Classification Term: 4732

Metalloid oxides (ontology term: CHEMONTID:0000534)

Inorganic compounds containing an oxygen atom of an oxidation state of -2, in which the heaviest atom bonded to the oxygen is a metalloid." []

found 4 associated metabolites at sub_class metabolite taxonomy ontology rank level.

Ancestor: Metalloid organides

Child Taxonomies: There is no child term of current ontology term.



C32H32O13S (656.1563542)

A semisynthetic derivative of podophyllotoxin that exhibits antitumor activity. Teniposide inhibits DNA synthesis by forming a complex with topoisomerase II and DNA. This complex induces breaks in double stranded DNA and prevents repair by topoisomerase II binding. Accumulated breaks in DNA prevent cells from entering into the mitotic phase of the cell cycle, and lead to cell death. Teniposide acts primarily in the G2 and S phases of the cycle. [PubChem] Same as: D02698



Silicon(IV) oxide (sio2)

O2Si (59.966758)

Silica, also known as (sio2)n or 380, aerosil, is a member of the class of compounds known as metalloid oxides. Metalloid oxides are inorganic compounds containing an oxygen atom of an oxidation state of -2, in which the heaviest atom bonded to the oxygen is a metalloid. Silica is an odorless tasting compound and can be found in a number of food items such as pepper (spice), flaxseed, chicory, and tea, which makes silica a potential biomarker for the consumption of these food products. Silica is found in barley. The chemical compound silicon dioxide, also known as silica (from the Latin silex), is an oxide of silicon with a chemical formula of SiO2 and has been known for its hardness since antiquity. Silica is most commonly found in nature as sand or quartz, as well as in the cell walls of diatoms. Silica is the most abundant mineral in the Earths crust



Tellurium oxide (teo2)

O2Te (161.896059)

Tellurite is a rare oxide mineral composed of tellurium dioxide (TeO2). It occurs as prismatic to acicular transparent yellow to white orthorhombic crystals. It occurs in the oxidation zone of mineral deposits containing tellurium minerals(Wikipedia). The tellurite ion is TeO32−. A tellurite (compound) is a compound that contains this ion.In slightly acid conditions, we have hydrogen tellurite ion, HTeO3−; with more acidic conditions we have tellurous acid, H2TeO3. Most tellurite compounds can be formed by heating the relevant oxide with tellurium dioxide, e.g., Na2O + TeO2 -> Na2TeO3. Potassium tellurite (K2TeO3) is used together with agar as part of a selective medium for growth of some bacteria (Clauberg medium). Tellurite is a rare oxide mineral composed of tellurium dioxide (TeO2). It occurs as prismatic to acicular transparent yellow to white orthorhombic crystals. It occurs in the oxidation zone of mineral deposits containing tellurium minerals(From Wiki)


Boric acid (HBO2)

Metaboric acid (hbo2)

BHO2 (44.0069596)

Preservative Preservativ