo-but-2-enoic acid; zinc

(E)-4-ethoxy-4-oxo-but-2-enoic acid; zinc

C6H8O4Zn++ (207.9714018)


3-Fluoro-4-methylbenzenesulfonyl chloride

3-Fluoro-4-methylbenzenesulfonyl chloride

C7H6ClFO2S (207.97610580000003)


3-Sulfobenzaldehyde Sodium Salt

3-Sulfobenzaldehyde Sodium Salt

C7H5NaO4S (207.980625)




C6H9BrO3 (207.9735024)


isopropyl 3-bromo-2-oxopropanoate

isopropyl 3-bromo-2-oxopropanoate

C6H9BrO3 (207.9735024)




C7H6ClFO2S (207.97610580000003)


2,6-dimethylphenylmagnesium bromide

2,6-dimethylphenylmagnesium bromide

C8H9BrMg (207.9738074)


4-Fluoro-3-methylbenzenesulfonyl chloride

4-Fluoro-3-methylbenzenesulfonyl chloride

C7H6ClFO2S (207.97610580000003)




C8H7Cl2FO (207.98579639999997)


3-Fluoro-p-toluenesulfonyl chloride

3-Fluoro-p-toluenesulfonyl chloride

C7H6ClFO2S (207.97610580000003)


2-Thiomethylpyrimidine-4-carboxylic acid potassium salt

2-Thiomethylpyrimidine-4-carboxylic acid potassium salt

C6H5KN2O2S (207.97088100000002)




C9H5ClN2S (207.986196)


sodium O,O-diethyl dithiophosphate

sodium O,O-diethyl dithiophosphate

C4H10NaO2PS2 (207.975753)


Ethyl 4-bromo-3-oxobutanoate

Ethyl 4-bromo-3-oxobutanoate

C6H9BrO3 (207.9735024)




C6H3ClF2N2O2 (207.9851112)




C6H9BrO3 (207.9735024)


2-Amino-4,5-dimethylthiazole Hydrobromide

2-Amino-4,5-dimethylthiazole Hydrobromide

C5H9BrN2S (207.9669774)


2-fluoro-4-methylbenzenesulfonyl chloride

2-fluoro-4-methylbenzenesulfonyl chloride

C7H6ClFO2S (207.97610580000003)


sodium 2-formylbenzenesulphonate dihydrate

sodium 2-formylbenzenesulphonate dihydrate

C7H5NaO4S (207.980625)


2,4-dimethylphenylmagnesium bromide

2,4-dimethylphenylmagnesium bromide

C8H9BrMg (207.9738074)


3,5-dimethylphenylmagnesium bromide

3,5-dimethylphenylmagnesium bromide

C8H9BrMg (207.9738074)


Sodium 4-formylbenzenesulfonate

Sodium 4-formylbenzenesulfonate

C7H5NaO4S (207.980625)




C7H6ClFO2S (207.97610580000003)




C8H9BrMg (207.9738074)


α-Acetoxy-isobutyryl bromide

α-Acetoxy-isobutyryl bromide

C6H9BrO3 (207.9735024)


Ethyl 3-bromo-2-oxobutanoate

Ethyl 3-bromo-2-oxobutanoate

C6H9BrO3 (207.9735024)




C6H3ClF2N2O2 (207.9851112)


Ethyl 2-bromo-3-oxobutanoate

Ethyl 2-bromo-3-oxobutanoate

C6H9BrO3 (207.9735024)


2-Formylbenzenesulfonic Acid Sodium Salt

2-Formylbenzenesulfonic Acid Sodium Salt

C7H5NaO4S (207.980625)




C7H6ClFO2S (207.97610580000003)


2-Fluoro-3-methylbenzenesulfonyl chloride

2-Fluoro-3-methylbenzenesulfonyl chloride

C7H6ClFO2S (207.97610580000003)




C8H7Cl2FO (207.98579639999997)


5-Fluoro-2-methylbenzenesulfonyl chloride

5-Fluoro-2-methylbenzenesulfonyl chloride

C7H6ClFO2S (207.97610580000003)




C7H6ClFO2S (207.97610580000003)




C8H7Cl2FO (207.98579639999997)


LEAD (II) ion

LEAD (II) ion

Pb+2 (207.976641)


Lead, isotope of mass 207

Lead, isotope of mass 207

Pb (207.976641)




C5H5O7P-2 (207.977291)




C5H5O7P-2 (207.977291)


O,O-Diethyl thiophosphate potassium salt


C4H10KO3PS (207.972534)