Classification Term: 4113

Alkyldiazohydroxides (ontology term: CHEMONTID:0003835)

Organonitrogen compounds with the general formula RN=NOH, where R = organyl." [PMID:6861278]

found 1 associated metabolites at sub_class metabolite taxonomy ontology rank level.

Ancestor: Organonitrogen compounds

Child Taxonomies: There is no child term of current ontology term.



CH4N2O (60.0323614)

N-nitrosomethanamine is classified as a member of the Alkyldiazohydroxides. Alkyldiazohydroxides are organonitrogen compounds with the general formula RN=NOH, where R = organyl. N-nitrosomethanamine is considered to be soluble (in water) and acidic