Classification Term: 169242
Organic acids (ontology term: d23bcb1872f913ab34555abdbef3136d)
found 0 associated metabolites at super_class
metabolite taxonomy ontology rank level.
Child Taxonomies: Alcohols and polyols, Alkanesulfonic acids, Allyl-type 1,3-dipolar organic compounds, Alpha-acyloxy carbonyl compounds, Amino acids and peptides, Arylsulfates, Beta-keto acids, Carbothioic S-acids, Carboximidic acids, Carboxylic acids, Dihydrothiophenes, Hydroxy acids, Keto acids, Organic acids, Organic carbonic acids, Organic dithiophosphoric acids, Organic phosphonic acids, Organic phosphoric acids, Organic sulfuric acids, Organic thiophosphoric acids, Organosulfonic acids, Phenylpropanoids, Phosphate esters, Short-chain acids, Sulfinic acids, Sulfonic acids, Sulfuric acid esters, TCA acids, Thiophosphoric acid esters, Thiosulfinic acid esters, Vinylogous amides