Classification Term: 1106

Dithioacetals (ontology term: CHEMONTID:0002132)

found 5 associated metabolites at sub_class metabolite taxonomy ontology rank level.

Ancestor: Thioacetals

Child Taxonomies: Dithioketals



C3H6S4 (169.9352356)

1,2,4,6-Tetrathiepane is found in mushrooms. 1,2,4,6-Tetrathiepane is isolated from shiitake mushroom (Lentinus edodes



Thioformaldehyde dimethylthioacetal

C3H8S2 (108.0067408)

Bis(methylthio)methane is found in animal foods. Bis(methylthio)methane is a odorous constituent of white truffle (Tuber magnatum); volatile component of some cheeses and boiled beef aroma. Also found in milk, fish oils, shitake mushroom, truffles, prawns and lobster. Bis(methylthio)methane is an important off-flavour component of foods. Bis(methylthio)methane is used in seasonings. It is used as a primary aromatic ingredient in truffle oil when combined in an olive oil base Odorous constituent of white truffle (Tuber magnatum); volatile component of some cheeses and boiled beef aromaand is also found in milk, fish oils, shitake mushroom, truffles, prawns and lobster. Important off-flavour component of foods. It is used in seasonings




C4H10S3 (153.994462)

2,4,6-Trithiaheptane is used as a food additive [EAFUS] ("EAFUS: Everything Added to Food in the United States. []")


S,S'-Ethylidene dithioacetate


C6H10O2S2 (178.01222)

S,S-Ethylidene dithioacetate is found in citrus. S,S-Ethylidene dithioacetate is isolated from orange juice. Isolated from orange juice. S,S-Ethylidene dithioacetate is found in citrus.


Methylene dithiocyanate


C3H2N2S2 (129.9659412)