Exact Mass: 135.932081

Exact Mass Matches: 135.932081

Found 9 metabolites which its exact mass value is equals to given mass value 135.932081, within given mass tolerance error 0.01 dalton. Try search metabolite list with more accurate mass tolerance error 0.001 dalton.

Potassium hydrogen sulfate (KHSO4)

Potassium hydrogen sulphuric acid (khso4)

HKO4S (135.9232646)

Food additive (seasoning); acidity regulator


Potassium phosphate (K(H2PO4))

Potassium dihydrogen orthophosphoric acid

H2KO4P (135.9327802)

C78275 - Agent Affecting Blood or Body Fluid > C29730 - Electrolyte Replacement Agent Buffering agent; acidulant; leavening agent; nutrient source D020011 - Protective Agents > D002327 - Cariostatic Agents D019995 - Laboratory Chemicals > D002021 - Buffers D001697 - Biomedical and Dental Materials


Dicalcium phosphate

dicalcium phosphate feed grade

CaHO4P (135.9238386)

It is used in foods as a leavening agent, stabiliser and thickener, nutrient, pH control agent, masticatory substance, moisture control agent, emulsifier, and appearance control agent for colours and colour modifiers


Calcium chloride

Calcium chloride

CaO6++ (135.932081)


trifluoromethanesulphenyl chloride

trifluoromethanesulphenyl chloride

CClF3S (135.9361346)




CH3Cl3O (135.9249478)


Monopotassium phosphate

Potassium dihydrogen phosphate

H2KO4P (135.9327802)

C78275 - Agent Affecting Blood or Body Fluid > C29730 - Electrolyte Replacement Agent D020011 - Protective Agents > D002327 - Cariostatic Agents D019995 - Laboratory Chemicals > D002021 - Buffers D001697 - Biomedical and Dental Materials


Potassium bisulfate

Potassium bisulfate

HKO4S (135.9232646)


Carbonmonoxide-(dicyano) iron

Carbonmonoxide-(dicyano) iron

C3FeN2O-2 (135.936002)