Classification Term: 26

Nitrofurans (ontology term: CHEMONTID:0000194)

Compounds containing a furan ring which bears a nitro group." []

found 11 associated metabolites at sub_class metabolite taxonomy ontology rank level.

Ancestor: Furans

Child Taxonomies: There is no child term of current ontology term.



C8H7N3O5 (225.03856919999998)

Furazolidone is a nitrofuran derivative with antiprotozoal and antibacterial activity. Furazolidone has been shown to exhibit antibiotic and anti-microbial functions (PMID 1476092, 6651278). Furazolidone is also used as a poultry food additive. It is marketed by Roberts Laboratories under the brand name Furoxone and by GlaxoSmithKline as Dependal-M. Furoxone has a broad antibacterial spectrum covering the majority of gastrointestinal tract pathogens including E. coli, staphylococci, Salmonella, Shigella, Proteus, Aerobacter aerogenes, Vibrio cholerae and Giardia lamblia. Its bactericidal activity is based upon its interference with DNA replication and protein production. Furazolidone binds bacterial DNA which leads to the gradual inhibition of monoamine oxidase (From Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th ed, p514). Furazolidone and its related free radical products are believed to bind DNA and induce cross-links. Bacterial DNA is particularly susceptible to this drug leading to high levels of mutations (transitions and transversions) in the bacterial chromosome. Furazolidone belongs to the family of Nitrofurans. These are compounds containing a furan ring which bears a nitro group. G - Genito urinary system and sex hormones > G01 - Gynecological antiinfectives and antiseptics > G01A - Antiinfectives and antiseptics, excl. combinations with corticosteroids D000890 - Anti-Infective Agents > D000977 - Antiparasitic Agents > D000981 - Antiprotozoal Agents D004791 - Enzyme Inhibitors > D008996 - Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors D000890 - Anti-Infective Agents > D023303 - Oxazolidinones C254 - Anti-Infective Agent Poultry food additive




C6H6N4O4 (198.0389036)

Nitrofurazone is only found in individuals that have used or taken this drug. It is a topical anti-infective agent effective against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. It is used for superficial wounds, burns, ulcers, and skin infections. Nitrofurazone has also been administered orally in the treatment of trypanosomiasis. [PubChem]The exact mechanism of action is unknown. Nitrofurazone inhibits several bacterial enzymes, especially those involved in the aerobic and anaerobic degradation of glucose and pyruvate. This activity is believed also to affect pyruvate dehydrogenase, citrate synthetase, malate dehydrogenase, glutathione reductase, and pyruvate decarboxylase. P - Antiparasitic products, insecticides and repellents > P01 - Antiprotozoals > P01C - Agents against leishmaniasis and trypanosomiasis > P01CC - Nitrofuran derivatives B - Blood and blood forming organs > B05 - Blood substitutes and perfusion solutions > B05C - Irrigating solutions > B05CA - Antiinfectives D - Dermatologicals > D08 - Antiseptics and disinfectants > D08A - Antiseptics and disinfectants > D08AF - Nitrofuran derivatives D - Dermatologicals > D09 - Medicated dressings > D09A - Medicated dressings > D09AA - Medicated dressings with antiinfectives S - Sensory organs > S02 - Otologicals > S02A - Antiinfectives > S02AA - Antiinfectives C78272 - Agent Affecting Nervous System > C29698 - Antispasmodic Agent S - Sensory organs > S01 - Ophthalmologicals > S01A - Antiinfectives D000890 - Anti-Infective Agents


{[5-(5-Nitro-2-furyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazol-2-YL]thio}acetic acid

2-{[5-(5-nitrofuran-2-yl)-1,3,4-oxadiazol-2-yl]sulfanyl}acetic acid

C8H5N3O6S (270.989907)


2-Oxazolidinone, 3-[[(5-nitro-2-furanyl)methylene]amino]-


C8H7N3O5 (225.03856919999998)

G - Genito urinary system and sex hormones > G01 - Gynecological antiinfectives and antiseptics > G01A - Antiinfectives and antiseptics, excl. combinations with corticosteroids D000890 - Anti-Infective Agents > D000977 - Antiparasitic Agents > D000981 - Antiprotozoal Agents D004791 - Enzyme Inhibitors > D008996 - Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors D000890 - Anti-Infective Agents > D023303 - Oxazolidinones C254 - Anti-Infective Agent




C13H16N4O6 (324.1069796)




C9H10N4O4 (238.070202)




C11H8N2O5 (248.0433198)




C10H13N3O5S (287.0575888)




C10H11N3O5S (285.04193960000003)




C6H6N4O4 (198.0389036)