Propynyloxy (BioDeep_00000182635)
human metabolite blood metabolite
化学式: C3H2O (54.0106)
最多检出来源 Homo sapiens(blood) 100%
InChI: InChI=1S/C3H2O/c1-2-3-4/h1H2
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COVID-19 Disease Map(0)
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- Piotr Neumann, Florian Brodhun, Kristin Sauer, Cornelia Herrfurth, Mats Hamberg, Jens Brinkmann, Julia Scholz, Achim Dickmanns, Ivo Feussner, Ralf Ficner. Crystal structures of Physcomitrella patens AOC1 and AOC2: insights into the enzyme mechanism and differences in substrate specificity.
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